Mercy vs Hawkgirl

Requested by Batmandude18

Overwatch vs DC. Two winged females from two superhero teams goes out in a battle of flight

<Cue: Invade Theme>

Toomi: Birds and women. Sometimes, these two makes a great pair.

Megumi: And not to mention, these two are actually kinda kickass support units in their teams

Sachi: Such as Mercy, the Swiss Medic in Overwatch

Megumi: And Hawkgirl, the Thanagarian heroine. She's Sachi-san, Toomi-san and I'm Megumi-san

Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

Mercy heals What if Battles

<Cue: Want you Back by Jackson 5>

Toomi: Ziegler was a longtime family friend of the Lindholms. As a teenager, she established herself as a medical prodigy. While still studying,14-year-old Ziegler visited Torbjörn in the hospital after the loss of his arm in Operation White Dome.

Sachi: Later as she was still a student in university she would visit the Overwatch base and once posed for a photo with Torbjörn, other Overwatch members and a young Pharah.

Megumi: Hah! Guess, that's how this Pharmercy thing comes about.

Sachi: You do know they're four or five years apart right?

Megumi: So? Love knows no boundaries.

Toomi: Anyway, after obtaining her MD and PHD in Switzerland, Ziegler rose to become the head of surgery at a prominent Swiss hospital before pioneering a breakthrough in the field of applied nanobiology that radically improved the treatment of life-threatening illnesses and injuries. It was this expertise that attracted the attention of Overwatch.

Pharah: We are hope.

Reinhardt: We are honor!

D.Va: We are courage!

Soldier: 76: We are justice.

Mercy: We are compassion.

Tracer: We are determination!

Genji: We are harmony.

Winston: We are Overwatch.

Sachi: Because her parents had been taken by war, Ziegler was opposed to the organization's militaristic approach to keeping global peace. Ultimately, she recognized that Overwatch offered her the opportunity to save lives on a much larger scale. As Overwatch's head of medical research, Angela sought to leverage her work for healing in frontline crises. The result was the Valkyrie swift-response suit, which Ziegler herself piloted on many Overwatch missions.

Megumi: Despite her contributions to Overwatch, she was often at odds with her superiors and the organization's overarching aims. One example was the development of the biotic rifle by Torbjörn. Torbjörn provided assurances that the device was only intended for healing, but Ziegler maintained that this was setting Overwatch down a road that could lead to the weaponization of biotic technology, and that she had only conducted research in the field on the condition that it would not be used for offensive purposes.

Toomi: In Overwatch's final days, the group was faced with a series of allegations, and Ziegler was interrogated in the hearings conducted by the United Nations. In light of the fight between Overwatch members Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes, Ziegler admitted that the outcome had been inevitable. They had drifted further and further apart ever since Morrison had been chosen over Reyes for the position of strike commander, and that rift had widened despite her efforts

Megumi: In the end, Ziegler ultimately left Overwatch due to being conflicted with the organization's militaristic methods.

Sachi: Afterwards, Ziegler dedicated herself to helping those affected by war. Though she spends most of her time caring for the broken and dispossessed in crisis areas around the world, Dr. Ziegler can be counted on to don her Valkyrie suit whenever innocents are imperiled,[1] hoping to make a more peaceful world. She continued to work in medical facilities, but with less advanced technology than what she had access to within Overwatch.

Megumi: But hey, she still reguarly visited the Lindholms during Christmas

Toomi: Mercy is arguably the most efficient healer in the game: able to fully heal a 600 HP Roadhog in 10 seconds. Even when not Healing; she can Damage Boost her allies or use her iconic Resurrect to revive a recently deceased ally.

Megumi: She was originally able to revive an entire team but no idea why, Blizzard decided to downplay her on that part. Such a waste.

Sachi: Knowing the dangers in trying to heal teammates on a battlefield, Mercy is usually seen doing her signature Valkyrie Suit. The suit is programmed with a pair of mechanical wings for flight and light armour for protection against oncoming projectiles.


Excellent medical knowledge

Expert Sharpshooter

Human Resurrection


Healing Factor


Toomi: She's also an expert sharpshooter, armed with a Cadeceus Blaster, a blaster capable of firing up to twenty rounds at a rapid pace. It can also be used as a melee weapon as well.

<Shows footages of Mercy firing her Cadeceus Blaster>

Sachi: Mercy is also armed with her signature Cadeceus Staff, a weapon that fires two types of blasts. One to boost their damage, the other to boost their health.

Megumi: And like most characters in Overwatch, Mercy is never far without her Ultimate. The Valkyrie.

Mercy: Gemeinsam kämpfen wir!

<Mercy waves her hand, instantly resurrecting her dying teammate>


Mercy's new Ult

Lasts 20 seconds.

Unrestricted flight.

Healing output increased.

Healing/Damage stream has longer range and links with multiple characters.

Self-Healing no longer interrupted by taking damage.

Range and speed of Guardian Angel doubled.

Refreshes Resurrect.

If Mercy already has Resurrect available, the Ult gives her an additional one.

Toomi: Mercy is a medic to be recognized, capable of restoring the health of her teammates back to full health, and also capable of resurrecting the dead.

Megumi: She even received a prominient position in the Swiss Hospital, and became a prodigy at a young age. I mean seriously, who becomes a doctor at 15?

Sachi: Mercy is also one of the founding members of Overwatch. Gaining experience through out the battle after surviving the Omnic Crisis at a young age.


Received a prominent position in the Swiss hospital

Pioneered a break through in the medical field

One of the founding members of Overwatch

Survived the Omnic crisis

Best single target healer in Overwatch

Able to resurrect dead people

Saved Genji from dying

Gave Genji and Reaper a second chance of life

Megumi: Did I mentioned she even saved Genji, that cool sleek cyborg ninja? Damn, Mercy sure is my type of nurse. Oh no!

Sachi: What is it?

Megumi: Puttin' my defences up

'Cause I don't wanna fall in love

Toomi: Why would you think that Megumi?

Megumi: If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack

Sachi: Don't be silly Megumi, there's nothing wrong with you.

Megumi: Oh no!

<Megumi then drops onto the floor, leaving an annoyed Sachi and Toomi to roll their eyes>

Toomi: Moving on, while Mercy is the best healer and the best support unit in the team, she's by far the worst character for combat, often times relying on others for defense.

Megumi: Yeah, I mean come on, she's a nurse, not a soldier. She can't face the terror of war alone.

Sachi: What happened to your 'Heart Attack'?

Megumi: Uh.........anyways, while Mercy is more than capable of healing herself, her self-healing is ineffective if she takes damage.


One of the worst Overwatch characters for combat: dependent on her teammates for self defense.

Guardian Angel only works if she has a teammate to lock onto.

Self Healing is interrupted if Mercy takes damage.

Cannot revive someone who has been dead for more than 45 seconds (according to Uprising event).

Cannot revive herself.

Ultimate doesn't do much in battle

Sachi: Not only that, Mercy is also unable to revive anyone dead for more than 45 seconds and her Guardian Angel only works if she has teammates to lock on to.

Toomi: And while Mercy is able to resurrect dead teammates, she is unable to resurrect herself, meaning if she dies in battle, there is no way she can respawn back from the dead.

Megumi: But one things for certain, if you ever go into war, you would probably want a Guardian Angel like her on your side. I mean wow, she's what I call true beauty!

Mercy: Heroes never die!

Hawkgirl swoops into What if Battles

<Cue: Bird of Prey by Natalie Prass>

Toomi: During the time of Ancient Egypt, the warlike people of Thanagar established a colony where a warrior priestess named Shayera Thal lived. But, timing it at a moment where a meteor shower would destroy the Thanagarian colony, an Egyptian priest named Hath-Set orchestrated the deaths of Shayera and her lover Katar Hol.

<Just as Vandal stabs Katar in the chest, the Egyptian Prince topples onto the floor, causing Shayera to race towards his side>

Shayera: It will be alright.

Katar: Behind you.

<However, right at that moment, Vandal shoves the dagger into Shayera's back, causing her to fall next to her fallen lover.>

Megumi: Yeoch.

Sachi: But luckily for the two, the Aman Dagger is made of Nth Metal which resulted in in Shayera to be endlessly reincarnated across the centuries along with Katar Hol.

Toomi:  The two would be attracted to each other, resuming where they left off before they die and repeat the process in an endless loop while dealing with numerous enemies like Vandal Savage and Gentleman Ghost.

Megumi: By the 20th century, Shayera Thal's current incarnation is Kendra Munoz-Saunders who moved to Central City before an encounter with Vandal Savage forced her to accept her past lives and gaining the moniker Hawkgirl.

Toomi: Like all Thanagarians, along with physical strength, endurance and durability that noticeably much greater than those of humans, Hawkgirl can manifest a pair of bird like wings that allow her to fly while using their size to enhance her strength and overpower and knock down people who are larger and heavier than herself.

Sachi: Though her past life experiences, Hawkgirl has extensive training in tactics, military science, and personal combat skills. 

Megumi: Additionally, her focus in espionage could make her a difficult opponent to track, and provided her teammates with an advantage when tracking villains.


Martial Arts Skills

Peak Human Strength

Incredible Speed


Peak Human Endurance


Excellent Tracker

Vast Knowledge

Acute Vision

Healing Factor

Enhanced Senses

Toomi: But no Thanagarian ever goes far without their standard equipment, their Nth Metal Mace. A weapon disruptive to magical energies and harmful to spiritual entities. 

Megumi: You know when Daredevil can throw his Billy Club and it can either fly back into his hands and can be used as a weapon? Well, Hawkgirl can do exactly that with her mace.

Sachi: Hawkgirl also possesses the Aman Dagger, a weapon from her first life that was used to kill her as it was forged from a fragment of the meteor that gave Vandal Savage his immortality.

Toomi: With her Mace, Hawkgirl is capable of reviving one's stopped heart using electrical currents from the mace. Even able to use it to harm immortal beings like Savage and Gentleman Ghost.

Megumi: Yeah. Did I mention that Hawkgirl can even beat down four Green Lanterns all by herself?

Hawkgirl: You think I need this mace to take you down?

<Hawkgirl tosses her mace aside and proceeds to beat down four Green Lanterns without effort>

Megumi: Damn. That's one strong woman

Sachi: Hawkgirl has also beaten Batman in chess, took down Vandal Savage and Gentleman Ghost and even beats down many Green Lanterns with relative ease.


Regularly defeated Batman at chess

Single-handedly defeated four Green Lantern Corps members in hand-to-hand combat.

Killed Hawkman(Injustice)

Beaten Vandal Savage and Gentlemen Ghost multiple times

Beat down many Green Lanterns(Injustice)

Fluent in many languages

Defeated Doctor Fate in combat

Defeated White Canary in a sword fight

Bops Lobo's head

Saved Green Lantern

Held her own against Wonder Woman

Defeated the Pilgrim alongside the Legends of Tomorrow

Defeated Black Adam alongside Shazam

Toomi: Hawkgirl is also super fluent in most of Earth's Languages, capable of communicating with people across the world. And like her name sake, she can even talk to birds.

Megumi: Not only that, she possesses milleniums worth of knowledge and can even best bop the heads of those like Lobo and Doctor Fate.

Sachi: But despite her powers, Hawkgirl is still no exception to death. Having apparently been killed and resurrected many many times.


Can still die despite her healing


Short Tempered

Due to the endless cycle of her bethrothed romance with Hawkman, Hawkgirl is unable to find others to love 

Lost against Wonder Woman, Joker, Martian Manhunter, Hro Talek and Lex Luthor

Arrested for siding with Superman(Injustice)

Toomi: And because of the endless cycle of Hawkgirl falling in love with Hawkman, it thus renders it hard for Hawkgirl to find romance with others due to her arranged romance with Hawkman.

Sachi: Sorry about that Palmer.

Young Hawkgirl: What happened?

Old Hawkgirl: He's a good man but he wasn't a soul mate. It was like fate was trying to break us apart and eventually.......fate broke both our hearts. So, I made a promise to myself that I will never do that to a person again.

Young Hawkgirl: I'm sorry to hear that.

Old Hawkgirl: No. I'm sorry. To have to be the one to let you know that you're never gonna be able to love anyone else ever. How much do you know about our previous lives? I reckon not a lot because you didn't recognize me so let me tell you that we did love other men. Loved them real and pure it never ended well, not ever. Tragedy or heartbreak, that's how it always ends if the man's not Carter.

Megumi: Damn. That sucks. But look at the bright side, she did fell in love and had a son with a certain Green Lantern member.

Toomi: Hawkgirl is also extremely impulsive, often times thinking with her emotions which can often times leads her into severe danger.

Megumi: But whether their love is destined or not, Hawkgirl has often times outshined her husband in every version.

Hawkgirl: Time to bring the hammer down!

Toomi: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.

Sachi: Don't forget to vote, comment what you think of the fight.

Megumi: Yeah, but right now, it's time for a Death Battle!



In an abandoned airport, the entire building infrastructure stood tall and stagnant, not a person in sight.

However, the sound of footsteps races across the long hallway, shattering the silence.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Far in the empty halls of the airport, a tall elegant figure cladded in a mixture of white, yellow and orange races across the airport, holding up her staff.

The figure's mechanical wings jiggles behind her back just as she closes in onto the boarding lobby.

???: C'mon! Almost there!

The woman thought to herself.

The woman could barely process her thoughts, remembering over how most of her allies has felled against the evil Regime of a tyranny alien called Superman.

The woman could still feel the chills along her back as the alien stares at her with his blood red eyes.

As the woman reaches the lobby, right at that moment....



The woman screams out in terror just as something crashes down onto the rooftop window, causing shards of splitered glass to rain around her.


The woman looks up in terror just as a tall winged figure flaps her wings, swooping down like a hungry hawk eyeing it's prey.

She is Hawkgirl, the Thanagarian warrior of the Justice League.

Mercy's eyes edges upwards as the woman lowers herself down, shouting to her.

Hawkgirl: Pray for Mercy.

Mercy points her Cadeceus Blaster at Hawkgirl, questioning out.

Mercy: Must violence always be the solution?

Hawkgirl: This'll hurt. A lot!


Hawkgirl then crouches down, flapping her wings just as she takes off into the air.

FLAP!!! FLAP!!!  

Announcer: Fight!

<Cue: Power Up by Red Velvet>

Mercy points her Cadeceus Blaster upwards, opening fire at the flying Thanagarian.

PIU!!! PIU!!! PIU!!!


Hawkgirl soars across the air, swerving past the projectiles with relative grace before closing in onto Mercy, bumping into her opponent with her body.



Mercy screams out just as she stumbles backwards.


Mercy looks up, watching just as Hawkgirl swoops back, closing in onto her.

Hawkgirl: I'm gonna enjoy giving you to Superman.

Mercy lunges herself upwards, taking off into the air just as Hawkgirl flies up.

PIU!!! PIU!!! PIU!!!

Mercy grits her teeth, opening fire at the oncoming Thanagarian.

PAK!!! PAK!!!

Hawkgirl twirls her Mace across, deflecting the projectiles before swinging it upwards, striking Mercy by the side of her body.



Hawkgirl swings the Mace across, striking at the Medic relentlessly.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

Hawkgirl somersaults in the air, slamming her leg downwards onto Mercy's head.



Mercy screams out, crashing backfirst into the array of chairs.


Hawkgirl flies down from the air, hot on persuit.

Mercy pushes herself up, twirling her hand upwards, sending a wave of golden energy traveling up her body.


Mercy: Good as new.

Mercy felt her pain fading away as her wounds she sustained from Hawkgirl instantly regenerates.

Just as Hawkgirl closes in, Mercy loudly declares out.

Mercy: Entschuldigung!


Mercy swung her Cadeceus Staff across, the sheer force of the blow immediately sends Hawkgirl flying across the airport.

Hawkgirl: WHOOOAAAAAA!!!

Mercy points her Cadeceus Blaster at her, opening fire at her opponent.

PIU!!! PIU!!! PIU!!!

Hawkgirl spins her Mace around, deflecting the projectiles with relative ease.

Pak! Pak! Pak! Pak!

Hawkgirl: That's all you got?

Mercy: There's no prescription to treat what you have.

Mercy then points her Cadeceus Staff at Hawkgirl, sending a powerful blast of energy at her.

Mercy: Heroes Never Die!


A powerful blast of energy soars across the room, striking into Hawkgirl right in her abdomen.


Hawkgirl: ARGHHHHHHH!!!!

The Thanagarian screams out, crashing backfirst into the pillar of the building.


Mercy swoops forward, swinging her Cadeceus Staff across Hawkgirl's cheek.


Hawkgirl: ARGHHHHHHH!!!

Mercy points her Cadeceus Blaster at Hawkgirl, narrowing her eyes as she said.

Mercy: You think you can oppose me?

However, something unexpectantly happened.


Mercy: AAHHHHH!!!

Mercy gasps out in agony, looking down.

The Swedish Medic widens her eyes in horror, eyeing the Nth Dagger shoved within her stomach.

Hawkgirl's mouth twists into a smirk, speaking to her with a sneer.

Hawkgirl: Big surprise. Taste the Mace.

Hawkgirl lifts up her Mace, slamming it square into Mercy's cheek.



Mercy lets out a loud scream of agony, crashing through the layers of pillars across the room.



Hawkgirl swoops after Mercy, swinging her Mace repeatly at Mercy.


Sparks of electricity crackles across the sky with each strike just as Hawkgirl lifts up her hammer, declaring out.

Hawkgirl: Playtime's over!


Hawkgirl slams her Mace down into Mercy's face.

The sheer force of the blow shook across the Medic's head before going off in a bloodly gory explosion.



Blood and flesh rains down onto the ground just as Mercy's headless body falls onto the airport lobby floor with a loud thump.


Hawkgirl slings her Mace over her shoulder, muttering out to herself.

Hawkgirl: Face rearranged. Better get that dry cleaned.



Hawkgirl then takes off into the air, leaving a decapitated corpse of Mercy lying to the floor with blood pooling under what used to be her head.


<Cue: New Earth by Bruce Falconer>

Megumi: waifu.

Toomi: Mercy may have the advantage in healing but Hawkgirl really really trumps her in many ways.

Sachi: Indeed. Hawkgirl has many years of fighting and living for all her lives, making her way more experienced in combat than Mercy is.

Megumi: Not to mention, Mercy is a medic, not a fighter. She lacks durability and is far by the physically weakest character in the Overwatch roster.

Toomi: And while Mercy is fairly intelligient, Hawkgirl has a vast amount of knowledge in all her previous lives, learning and gaining knowlege far beyond that of Mercy's reach.

Megumi: Oh well, looks like this Hawk has shown no Mercy in this battle

Sachi: The winner is Hawkgirl

Hawkgirl: You're no warrior!

Toomi: Hey guys, thank you so much for checking out our battle in What if Battles 2.

Sachi: If you want more content like this, don't forget to add this in your library and comment if you have any idea for a fight.

Megumi: Until then, next time on What if Battles....

Up Next

Emma Swan



Emma Swan vs Skye


* The connections between Mercy and Hawkgirl is that both women possesses wings for flight and they are armed with a staff for a weapon

* The two are also from a Super Hero team, Overwatch for Mercy and the Justice League for Hawkgirl

* This is the first time an Overwatch character fights a DC character

* This is the fourth time a DC character fights a Non-Marvel character, the first being Power Girl vs Cooler, Doomsday vs SCP-682 and Piccolo vs Martian Manhunter

* This is the first time an Overwatch character loses a What if Battle

* This is the third time a DC character wins a What if Battle, the first being Power Girl vs Cooler and Piccolo vs Martian Manhunter

* This is the second Female vs Female battle, the first being Hakufu vs Yang

* The reason why Resurrect was nerfed from a team-reviving Ult into a individual-reviving side ability was because it was very common for Mercy players to intentionally allow their team to die (including by asking them to die or for her to stop healing them entirely) so that Mercy's Res would get Play of the Game. This was considered annoying for both teams. Res was also considered overpower for being able to counter other Ults.

* Pharah's prototype name was Mercy. Mercy's prototype name was her real name Angelica.

* One of Mercy's earliest prototype designs had her as a black man.

* Mercy was once incorrectly listed as being 34 years old.

* Despite being destined to be with Hawkman only, Hawkgirl has surprisingly had romantic relations with other heroes including Green Lantern, Atom and Vixen.

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