Garnet vs Undyne
Steven Universe vs Undertale, when two female warriors with great love for battle and their willingness to fight for the ones they love meet, only one will emerge the victor of this duel
<Cue: Invader Theme>
Toomi: Garnet, the heavy hitting fusion gem of the Crystal Gems,
Megumi: And Undyne, the undying.
Toomi: These two are strong independent women who are willing to face terrifying odds to defend the ones they love.
Megumi: And with their love of fighting mixed with their armor and weapons, anything is possible! She's Sachi, Toomi and I'm Megumi.
Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle
Garnet punch outs into What if Battles
<Cue: Chance by Hayley Kiyoko>
Toomi: In the far regions of space, there lies the Gem Homeworld, a planet full of gems ruled under the order of the Diamonds.
Megumi: Amongst their ranks includes a Ruby a trio group of foot soldiers along with Sapphires, which are basically seers.
Sachi: The two first met when a Ruby bumps into a Sapphire. During a meeting with Blue Diamond, during Rose Quartz rebellion against their home world on Earth, Sapphire predicted Rose's capture after she and her ward Pearl take out her and six other gems, two including a couple of her bodyguards.
Toomi: But the surviving Ruby intervened and caused them to fuse into a single being, a being called Garnet
<Shows footages of Sapphire and Ruby fusing for the first time>
Sachi: Although that act saves Sapphire's life, it was unfortunately, condemned by the other Gems as the fusion of different Gem types is forbidden among their kind.
Megumi: This results with Ruby and Sapphire forced to take refuge on Earth, noting the strange sensation while fused as their relationship of duty becomes one of love.
Toomi: Found by Rose and encouraged to embrace the love that motivated her components to defy Gem law and formed her, Garnet becomes a member of the Crystal Gems.
Sachi: As Sapphire, she can see the future to some extent where she predicted the Ruby hitting her and even predicted that Ruby would find her.
Megumi: And as Ruby, she can generate heat hot enough to dry up a swimming pool, set anything she touches on fire and even fuse with other Rubies to take on bigger threats.
Toomi: But by fusing the two together, Garnet has the combined abilities of Ruby and Sapphire at her disposal such as the latter's "Future Vision" that allows her to dodge most attacks by predicting a series of events in the near-future along with Ruby's martial arts knowledge and strength to keep up with physically stronger gems like Jasper.
Megumi: And similar to Yang Xiao Long, Garnet is armed with a pair of gauntlets which are good for punching through rocks, walls and she can fire them as rockets to form some kind of rocket punch.
Superhuman strength and durability
Manifest gauntlets that are heavy enough to break stone and can be fired off like rockets.
Extreme pain resistance
Casting holograms
Heightened senses
Can sense structural instability
Sachi: Being a fusion of a Ruby and Sapphire also gives her great intelligence for forming strategies and even act like a good leader of the Crystal Gems after Rose Quatz gave up her physical form to give birth to Steven.
Toomi: Garnet can also manipulate and generate electricity, sense structural integrity, and is the most physically durable of all the Crystal Gems, having taken hits from Gems as powerful as Diamonds, Jaspers and even hits from a monster sized Corrupted Steven.
Megumi: She has deflected lightning with her bare hand, and fought in the rebellion against the Gem Homeworld 5,000 years ago. And most crazy thing is that she could even swim in lava.
Sachi: Just to note, lava can reach temperatures of about 1,250° Celsius, meaning that Garnet's body is able to withstand the heat powerful enough to melt rocks, metal and living flesh.
First Crystal Gem fusion.
Her body can adapt to any planetary body's gravity.
Defeated stronger Gems.
In her rematch, she defeated Jasper
Can swim in lava.
Deflected a lightning bolt with her wrist.
Played Meat Beat Mania for 24 hours straight
Punched a shark
Matched Bismuth in battle
Lifted an axe several times her size
Restrained Spinel
Took hits from Yellow and Blue Diamond
Able to take on and defeat 3 battalions of Quartz Soldiers
No sell heat from the sun
Held fire in her hand
Easily lifted a Gem Injector over her head with one hand, leapt hundreds of meters in the air while carrying a fishing boat
Alongside Pearl, Amethyst, Connie, Greg, Spinel, Bismuth, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond and White Diamond, calmed down a monster Steven Universe and returned him to normal
Megumi: And like every character in the show, she can sing!
Garnet: This is Garnet, back together
And I'm never going down at the hands of the likes of you
Because I'm so much better
And every part of me is saying "Go get 'er"
Megumi: Oh man that song every Undertale fan likes to use? And what makes it better when our lady friend here is fighting an Undertale character!
Toomi: However, being a fusion, if the gems that make Garnet cannot come to an agreement, they can defuse back into the physically weaker Ruby and Sapphire as shown in that episode, "Keystone Motel".
Garnet: If you're not going to listen, then you can just go!
<Garnet then splits, defusing herself back into Sapphire and Ruby>
Sachi: Gem's are quite strong, but if they are badly damaged, they'll poof back into a gem. In this form, they are helpless, and are left wide open to be shattered.
Megumi: Yeah, not gonna lie, that time The Mask ate Spinel in our last fight still disturbs me till this day.
Retreat into her component gems if taken too much damage, requiring Ruby and Sapphire to refuse once reconstituted.
Normally preferring stay unified, Garnet's fusion can be undone if faced with something that disrupts the harmony between Ruby and Sapphire, like inner conflict over a matter where they not in agreement. Intense fear and horror, like her first encounter of a Cluster prototype which is the antithesis of her ideology on fusion, can also be a trigger.
In their separate state, Ruby and Sapphire can be easily distracted by each other.
Utterly fearful of Blue Diamond due to their past history.
Garnets future vision is only useful if she sees the person she's up against or thinking of.
Garnets future vision can be tricked if she's not careful
Toomi: Despite being the strongest of the Crystal Gems, Garnet has met her match against the likes of Spinel and the Diamonds, with certain amount of force even defusing her multiple times.
Sachi: And when Garnet separates into Ruby and Sapphire, the two will tend to get distracted by each other due to how much they loved each other which can be disadvantagous in many occasions.
Ruby: Haven't I seen you somewhere before?
Sapphire: I don't know, I don't get off planet much.
Megumi: But with their love combined, Garnet is the embodiment of true love, strong, tough and always there to save the day!
Garnet: I am the will of two gems that cared for each other. To protect each other from any threat, no matter how boastful, how cruel, you couldn't stop me 5750 years ago, and you can't stop me now!
Undyne's spirit is undying in What if Battles
<Cue: We Fell In Love In October by Girl in Red>
Toomi: Long ago there was a war between humans and monsters and the monsters faced a crushing defeat which resulted in the monsters getting banished underground.
Megumi: But did that stop them? No. The monsters from that day longs to go back up to the surface.
Sachi: Among them is Undyne, the leader of the Royal Guard and one of the strongest fighters in the Kingdom.
Toomi: And when a human stumbled into the kingdom, Undyne was among the monsters to encounter said human, though if you're playing as Frisk in the Pacifist route, she will befriend them over some anime but if she fights Chara in the Genocide route, she will fight the human, going all out to kill them.
Sachi: Being a royal guard, Undyne possesses incredible strength, with her powers backed up by her skills in martial arts and her great leadership skills.
Megumi: She can also summon spears out of thin air somehow which she can use to attack the player's SOUL. Um Toomi, what is a SOUL?
Toomi: A SOUL is the very essence of one's being, whether one is human or monster. It plays a crucial role in the progression and plot of Undertale. It takes a form of a heart where the player moves the protagonist's SOUL with the arrow keys/joystick to avoid attacks from the monsters. If the protagonist collides with hazards such as lasers or Undyne's energy spears in the environment, they enter a brief encounter where the antagonist attacks their SOUL..
Sachi: Monsters SOUL are generally weak and they do not persist after death like a human but boss monsters like Undyne are the exception, being able to survive a killing blow from Chara and kept fighting, the same killing blow that one shots monsters.
Super Strength
Super Speed
Martial Arts Skills
Energy Spears
Energy Manipulation
Soul Manipulation
Toomi: And with her armor on, Undyne became Undyne the Undying where she has powers to match Chara in a fight. To find out just how powerful Chara is, we need to determine how many timelines were destroyed when the unfortunate day came about: Chara destroying the game.
Sachi: Usually treated as a Multiverse level feat, but just how impressive is it, truly? The game contained a multitude of timelines, from Flowey resetting the game until he knew every outcome, to Sans canonically killing Chara 13 times; then counting his three other bonus statements, 16 timelines had to of been created during that boss fight. As for Flowey, he states he knew everything, but could never predict Chara. He read every book and burned every book? 2 timelines, one for reading, one for burning, and Pacifist and Genocide routes. 2 x 2 = 4. He then states he won every game, and lost every game.
Toomi: All games in Undertale include Bridge Seed [contributes 7 timelines, one for each bridge successfully built and failed on and one for Genocide], Hotland Puzzles [contributes 36 timelines, one for each report on the quiz, pass and fail, and passing and failing each puzzle], Ruin Puzzles [contributes 14 timelines, one for success and one for fail on each route], Snowdin Puzzles [contributes 24 timelines, one for pass and fail, and one for each ending of the Ball Game],Thundersnail [contributes 20 timelines, one for each placement of each snail, and one for when the yellow snail almost wins and for each route] and Waterfall Puzzles [contributes 16 timelines, one for pass and fail and for each route].
Sachi: Adding all previous timelines, including Sans, we get 137 timelines thus far. Continuing, Flowey states he's appeased everyone and killed everyone. There are 94 monsters in the game, and with Pacifist and Genocide, 94 x 2 = 188. 188 + 137 = 325 timelines. Next, Flowey says "Sets of numbers, lines of dialogue... I've seen them all." Assuming sets of numbers means sets of damage, there are 9 weapons in the game. 9 x 2 = 18. 94 characters x the 3 routes of different dialogue = 282. Adding all previous timelines, we end up with a grand total of 625 timelines. Therefore, Chara is NOT 2-B. And while this would almost guarantee Chara would be Multi-Universe level.
Megumi: To which Sans himself states clearly that timelines STOP and START. Why is this sooooooooo important, you ask?
Sachi: Stopping pertains to the act of ceasing or discontinuing, MEANING, Chara might have just destroyed only one timeline.
Megumi: Now someone is bound to bring up Asriel purging the timeline, meaning that Chara had to have destroyed multiple. Well, Asriel HADN'T purged the timeline UNTIL he used Hypergoner. Why is THIS important? Well, it would be a validated argument... IF Asriel's base form had truly purged the timeline when the blue background emerged. But, there's no indication he did that.
Toomi: When Chara destroyed the game, it became a black abyss... when the Angel of Death purged the timeline, what was it...? Yup. A black abyss.
As a child, she knocked Asgore down, one of the absolute strongest monsters in the Underground.
Surplexed a huge boulder without any effort.
Is able to break rocks just by punching them
Faster than Napstablook, who performed a Relativistic+ Feat.
Is able to summon an energy spear... from thin air.
Became head of the Royal Guard, and trained the entire Royal Guard.
Nearly killed Frisk on multiple occasions.
Was able to come back to life after being killed by a possessed Frisk, and fought them again.
Crossed the distance from her house to Snowdin in seconds
Easily broke Concrete by slapping it, shook her entire house just by stomping.
Physically, one of the Underground's strongest monsters.
Taught Papyrus how to cook pasta
Chased after Frisk in heavy armor with no sign of tiring
Combat expert
Got to be with Alphys after the barrier between the Human World and Monster World was destroyed
Nearly defeated a possessed Frisk.
Alongside Sans, is the only real threat to Chara/Frisk during the genocide route.
The only boss who can take more than one hit from Chara possessed Frisk.
Megumi: Of course, we acknowledge that Chara, and in turn, Undyne, could very well be Multi-Universal... but they also might only be Universal+. Quite the downgrade... ouch.
Toomi: Due to her honor code, I guess, she decides it's best to allow her opponent to defend with their own spear.
Sachi: And she is a little naive.
Will always give her opponent a spear to defend with.
Can't handle hot temperatures
Not very durable when unarmored.
Chivalrous to a fault
Can get carried away by her passion.
Destroyed her own home.
Can't enter her Undyne the Undying form, if she uses her Power of Determination for the wrong reason (AKA using it to kill rather than to protect).
Too much Determination, or over attempts to enter into her Undying form, can cause her body to melt.
Toomi: And being a fish means she cannot survive in hot temperatures, which can cause her to suffer a heat stroke potent enough to kill her.
Sachi: And she isn't very durable without her armor.
Megumi: And even though she puts others before herself, even to the point of a detriment, she is still a badass fish with some insane abilities!
Undyne: ...No... My body... it feels like it's splitting apart. Like any instant, I'll scatter to a million pieces. But... Deep, deep in my soul. There's a burning feeling I can't describe. A burning feeling that WON'T let me die. This isn't just about monsters anymore, is it? If you get past me, you'll... You'll destroy them all, won't you? Monsters... humans... everyone. Everyone's hopes. Everyone's dreams. Vanquished in an instant. But I WON'T let you do that. Right now, everyone in the world... I can feel their hearts beating as one. And we all have ONE goal. To defeat YOU. Human. No, WHATEVER you are... For the sake of this world... I, UnDyne, wILL StRIke YoU DowN!
Toomi: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.
Sachi: Don't forget to vote, comment what you think of the fight.
Megumi: Yeah, but right now, it's time for a Death Battle!
<Cue: Waterfall Undertale OST>
In the waterfall down at the outskirts of the village, Monster Kid sat alone at the bridge, humming to themselves
Monster Kid: Hm hm hm hm hm.
However, up in the air, a tall slender figure falls from the sky, landing next to Monster Kid with a loud thunderous thud.
Monster Kid: WHOA!!!
Monster Kid looks, their eyes widens as the figure rises, rubbing her head.
Garnet: Oh man, what a fall.
At that moment, Garnet notices Monster Kid and she asks the creature.
Garnet: Oh hello there. Do you know where I am?
Before Monster Kid could answer, all of a sudden, a spear is sent flying towards Garnet, prompting the Crystal Gem to turn around, destroying the spear with one punch.
<Cue: Undyne Undertale OST>
Garnet looks up, narrowing her three eyes beneath her glasses as she found herself staring at a tall slender anthromophobic fish cladded in heavy armor.
Upon laying eyes on the new comer, Monster Kid exclaims out.
Monster Kid: Undyne!
Undyne then instructs the kid.
Undyne: Go! Get out of here!
Monster Kid obeys and leaves as Garnet raises up her hands, saying.
Garnet: Look, I don't want any trouble.
Undyne: Funny, that's what they always say.
Undyne throws another energy spear at Garnet, prompting the Gem to dodge before she growls
Garnet: Fine, if it is a fight you want, then it's a fight you get!
Announcer: Fight!
<Cue: Battle Against A True Hero Undertale OST>
Garnet summons her gauntlets as she sprints forward, dodging spears after spears as Undyne continues throwing barrages of spears at her.
Garnet slides underneath a swing from Undyne's spear, throwing a punch right at her.
Both Garnet and Undyne moves across the floor, exchanging punches and swings as they moved out of the bridge onto solid ground.
Undyne then summons several spears from the ground, forcing Garnet to jump, but that left an opening big enough for a spear to strike right into Garnet.
Garnet winces as she falls down, looking up before raising up her arms, shielding herself from a punch from Undyne.
Garnet skids across the ground and she looks up, wincing in pain.
Garnet: Not bad.
At the same time, Undyne compliments Garnet.
Undyne: Huh. This punk knows what she's doin'
Both Garnet and Undyne looks up and the two lunges forward. Undyne eyes flashes as she throws more and more spears, surrounding Garnet in circles of them before sending them flying towards her.
Garnet jumps up, dodging them before spinning her body around, breaking spears after spears.
Her gauntlet crackling with electricity, Garnet closes in onto Undyne, throwing one powerful punch onto the fish.
Undyne: AHHHHHH!!!
Undyne screams out as she was sent crashing into a nearby house.
Undyne looks up, rolling to the side just as Garnet jumps down towards her, forcing her to roll to the side, narrowingly dodging a punch.
Undyne raises up her arm, blocking a punch from Garnet only for the Gem to throw out her leg, striking her in the stomach.
Undyne's eyes flashes as she throws more spears at rapid speed.
Garnet: Wah?
Garnet quickly moves her arms, blocking and breaking through spears and spears as she thought to herself
Garnet: This is bad, I can barely block her attacks now!
Garnet break another spear before dodging another, only to get struck in the chest by a spear.
Several more spears struck into Garnet, causing her body to glow before separating into two.
Undyne: Huh?
Undyne widens her one eye in shock, staring at what was once Garnet is now a couple of stout looking gems, one red and one blue.
Shaking their heads, Ruby and Sapphire looks up Ruby laments.
Ruby: Oh no!
Undyne scoffs as she readies one more spear, saying.
Undyne: Huh. Cute.
As she flings the spear, right at Sapphire, Ruby races forward, pushing Sapphire to the side before moving back, dodging the spear at the last minute.
Both Ruby and Sapphire gets up before racing towards each other, jumping into each other as Ruby says to Sapphire in a comforting tone.
Sapphire: We can do this Ruby.
Ruby: Right. Let's beat her together!
The two spins around, their bodies glowing as they fuses back into Garnet.
<Cue: Stronger than You by Estelle>
As Garnet reforms, she stares at Undyne as she sang out.
Garnet: This is Garnet, back together,
And I'm never going down at the hands of the likes of you
Because I'm so much better
And every part of me is saying "Go get 'er"
Undyne rolls her eyes and she groans.
Undyne: Oh give me a break!
Without waiting for Garnet to finish her song, Undyne throws several more spears at Garnet, forcing the Gem back to the defensive.
Swerving through another barrage of spears, Garnet closes in, punching Undyne several times.
WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!
Garnet then grabs Undyne before spinning around, throwing her straight into a boulder.
Leaping up into the air, Garnet's gauntlets crackles with electricity as she points them at Undyne, firing them right at the Royal Guard.
Despite the fight looking bad for Undyne, the Royal Guard refuses to accept her fate, gritting her teeth as she growls.
Undyne: No! I won't die. Not like this!
Now filled with determination, Undyne swings her spear out, parrying both Gauntlets, shocking Garnet.
Garnet: WHAT?!
Undyne: You're through!
Undyne then throws her spear upwards, sending it striking right into Garnet.
Garnet: ARGHHHH!!!
Undyne then surrounds Garnet with a circle of spears along with several floating energy spears, sending them flying towards the fusion Gem,
Undyne then leaps forward before swinging her spear out in one final swing.
The impact of the blows causes Garnet's gems to crack, causing her to unfuse back into Ruby and Sapphire briefly before causing them to turn into their gem form.
As the shattered Ruby and Sapphire falls onto the floor, Undyne jumps down, picking them up and she stares at them in confusion.
Undyne: Huh? What's that?
After looking at the two gem stones, Undyne shrugs and she says to herself.
Undyne: Oh well, let's see if I can make a ring out of them. Alphys will love it.
With that, Undyne turns around, leaving the scene.
<Cue: Love, Again by CHIHIRO>
Megumi: I swear, they just can resist adding that song in every Undertale fight!
Toomi: Garnet's years of experience and skills in hand to hand combat certainly made this a challenging fight for Undyne but it could not compare against the Royal Guard's might.
Sachi: While Garnet holding her own against Jasper is impressive, that is nothing compared to Undyne giving Chara a challenge in the Genocide Run.
Megumi: But how would that work? I mean you just fighting a player in the game.
Toomi: It's more than that Megumi. You see in Undertale, the characters actually remembers every little thing you have done. Like if you play the Pacifist route after Genocide, Flowey will try to guilt trip you. And many of the characters would get feelings of deja vu like Toriel knowing what pie the player likes without meeting them.
Sachi: By taking that into factor and Chara destroying the game after every end, it makes Chara multiversal and Undyne could possibly reach that level by scaling to Chara if assuming the times the player dies fighting her counts before they could restart.
Toomi: Their toughness is also a factor. Sure, Garnet is able to take extreme heat better than Undyne but her toughness is nowhere the same level if certain amount of forces from Gems like Diamonds that can destroy large buildings with a punch can cause her to either revert back into Sapphire and Ruby or shatter her while Undyne is the first boss to take hits from Chara without dying instantly.
Megumi: And has 6000 health. just to note, Undyne actually has quadruple the HP of Flowey, when in the Pacifist route, Omega Flowey has 6000 health while Undyne has 23000 health. Not to mention, unlike Sans who would cheat by taking control of your SOUL and slam you around in an attempt to kill you along with actually dodging your attacks, Undyne more than one hits and actually gave Chara a challenge in the fight.
Sachi: And her speed is also her greatest advantage, Undyne's speed has allowed her to cross the whole of Snowdin to her house in seconds considering how far and how long it took for Chara to travel, which would make this faster than Garnet deflecting lightning.
Megumi: Yeah, and Garnet was never actually put in a situation where she has to dodge and block massive barrages of projectiles in one go
Toomi: Having the advantage in power, strength, weapons, speed and durability, all Undyne has to do is just spam spears until Garnet's body gives out and she can finally claim her victory.
Megumi: Looks like Garnet wasn't really that undying after all
Sachi: The winner is Undyne
<Shows footages of Undyne killing the player>
Toomi: Hey guys, thank you so much for checking out our battle in What if Battles 2.
Sachi: If you want more content like this, don't forget to add this in your library and comment if you have any idea for a fight.
Megumi: Until then, next time on What if Battles...
Up Next
Cammy vs Jade
* The connections between Garnet and Undyne is that both combatants are combative members of their teams acknowledged for their incredible strength and good leadership skills, using their powers to defend their homes against any threats and would not hesitate to try everything to keep their loved ones safe.
* The two are also armed with a signature weapon that acts as both a close combat and a projectile weapon, Gaunlets for Garnet and Spears for Undyne
* Both combatants are also openly lesbian, with Garnet being a living embodiment between Ruby and Sapphire and Undyne having a relationship with Alphyss
* Both combatants have also interacted with humans, having befriended and team up with them to take on evil threats, Steven for Garnet and Pacifist Frisk for Undyne
* This is the first time a Steven Universe character fights an Undertale character
* This is the first time an Undertale character wins a fight
* This is the third time a Steven Universe character loses a What if Battle, the first being Spinel vs Mask and Invader Zim vs Peridot
* This is the eleventh battle to feature a character from the LGBT community, the first being Rogue vs Poison Ivy, Ms. America vs Supergirl, Catwoman vs Cassie Cage, Black Widow vs Batwoman, Ruby Rose vs Tracer, She-Ra vs Wonder Woman, Korra vs Luke Skywalker, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune vs Caulifla and Kale, Best Friend Squad vs Team Toguro, Black Cat vs Cat Noir and Deadpool vs Lobo
* The part where Undyne assumed that Garnet is attacking Monster Kid is reference to the Undyne boss fight in the Genocide Run where she took a hit for Monster Kid to protect them before she told them to leave so that she can fight Chara herself
* During the fight, both Ruby and Sapphire fuses back to Garnet and she sang the song "Stronger Than You" is a reference to her fight with Jasper
* Megumi's distaste over that event is a reference to how when people began to see how cringey and out of hand the Undertale fandom was making music videos with that song
* Unlike the previous Steven Universe matchups that involves the gems getting destroyed, Undyne didn't destroy them as she chose to turn the gems into rings for her girlfriend Alphys although the cracks on the gems confirmed that neither Ruby nor Sapphire would take their humanoid forms ever again
* Garnet's opponent was originally going to be Gotenks due to popular demand but Danvers-Kara chose to scrap that fight due to how outclassed Garnet is and how one sided that matchup is in favor for Undyne who is of a much closer callibur of power
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