Boba Fett vs Doom Slayer
Star Wars vs Doom, when two armored violent killers of space encounters each other in a world of hell, only one slayer of men and monsters will walk leaving the planet alive
<Cue: Invader Theme>
Toomi: Boba Fett, the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy,
Megumi: And Doom Slayer, the monster slaying one man army of Doom,
Toomi: These two bounty hunters, though many thinks they don't need their "scum" has often times underestimate what these two are capable of
Megumi: Especially when they faced death more times than most might think. She's Sachi, Toomi and I'm Megumi.
Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle
Boba Fett flies Slave 1 into What if Battles
<Cue: If I Die Young by The Band Perry>
Megumi: Bounty Hunters, we don't need their scum.
Toomi: In the world of Star Wars, Bounty Hunters are one of the most dangerous groups of people in the world, armed to the teeth and willing to serve whoever pays them the highest bid.
Sachi: But among them is a bounty hunter named Boba Fett.
Megumi: So aside from just standing around looking menacingly, having very little lines and getting taken out easily by Han, I know what you all must be thinking, where did this Boba Fett come from?
Toomi: Long ago in a galaxy far far away, the galactic Republic is at risk of an all out war from the Separatists as their influence and alliance continues to grow, starting with the blockade on Naboo from the Trade Federation.
Sachi: During those days, a Jedi Master named Sifo Dyas went to the planet Kamino to commission the creation of a clone army to help the Republic to which Darth Tyrannus, also known as Count Dooku hired a Mandalorian mercenary named Jango Fett.
Megumi: So using the DNA of Jango, the Kaminoans have successfully created an army of clones and when Obi-Wan arrived, Lama Suu then began introducing them to him.
Lama Su: Magnificent aren't they?
Toomi: But the one thing that makes these clones special is that to shorten the training process, the clone DNA was altered in favour of accelerated growth in order to half the training process in order to ship the clones out into battle since it does take a full life time to train a normal human into a soldier.
Sachi: But aside from the considerable payment he has received, Jango also wanted one more thing as a payment, a successor, a son or otherwise an unaltered clone which he named Boba.
Megumi: So after taking on Obi Wan in battle, joining in the Battle of Genosis, it was there when Jango Fett met his end by the hands, or should I say...lightsaber of the Jedi Master, Mace Windu.
<Shows footages of Mace slicing Jango's head clean off>
Megumi: Damn!
Toomi: Of course Boba wasn't happy about it and it was that point on that he haboured deep hatred for Mace Windu, teaming up with bounty hunters like Aurra Sing and Bossk in an assassination attempt in which he failed.
Megumi: But that did not stop him as Boba escaped from prison, he began making a name of himself, killing and hunting to the point he became even more infamous than his father. Even working alongside the Galactic Empire and Jabba the Hutt to work his way in the galaxy.
Sachi: Until he was struck down and eaten by the Sarlaac to which he survived but the experience left him traumatized.
Megumi: Although it did not stop him in trying to find back his armour who is in fact in the possession of a mercenary named Mando, or the Mandalorian.
Toomi: Being trained and raised by a deadly assassin, Boba possesses great sharpshooting skills, martial arts knowledge and piloting skill at a young tender age, being able to assist his father in his fight against Obi-Wan in battle and even out shot a clone gunner while going undercover as a clone cadet.
Sachi: And with his Mandalorian armor, he is equipped with a near indestructible body armor, capable of protecting him from most common means of harm, a visor with an inbuilt comn and radar for scanning targets and even a jetpack for flying.
Megumi: His most standard weapon is an EE-3 Carbine Blaster which shoots in Short Bursts. Oh and speaking of shooting, did I mention his jetpack even has a rocket in which he can fire at his opponents as well?
Boba Fett
Expert Martial Artist
Expert Sharpshooter
Trained Mercenary
Great Tracker
Mandalorian Body Armor
Great Piloting Skills
Micro Energy Field
Resistant to fire, poison, acid, & cold
EE-3 carbine rifle
Sacros K-11 blaster pistol
Concussion grenade launcher
Wrist Gauntlets
Flame projector
Fibrecord whip
Wrist laser
Concussion rockets
Stun rockets
Mitronomon Z-6 Jetpack
Toomi: As it turns out, blasters aren't the only thing Boba is capable of using. Despite not being a Jedi or Sith himself, Boba is actually skilled with a lightsaber, having went toe to toe in a lightsaber duel against Darth Vader himself.
Megumi: I won't be surprised since Mandalorians like Pre Vizla can go toe to toe with a Jedi and Sith using a Darksaber.
Sachi: With his years working as a mercenary, Boba is known as the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy, possessing a fear factor surpassing his own father and has rarely failed a mission.
Toomi: He has shown incredible strength even as a kid, once thrown Obi-Wan disguised as Rako Hardeen across a table with minimum effort, beaten down hordes of warriors taller and more experienced than he is and in Legends, he became a ruler of Mandalore.
Megumi: He can outshoot Stormtroopers and Rebel soldiers, lead the attack on Kamino during the Clone Rebellion and can apparently still beat up Stormtroopers even as an old man.
As a child, Boba was able to rip out the tooth of a Balyeg with his bare hands.
Outshot a clone gunner
Came close to killing Mace Windu
Threw Rako Hardeen across a table
Defeated a large number of Kage Warriors
Tosses Bar-Kooda
Crushes a rock with his bare hands
Knocks the wind out of Jaina Solo with a punch to the stomach
Dodges blaster bolts, fired from guns ranging from blaster rifles to X and Y-Wing laser cannon fire.
Survived getting eaten by the sarlaac
Held his own against Darth Vader in a lightsaber battle
Has killed and hunted many in his life time
Trained Jaina Solo to fight Darth Caedus
Killed many Jedis in his time
Armor has shrugged off blaster bolt
Became a bounty hunter far more fearsome than his father
Toomi: In short, Boba Fett is a human swiss army knife. He's killed hundreds of criminals, politicians, and Jedi, and battled Mace Windu to a draw when he was only 12 years old.
Megumi: An achievement so manly at a time he barely even hit puberty.
Toomi: But for all his skill, Fett has one great, inescapable weakness: the Sarlacc Pit. This flaw is so unavoidable, he was knocked into the pit by a blind and physically drained Han Solo while wearing a jetpack.
Sachi: Not only that but Boba has lost his fair shares of battles, having been beaten by Ventress and Darth Vader in battle.
Megumi: And to lose his father at such a age, yeah, no wonder why the kid grew up to be a killer himself.
Failed to kill Mace Windu
Force choked and beaten by Ventress
Got defeated by a blinded and physically weak Han Solo
Could not defeat Darth Vader despite holding his own
Beaten by a member of the Nite Owls
Has a strict code against killing fathers
Toomi: But after barely escaping the sarlaac, Boba was badly scarred by the experience that he suffered injuries that should by right have killed him, but he survived in the end.
Sachi: And looking at the bright side, he has a nice spa to relax in.
Temuera Morrison: Come on New Zealand, try something new.
Megumi: Fear of teethy holes aside, few have survived once he's set his sights on them. Boba Fett is a whole new meaning of deadly.
Bo Katan: You're a clone. I've heard your voice thousands of times"
Boba: Mine might be the last you hear
DOOM is Eternal in What if Battles for the Doom Slayer
<Cue: Boom Clap by Charlie XCX>
Toomi: On the planet Mars, humanity has taken up base to harvest an unlimited, powerful energy source called Argent Energy, and the organization in charge was the Union Aerospace Corporation, UAC for short. This Argent Energy also came from the literal biblical Hell.
Megumi: Same organization that stockpiled Argent, lead by cyborg Samuel Hayden, decided it was a good idea to research the behaviors of these demons and to see what kind of modifications could be done to them.
Sachi: However in this organization a head scientist by the name of Olivia Pierce had gone rogue and created a in-house cult. With lead scientist Samuel Hayden suspicious, he lead an expedition into hell to uncover a fabled tomb.
Toomi: Hayden found the tomb and the man that laid inside, so he took that man and his suit and put him into stasis in his lab
Megumi: Now, this tomb in particular housed someone that all demons feared, and they named him the Doom Slayer.
Sachi: Soon enough Olivia Pierce unleashed a ton of Argent Energy in the Lazarus Wave incident, transforming most of the UAC personnel into fodder demonic zombies, with everyone else falling victim to the demonic hordes.
Megumi: So Hayden woke up the big old Doom Slayer, and then the Slayer donned his armor, picked up his pistol, and went out to shoot every thing that moved in the head.
<Shows footages of Reaper shooting everything in first person shooter style>
Toomi: The Doom Slayer wears the Praetor Suit, an ancient battle suit gifted to him by a demon known as "the wretch". The suit is extraordinarily tough; nothing in the UAC's possession was able to put a scratch on it, including a 2 Megakelvin cutting laser.
Megumi: Which, by the way, is hotter than the fucking sun! No wonder how this bitch is able to survive devastating blows, they're nothing to him!
Sachi: Doom Slayer's durability with the suit as well is outstanding, recall earlier that a 2 megakelvin cutting laser didn't even put a scratch on it; the heat from that laser would be enough to melt several city blocks near instantly.
Megumi: And as for the Doom Slayer's speed he's capable of outrunning machine gun fire and generated electricity, and that was BEFORE he was locked up
Sachi: He also has a Gauss Cannon and Plasma Rifle, a Minigun and a Heavy Assault Rifle, a badass Rocket Launcher, frag grenades, Siphon Grenades, boots that let him jump again mid air, and he also has a fucking Chainsaw!
Doom Slayer
Supermortal Strength
Supermortal Durability
Supermortal Stamina
Supermortal Speed
Supermortal Intelligence
Super Shotgun
Chain Gun
Heavy Assault Rifle
Plasma Rifle
Gauss Cannon
Rocket Launcher
The Crucible
Argent Energy Absorption
200% Health
More Ammunition
Rune Absorption and Usage
Master Combatant & Weapon Mastery
Glory Kills
Arm Rip & Face Smash
Back Punch & Face Smack
BFG-9000 Mouth Shove
Body Shatter
Chest Puncture
Curb Stomp
Eye Punch
Face Crush
Face Rip
Face Slam
Fang Slice
Horn Gorge
Jaw Breaker
Leg Snap
Lower Leg Step
Lower Leg Step & Neck Breaker
Organ Rip & Shove
Sweep & Smack
Wall Slam & Face Kick
Wall Slam & Face Punch
Ammo Boost
Armored Offensive
Blood Fueled
Dazed and Confused
Equipment Power
In-Flight Mobility
Intimacy is Best
Rich Get Richer
Saving Throw
Seek and Destroy
Delta V Jump-Boots
Radiation Shielding Suit
Mega Armor Power-Up
Berserk Power-Up
Haste Power-Up
Invulnerability Power-Up
Quad Damage
Toomi: With his sheer determination, eons of experience and vast arsenal, it was no wonder than Hell came to consider him their ultimate foe. Their fears are well founded indeed, especially as Doomguy once took down a demon so massive, its body litters an entire region of Hell itself, and would then go on to wipe out an entire species of demon specifically bred to kill him.
Megumi: The Marauders? Cause those guys are tough.
Toomi: Doom Hunter actually, but that's a good assessment. It's a good thing that Doomguy is as tough as them, if not tougher. His Praetor Suit alone was able to channel the energy of an entire core meltdown of Argent energy, which was worth 4 billion megawatts.
Sachi: Doomguy's entire strategy in battle is to rush his foes and overwhelm them with either his fists or weapons, and he's fast enough to do so, being able to react to the Khan Makyr's lighting.
Regularly kills demons as strong as gorillas with his bare hands
In Berserk, Doomguy can utterly shatter even a Baron of Hell to pieces with only his fists, this means he can utterly shatter a dump truck as a Braon of Hell weighs as much as 32 metric tonnes
Can rip the Cyberdemon's horn off and killed him with it as a Glory Kill.
Doomguy can carry a large supply of rockets and other ammunition without being weighed down.
In the opening cutscene of Doom 2016, Doomguy is strapped to a table and is bound with 1/2 inch iron shackles. From a position of rest, he flexes each arm and breaks the chains and is able to escape. The calculated breaking strength of a 1/2 inch chain is 12,802 lbs. This feat alone without being strengthened by the praetor suit puts Doomguy at a minimum of 6.5 tons for a bicep curl while lying down, for a low-balled strength total of at least 13 tons. Considering the fact that he was lying down and the quick speed at which he broke the chains, it is fair to say his strength is around 9 tons per arm and for a total lifting strength of 18 tons without the Praetor Suit or power ups.
Can rip through the natural armor of the Hell Guards, which can shrug off a dip in lava
Doomguy can run at a top speed of 57 mph, he is capable of outrunning his own fired rockets.
Able to dodge plasma rounds that are at least as fast as solar wind (1,864,113.58 miles per hour)
Can dodge Lost Soul projectiles
Doomguy never tires or slows down no matter the amount of weight he is caring or the distance that he runs.
When equipped with the Savagery rune his combat speed is nearly tripled (2.5 times the normal combat speed) as he is able to perform Glory Kills much quicker.
When equipped with the Seek and Destroy rune, Doomguy is able to instantly come up to an opponent for a Glory Kill from up to 40 feet away.
Without armor can tank assault rifle rounds and point blank blasts from a shotgun
Doomguy is capable of withstanding even deadly attacks that would otherwise cripple a normal human and can still move normally even if near-death.
Doomguy can fall from great heights without getting hurt.
Resilient to hellfire and toxic waste
Shrugged off energy blasts from The Summoners who's attacks can turn its victims into an undead
Tanks numerous hits from the Baron of Hell
Shrugs off electrocution
Doomguy doesn't experience the negative side-effects of using power-ups.
Tanks blows from the CyberDemon which has the strength of a hydralic press
Rockets only does 9 points of damage to Doomguy in Doom 2016.
Praetor Suit can take 100% of damage taken before armor points run out.
Praetor Suit is capable of absorbing and dispersing large amounts of energy. Doomguy repeatedly absorbs 3,977,629,840 MW (3.98 PW) of energy from the core meltdown after VEGA's (the sentient supercomputer) deactivation. This ridiculous figure is further supported when the specs for VEGA's power consumption and core temperature. VEGA consumes 2.4 terawatts of energy every minute, and if not cooled the core temperature would be 173 times the temperature of the sun. Therefore, Doomguy is capable of absorbing 3.98 PW of energy which is an unheard of figure but when stacked up to VEGA's power consumption it becomes slightly more reasonable.
Saving Throw rune allows Doomguy to survive at least two fatal blows, in which he is not killed and time slows for a few seconds.
Survived getting shot from a cannon into a space facility at least a THOUNSAND YARDS OR MILES AWAY!
Managed to complete the 36 challenges (DOOM 2016)
Managed to find a total of 36 Predator Tokens (DOOM 2016)
Has an uncanny knack for finding secrets in every stage.
Able to pick up and operate any weapon he finds
Has managed to put a stop to Hell's invasion 6 times.
Ramaged and fought across hell for eons without food, water, or even tiring
Which in turn gives Doomguy eons-worth of combat experience
Defeated The Titan, who is stated to have been the strongest demon who ever lived, 'mightier than all who had come before'.
Defeated the Khan Maykr, leader of the Maykr, an angelic race of beings.
Defeated The Dark Lord, who is the true first being and creator of The Father, causing all demons created by them to be destroyed.
Toomi: He has went to Hell six times, and still continues to fight. Second, when he closed himself into Hell, he survived without food, water, or even getting tired, giving him basically eons of experience.
Megumi: Then of course he killed the Dark Lord! The guy who made the fucking DOOM multiverse! Which has countless universes! Just a reminder that the Dark Lord did that not even at his full power! Then, we have Doom Slayer beating his ass at his full power!
Toomi: Though, even being the slayer of demons, he does have weaknesses... Like everyone else. He is still after all, human., having the same weaknesses as very human does.
Sachi: His armor's energy shields don't regenerate. And his Berserk renders him incapable of operating firearms during its duration.
Megumi: And his own BFG shots can also put him out of commission
He is still only human
Far weaker without power-ups
Armor's shields don't regenerate
His own BFG shots can also put him out of commission
Always prefers to go in guns blazing with little to no strategy
His Praetor Suit cannot insulate him from extreme tempertures
Isn't unstoppable as he was successfully imprisoned by the hordes of hell
Relies heavily on Argent Energy to empower his Praetor Suit
Takes great pleasure in destroying anything that moves
Berserker renders him incapable of operating weaponry, potentially leaving him vulnerable
If he isn't careful, he can be ripped apart by any demon
Toomi: His greatest weakness is that he prefers to go in with little to no strategy, going around just killing anything that moves which can either result in him getting killed or chances of killing innocent people in the cross fire.
Sachi: And he actually enjoys killing.
Megumi: But when all Hell breaks loose, you can count of this legendary marine turned holy warrior to break it back in return.
Dark Lord: Tell me...have you nothing to say to your creator...before you strike him down?
<Doom Slayer proceeds to stab the Dark Lord before replying>
Doom Slayer: No.
Toomi: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.
Sachi: Don't forget to vote, comment what you think of the fight.
Megumi: Yeah, but right now, it's time for a Death Battle!
<Cue: Republic Navy Theme>
Up in space, Boba Fett sat back, piloting Slave 1 when he notices a ship floating below him.
Realizing that the ship belongs to his target, Boba Fett dives downwards, activating the ship's weapons as he began opening fire down onto the ship.
Almost immediately, the ship began flying down straight onto the planet below, the pilot attempting to escape it's persuer.
Boba narrows his eyes beneath his visor as he flies after his target.
Flying down into the Mars atmosphere, the various flesh eating creatures looks up as the ship crashes down onto the ground, creating a loud explosion.
Boba immediately lowers Slave 1 down, watching just as something bursts out of the ship's cockpit, rising up before staring back at him.
He is Doomguy, also known as the Doom Slayer, the one man monster killing army.
Doom Guy pulls out his shotgun, watching just as Boba steps out of Slave 1, blaster in hand as he says.
Boba: You're coming with me, dead or alive.
Doom Slayer didn't reply, he simply sprints forward, prompting Boba to do the same as the announcer screams out.
Announcer: Fight!
<Cue: The Only Thing they Fear is You by Mick Gordon>
PIU!!! PIU!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!
Both fighters opens fire at each other as they dashes forward, the projectiles bouncing off each other's armor as Doom Slayer grabs onto Boba, throwing him down onto the ground.
Boba swings his leg out, striking Doom Slayer in the face.
Boba then uses his jet pack to take off into the air, opening fire onto Doom Slayer.
PIU!!! PIU!!! PIU!!!
Doom Slayer then brandishes his pistol, jumping up high into the air before punching Boba across the air.
Realising how tricky his opponent is, Boba fires his rocket at Doom Slayer, forcing him to activate his shield, shielding himself from harm just as the rocket struck onto him, creating a massive explosion.
Doom Slayer then falls onto the ground, landing back first as Boba lowers himself down.
Doom Slayer then pushes himself up, only for a demon to launch itself at him from behind, letting out a loud blood curling screech.
Doom Slayer opens fire at the creature, killing it before grabbing it's neck, throwing the carcass straight at Boba who immediately swerves to the side, narrowingly dodging it.
Boba looks up as Doom Slayer fires his chain gun, wrapping a chain around Boba's leg as Doom Slayer pulls him close, slamming his helmet straight into Boba's own helmet.
As Boba staggers back, Doom Slayer picks up a nearby sword before sprinting towards Boba, preparing to slice his head off.
At that moment, Boba Fett brandishes out his lightsaber, activating it's bright luminious blade.
Boba swings the lightsaber across, slicing the sword blade off with one swing before swinging it again, forcing Doom Slayer back.
Doom Slayer then opens continuous fire at Boba to which the Mandalorian easily deflects the projectiles with his lightsaber.
Doom Slayer then activates his rune, empowering him even further just as Boba jumps up, ready to swing his lightsaber down onto his opponent.
Right at that moment, Doom Slayer swings his arm out, grabbing Boba by the neck, causing him to drop his lightsaber.
Doom Slayer then slams his elbow down onto Boba.
Doom Slayer then swings his fist down onto Boba's head.
Doom Slayer then throws an upper cut, sending Boba flying into the air.
Doom Slayer then pulls out his rocket launcher before firing a rocket straight onto Boba, getting a direct hit.
Despite taking a direct hit from the explosion, Boba's armor luckily protected him from death though it did not protect him from sustaining trauma from the blow.
Angered at the attack, Boba quickly flies down, blasting fire from his flamethrower onto Doom Slayer.
However, not only did the fire not affect Doom Slayer, but Doom Slayer even used the cover of the fire to close in onto Boba, pulls out his BFG as he slams the tip on it straight into his face.
The impact shattered the visor of Boba's helmet as Doom Slayer swings his BFG around, striking him across his face.
As Boba stumbles from the attack, Doom Slayer then points his BFG straight onto Boba's face before opening fire.
Blood splattered onto the floor as Boba's headless body stumbles backwards, stumbling and stumbling before falling flat onto the floor.
Doom Slayer then turns around, leaving just as several demons crawled out of their dens, feasting on the decapitated body of Boba.
Megumi: Whoa oh! I never remembered a space theme battle being this brutal! Man, I need to watch this again.
Toomi: Boba's fair shares of duels against Jedis and Siths along with his track record of bounty hunting makes him a strong opponent but this match is not even close.
Sachi: Indeed, Doom Slayer has survived all things ranging from hellfire to nuclear size explosions, things like these that Boba has never shown the ability of surviving.
Megumi: With his armor being able to resist heat hotter than the sun, it's no wonder why Boba's fire from his flame thrower wouldn't burn him. Then with rockets only dealing minor damage on Doom Slayer, Boba's own rocket wouldn't even do jackshit to him.
Toomi: And though his lightsaber is capable of slicing most of Doom Slayer's weapons into two, it has a potential of actually ending a fight with him though that's only just one case in the other possibilities.
Sachi: That's where the Praetor Suit comes in, now the Praetor Suit is capable of absorbing and dispersing large amounts of energy. Doomguy repeatedly absorbs 3,977,629,840 MW (3.98 PW) of energy from the core meltdown after VEGA's (the sentient supercomputer) deactivation. This ridiculous figure is further supported when the specs for VEGA's power consumption and core temperature. VEGA consumes 2.4 terawatts of energy every minute, and if not cooled the core temperature would be 173 times the temperature of the sun. Therefore, Doomguy is capable of absorbing 3.98 PW of energy which is an unheard of figure but when stacked up to VEGA's power consumption it becomes slightly more reasonable.
Megumi: So in lay man's terms, a lightsaber, one of the most powerful weapons in the Star Wars universe wouldn't lay the final blow as long as Doom Slayer has his armor on.
Toomi: Doom Guy also has fought The Dark Lord, a being that created the entire Doom multiverse itself, killing an angellic being and defeated The Titan, a demon stronger than all he has faced, enemies that Boba himself has actually yet to defeat since Boba has lost against Darth Vader, the same Darth Vader who has forced both The Son and Daughter down onto their knees with the Force alone.
Sachi: And considering how Doom Slayer has went though hell and came out on top, it's honestly amazing to see how long Boba even lasted before his death.
Toomi: Having the advantage in sheer strength, skill, power, armor and weapons, we can conclude that using the BFG, Doom Slayer just only needed one shot to end this fight once and for all.
Megumi: Looks like Boba is Doom from the very beginning.
Sachi: The winner is Doom Slayer
<Shows footages of Doom Slayer walking away>
Toomi: Hey guys, thank you so much for checking out our battle in What if Battles 2.
Sachi: If you want more content like this, don't forget to add this in your library and comment if you have any idea for a fight.
Megumi: Until then, next time on What if Battles...
Up Next
The Soldier
The Soldier vs Guile
* The connections between Boba Fett and Doom Slayer is that both combatants were humans who dons powerful armor that enable them to take on a large number of enemies across their series, ranging from monsters to villains to even Godlike beings. The two are also skilled in combat and are able to use a large variety of weapons.
* Both combatants also rarely speak much in their first appearance with Doom Guy having little to no lines in most of his games while Boba having little lines in the original trilogy
* Both their armor are also capable of taking a large amount of damage from things that would normally kill a person, the Mandalorian armor for Boba Fett and the Praetor Suit for Doom Guy
* This is the first time a Star Wars character fights a Doom character
* This is the first time a Doom character wins a What if Battle
* This is the second time a Star Wars character loses a What if Battle, the first being Master Xehanort vs Darth Sidious
* This fight is most likely created to commemorate the release of Doom Eternal, the Bad Batch, Star Wars Vision, the Mandalorian Season 2 and the upcoming Book of Boba Fett
* During Boba Fett's analysis, the Polynesian Spa meme was also referenced
* The part where Doom Slayer killed Boba is a reference to his glory kills in DOOM
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