Ant-Man and The Wasp vs The Atom and Bumblebee

Requested by DimetioDeluxe

Marvel vs DC, Ant vs Atom, Palmer vs Pym, Pym Particles vs Dwarf Star Matter, Wasp vs Bee, Shrinking vs Shrinking, when two of Marvel and DC's shrinkers engages in a battle, this tiny brawl will be bigger than anyone has ever imagined

<Cue: Invader Theme>

Toomi: Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, also known as the Ant-Man and The Wasp,

Megumi: And The Atom and Bumblebee, the Justice League's pair of shrinkers,

Toomi: Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Whether they be big or small or...

Megumi: Just plain small! She's Sachi, Toomi and I'm Megumi.

Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

Ant-Man and The Wasp shrinks into What if Battles

<Cue: Me! by Taylor Swift feat Brendon Urie>

Toomi: Ants, some of the most interesting insects in the world, are also known to be capable of lifting 10 and 50 times their own body weight.

Megumi: But what if that exact same strength can be applied to humans?

Toomi: Which Megumi, was made possible by one man, Dr. Henry Pym. Hank was born and raised in East Nowhere, Nebraska the son of Brad Pym and Doris Pym. A prodigy from birth, he spent his time creating fantastical and fun inventions encourage by his grandmother.

Sachi: He attended university where his own professors discouraged Pym's use of his own imagination and inventing things for fun by being told that he would never invent anything that would impact the world.

Megumi: But as usual, teachers rarely know shit as Pym excelled better than any of his fellow classmates, earning his doctorate in biochemistry while his friends were still undergrads

Toomi: It was then where he met a woman named Maria Trovaya, a brave and beautiful young woman who had been a political dissident in her native Hungary, from which she had fled

Megumi: Naively believing that his American citizenship would protect her, Henry and Maria Pym traveled to Hungary shortly after their marriage only to get confronted by the secret police there to which Maria was murdered.

Toomi: Distraughted by his wife's death and decided to do whatever he could in the future to battle injustice and inhumanity

Sachi: Back in the United States, Pym discovered a rare group of subatomic particles, which have become known as the "Pym Particles." Pym was able, through the application of magnetic fields, to entrap the particles within two separate serums. One serum would reduce the size of persons and objects, and the other would restore them to their normal size.

Megumi: But just his luck, he tested it on himself and he shrunk to the size of an insect and worst of all, getting stuck in an anthill.

Toomi: Now knowing how real life ants are protective of their own colony as their colony depends on the survival of the queen and the larvae, the ants didn't really take kindly to his presence and he was forced to find his way out where he regrow back to his human size and destroyed the serums.

Sachi: But the events weren't all that traumatising as Hank took interest in how ants operate, theorising that ants communicate through psionic / electrical waves transmitted through their antennae.

Toomi: After months of work, Pym succeeded in creating his first "cybernetic helmet," which would enable him to communicate with the ants through transmitting and receiving psionic / electrical waves. Thinking that someday he might want to use the shrinking potion on himself again, Pym also designed a protective suit for himself, Unstable Molecules and steel mesh.

Megumi: That same day, however, Pym received an assignment from the government to concoct a gas that would provide people with temporary, limited immunity to radioactivity under certain specific circumstances, based on his previous work, though the Ruuskies learn of it and they invaded his lab, holding Pym and his scientists hostage.

Sachi: Pym then dons his suit, shrunk himself into the size of an ant, and he escaped to a nearby anthill where he began summoning an army of ants into the lab to attack the Soviet Agents and free his men.

Megumi: Yeah, you guys remember the movie Indiana Jones with those fire ants, yikes, certainly not pretty.

Toomi: After taking down the Soviet Agents, it was there where Hank Pym begun his career as a superhero, fighting crime under the guise of Ant-Man.

Sachi: Hank Pym is one of the world's foremost biochemists and also possesses considerable expertise in numerous scientific fields such as subatomic physics, robotics, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, programming, emergency medicine, optics and entomology.

Megumi: He's also skilled in hand to hand combat, having trained in judo, karate and wrestling, been taught by Captain America and he is also a scuba diver and a skilled pilot.

Toomi: But all of these does not compare to his Ant-Man suit that as we talked, have Pym Particles that enables Hank to shrink and grow. Although he usually chose to reduce himself to one half inch in height, he could reduce his size to any size between that and his normal size. Usually, Pym did not compress his mass into his smaller size. Instead, his mass was somehow extended into an extra-physical dimension that is opened by the activating of the Pym Particles, from which the mass could later be reclaimed.

Sachi: Strangely, because Pym's mass was extended extra-dimensionally when he was at ant-size, he retained his full human-size strength at that size. So whenever he is small, he takes advantage of the opponent's larger form by assaulting points of his/her body that they would not expect and move to another before they detected him.

Hope: When you're small, energy's compressed, so you have the force of a 200-pound man behind a fist a 100th of an inch wide. You're like a bullet. You punch too hard, you kill someone, too soft, it's a love tap. In other words, you have to know how to punch.


Super-Genius Intelligence

Easily one of the most intelligent individuals in the Marvel Universe

Hand-to-Hand Combatant

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Durability


Concussion Blasters

Tractor Beams


Energy Absorption

Program Transmitter

Pym Particle Manipulation

Size Alteration

Entering other planes of existence

Ants Control

Megumi: And note that Hank does not only shrink himself, he can also shrink other people and objects though shrinking isn't the only thing he does.

Toomi: Pym also discovered Pym Particles which interacted with his brain to enable him to grow to gigantic height as Giant-Man and Goliath. The growth process required the rapid acquisition of bodily mass, comes from an extradimensional source. This extra dimensional mass fortified all of his cellular tissue, including his bones and muscles, enabling him to support his increased weight, and giving him superhuman strength and durability.

Sachi: Pym can use the Pym Particles to shrink to sub-microscopic stature. When 99.99 + % of his mass was extra-dimensionally shunted, he was sent into a "subatomic universe" or "microverse," one of countless alternate universes accessible to Earth only by the mass-shunting process. Such as shrinking down to enter the Microverse, and on one occasion growing into the plane inhabited by such cosmic beings as the Living Tribunal and the In-Betweener

Megumi: But he isn't the only one participating in this fight, as we have his partner joining in as well.

Toomi: After an alien being from the Kosmos dimension killed Pym's colleague, the scientist Vernon van Dyne, Pym revealed his secret identity of Ant-Man to van Dyne's daughter Janet, who wished to avenge his death.

Megumi: Pym taught Janet how to use the gas within which he now contained the "Pym Particles," and which he used to shrink himself in size, and through biochemistry, gave her the ability to grow insect-like wings when she used the gas to shrink herself to insect size.

Sachi: So with the wings and a new colour scheme, Janet Van Dyne soon become known as The Wasp.

Megumi: So an ant and a wasp, isn't that a bit weird for their names?

Toomi: What's weird?

Megumi: I mean you see, most ants in the colony are female and the few male ant in colony have wings so couldn't they have switch the names and costumes with Ant-Woman and Ant-Man with Janet wearing the Ant-Man suit and Pym wearing the Wasp suit?

Toomi: That's a fair point. Anyway, the same as it does to the original creator, the Pym Particles gives The Wasp the ability to shrink into the size of an insect, with her strength boosting while she is at reduced size, to the extent that she can bend a one-inch diameter steel bar almost double. Her size allows her to be easily unnoticed in most cases, allowing her to become stealthy in some cases

Sachi: She can also communicate with insects though unlike her husband, she rarely uses that ability

Megumi: But the difference between her and Ant-Man is her in-built wings that gives her the ability to fly at incredibly fast speeds. Her flight speed can also allow her to gain a form of superhuman reflexes and agility, being able to easily evade targets and attacks

Toomi: She also has something called the Wasp Sting where she can fire powerful bio-electric blasts from her hand that have been shown to be capable of cutting through high-density structures and is able to cause extreme pain to superhumanly strong and highly durable beings and can pierce their skin. At normal size, she can burn the skin of even invulnerable beings like Sentry.

The Wasp

Talented Fashion Designer


Expert Combatant

Wasp Suit

Sting Gauntlets

Size Alteration

Bio-Synthetic Wings (only useful when half an inch)

Bio-Electric Blasts

Insect Control and Communication

Sachi: And similar to her spouse, Wasp can grow significantly in size as well. The growth process requires the rapid acquisition of bodily mass, presumably from an extra-dimensional source. This extra-dimensional mass should fortify all of her cellular tissues, including her bones and muscles, making it possible to support her increased weight, and giving her superhuman strength and durability

Toomi: Hank's own brilliance has been the biggest achievement, not just in his discovery of Pym Particles but he has also been described as one of the smartest men in the Marvel universe, having been respected by other geniuses like Iron Man or Mr. Fantastic

Megumi: And these two have held their own and even defeated many of the Marvel's finest warriors like Beast, Black Panther, Absorbing Man, Doctor Octopus, Ice Man and Mystique.


Ant-Man's creation of the tech he used in his various aliases and the genetic engineering equipment used to give the Wasp her powers

Ant-Man is a huge influence in the Marvel universe and is responsible for creating many villains and heroes

Ant-Man created Ultron who in turn created Vision, who later joined the Avengers

Hank Pym discovered Pym Particles

Ant-Man is Earth's Scientist Supreme

Ant-Man grabs a wrecking ball with one hand and throws it back

Ant-Man surprise attacks both Beast and Black Panther

Ant-Man picks up multiple people with ease, then tears apart a large ray gun

Ant-Man pulverizes Ultron

Ant-Man punches hard enough to lift Absorbing Man off the ground when he is Hank's size

Ant-Man stays standing after getting hit by a gigantic boulder

Ant-Man grow past the Macroverse

Wasp came up with the name Avengers.

Wasp has contended with various super powered enemies despite being the most underpowered member of the Avengers.

Wasp holds two Ph.D.s, one of which is molecular biology

Wasp tings a specific portion of Hulk's brain to revert him to human form

While at her full height, Wasp sting kills 3 men at once

Wasp incaps Iceman through his ice armor Ultimate X-Men

Wasp disables a TV camera Ultimate Six

Wasp flies into Doctor Octopus' head and KOs him there Ultimate Six

Wasp incaps Mystique with one blast

Toomi: but Ant-Mna's biggest achievement is his ability to grow. Having grown larger than the Macroverse itself, moving past overspace which is a point above and apart all other realities. Even meeting a cosmic entity known as Eternity

Megumi: So Ant-Man can grow into one big boy? Damn, he can even just shrink down, go up Thanos's ass and just kill him from the inside out!

Toomi: However, despite their intelligence, both Ant-Man and Wasp are still one hundred percent humans with no superpowers of any kind which means without the Pym Particles or their suits, they are as weak as any normal human.

Sachi: Not only that but while becoming giant does increase both Ant-Man and Wasp's strength, they cannot stay in that form too long

Megumi: Plus the fact that Ant-Man created Ultron, the same genocidal robot which inherited his psychopathic mentality that almost destroyed the world many times.


Both Ant-Man and The Wasp are still 100% human

Ant-Man is a bit stubborn

Ant-Man's mental difficulties, including his brief bout of dissociation as Yellowjacket

Ant-Man does not taking into consideration what Ultron's programming would entail

Ant-Man was expelled from the Avengers after multiple incidents, in which it is included: having beaten his own wife, Janet Van Dyne (Wasp), attacked a villain that had surrendered, and created a robot that attacked the Avengers and was designed so that Hank could defeat it to stay on the Avengers (though at the end the robot was destroyed by Wasp)

Toomi: But both their issues is actually the abusive relationship the two have with Hank's own mental health problems usual have him venting his own anger by beating Janet which not only have Wasp divorcing him but even ends up having Hank kicked out of the Avengers

Sachi: And also including his split personality where he even turn himself into The Yellowjacket.

Megumi: Though Hank eventually gave up and passed the suit on to his old friend Scott Lang to take over the mantle as Ant-Man but even with that, there is no denying that both Ant-Man and Wasp are some of the most brilliant minds in the face of Marvel.

Ant-Man: You really shouldn't solve the syntho-zoids Mr. Cannon, they're just doing their jobs.

Wasp: Hi spin circle, miss me?

The Atom and Bumblebee are sub-atomic in What if Battles

<Cue: Terrified by Katharine McPhee feat Zachary Levi>

Toomi: An atom is the smallest unit of ordinary matter that forms a chemical element. Every solid, liquid, gas, and plasma is composed of neutral or ionized atoms

Megumi: And those atoms forms everything in the universe, including becoming the namesake of this man.

Toomi: Ray Palmer grew up in Ivy Town, Connecticut where he studied physics at Ivy University, under renowned scientists such as Alpheus P. Hyatt

Sachi: He began dating law student Jean Loring, eventually becoming exclusive. Both graduating and working in their professions, Ray would frequently ask Jean to marry him, but she would always decline, wanting to establish herself as a lawyer before getting married and settling down.

Toomi: As a physics graduate student, Ray Palmer discovered a White Dwarf Star Fragment that had fallen to Earth. Investigating matter compression, Ray theorized that if he were to grind a lens from this fragment and focus ultraviolet light through it, he could shrink anything struck by the light down to a fraction of its original size.

Megumi: Ray rushed off to his laboratory, tried the experiment, and found that it worked exactly as he had imagined, but the objects he shrunk became unstable and exploded moments later.

Toomi: A couple of days later, a disillusioned Ray and some friends became trapped in a cave-in while out spelunking. Ray was forced to risk instability and use the shrinking lens on himself in order to escape the cave and save the lives of his friends.

Megumi: But for some reason, Ray didn't explode and returned to his normal height. In fact, the shrinking lens worked on his body much better than he had expected, and he developed a set of control devices that gave him limited control over his weight as well as his size.

Sachi: Ray later hypothesized that some unknown "x-factor" in his genetic makeup prevented his atoms from becoming unstable, though many scientists now believe that Ray's ability to shrink was actually made possible by the "Metagene", which is the source of many superhumans' powers

Toomi: Keeping his discoveries a secret, even from Jean, Ray created the identity of the Atom and began a career of crime fighting in Ivy Town. In his first recorded adventure, the Atom stopped the crook Carl Ballard from exploiting the tiny alien Kulan Dar, to commit his crimes.

Sachi: Foiling this plot, the Atom became a trusted hero in Ivy Town, and established a great working relationship with the local police

Megumi: Though eventually, Atom got his chance to meet with The Justice League when  Amos Fortune and other villains attempted to use the de-memorizer ray to pit Atom against the League though he ends up working with them to foil their plans and he becomes a member of the league.

Toomi: Having a ph.D in Physics and a professor at Ivy University, Ray Palmer is one of the smartest people in the world, using his knowledge in physics to discover and utilize Dwarf Star Matter to alter his own size while enabling him to have his strength as a full grown man.

Megumi: And while shrinking objects will cause them to explode, Ray Palmer even as a normal man possesses the ability to retain his own body. He can even shrink his body to varying degrees including the subatomic level, achieved by storing most of his mass in a pocket dimension

Sachi: As the Atom, Ray can assume any size from his normal six-foot stature down to sub-microscopic, although he generally deems a height of six inches as most functional

The Atom

Microscopic Stability

Advanced Hand-to-Hand Combat

Olympic-level Gymnast


Physics Knowledge

Great Intelligence

Expert Swordsmanship

Advanced Acrobatics


Size Alteration

Mass Alteration


Superhuman Strength

Dimensional Travel

Katarthan's Sword

Toomi: And note this, Ray's shrinking ability does more than make him small. By shrinking beyond the subatomic scale he could slip beneath reality at the quantum level to traverse around the multiverse at will.

Sachi: But Atom won't be participating in this fight alone. Next we have another shrinker fighting alongside him, Bumblebee.

Toomi: Scientist Karen Beecher is the girlfriend of Teen Titans member Mal Duncan who is known as The Herald who is rather underappreciated by his teammates.

Megumi: So Karen does what any good girlfriend would do, she created a suit, attacked the Teen Titans in order to make her boyfriend look good and that's where Bumblebee is born.

Toomi: After finding out what happened, the ruse impressed the Teen Titans to the point she was recruited into joining and Herald got the respect he always wanted, though when the Titans team dissolved for a time, Karen and Mal married and 'retired' from superheroics. Karen took a job with S.T.A.R. Labs, where she designs non-lethal weaponry.

Megumi: Similar to Ray Palmer, Karen has no superpowers,  her unique abilities being derived from her scientific superpowered high-tech battle suit which greatly increased her strength, speed, stamina, endurance, agility, reflexes and acted as body armor.

Sachi:  It also allowed her to fly, create painful electric blasts that stung like actual bee stings and emit a stream of "honey", actually a powerful adhesive capable of disabling her opponents by miring them in the sticky, yellow goo.


Cybernetic Helmet




Sonic Disruption


Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability

Toomi: In their times, both Atom and Bumblebee have achieved a lot, especially when Atom's brilliant mind and personality has helped him take down multiple criminals in his days.

Megumi: And you remember the movie Gulliver's Travel with those tiny people from Lilliput? Well it turns out there is a planet of small people and Atom became a revolutionary rebel leader against the Katarthans and he gained a pretty neat sword in the process.

Sachi: Bumblebee has her fair share of strength as well, even once being able to lift Batgirl's head while small and even move Zatanna around just by pulling her hair Ratatouille style.


Atom is a Physics Graduate at Ivy University

Atom was able to use a fragment of a White Dwarf Star to make a lens that would shrink objects

Atom saved himself and his friends from being trapped in a cave

Became the superhero known as The Atom to protect Ivy Town

Atom allied with the CIA

Atom was found worthy of an Indigo Lantern Ring of compassion

Atom has teamed up with Hawkman on multiple occassions

Atom has stopped many criminal acts in his days

Atom has traveled through time

Atom ended up becoming a rebel against the Katarthan people, an alien race of tiny people in the jungles

Atom was made a Rebel Leader in the Katarthans

Atom lead the Rebel Invasion of a Katarthan City

Atom is a Member of the Justice League

Atom for a brief amount of time joined the Suicide Squad

Atom shrunk kryptonite to go inside Superman

Atom can rearange the molecular structure of objects by becoming small enough

Atom survived a nearly point blank explosion of the Radioactive Star Drive while in normal size

While small sized, Bumblebee yanks Zatanna's hair hard enough to move her entire head.

Bumblebee repairs a hole in her baby's heart immediately after giving birth

Bumblebee manages to injure Despero's third eye before his hypnotic power fully takes over.

With the help of Warworld schematics, Bumblebee reroutes its power supply directly to electrocute Mongul.

Bumblebee defeated Psimon

Bumblebee lifted Batgirl's head up while shrunken

Toomi: But one thing that makes Atom so great is not just his mind and power, but his heart as well. Having one of the most compassionate hearts in DC, Ray Palmer was even deemed worthy in wielding the Indigo Ring, the ring of Compassion.

Megumi: So one of the smallest heroes in the Justice League has one of the biggest hearts ever? DC sure is keeping things good there.

Toomi: However, despite their minds and powers, both have a common weakness. They are still one hundred percent human without their suits, meaning, they can still die normal means of harm.

Sachi: And while Karen formerly she used her suit to shrink however after an accident with a Zeta Beam she couldn't stop shrinking and this is causing her heart to seize. Without the medicine from the Chief she wouldn't survive.

Megumi: And Atom's powers are a headache. Literally. Though with the amount of stress he has endured and the amount of times he used his powers, headaches are the least of his concerns.


Both Atom and Bumblebee are still humans and can be killed by normal means

Atom can give himself a headache from the mental activation of shrinking and growing though he has gotten used to the stress so it shouldn't be too big a problem anymore

Atom can't grow bigger than 6 ft

Atom can't become heavier than 180 lbs

Katarthan sword isn't indestructible

Atom isn't immune to the Katarthan's swords poison

Atom can't emulate other Lantern Ring powers without another Lantern of different colors near their vicinity

Atom doesn't actually have the Indigo Ring on hand

Atom's Bio Belt and the mental connection can be short circuited, meaning Atom will be stuck in a specific size and mass

Bumblebee had power unstability

Bumblebee has to take medicine created by The Chief to prevent herself from getting heart attacks from her tiny form

Toomi: But Atom and Bumblebee's weakness is that there is a limit to how much they can shrink and grow. As Atom cannot grow past 6 feet while Bumblebee cannot shrink herself any smaller than small enough to enter a human bloodstream.

Sachi: And there is a fact that both Atom and Bumblebee have never worked or interacted with each other in the comics.

Megumi: But one thing's for sure, both Atom and Bumblebee are some of the most loyal and brilliant members of the Justice League and the Teen Titans who when they put their minds to it, can do anything possible.

Atom: Generating it's own antibodies

Bumblebee: Keep working I will hold them off!

Toomi: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.

Sachi: Don't forget to vote, comment what you think of the fight.

Megumi: Yeah, but right now, it's time for a Death Battle!


Pym Lab

Inside the quiet lab of Dr. Henry Pym, all seems to be quiet.

As Hank is busy studying ants in his glass tank, suddenly, he sensed something.

Looking around, he narrows his eyes just as his wife Hope Van Dyne enters.

Hope: Hey Hank, I just brought you.

Hank: Shhh.

Hank shushes his wife as he stood up, looking around as Hope asks him.

Hope: What is it Hank?

Hank whispers to her.

Hank: Stay sharp. We have company.

Hope puts down the cups of coffee at a desk as she narrows her eyes, standing back to back with her spouse.

Both Hank and Hope looks around before Hank declares out.

Hank: I know you are there! Come out!

At that moment, something enlargens in front of both Hank and Hope, shocking the two as a costumed figure appears, raising up his hands as he says.

???: Whoa whoa! Calm down. You must be the Dr. Henry Pym.

Hank: I am. Who are you?

Atom: Forgive the intrusion, my name is Dr. Ray Palmer, also known as The Atom. I have heard of your work so I wanted to go see it for myself and I must say I am impressed.

Hank: So? What do you want?

Atom: A chance to work with you. Together, our research can reach new heights.

However, Hank is skeptical of The Atom's proposal.

Hank: Tch. Sorry man, but you broke into my lab, probably studied things best kept hidden and now you want my friendship? Not a chance.

Both Hank and Hope began equipping themselves into their suits, becoming Ant-Man and The Wasp.

The Wasp points her gauntlet and she opens fire at The Atom.


However, right at that moment, the blast explodes before reaching The Atom, shocking The Wasp.

Wasp: What?!

The Atom smiles as he greets another figure enlarging next to him.

Atom: Well, I do not know who you are but thanks for the save.

A young African American girl donning an insect theme costume with black and yellow colour schemes smiles as she introduces herself.

Bumblebee: No problem, my name's Bumblebee, I am part of the Teen Titans.

Atom: So a Teen Titan and a Justice League member, huh, this should be interesting.

Both shrinking pairs faces off as Ant-Man growls at The Atom.

Ant-Man: Last chance. Leave!

Atom: Sorry pal, ain't goin' nowhere.

Ant-Man: Then don't regret it!

<Cue: Jealous by Chromeo>

Both Wasp and Bumblebee faces each other as both Ant-Man and Atom lunges forward, the two shrinking down to the size of an insect.

Now shrunken and their hands raised up, both superheroes clenches their fist just as the announcer screams out.

Announcer: Fight!


Their collision instantly creates a shockwave, sending both Atom and Ant-Man crashing on both sides of the lab.

Ant-Man crashes into a microscope while The Atom crashes into a glass tank containing ants.


Ant-Man jumps up and upon seeing that, he taps onto his helmet, commanding the ants to attack his opponent.

Atom pushes himself up and upon seeing several ants surrounding him, he mutters out.

Atom: Uh oh.

The ants charges forward, forcing the Atom to leap over one before throwing a punch, striking into another ant.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

The Atom then grabs an ant by the pincer before backflipping it over, sending it crashing onto the table.


As The Atom stands up, right at that moment, Ant-Man lunges forward, slamming into him while riding on a winged ant.


Atom: WHOA!!!

Although locked in by the pincer of the ant, The Atom looks up as Ant-Man throws a punch, striking him in the head.


The Atom retaliates by throwing an uppercut, striking into Ant-Man.


While both Atom and Ant-Man are locked in battle, both Bumblebee and Wasp began shrinking as the two flutters across the room, circling each other as Wasp remarks out.

Wasp: A bee? How original.

Bumblebee: Hey! At least this costume is way cuter than yours!

Wasp: Please! Don't you know? Wasps eat bees!

Wasp began firing several stinger shots at Bumblebee who then swoops across the room before firing back at Wasp.

PIU!!! PIU!!! PIU!!!

Wasp flies back before thrusting her hand out, summoning several wasps from outside to attack Bumblebee.


Bumblebee flies back before firing several shots at the wasps, each blaster taking one wasp down.

PIU!!! PIU!!! PIU!!!

As a wasp prepares to sting her, Bumblebee lunges upwards, grabbing the wasp by the wing before throwing it back at Wasp who just enlargens herself.


The wasp bounces off the now big Wasp who then swings her hands out, forcing Bumblebee to fly around frantically in order to dodge her.

While the two insect theme heroines are locked in battle, meanwhile, both Atom and Ant-Man leaps the table.

Though it may seem like a tiny speck of dust flying out of the window, looking closer, you can see both Ant-Man and Atom exchanging blows amongst themselves.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

Ant-Man notices a fly flying past and he throws a blast of his pym particles, enlarging the fly, shocking Atom.


The fly slams into Atom, sending him crashing into the grass.


Atom: ARGHHHH!!!

As the Atom falls onto the floor, Ant-Man enlargens himself back to human size before lifting up his foot, attempting to squash Atom.

Atom: Oh no you don't.

The Atom enlargens himself, the sudden growth immediately throws Ant-Man off.

Ant-Man: WHOA!!!

As Ant-Man falls over, The Atom looks down and he asks him.

Atom: Now are you ready to talk?

Ant-Man: Is this the largest you can grow?

Ant-Man then began growing larger, shocking the Atom as he quickly shrinks himself, flying away as Ant-Man grows larger and larger.

Atom halts in the air and upon laying eyes on his opponent, he felt his jaws drop.

Atom: You've got to be kidding me.

Ant-Man has grown into Giant Man.

However, despite the size differences, Atom declares out to Ant-Man.

Atom: Hey! Why don't you take on someone your own size!

The Atom began growing larger as well, growing and growing until he found himself staring eye to eye with Giant Man.

Now with both gigantic heroes at the same size and level, Ant-Man and Atom began grabbing onto each other, wrestling across the ground.


Atom slams his head forward, sending  Giant Man reeling as The Atom throws another punch, striking into Giant Man.


The Atom then jumps off a tall building, attempting to perform a jumping downward punch when right at that moment, Giant Man throws a powerful hook, striking Atom square in the face.


The Atom crashes bodyfirst into the ground as Giant man prepares to stomp down onto him, forcing the Atom to roll.

At the same time, Bumblebee and Wasp flies out of the lap, firing yellow stinging shots at each other.

PIU!!! PIU!!! PIU!!!

Wasp then notices Atom rolling towards her house, unaware of both her and Bumblebee's presence and she swoops forward, enlargening herself.


The sudden growth of Wasp immediately causes her body to slam into Atom, sending him reeling back.

Both Giant Man and the now giant Wasp looms over Atom as the shrinking superhero says.

Atom: Two against one huh. That's not fair.

The Atom then points his Bio-Belt at both Giant Man and The Wasp, instantly causing both their gigantic bodies to shrink.


Giant Man: Huh?

Wasp: Hey!

Both Ant-Man and Wasp shrinks down to their normal human sizes just as Bumblebee began growing back to human size, delivering a kick into Ant-Man.


Ant-Man: ARGHHHHH!!!

As Ant-Man falls over, Wasp attempts to throw a punch, only for Bumblebee to block before thrusting her hand out, firing a stinging shot onto Wasp.



Atom then shrinks himself down to human size and he asks the two.

Atom: Now are we ready to talk?

Angered, Ant-Man lunges forward, delivering a hard punch into Bumblebee.


Bumblebee: OW!!!

As Bumblebee collapses onto the ground, Ant-Man then grabs onto Atom, causing both superheroes to shrink and shrink and shrink.

Instead of shrinking down to insect size, both Ant-Man and Atom continues shrinking and shrinking, shrinking down into the microverse.


<Cue: Microscopic by Kupla>

Inside the microverse, Ant-Man then throws Atom aside and he proudly boasts.

Ant-Man: Ha! Guess this is how much your body can take huh? Your knowledge of the microverse is nothing compared to my own! But I might take your suit and utilize this power of yours to further improve my Pym Particles.

However, Ant-Man's moment of victory is short lived when The Atom swam towards him, yawning in boredom as he said.

Atom: Please. This isn't the smallest I have been.

Ant-Man: What?! But how?

Atom: You know, I'm not called The Atom for nothing.

At that moment, Ant-Man grabs onto a cell and he throws it at Atom who simply punches it aside.


Atom smirks as he began shrinking, flying through the shrinking microverse before going behind Ant-Man and going through the fabric of his pants and up into his butthole.

Upon realising what has happened, Ant-Man's face fell as he mutters.

Ant-Man: Oh shit...


Ant-Man's body instantly explodes as Atom with his Katarthan sword slashes out of the insect theme superhero before enlargening himself, growing out of the microverse.


<Cue: Steady by Speed>

Outside, Bumblebee shrinks down as she fires several blasts at Wasp.

PIU!!! PIU!!! PIU!!!

Still in her human size, Wasp blocks the blaster bolts before swinging her hand out, striking into Bumblebee.


Bumblebee: ARGHHHHHH!!!

Wasp then shrinks down and with one final blast, she fires a powerful energy blast right into Bumblebee.


Bumblebee's head went off in an explosion before her headless body collapses onto the ground.

Wasp then smirks as she gloats.

Wasp: Well, not bad for a gal like me.

Wasp then grows back to normal size and she says to herself.

Wasp: Hm, that reminds me, has Hank dealt with that guy yet?

However, right at that moment, Wasp felt a hard slash across her back, instantly killing her.



With her body cut down, Wasp collapses onto the floor as Atom, covered in blood and cellular fluid stood over her, muttering out.

Atom: That was disgusting. Anyway, I'm out of here.

Atom then tosses the sword aside before picking up the now dead Bumblebee before shrinking himself down, flying away from Pym's Lab.


<Cue: Compound I Love You by Jincheng Zhang>

Megumi: You know, I'm getting a sense of deja vu with that ending.

Toomi: This certainly is one interesting match to say the lease with both sides utilizing the ability to shrink, fly and grow to their max though only one fighter actually held the upper hand.

Sachi: Indeed, in terms of combat skills, both Ant-Man and Atom are fairly equal, the two having martial arts background during their civilian lives and along with training from the Avengers and Justice League certainly made this fight go either way.

Megumi: Though the same cannot be said for Wasp and Bumblebee where Bumblebee never had that much fighting skills and experience as compared to Wasp who had her fair share of hand to hand combat.

Toomi: Ant-Man's ability to communicate with ants also gave him a numeral advantage as Ant-Man can summon ants to attack Atom who can't really do the same though Atom, retaining his own strength and his ability to grow larger, didn't really make the ants matter much.

Sachi: And while Bumblebee is also capable of having full grown human strength while small, her durability isn't exactly great as she has been knocked out by light attacks and her energy blasts were only painful as a literal bee sting compared to Wasp who can bypass invulnerable beings like Sentry and the Hulk with her own blasts which thus gave Wasp the advantage over Bumblebee.

Megumi: Which brings us back to Ant-Man vs Atom which I have to ask, since Ant-Man can grow larger into the Macroverse, couldn't he be able to beat Atom.

Toomi: In a way yes. Ant-Man growing to be larger than the macroverse means that theoretically, he can grow larger to the point of squishing Atom though Atom has a counter to that.

Megumi: Which you guessed it, by shrinking.

Sachi: Atom can shrink himself to the point he can become past sub atomic and the fact that the universe itself is made out of billions of particles, Ant-Man can't really destroy any of it in giant size. But Atom has shown to be capable of changing particles at microscopic size so there is a chance he can kill Ant-Man or just shrink him down by that manner.

Toomi: And Ant-Man though has shrunk himself down to microscopic size before, cannot really stay that way due to how his Pym Particle has a limit, as shown he has almost died doing it once but Atom has consistently shrunk down past that size and made it home in one piece.

Megumi: Yeah, the names kind of determined the winner of this matchup

Toomi: So overall despite Wasp and Ant-Man's better teamwork, Atom's ability to shrink ends up giving him a big advantage for a small victory.

Megumi: Looks like Ant-Man was the butt of the joke while Wasp just couldn't cut it.

Sachi: The winners are The Atom and Bumblebee

<Shows footages of both Atom and Bumblebee panting after barely escaping Blue Beetle's body>

Toomi: Hey guys, thank you so much for checking out our battle in What if Battles 2.

Sachi: If you want more content like this, don't forget to add this in your library and comment if you have any idea for a fight.

Megumi: Until then, next time on What if Battles...

Up Next

Android 17 and Android 18


Megaman X and Zero

Android 17 and 18 vs Megaman and Zero


* The connections between Ant-Man and The Wasp and The Atom and Bumblebee is that both teams consists of fighters who normal humans with no power before donning suits and channeling foreign scientific powers than enables them to grow larger and shrink down to sub-atomic sizes

* Both Atom and Ant-Man are scientists that discovered a particle that they channel as a power source for their shrinking and growing abilities, Pym Particles for Ant-Man and Dwarf Star Energy for The Atom

* Coincidently, both Ray Palmer and Hank Pym even have a trusted person they knew at a university who has also donned their suit as well, Ryan Choi for The Atom and Scott Lang for Ant-Man with the two even becoming their successors

* Interestingly, both Hank Pym and Ray Palmer even had a former lover during their younger days before they lost them for different reasons, Maria Trovaya for Ant-Man who was killed in Hungary and Jean Loring for The Atom who chose her career path over marriage despite the latter's request

* However, both combatants are seen as opposites personality wise as Ant-Man is an abusive person with mental health problems, inferiority complex and split personality disorder whilst Atom is a determined, brave and kind hearted individual who would stop at nothing to achieve anything.

* Both Bumblebee and Wasp are insect themed superheroines who possesses the power of flight, growth, shrinking and even firing energy blasts at their opponents.

* The two are also based off insects of the Hymenoptera order while donning a yellow and black colour scheme and both real bees and wasps do have a rivalry in the animal kingdom

* Coincidently, both Bumblebee and Wasp were the first heroines in their respective ways with Bumblebee being historically the first female African-American superheroine and Wasp being the first and founding member of The Avengers

* Both Wasp and Bumblebee have also divorced their partners before though for different reasons with Wasp leaving Ant-Man due to his abusive treatment towards her while Bumblebee left Mal temporarily due to memory lost and she got back together with him after regaining her memory. Interestingly, the two have even left their partners to become full time members of a superhero team, the Avengers for The Wasp and Teen Titans for Bumblebee

* However, teamwork wise, both teams are polar opposites as despite working in the same team and fighting for the same allegiance, Atom and Bumblebee rarely meet in most forms of DC media while Ant-Man and Wasp are partners and an ex-romantic couple in all forms of Marvel media

* Daddy-Mikasa even have to use Teen Titans Go and Young Justice sources for Atom and Bumblebee's analysis due to the lack of pictures and videos of the two superheroes being together

* This is the eighteenth battle to pit a Marvel character against a DC character, the first being Ego vs Mogo, Captain America vs Deathstroke, Cyborg Superman vs Ultron, Rogue vs Poison Ivy, Miss America vs Supergirl, Hulk vs Darkseid, Spider-Gwen vs Batgirl, Captain Marvel vs Green Lantern, Black Widow vs Batwoman, Gwenpool vs Harley Quinn, Black Manta vs Cyclops, Punisher vs Red Hood, James Rogers vs Damian Wayne, Thor vs Superman, Emma Frost vs Zatanna and Deadpool vs Lobo

* This is the twentieth time a DC character won a What if Battle, the first being Power Girl vs Cooler, Piccolo vs Martian Manhunter, Mercy vs Hawkgirl, Captain America vs Deathstroke, Ultron vs Cyborg Superman, Miss America vs Supergirl, Superman vs Saitama, Hulk vs Darkseid, Captain Marvel vs Green Lantern, Black Widow vs Batwoman, Punisher vs Red Hood, James Rogers vs Damian Wayne, Robin Battle Royale, Wonder Woman vs She-Ra, Goku Black vs Reverse Flash, Emma Frost vs Zatanna, Deadpool vs Lobo, Flash vs Hit and Kula Diamond vs Killer Frost

* This is the fifteenth time a Marvel character loses a What if Battle, the first being Mimicry Battle Royale, Emma Swan vs Skye, Gwenpool vs Spider-Gwen, Captain America vs Deathstroke, Ultron vs Cyborg Superman, Miss America vs Supergirl, Hulk vs Darkseid, Captain Marvel vs Green Lantern, Black Widow vs Batwoman, Punisher vs Red Hood, James Rogers vs Damian Wayne, Emma Frost vs Zatanna, Black Cat vs Cat Noir, Deadpool vs Lobo and Time Travel Battle Royale

* Shockingly, both Wasp and Atom have fought each other once in the first What if Battle, which makes this technically the third What if Battle to be rewritten, the first being Yang vs Leone 2019 and Hulk vs Broly Remastered

* Despite having no requester name, this fight is actually a requested battle Daddy-Mikasa received long ago to which she lost the comment of the fight request, making this the second battle to be a requested fight with no shoutout, the first being Jiren vs Thanos

* During Ant-Man and Wasp's analysis, Megumi remarking that Ant-Man can shrink down and go up Thanos's butt before growing and killing him inside out was based off a meme in 2019 where Marvel fans speculate that Ant-Man can kill Thanos in Avengers Endgame which was upcoming at that time by that manner

* Ironically, The Atom used that same method to kill Ant-Man during the battle

* During the fight, Wasp sarcastically remarks about Bumblebee being 'original' is due to the fact that Wasp debuted earlier than Bumblebee with Wasp debuting in 1963 and Bumblebee in 1976, along with the fact DC and Hasbro had a lawsuit battle over the name Bumblebee as though DC created the character and named her first, Hasbro copyrighted the name Bumblebee for a Transformer character first which ironically caused DC to lose the case

* During the fight, the part where Giant Man strikes Atom down with a hook is a reference to how Scott Lang as Giant Man destroyed a Leviathan with one punch in Avengers Endgame

* At the end of the fight, the way how Atom said "That was disgusting" while being covered in fluids was referenced from his line in Justice League Unlimited

* Megumi implying having deja vu after Atom killed Wasp is a reference to how Atom did killed Wasp in the battle Atom vs Wasp in What if Battles 1.

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