Ch. 3 || Missing Elements


Also, I haven't been caught up to the BBBGXS2 so don't mind me adding a few things because I want to. <3

My bad, I barely proof read, and I was rushing for some reason. So sorry if it disappeared so I can repost it !!. -re-edited.

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One thing everyone knows.

Thunderstorm is not a morning person.

Yet Thorn and Ice are nagging him awake. Or 'trying to nag him awake', is mostly a better and correct sentence.

“Abang, abang, abang Hali!!” Thorn chanted, each word getting louder and louder they could practically hear Thorn’s voice echoing throughout the whole household.

Red bright glowing thunderstorm sparks emitted around the irritated element. Everyone knew better not to mess with the lightning elemental in the early morning and going as far as to nag him awake. They just have to wait for him to wake up by himself eventually.

The only sibling capable of doing so without leaving Thunderstorm’s room unscathed is obviously Quake. Solar wondered how the earth element can handle the short-tempered eldest. But as the saying goes, Quake knows his brothers better than anyone else.

Thunderstorm’s eyes finally snapped open, his irritation energy almost filling up to a hundred percent if the younger brothers continued to nag him. Crimson irises glared at the green and blue figures hovering his chest.

Thunderstorm’s hand slowly twitched, he was this close to summoning his thunder-spear. But the moment the lightning elemental’s ear twitched and hear a faint sound of sniffling from one of the youngest, all his anger depleted alongside his red sparks of thunderstorm fading away as if nothing happened to anger him and Thunderstorm sat up, making his way on the edge of the bed to gather his cool. Thorn continued to nag him however, while Ice tugged on his arm, and his whaley now laying on the flooring, quivering his lips as the water element feared what will happen next now that they've risked waking their eldest brother.

“What happened.” was his only response.

Thorn could not believe it. Usually he and Ice or anyone that dared to wake the grumpy lightning element might have already been brutally electrocuted but it was very lucky of them to live another day.

Maybe because Ice was this close to crying. Thorn doesn't know how, but Thunderstorm often is accused of having enhanced hearing senses.

“Abang Gempa and Api, they're gone.” Ice bluntly answered. He didn't flinch either when Thunderstorm snapped his head right at Ice, yet again irritated. “That’s it!? You woke me up just for that?! You know they've probably just been summoned by the master!” the lightning element snapped, and Thorn cowered behind Ice who just watched Thunderstorm angrily lecture the younger ones, waiting for him to finish.

“But Abang Hali, Api hasn't been used by the master unless he found out he has more elemental powers.” the water element revealed. He may seem calm but he's been trembling internally. And of all eldest siblings it had to be Thunderstorm who can see that.

Thunderstorm blinked, then glanced down at the floor, his gaze at his feet just seeming so dull he had to comprehend things until..

Thunderstorm grimaced darkly. “.. Shit.” the lightning element loudly cursed, and Thorn flinched. He hasn't heard this kind of tone from their big brother in ages.

The kind of tone when awfully stressed. Knowing he's the eldest, he has the responsibility to protect the younger ones alongside Quake and Cyclone.

But all sad moments aside, he was going to tell on him to Quake after this.

“Where’s Solar.” Thunderstorm demanded and Ice was quick to his feet, forgetting something but cared less as he guided their big brother to Solar’s laboratory. Thunderstorm grabbed his black and red dino hat and hurried to catch up Ice’s pace, followed by Thorn scurrying from the lightning element’s room.

Whaley had been long forgotten.


“What the fuck is happening.” Thunderstorm bursted inside Solar’s laboratory, and the light element could care less about the door being slammed open and it's durability. Solar was more focused on his work, typing on his keyboards immensely, calculating and trying to figure out the main problem on what caused Quake and Blaze to transport themselves out of their master's power watch, almost forgetting he had visitors in his room when Thunderstorm banged his fists on a vacant table, startling the light element.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?” impatient, the lightning elemental hollered the exact same question once more, getting Solar’s full attention. The lightning element expected answers, his crimson irises now gazing up at the pale yellow that stared back at him with shock.

“A-Abang Gempa and Api. They're- They’ve been transported out of the watch.” Solar responded in a shaky breath, and Thunderstorm immediately regretted rushing things over, knowing how stressed the light element already is from trying his best to find ways to bring both of them brother elementals back home.

Thunderstorm sighed and placed a hand on Solar’s shoulder, a gentle way to show he didn't mean getting angry at the younger sibling. “Well? Have you found out what caused this and a way to bring them back?”

The over-so-confident light element had no luck on finding out what was wrong, even he, the exceedingly smartest sibling was dumbstruck. He sat silent for a while, before lowering his head in defeat, unable to give the eldest a proper answer. Thunderstorm grit hos teeth furiously, but his anger was nowhere near towards Solar. He knew Quake was capable of protecting their youngest brother, being the strongest in defense after all, but the lightning elemental still feared what would happen if.. If Quake failed. Angry with how hopeless his thoughts have become, he banged his fist on the same vacant table mumbling cursed words until he heard faint noises of sniffling. The voice was louder, clearer as he landed his gaze on Solar,

who was the one crying.

“O-Oi..” Thunderstorm called out softly to the younger. He didn't know how to handle a crying brother, more specifically when it's about the overconfident light element breaking down. The lightning element’s breath hitched. Did Solar cry because of him? Thunderstorm furrowed his eyebrows, his hands reaching out and slowly took off the light element’s orange glasses, shoving them to the table and winced at the sight of their middle sibling as he wept, tears streaming from his eyes as his gloved hands soon made their way to his face beginning to wipe off his tears endlessly. Every sob he took, every tears that fell, he just continued wiping them away in discomfort as if trying so hard to hide his sorrow from the eldest.

But if Solar continued rubbing his cheeks like that with his gloves, his skin could get irritated.

And the eldest brother frowned.

Thunderstorm grabbed one of Solar’s wrists to stop him. “Oi.” he called out again in a stern tone, snapping the light element from intentionally hurting himself even if he was unaware about it. Ever since Solar’s past experiences with their greedy masters, the overconfident element had developed PTSD and have thoughts of harming himself when in a trance where he can't even control it. It hurts to see his younger sibling like this, it wounds Thunderstorm to witness how horrible Solar had gone through to act like this.

Thunderstorm knelt down in front of Solar in panic. He’s afraid the light element might have triggered his past memories by how aggressive Thunderstorm had acted in front of him. “S-Shit.” he cursed to himself, his gaze landing on Solar's trembling figure.

“Cahaya, I didn't mean to, I-”

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! It’s all my fault, I’m sorry!!” Solar bursted, confusing the lightning element even further. “Wh-”

“I was the one who encouraged Blaze to leave our master’s watch for my stupid experiments and researches!! If I had known this would happen I could have stopped Blaze from leaving into the outside world!” Solar wriggled one of his arms from Thunderstorm’s grasp and shakily covered both of his ears using his hands as he continued on his words, eyes becoming even more blurrier and cloudier and his breathing slowly growing unstable. “It's all my fault! Api- and-and now G-Gempa is also gone, we don't know what happened to them, I c-can't even track them, I’ve searched for them a-all night, but I failed, I-I failed, I’m supposed to be the smartest, I thought I could do it, to t-track them, I thought I could!! B..But what if something happened, I’m- I’m the one to blame for this, Gempa-”

“SOLAR, FUCKING BREATHE.” Thunderstorm finally hollered once more, grabbing both of Solar’s arms to snap the element from hyperventilating. Ice scurried for Cyclone’s side for comfort, the oldest then covered Ice’s ears from letting Thunderstorm’s shouting get to the youngest, alongside Cyclone was Thorn who was already huddling the wind element’s arm in fear but continued to watch knowing his big brother Thunderstorm had to shout to get the light element back to his senses.

Solar realized then how hard it is for him to breathe. Heavily panting for air, he glanced at Thunderstorm looking so wretched, behind the bill of his black and red cap, his crimson eyes have shrunk. The light element have never seen their eldest look so, panic-stricken. Then as he glanced around the room, his gaze landed on three more figures. Cyclone who looked distressed, his hands that cupped Ice’s ears who kept trembling in the arms of their wind element brother and Thorn grimacing at him, as if terrified at Solar when he hyperventilates.

“Look at your brothers, look at me! They're scared, I’m scared, we're all fucking scared!” Thunderstorm bellowed, and Solar tremendously shook at the loud voice. Unfortunately the lightning element was nowhere near done with his words. “If we already lost two brothers, we can't afford to lose you too, or even Angin, Daun, and Air!” the eldest shook Solar and the light element’s breath hitched. Thunderstorm may not show it in the most affectionate way, but he has ways to show he loves his brothers till the end. As he paused, the oldest caught his breath, gritting his teeth while trying to make sure Solar was solely focused on him, shrunk pale yellow irises stared at his crimson ones, and the most heartbreaking thing to see is when his eyes held no light, as if he lost hope. “So snap the fuck out of it and control yourself you piece of shit. Who the hell told you to say shit about yourself like that!? Woi! You still have us! Don't give in to some depressing shit just because you can't do shit to find our brothers!!”

Cyclone was appalled, but sighed at the scenario in front of him to unfold. Thunderstorm may seem too aggressive with the way he attempts to calm the other down, but the wind element couldn't help but smile knowing the lightning element is just as gravely worried as everyone and is trying to help his little brother from being too negative. Solar managed to control his breathing, though he was still trembling, yet his shrunken pale yellow irises finally expanding and his light in his eyes reappearing as he only stared at Thunder’s crimson ones.

“I-I'm sorry.. That, that was out of character of me huh..” Solar lowered his head as he sank himself deep into his gaming chair. Not long, he felt his Thunderstorm’s grip on his wrist to loosen.

Seeing how his method worked, the lightning element sighed. “You little.. Don't scare me like that again. It's terrifying to see you hyperventilate and we have no knowledge of how to calm you down other than Gempa.” Thunderstorm shook his head and glanced back up at Solar who no longer trembled, rather, he was following his steps of breathing. Seeing how he's able to calm the younger down, it brought him to smile small, brows still furrowed but he smiled. “They may be gone for now, but we'll find them right? We’ll find Gempa and Api right?” Thunderstorm’s tone finally becomes soothing as he slowly lets go of Solar’s wrists, who nodded gingerly at their eldest brother’s question. “Can you do that? Can you find them? Can we help you find them?”

With meek nods from Solar as a response, Thunderstorm sighed in relief. With one final nod, Solar opened his mouth. “I’m sorry..” he apologized once more, and the lightning element shook his head, grabbing the younger sibling into his embrace. “Don’t be you little brat. I'm at fault too for lashing out on you, and I regret that. I'm sorry.” Solar rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Thunderstorm’s head, burying his head further into the lightning element’s neck and cried silently. Cyclone smiled brightly, his hands now uncovering Ice’s ears. “Look! Abang Hali managed to calm your abang Solar!” he reassured the youngest and Ice can only smile, before making his way to them. Thorn was ahead of him however, tackling both Thunderstorm and Solar.

Eventually, they all managed to calm down from the stress they've been through.

“Oooh ~, Cahaya cried! This is the best day of my life.” the leaf element suddenly cooed and Solar’s cheeks flustered red. “S-Shut up, I didn't!! You're j-just hallucinating!!” the light element was quick to respond, panicked that his reputation as the coolest and confident element will be destroyed. Thunderstorm rolled his eyes and ruffled the light element’s hair to calm him down, as well as Ice’s knowing he's there to witness some of his aggressive behavior when he shouldn't be.

Laughter erupted from them as they hugged one another, Cyclone squeezing Thunderstorm a little too tightly alongside Ice, while Thorn and Solar just continued to bicker.

But their happiness doesn't last forever.

They have two brothers to find and bring back home.


Solar had explained what happened. From how he found out about Blaze trying to force himself out of their master’s watch one night. As the fire element pleaded with Solar, he agreed to keep his mouth shut rather than telling all this to the others. After another attempt of sneaking away from the other brothers' sight and unbeknownst to Solar, something definitely happened if it involves Quake and then they suddenly disappeared from existence, going over the fact where Solar was stressing out the whole night until morning to how he couldn't get a single clue what had happened or couldn't even get any lead, up to the part where their big brother Thunderstorm had walked in who apparently had gotten some information about the two elements being gone.

It's as if the elements were taken out of BoBoiBoy’s watch and no longer in his care.

Their elemental siblings disappearing is what Thunderstorm, Quake and Cyclone feared the most. If Quake was with Blaze, then he might have been trying to prevent Blaze from disappearing and got involved as well.

“Until I get anymore leads on what happened and how I can get them back, I'll need more time.” Solar exclaimed, typing on his advanced keyboards. The lightning element sighed and slumped on a bean bag, massaging his forehead in attempts to calm himself. “Thank you Cahaya. Just notify me immediately if there are any updates.”

Solar hummed in response and continued on his work the moment Thunderstorm left the laboratory and closed the door to give him some privacy.

On the other side of the door, Thunderstorm slumped, his back sliding down and found himself sitting on the wooden floor. The eldest sighed in disappointment. Disappointed in himself. He knew he was being too harsh on his brothers lately, but he couldn't help it if his main emotion was anger. He's supposed to be the responsible one, but he ended up passing the title to Quake instead, knowing he's not really good with handling his little brothers like how the earth element does with care and gentleness. But now that Quake is gone, it's up to him again to make sure the rest of them are rest assured from worrying too much and bring the two elements back home for them to reunite as a family again. But what did he do?

“Goddamnit, fucking bastard..” he mumbled lowly, his insult mainly to himself as he grit his teeth. It wasn’t long before he was found taking off his cap to reveal his unruly brown bed hair with locks of white sticking out the most. His grip on his simple dino cap tightened and threw it off harshly.

Cyclone was on his way to find Ice’s whaley when he saw Thunderstorm sulking at the front door of their middle brother’s room. “.. Hali.” the wind element called out softly, and he only received a groan from him as a response. “Hey, you did great you know? Aggressive but it worked. Cahaya is back to being himself. Minus being stressed.” Cyclone chuckled, but Thunderstorm wasn't responding to him. The wind element frowned and forgot he had a quest to find their youngest brother’s gigantic plush. “Don’t tell me you’re sulking because of-”

“You don’t understand you dolt. I’ve been too angry lately. Sure it's just my nature to be angry and aggressive as the thunderstorm and shit but if this keeps going I might hurt everyone one day. That includes you and Tanah.” The lightning element averted his eyes from the wind element’s.

“I’ve been too harsh. Cahaya’s been working all night to find our brothers and I just lashed out on him like that. He doesn't deserve it, he didn't need anymore stress to pile up on him.” Thunderstorm started to tremble, suddenly feeling melancholy as he began to recall a past memory he thought had locked away and would never wanna see again.

Thunderstorm had been searching for their brother. Minor injuries, injured knee, blood seeping from his mouth and his sight a little blurry, but it's nothing compared to the pain his little brothers had went through. And finally, he and the rest of his brothers are all back together. Let’s say they fought back against an elemental user that used them for greed and evil. It's torture, it's painful, it's traumatic, especially when you feel your own power, the power you're one with, used and forced to murder innocent living beings and destroy planet after planet. They've suffered enough, and thankfully it's over. It's a relief that their strong fragments of their powers have been taken away from an elemental user they swore they would never want to meet ever again.

However, Solar is missing. All three of the original trio had agreed to split up and find their little brother. They've searched high and low, but because of how enormous the space they've taken refuge in is, it's been hard to track the light element at all.

But out of them three, it was Thunderstorm that happened to find Solar in such a state he didn't think he wouldn't want to see anyone else in his family to express out. It horrified him, their middle sibling looking so pale and terrified, as if all colors in him drained to the very last drop. He was trembling like a vibrating phone, both of his hands clutching terribly firm on each of his arms that with enough force he should have already dug his nails deeper into his skin and let some blood seep out and stain his white long-sleeved polo. Drool slowly dropped from Solar’s cheek, as if he had forgotten how to close his gaped mouth in the first place. It's an excruciating sight for the eldest brother to witness this that it almost affected him.

Because Solar was the most strongest element out of all of them. It's no wonder he's also the most used element, and Thunderstorm had let that happen.

A no-good kind of a brother he is.

The lightning element swallowed a thick lump that suddenly formed in his throat while he was unaware. Taking deep breaths, he approached his sibling cautiously as to not scare the other, but unfortunately for him, it seems Solar had noticed his figure beforehand and immediately jumped from whatever he was laying on, now sitting up as his eyes landed on Thunderstorm’s figure, irises shrunk in terror as he scooted backwards from his eldest brother.

It's as if he was still seeing things he shouldn't be anymore. Thunderstorm frowned immensely, understanding his little brother’s situation and decided to use a different approach. Mustering up the courage to speak and forcing himself to smile, which he hadn't done so in years, Thunderstorm’s breath hitched at how traumatized Solar already is.

“H-Hey, Sola-”

“No! I’m tired already.. No more.. I’m already drained!! I can't provide you anymore of my powers.. Please..” the light element begged, tears prickled his eyes and before he knew it, they began to endlessly stream down his bruised face.

“Huh? But, Sol..- C-Cahaya.. It’s me-”

“What's last of my energy is the last of my power, I'll die! Please stop!!” he continued, looking so panic-stricken he started screaming in fear. He was unable to listen, as if everything but his view of their ex elemental user and hearing the voices, the sickening laughter of their ex master revolved around him. Solar hastily backed off further.

If this was how Solar’s everyday life went on and on while he was with their ex-master, then it's safe to say the element had suffered the most, so traumatized it's depressing. It's painful. It's a daily remind how Thunderstorm yet again had failed his brothers.

Thunderstorm fell to his knees, his own irises shrunk and shook. Out of all elements, Solar had to suffer the most. But he endured it, until they were able to free themselves, he tolerated it until the end. But at what cost? His own hope. Happiness is only temporary after all. Sure there are times the other elements were used for their master’s greedy purposes, but Solar had been the one to experience the most agonizing event. It hurts when their powers have been forced out from them and repeat the same thing day by day.

They're just, elements. Created by nature and their powers only used for good and the mother nature's needs.

Before he knew it, Thunderstorm cried in anguish, darker clouds surrounding the sky, rain droplets everywhere, thunderstorm and lightning becoming unstable within every shook and spark. He was drenched in the rain, and Solar, both of them wet in the rain, but the oldest brother’s cries were louder than the roaring thunderstorms. He could hear himself apologizing and, bruised? With every blink, he was getting more hurt than before. Did he fight the light element? He couldn't. He wouldn't..

But he was crawling his way to Solar who continued backing from him, pointing his fingers at the lightning element before he saw a beam of light and darkness hovered his sight.

Thunderstorm was crying, but that was obviously camouflaged by the immense rain caused by him. He couldn't protect any of his siblings, not even Solar. He failed them. As the eldest.

He failed them.

And before the memory could even end, he saw himself hugging Solar, the light element’s arms hugging the lightning element a little too tightly while he was in his older brother’s arms. He remembered now. Solar had to defend himself and mistook his eldest brother as their ex master. The light element felt incredibly regretful, crying his heart out, as he apologized too many times even Thunderstorm couldn't count it all. It seems he had already snapped his little brother from his trance, finally holding the younger close to him and held him firmly, unable to let him go until the two other eldest had found them.

The heavy rain, their angry thunderstorms and lightning finally calmed down, dark clouds hovering the sky finally faded, and Thunderstorm swore he wouldn't fail his brothers ever again.

Thunderstorm shook his head and sighed. “He's suffered too much, gone through agonizing shit and the way I've acted might have triggered his past trauma. Our ex master is just as aggressive as I am if I may remind you.” he added, and Cyclone furrowed his eyebrows. “I’m a fucking asshole as you can see. An awful brother to the lot of you. I can see why everyone else prefers to hang around Quake than I.”

Cyclone widened his eyes in disbelief. Was this guy serious?? Well, he is serious all the time. But does he actually have no knowledge about Blaze and Solar being the most obvious younger siblings that liked being around the lightning element the most? Cyclone gaped, and Thunderstorm rolled his eyes. Thunderstorm, Halilintar, THE Thunderstorm is actually dense, he thought. Did he not get the hint that Blaze likes to hang out with him more often that he nagged the grumpy lightning element and going through so much just to ask him for some food requests all the time? Heck he even approached Cyclone how to grab Thunderstorm’s attention without triggering his irritation.

Another hint he missed is when he should have ran for Quake’s room to seek comfort when his room is too dark but rather headed for Thunderstorm’s room to either sleep by his side or drag him awake just so the grumpy older brother can electrocute the nightlights back to normal. The lightning element did not certainly get the hint when Solar trusted him enough to keep his secrets about his vulnerability. Or when the light often nagged the eldest to come see his new experiments despite being halfway done. There was also one time Solar had blurted out once he looked up to Thunderstorm the most in an accident, but unfortunately the lightning element was too busy to hear it.

“Aishh.” the wind element facepalmed, while Thunderstorm raised an eyebrow towards his little brother. After mustering up the courage to continue, Cyclone stared at him dead in the eye. “You’re dense as fuck.” he blurted out bluntly, and the lightning element swore he felt an irk mark pop from the side of his forehead.

“You little-!” Thunderstorm almost caught Cyclone in a headlock when the said wind element summoned his hoverboard and fled from his eldest brother’s reach. “I’m just saying!- Woi-oi HEY! Hear me out!!” Cyclone begged, almost falling off his hoverboard seeing Thunderstorm was still chasing after him and hit his floating object. The lightning element certainly had not planned on sparing his life. Though fortunately, the wind element saved his own life before Thunderstorm could get worse. The lightning element isn't exactly in the mood to get angry again, but if a certain wind element irritates him to no end then it's bye bye to his hoverboard. As Cyclone sat back down beside Thunderstorm, he sighed.

“I’m just saying, you're dumb-” Thunderstorm snapped his head back at Cyclone, threatening him to continue insulting him and he will never see the daylight again. Which Cyclone was obviously startled at the terrifying reaction.

“-e..enough to realize what you're saying is not true. Lots of us would want to hang out with you more often if you weren't so grumpy.” Cyclone teased, pinching the lightning element’s cheek. Thunderstorm rolled his eyes, as if his point had already been made. “We all love you like how you love us.. Sure we have favorites among the elements but you're our big brother. You and Gempa are basically the ones that brought us altogether.” Cyclone placed a hand on Thunderstorm’s shoulder, reassuring the older brother. “Without Gempa and his kind and gentle behavior we would have become rebels, but without you and your aggressive behavior around us, we would have been pampered by Gempa all the way. You know how he's often underestimating us and prefers to protect us instead at times. But unlike him you kept pushing us, leaving us to ourselves to fight off stronger enemies, harsh but without it we would have been weak.”

Thunderstorm rolled his eyes and sighed. “Get to the point.” he demanded impatiently and Cyclone huffed offended. “I was trying to reassure you that not all of us would prefer to hang out with Gempa. You're mean, but that doesn't stop us from giving up our hopes from approaching you and keep nagging you until you smile.” as if on cue the wind element patted the lightning element’s shoulder a few more times before standing up.

“That’s our goal.” he grinned.

“. . .”

“Hah??” Thunderstorm tilted his head in confusion and it was Cyclone’s turn to gain a couple of irk marks around his forehead. Cyclone was losing his shit. “Aargh! Forget it-!! Y-You’re-, you're dumb- I mean dense! TOO DENSE- WAAHAAHH SHIT, SAVE MEEEEE!” and screams of agony was heard from the wind element who was last seen running for his life around the hallways with an angered lightning elemental on his trail.


The dining room was quiet for today's dinner. Very unusual knowing there would be utter chaos around the table every breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Blaze and Thorn arguing and fighting for a piece of their meal or becoming competitive on how many and how fast they can eat. Solar talking random successful experiments and detailed instructions how they're made and the only one listening to his stories was just Ice and Ice alone, Cyclone repeatedly shoving his fork into Thunderstorm’s food or Quake’s to nab pieces of their food then drag it back to eat it himself, and at times the eldest had to go through trouble to grab glasses of water for the two other competitive siblings while making sure his food is protected from Cyclone’s grasp at all times from being stolen, but nonetheless their cooked meals are often enough to satisfy their hunger no matter how many there are of them and how much they can eat. And then there's Quake nagging everyone else to stay still and enjoy their meal in peace. Oftentimes having to emit dark aura for them to shut the fuck up and eat peacefully.

Safe to say Thunderstorm kind of misses the usual chaos that erupted in the dining room.

It's just glumly plain quiet. There's no Blaze to argue with Thorn about how they dibbed on whatever meal they laid their eyes on and making competitive remarks on who can eat faster. Thorn just sat beside Ice as he tried to nag the quiet element to get a reaction out of him. Solar wasn't even with them to tell stories. He wasn't able to join them to eat with them on the same table, and Thunderstorm had been the one to bring his food upstairs to his room so the light element can continue busying with his researches and hardwork on tracking their missing brothers.

Cyclone wasn't even in the mood to nab the eldest sibling’s food and Ice ate his meal in peace, ignoring Thorn’s whining and nagging.

No matter how good the food is cooked, it's not good enough with not enough happiness around them and family members to complete the dining table.

Thunderstorm hated how quiet it is between them. But he couldn't afford to look even more angrier in front of his brothers and the food. So much he  wishes Solar wouldn't have to go through anymore restless work and track their brothers immediately.

“We’ll find them. Don't worry.” Thunderstorm reassured, and everyone smiled, bringing joy in the eldest’s heart, reminding him why he's the eldest brother.


Ice laid on his bed uncomfortably. It's rare for him to forget about Whaley for the entire day and sleep without hogging the plushie all night.

Cyclone clasped his hands in a praying gesture. "Gwahh I’m so so sorry Air!! I totally forgot to look for your Whaley and got beaten up by Hali!” he reasoned, and Ice deadpanned. He knew better that they might have probably messed around the grumpy lightning element to have their asses kicked. Ice quivered his lip, trying to hold his hands together. He's just so used to holding Whaley he forgot how it felt like having his hands empty without it.

Ice gingerly nodded. “It.. It’s okay, I’ll just sleep without him.” he reassured his big brother, but Cyclone knew better that his littlest and adorable brother is unhappy with the news. Guilty, the wind element knelt down to reach his little brother’s height. “Do you want me to accompany you to sleep?” he offered but the water element declined humbly.

Hugging his arms, Ice uncomfortably shifted around his bed. It wasn't long until a knock on the door was heard and it creaked open as slowly as it could.

“Air.” Thunderstorm called out softly, in one of his hands was Whaley. “Your.. Whaley. He's in my room and I figured I should return him to you right away.” he informed, and Ice immediately sat up from his bed at the sentence from his big brother and the sight of his familiar whaley entering the room. “Ah, I forgot I left him there!” Ice perked up with a grin and hurriedly swung his arms forward, grabbing the gigantic plush from the lightning element’s grasp and hugged it tightly.

“Thank you Abang..” he mumbled at least loud enough for Thunderstorm to hear.

Thunderstorm slightly bent down and ruffled the water element’s hair. “Don’t sweat it.” he responded, pinching the youngest’s cheeks but Ice wasn't whining. “Get some rest.” the lightning element urged and turned around, walking his way out of the water element’s room to give him privacy when he suddenly felt a hand tugging at his sleeve.

Ice was shyly tugging for his hand, head lowered to cover his embarrassment the moment Thunderstorm had taken a quick look behind him, Whaley yet again dropped to the floor. He sensed something was wrong, and Ice needed him. The lightning element sighed and turned back around, kneeling down to reach the youngest sibling's height. “What's wrong polar bear?” he asked softly, using the nickname Ice really liked hearing it roll off the lightning element’s tongue the most.

Heck even Quake and Cyclone both doesn't have the permission to call him that.

The water element shook his head. Thunderstorm doesn't really understand what was some of Ice's gestures meant. Hesitantly, the eldest reached out a hand to hold his hooded little brother by the waist. “Nightmares? You know you could have asked Cyclone to accompany you tonight.” he added, a nervous smile crept up Thunderstorm’s face. He's not good at handling kids at all, he thought, but Ice shook his head yet again, confusing the eldest even further. “I-I just want you to stay beside me until I fall asleep.” was all he could say before puffing his cheeks in a pouting manner. Was he that shy to ask for Thunderstorm’s company? The lightning element thought, snickering internally. Ice for one isn't demanding unless it's about bedtime stories and cuddles. The lazy little brother cannot resist cuddles. After all, he's learnt from the best.

Halilintar glared at your screen.

Thunderstorm rolled his eyes followed by a sigh and smiled. He held the water element’s waist firmly before finally lifting him up and hold him close in his arms.

He's so goddamn small and adorable despite being in a teenager form, what the fuck.

Ice’s arms wrapped around Thunderstorm's neck and huddled close to the lightning element. Maybe he's a better hugging plushie compared to whaley. He mused to himself, and even spared a glance at the said plush before his ears picked up the sound of his big brother talk. “Did.. Did I scare you back then?.. Was m-my voice too loud?”

The water element hesitated for a bit. Thunderstorm could feel the other nodding and the lightning element couldn't help but frown. It's only a matter of time before their family as septuplets break apart again and this time being his own fault for letting it happen. He often blamed himself, but he couldn't help it if he's the oldest, the most responsible and the only thing he could do is get angry when the others are already stressing out.

“Thank you Abang Hali.. For being there for Abang Cahaya.. I-I wasn't scared because of how loud your voice is, but because Abang Cahaya looked so pale, so terrified and dark.” he explained, laying his head above Thunderstorm’s shoulder. “It scares me when one of us in the family blames themselves for being at fault and then unable to breathe.”

Thunderstorm listened attentively, awestruck that Ice was so brave back then. It burdened Thunderstorm to his realization how much their family is suffering once again when they've lost one another. Is this what Quake felt like? To be burdened by so much he doesn't even want the others to find out to prevent them from worrying?

Is this how it felt for him everyday, to feel so stressful about things he's worried would happen to them and things he would never make sure to happen to his brothers while ranting to his eldest, Thunderstorm?

Remind Thunderstorm why he's passed the most responsible title to Quake again?

“I don’t wanna lose you guys.” Ice exclaimed, his grip on his big brother tightened and Thunderstorm was snapped back to reality in time to hear the youngest sibling's plea. The lightning element couldn't help but lower his head guiltily. The water element sniffled under his big brother’s black jacket, tears prickled his eyes and the lightning element paid no mind to letting his jacket get wet from the younger sibling's tears and rather resorted to patting the younger's back as gently as to hush him. “I’m sorry.. I'm so sorry...” Thunderstorm chanted, his chanting would soon turn into humming sounds to lull Ice into deep sleep.

Regret and sorrow filled the whole household today.

Hours later, Ice was found cuddling with Thunderstorm, his arms completely tight wrapped around the eldest's waist while the lightning element had lent his arm as a pillow for the youngest and his other hand that used to pat Ice's head in a gentle manner. Thunderstorm had decided to bring the youngest in his room for the night and they had slept soundlessly for hours. Though it doesn't last, before a bright light emitted in the middle of the room and Solar appeared, looking so exhausted and messy.


From one of the computer screens, they had let out a wailing sound of beeping, a sign of the finished result of scanning, informing Solar who was sleeping soundlessly while slumped on his bean bag, his white dino hat almost falling off his head and the latter’s sitting position was questionable. The beeping sound however had the light element alarmed awake. The dino cap flew off his head and Solar scrambled from his bean bag and hurried to his paperwork filled table to reach for his glasses. Before putting it on however, the light element dumbly squinted at one of the screens, leaning his face closer in the process.

“Is that what I think it is?!” he mumbled to himself, leaning backwards to finally put on the glasses and his gaze snapped back to the screen with a better sight.

Solar gasped, he was so close to kicking his table but rather he raised his arms up in joy. “Finally, yes yes yes!!” he cheered running around the room before he banged his fists on his table and stared at the beeping radar. “I finally found their signal! Gempa, Api!!” Solar exclaimed tiredly but happily, smiling proudly as his lazy gaze with bags under his eyes stared at the radar displayed on the screen that revealed the two other brothers' signals.

He skipped another night in search of his brothers through technology.

Scurrying from his desk filled with paperwork, pens and sticky notes, the light element barely bothered grabbing his hat and hurriedly rushed out his room with a cheerful expression. “HALI!!” the light element called out first thing in the early morning.


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