chapter one

"Eda get your ass out of bed!" Camila, edas best friend and roommate shouted as she stormed into her room.
"Whyyy?" Eda whined from under the covers.
Eda was in a state where sh wasn't awake, but she wasn't asleep. That was, until Camila turned on the lights and ripped the covers off edas head.
"What the fuck Camila!?" She hissed.
"Its nearly nine! We're gonna be late, so use that witchy magic of yours and get ready!" Camila shouted, walking out of the room.
Eda groaned and sat up. She stood up and closed the door. She then walked over to the body length mirror and looked at herself. Her hair was a mess, she wore shorts that were so short you could call them underwear. Her shirt was missing so all she had on was a bra. Eda sighed and looked at all the scars over her body. Each one held a memory, very few good. She looked away and walked to the bathroom that was connected to her room. She turned on the shower and picked out the clothes she was going to wear as she waited for the water to heat up. She ended up choosing a pair of ripped jeans with a bi flag stitched onto it, a red tank top and a black jacket. By the time she got back to the bathroom she water was steaming. She quickly undressed and hopped under the water. Eda sighed in satisfaction as the water ran down her body. She quickly washed her hair and body. All to soon she turned the tap off and grabbed a towel. She quickly dried herself off, using a spell to dry her hair. After a few seconds, she put on her clothes. For some odd reason she had decided that she was going to wear her hair up in a high ponytail. She then put on a pair of black dock martins, grabbed her bag and left, turning off the lights
"Finally!" Camila groaned. "You ready?"
"Yeah, I'm ready" eda mumbled as the two girls left their flat. Within five minutes the girls were walking down a busy street, when they came across a small café. Camila gave eda a pleading look. She wanted coffee. Eda happily obliged for she was thinking of getting a snack while they were at it. Camila smiled and walked in, eda not far behind her. She ordered two coffees, one with three sugars, one with non and a muffin.
"That'll be ten dollars" the chashier said.
Camila handed them the money and then left.
"Another day, another drama" eda mused.
"Yeah, well that's life here." Camila grumbled, taking a sip of her coffee. "So how come you want to stay here? Its a complete crap hole"
Eda chuckled softly. "Well, for one I get away from my past, enemies and ex's."
"What else?"
"I enjoy it here, and you know...I'm trying to find a cure for my curse.." Eda mumbled, biting into her muffin.
"What...what if you can't find a cure?"
Eda stayed silent. She looked at her muffin coldly.
"E-eda?" Camila whispered.
"If I can't find a cure, I may have to leave" eda said calmly. "For good."
The two girls walked the rest of the way in silence. Upon arrival, Camila got dragged to history, while eda headed to one of the few classes she actually paid attention in- music. For the first time in forever, eda was actually early to class. So early in fact that the teacher wasn't even here. Without thinking, eda created a small spell circle to make her mandolin appear. She started to play a soft melody, though it didn't have an ending. She played until she got to the bit she needed to work on. All of this happened with a green eyed person watching in amusement. When eda finished they started clapping. Eda quickly turned to face this mystery person.
"Is that a mandolin?" They asked playfully.
Eda just nodded, shocked that someone had actually heard her play. This mystery person had short messy mint green hair, emerald green eyes that his behind a pair of black glasses, their skin was the colour of caramel. They were highly attractive to Eda. Especially while they were leaning against the door. They wore a pair of dark blue ripped jeans, a fitted black shirt and a pair of red and black sneakers.
"You're good, love" they smiled softly.
"Oh, uhm...thank you?" Eda blushed "Are you new?"
"Yup" they smiled softly. "First day"
They smirked flirtatiously. "Is that a problem, cutie?"
Edas blush deepened. " its not"
They walked over to Eda and smiled, making eda even more of a flustered mess.
"Flirting and don't even know my name" eda said playfully, trying to act like her usual self.
"If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine beautiful" they whispered in her ear.
Eda shivered,not knowing why. "O-okay, I'm eda clawthorne"
"A beautiful name, for a beautiful girl" they murmured, kissing the back of her hand.
Eda looked away and blushed even more. Around them eda felt all her confidence leave her body.
"Now yours" eda mumbled.
"Raine whispers, at your service" raine murmured, a smirk on their face.
"A-at my service?" Eda mumbled, looking at raine who was nodding. "I like the sound of that"
Raine smiled, gently caressing her hand.
"But how do I know you're telling the truth?~" eda joked.
Raine smirked playfully and pulled Eda closer to them and whispered, "well, give me your phone number beautiful, and I'll prove to you that I'm at your service."
Eda looked at the few students who had started to walk into the class. She unconsciously leant into Raine's touch.
"Well?" Raine murmured, moving a few strands of her hair out of her face. "What do you say, amor?"
"A-alright then" eda whispered. "Give me your phone"
Raine then pulled out their phone and unlocked it- obviously- then handed it to her. Eda put her number in their phone and handed it back to them. Just then, the music teacher, Miss Roberts walked in.
"Eda! You're actually early! Its a miracle!" Miss Roberts said cheerfully. "And I see you've met out new student, raine"
"Yeah, yeah, don't get your bra in a knot" eda grumbled and pushed raine away slightly. 
The teachers voice suddenly went serious. "You're playing nice right?"
"I'm always nice" eda said innocently.
"Really nice, not bitchy nice" miss Roberts sighed.
"You're the one who give me detention for every little thing but fine." Eda grumbled.
"Edalyn, I'm serious!" The teacher shouted. "Be nice!"
"That's a lot easier said than done" eda noted. "And don't call me edalyn!"
"Why not? Its your name!" Miss Roberts frowned.
"There is only one person on this shitty planet that is allowed to call me that, and I'm not making any acceptions" eda said coldy.
"And who might that be?" The teacher demanded.
"My sister!" Eda shouted, turning g a few heads. "So fuck off!"
"Eda, do I need to get you detention!?-" the teacher started.
"No, no you don't!" Raine said hastily, gently pulling eda close to them by her waist. "She offered to show me around the school" they then subtly winked at her, which made eda blush even more.
"Do you mean now?" The teacher asked
"Yes!" Raine said quickly
"But that would take up most of first and second period-" the teacher started before being interrupted by raine.
"Well, we should get going then!" Raine smiled.
They took edas hand and led her out of the room. Eda looked back to see a dumbfounded teacher. It was quite amusing actually.
"You good amor?" The asked, bringing her closer to them.
Eda leant into Raine's touch and nodded, more hair falling over her face.
"Yeah, I'm just surprised you got away with that" she leant her head on Raine's chest without thinking. Raine chuckled and rested their chin on her head. Eda felt a warm sensation fill her. It was weird, but in a good way. Like she was safe and happy, but like all good things it soon came to an end. Raine had pulled away, taking the odd feeling with them.
"Hey raine?"
"Yes amor?"
"Why'd you intervene?" Eda asked, smiling softly.
"Because, I didn't want you to get detention cutie" raine smiled.
Eda blushed and giggled. "If you're gonna continue using a pet name, at least make it something original"
"I'll only come up with one if you do" raine murmured.
"Alright...rainestorm" eda mumbled.
"Rainestorm?" Raine repeated.
"Oh shut up" eda grumbled.
"No, no I like it, its cute" raine smiled sweetly.
"You have one for me or what?" Eda smiled.
"Of course I do..." Raine chuckled. " dear Calamity."
Raine kissed edas forehead, making eda blush. Eda leant into their touch, a sudden urge to kiss them washed over her.

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