chapter eight

That morning when Raine awoke from their slumber, they woke up alone. Eda wasn't there. She wasn't in the house at all.
"Hooty!" Raine shouted after searching the house. "Where is eda!?"
The owl-bird-tube looked away nervously.
"Hooty?" Raine repeated. "Where. Is. Eda!?"
"She turned into the owl beast!" Hooty wailed. "Hoot!"
"That's bad isn't it?" Raine asked now looking nervous.
Hooty nodded, continuing to cry.
"WhAt ArE wE gOiNg tO dO!?" Hooty exclaimed.
"What can we do?" Raine asked, rubbing their arms
"Well, you can't go out looking like that" Hooty suddenly said seriously.
"What? Why?"
"You have curved ears- obviously human and your clothes say human all over" a squeaky voice said suddenly.
A small horned black demon-dog-thing popped up on hootys neck(body). Raine yelped and nearly fell over.
"Who are you? How many people live here!?" Raine exclaimed
"King and me! Hoot!" Hooty smiled. "And eda!"
King jumped to the ground and looked up at Raine.
"Who are you? And why were you in mama edas room?" He questioned.
"I...uh...mama eda?" Raine repeated
"She adopted me, and brought me here" king said. "She's probably gone after the one who caused her the blood on the clothes she wore last night.
"Esperanza...she said eda stole something from you know what?" Raine asked.
The little demon hopped onto Raines shoulder and nodded.
"She stole a valuable jewel, so she could feed me and pay for the owl house." King explained. "I know the way to the palace, I can take you"
"No, eda wouldn't want you to get hurt." Raine said softly.
"Aw" the demon whined.
Raine chuckled softly and set king down onto the ground. They then patted the demon on the head, which king seemed to like.
"As the king of demons, I demand you come back alive with eda" king said.
"I'll try my hardest you highness" Raine said softly, smiling at how king addressed himself.
"Good, now let's get you into something that won't have you called out for being human!" King said happily, dragging Raine upstairs.
After king found some clothes (literally just what they wear in the show) king ushered Raine out of the house and pointed to a nearly invisible outline of the castle.
"You go that way" king said.
Raine nodded, but they noticed how king fidgeted with his paws. Raine felt horrible at how king was so nervous.
"Your highness, would you mind if I ask you something?" Raine asked.
King nodded.
"Is there anything at the castle you'd like me to get? Apart from eda of course" Raine asked.
King indicated for Raine to lean down and Raine did. King whispered something in Raines ear. Raine smiled and nodded.
"I'll be back soon" Raine said.
"Hoot! Before you leave!" Hooty chucked a bottle with a golden liquid inside. "It's edas elixir, give it to her when you find her!"
Raine nodded once again and turned to leave, but before they could walk away the felt a small amount of weight against their leg. They looked down and found king hiding his head in their calf.
"Please bring eda back, you-your king demands it" king said, tears running down his face. "If that woman or the Emperor find her, she's done for"
"I promise king, and that woman is not going to love long enough to touch eda" Raine said. "Besides, I'm at edas service"
They then left, leaving a dumbfounded demon looking at them.
"That woman forgot about her weakness, unlucky for her that I didn't" Raine muttered.

I know this is short but life gets in the way sometimes, suck it up

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