what happened to Rainbow?

"Uhhhhh what time is it," Rainbow Dash asked herself half awake "OH NO,no no no no no NO! It's 12:00 pm i'm gonna miss Fluttershy's baby shower!" Rainbow jumped out of her cloud bed. She grabbed her gift, and flew straight out the window. Rainbow headed straight to sugar cube corner.

"Finally your here Rainbow," Twilight said with relief.

"Hee hee sorry girls," rainbow replied

"Well but the box down and get over here" applejack said quietly. Fluttershy walked in slowly with her husband discord.

"SURPRISE, AND CONGRATS" everyone yelled.

"Thank you everypony" Fluttershy said a little embarrassed. They had fun especially Rainbow dash. (since fluttershy is her best friend) until she *zero to run to the bathroom and puke. She felt like she just swallowed a Porkipin and spit it back out again.

20 minutes later fluttershy came up to the door "you ok dashie you've been in there for 20 minutes" Fluttershy asked considered about her oldest and most loyal friend.

"Ya I'm fine fluttershy" Rainbow said feeling a little better. When the shower was over rainbow had been in and out of the bathroom puking her guts out, and every time she did fluttershy would come to the door and see if she was ok. Rainbow oddly started to walk back to her cloud house instead of flying. Fluttershy knew something was wrong with rainbow. Yet rainbow was hoping it was just food poisoning and not the flu, or something worse.

A while after the shower Rainbow had ran to a bush near the edge of Pony-vill so no pony would be watching her. "Ugh," Rainbow said a little nauseous "why me I have to go to wonder bolt training tomorrow and I can't go if i'm puking my guts out."

"Hiya rainbow what ya up to!?" Pinkie pie exclaimed.

"Oh nothing pinkie just uh watering the bush," Rainbow said with a grin.

"Okie dokie lokie," Pinkie said a little suspicious. Pinkie hopped back to sugar cube corner. Rainbow sighed, she was still too tired to fly so she walked to twilight's since Apple Jack has her farm, fluttershy is with discord, rarity had the boutique, and pinkie is just plain crazy.

Rainbow knocked on twilight's door. Spike a little baby dragon answered the door "who is it spike?" Twilight yelled from the other room.

"It's rainbow dash" Spike yelled back.

"Rainbows here, at the door?" Twilight replied coming down the stairs.

"Ya so, " Rainbow replied

"You normally go threw a window or the ceiling. "Twilight said considered

"I don't always," Rainbow almost yelling back.both ponies looked at each other very hard.

"I'm going to uhh clean the uhh aqwindows yes the windows of the uhh bedroom yes the bedroom. " Spike hesitated as he left the room.

"Look rainbow you aren't acting like yourself has something been bothering you? " Twilight asked.

"No!" Rainbow screamed twilight looked at her hard again. " Alright alright, Yes actually you know at fluttershy's baby shower how I puked in the bathroom" Rainbow said.

"Ya, " Twilight replied.

"Well for the past I don't know 8 hours I've been puking my guts out, and I'm too weak to fly so I was wondering if I could stay here for a bit? " Rainbow continued


"Thank you"

"On one condition"


"Your going to the doctors"


-The next morning-

Rainbow was awoken by Twilight "time to go. "

"Do I have to I was up all night" Rainbow said half awake.

"Yes" Twilight said up like she had a million energy drinks.

"Ok just let me get my sweat shirt." Rainbow said still half asleep. They went to Dr. Hove's clinic.

When they got to the clinic they waited an hour, nurse.Raindrop said "Mrs. Rainbow dash" All the ponies looked and stared at rainbow like they've never seen her in the clinic before. she had been there at least one time a year.

"Tell me what they say, " Twilight said softly. Rainbow went to the back and saw Dr. Ram-hovels in his office waiting for Rainbow dash.

"Hi Mrs. Dash, I heard from your friend twilight that you've been puking for the last 36 hours. Is that true?" Dr. Ram-hovels asked.

"Sadly yes" Rainbow replied with a frown.

"Ok I'm going to run some tests if that's ok with you."Dr.Ram-hovels asked.

" Sure I just want to know why I'm puking."

"Ok then let's start know. " First he did a full check up. Then he did a blood test. Last a pregnancy test. Nothing showed up for the first two tests but... "congratulations your having a foal! "

Rainbow gasped "wait what! Who's the father! "

"Well see when the foal or filly is born, " Dr. Ram-hovels said calmly.

"Ok" She said a little lost, happyish, and most of all scared.

Back in the waiting room twilight asked "so what happened!"

"Not here let's go back to your house" Rainbow said not wanting all the other ponies to hear.

-Back at twilight's-

"now will you tell me, " Twilight asked. Rainbow opened her mouth but was interrupted by Twilight who said, "before you say it Spike's not here, now tell me! "

"Ok I hate telling this so much." Rainbow started.

"Just Tell Me! " Twilight said excitedly.

"Ok ok, so the Dr said that I was I was...pregnant."Rainbow said lost.

Twilight gasped " Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!"she scream

"Don't tell anypony not even spike got it" Rainbow said. Twilight nodded. "Good." There was a pause "so can I stay here he said I'm not allowed to fly?"

"Sure" Twilight said.

"Oh ya" Rainbow yelled about to fly. "Opps" She giggled. They both started to laugh since it's Hisss-starical(get it since oh never mind)

-a few days later-

"I'll see ya later twilight" Rainbow yelled since she has to go for monthly check ups for the baby foal or filly.

"Ah Mrs.Dash happy to see you again." Dr.Ram-hooves said as rainbow dash entered the room.

"Hi Dr.Ram-hooves." Rainbow dash said back. They just do a check up to make sure the baby is ok."thanks doc!" Rainbow dash said leaving.

Rainbow dash had told spirit fire about her pregnancy so she had gotten a year and a half off which rainbow hated not being able to fly since she just became a wonder bolt. When she could she still went to help with the shows yet she only worked ground control.

Rainbow started to moan. "You ok dash?" Twilight asked?

"Ya, why?" Rainbow asked back. It's been about sevenish months now.

"Oh you were just moaning so I thought something was wrong." Twilight said back. "Oh I forgot fluttershy and rarity are coming over they haven't seen you since the shower. They're very concerned." Twilight Continued.

"Ok cool," Rainbow said thinking "no no no no no no no I can't let them find out."

"Rainbow you ok?" Twilight asked again.

"Ya I think I'm just going to lay down I feeling a little queasy."Rainbow dash replied heading into the guest room.

On her why into the room she passed out from being to weak she usually would fly to build up strength to walk but she isn't allowed to fly. Twilight levitated rainbow dash into the air and teleported to the hospital spike had followed her.

"HELP HELP!" Twilight screamed running as fast as she could into the entrances "HELP!" She yelled again.

"Mrs What's wrong" A nurse said.

"My friend Rainbow Dash she was heading into a room, and fell over and and and! " Twilight said so nervous for her friend she forgot what princess cadence told her. Yet spike stayed quiet the whole time.

"Mrs here put her here." The nurse replied a little bit calm. Twilight lowered her friend onto the bed. "Attention all available nurses and
Dr. Ram-hooves report to room B13
repeat B13." The nurse said threw the speaker. "Mrs come with me, you too little dragon." Twilight and spike simply nodded their heads. They pushed the bed to room B13 as quick as they could. Rainbow was still unconscious, and didn't know what was happening to her.

When they got there they pushed her into the space where the bed goes. Dr.Ram-hooves put a breathing mask on rainbow dash. She was now breathing better. "Mrs do you know any information that we need to know," One of the three nurses asked.

"All I know is that she was carrying a baby foal or filly. " Twilight blurted out.

"Great to know, " That nurse said back.

-A little bit later-

Spike had gone to sugar cube corner where he found the other four. "Girls. Come. To. The. Hosp-ital. Now!" Spike stuttered.

"WHY! Is something wrong with twilight!"Rarity yelled.

"Rainbow dash is in the hospital come NOW!" Spike yelled back. They ran to the hospital.

"Hello what are you for?" A nurse asked.

"We're here for Rainbow dash," Pinkie pie excalemed.

"B13" The nurse said she didn't really care. They went to the room, and saw twilight next to the bed.

"Girls you're finally here! Rainbow passed out she has been very weak for the past several months and she just collapsed me and spike just came here and spike got you, and here you are." Twilight said.

-A few hours later-

Rainbow dash started to blinked her eyes open and saw everyone asleep except fluttershy who was standing right next to the bed. "Dashie you ok?"

"Ya, uh where are we?" Rainbow said.

"You passed out in twilight's house, and she brought you here to the hospital," Fluttershy responded.

"Oh!" Rainbow replied she drifted back to sleep. The next day Rainbow awoken again from her sleep around five o'clock. This time all of her friends we're standing there not just fluttershy. "Wha what happened?" Rainbow asked again.

"Your in the hospital sugar cube," Applejack replied.

"You passed out at twilight's, and then again last night around ten." Fluttershy continued.

"Ya, and me, rarity, applejack, and fluttershy came to see you. After spike got us!" Pinkie pie exclaimed.

"Oh," Rainbow Dash said still confused, "All I remember is me walking into a room, and then I fell and then now."

They had taken the mask off an hour ago. Rainbow tried to grab her water yet she just couldn't, she was very weak and could barely sit up.

"Your very weak darling you just need some rest," Rarity said calmly.

"I Already hate this I can't even get water" Rainbow blurted out.

"You need help Dash?" Applejack asked.

"No it's fine, " Rainbow replied.

"Ok ," Applejack said still cosurned.

"So did they tell you why you were puking?" Fluttershy asked.

"Uhhh you tell um twilight," Rainbow said feeling a little bit embarrassed.

"Fine, so to but this simply rainbow was to weak to fly so she stayed with me, I made her see the doctor and we went back to my house, and she said he said she was going to have a foal or filly. " Twilight said. The four were shocked they looked at twilight then rainbow, and back again.

"So let me get this straight you are pregnant, and you didn't tell us why?!" Applejack asked rainbow.

"I was embarrassed to tell anypony," Rainbow admitted.

"Ohhhhhhh!" Everypony replied.

"Whos the daddy!?" Pinkie exclaimed

"I don't know, they said they said they will tell me a few weeks after the filly or goal is born," Rainbow explained.

"So how long have you two been pregnant?" Rarity asked.

"About 8" Fluttershy said.

"7 maybe, " Rainbow said. "Wait how long was I asleep before ten pm last night?"Rainbow asked.

" About since nine maybe ten am," Twilight answered.

"Woah," Rainbow said starting to think about what she missed.

"I have to go feel better rainbow!" Fluttershy said having to leave quickly.

"Figures that the most motherly and the least motherly ponies are having foals first." Applejack said.

"Hey!" Rainbow yelled, "But it's true." They all laugh. A few hours later the girls left spike had ran out to get rainbow some daring do adventure books. Within the next few days rainbow dash was released but she was stronger by now but still wasn't allowed to fly.

-A bit later-

Rainbow was at eight months pregnant fluttershy was nine. It was almost time for fluttershy to have the foal. "I can't believe it's been nine months!" Fluttershy said.

"I can't believe that too!" Rainbow said, "I also can't believe that were here in fall wearing sweatshirts that are way to big."

They both laughed. "Me either," Fluttershy giggled. Fluttershy got quite.

"You ok shy?" Rainbow asked as they walked slowly down the street.

"Ya I just felt discord," Fluttershy answered.

"You can feel when he comes?" Rainbow asked.

"Ya I mean I've been with him for five years now I just get it," Fluttershy said.

"You get it?"

"Ya and 3, 2, 1 and," Fluttershy counted.

"Hello wifey wife!" Discord said appearing out of thin air.

"AH!" Rainbow squealed crouching down since she couldn't fly. "DISCORD!" Rainbow dash yelled.

"You ok dashie?" fluttershy asked

"DASHIE bah ha ha ha," Discord laughed.

Fluttershy gave him a look.

"Ya except mr.lord of chaos over there keeps jumping out of nowhere!" Rainbow almost yelled.

"Woah is me I'm sorry Mrs. Soon to be mommy that I've been startling you, " Discord chuckled. Rainbow's face became red, and she got really mad.

"Why I auta," Rainbow said mad, "LET ME AT HIM, LET ME AT HIM!"

"You too better stop!" Fluttershy yelled, as they calmed down, "now apologize."

"Sorry," They both said.

"Now thank you it's getting late we can walk you back to twilight's if you want us to?" Fluttershy questioned.

"No I'll be good by myself now thanks though," Rainbow said as started to walk back to twilight's, "bye guys."

When they rainbow haired Pegasus got there she opened the door slowly to not disturb the kind hosts of the house and snuck into her temporary room. Got into the bed, and fell asleep.

-The next week around 4:00 am-

"Dash Dash wake up!" Spike said "Fluttershy is going to have the foal."

"What!" Rainbow yelled in surprise.

"Ya Come on!" Spike said happily.

"Ok," Rainbow Dash said grabbing her green hoodie. "Let's go." They left running into the pony ville hospital. They ran over to the counter "We're here for Fluttershy!" Rainbow said a little out of breath.

"Wait with that alicorn, and weird chaotic thing over there," The nurse said with no emotion. Dash and spike walked over to them.

"Dash your here!" Twilight said standing up, "spike go tell rarity, pinkie, and applejack to come," Spike gave a little salute, and flew out super fast.

"Why don't you call her Dashie," Discord said with a chuckle. Rainbow just rolled her eyes.

"Hi discord," Rainbow said sarcastically, "And thanks for telling everyone here my nickname."

"Your welcome Ms.Dash," Discord said with a kingly bow.

The two mares just rolled there eyes. "So are we allowed to go back?" Rainbow asked.

"Ya I was just going to wait for everyone." Twilight answered as the others came in.

"Hello twilight, " Applejack said, "Nice to see your ok dash."

"Hi girls!" Rainbow said.

"OMG you know who's next right!" Pinkie exclaimed. Rainbow just giggled.

"Let's head into the back," Twilight said. They walked back to the closest waiting room to fluttershy. All of her friends head into the room.

"Hi girls." Fluttershy said

"You ok shy?" Rainbow asked.

"Ya," Fluttershy said, "why?"

"Just wondering," Rainbow answered. The room grew quiet.

"Ahhh he," Fluttershy moaned, "ouch that hurt,"

"You ok wifey?" Discord asked walking over to the bed.

"The baby is coming NOW!" Fluttershy screamed. All of them except Rainbow Dash, and Discord went to get the doctor. Discord was just pacing back and forth, while rainbow was trying to calm fluttershy down (It usually is the opposite). The others ran in behind the doctor.

"Thank you all now we will be good from here," The doctor said. They all left.

They heard some screams from the room. "I sure hope that mine isn't that painful," Rainbow said considered for not just her friend but also herself too. When the screaming stopped, and heard crying they all just stood up and as the doctors came out they were allowed in.

"Wow she's so beautiful!" Rarity said looking at the little half pony, and half well discord.

"What I heard from the other room sugar cube," Applejack said, "you did awesome!"

"What are you gonna name her?" Twilight asked.

"Lily rose," Fluttershy said looking down at her little filly.

-The next month-

"Happy Happy happy monthiversary to you today now blow out your candles, and make a wish. " Pinkie pie sang.

Little lily rose didn't get it. The cakes kids were now the CMCs age and. The CMCs were now teens.

"Rainbow!" Scootaloo yelled as her and the other CMCs came running into sugar cube corner, "Is it true?"

"Is what true squirt?" Rainbow asked.

"That your having a filly!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Where did you hear that? " Rainbow asked.

"Well," Scootaloo said sitting down, "apple bloom heard from applejack and sweetie belle heard from rarity that you were going to be having a baby."

"Well is that true," Rainbow said looking at rarity and applejack, "And yes squirt it is true." Rainbow continued giving scootaloo a wing hug. Scootaloo gave the hug back.

"YAY! Wait does that mean I'm going to be an aunt or will I be like a big sister," Scootaloo asked. Everypony laughed. Scootaloo looked confused, and then just laughed.

-a few hours later-

"Ouch!" Rainbow said in a little pain.

"You ok dash?" Twilight asked. They were back at twilight's.

"Ya why?" Rainbow asked back.

"You just said ouch that is never something good when you nine months pregnant, " Twilight replied, "plus your just reading." She continued as she finished writing a letter to cadence.

"Ya I know I do it a lot but," Rainbow stopped.

"But what?" Twilight asked.

"But... Never mind you were right," Rainbow admitted.

"Wow you never admit you're wrong not other even other world dash would admit it," Twilight said.

"Ya well I guess since I'm going to have a child has changed me," Rainbow replied putting her very messy hair into a ponytail.

"Ya definitely," Twilight mumbled.

"I'm going to go get some fresh air," Rainbow dash excused.

"Ok," Twilight said barely paying attention, "spike put that over there! No over there." Rainbow walked outside looked back, and walked to fluttershy's cottage.

-at fluttershy's cottage-

*knock knock* fluttershy heard at the door. "Coming," fluttershy said putting lily down. She opened the door and said, "Dashie! Good to see you, is everything okay?"

"Ya shy I just needed some advice," Rainbow Dash said.

"Wow the most awesome pony in equestria asking for my advice." Fluttershy said with a smirk.

"That's it in going to see Applejack," Rainbow said turning around.

"Wait!" Fluttershy yelled, "don't leave! You want to help me with lily rose she quite a handful with some discord in her."

"Why not," Rainbow said walking back to fluttershy. They went into the house and saw angel bunny had turned into a half bunny half turtle. "Uhhhhh," Rainbow Dash said in shock, "does this happen a lot,"

"Ya," Fluttershy said it really does happen a lot, "DISCORD!" Fluttershy yelled. Discord appeared out of thin air.

"Hello ladies," Discord announced.

"AHHH," Rainbow yelled while crouching down in surprise, "STOP THAT!"

Fluttershy flew up to his level, "Disord what did we talk about," Fluttershy said giving him the stink eye.

"Not to pop out of thin air," He mumbled.

"What was that?" Fluttershy said to discord.

"Not to pop out of thin air," He said loud and clear.

"Thank you discord," Fluttershy said flying down. Discord rolled his eyes. "You ok dashie?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ya," Rainbow replied thinking "wow this really has changed me!"

"Why do you call her dashie again hun? " Discord asked.

"Well," Fluttershy started "when we were in flight school her mom called her dashie," Rainbow teared up at the sound of mom.

"I'm going to go cya shy" Rainbow said leaving before her friends saw her tears.

"Bye dashie!" Fluttershy yelled. Fluttershy continued her story "well I called her that even after," Fluttershy trailed off and started to tear up too and getting why her friend left. "I'll be right back."

Fluttershy ran after her rainbow haired friend. Rainbow started to run too. Rainbow dash started to run back to twilight's. "DASH!" Fluttershy yelled while flying,"dashie I'm sorry I should have asked you first." Fluttershy said to rainbow while landing next to her.

"It's ok shy," Rainbow said about to cry. "It never bothered me before but I guess this really changed me."

"What changed you?" Fluttershy asked.

"I've been acting weird since I was in the hospital," Rainbow said crying a bit, "then I don't know I I I just don't know shy."

"It's ok not to know now let's go back to twilight's," Fluttershy said putting her hoof around her friend. They walked to twilight's talking about life and there foal hood.

"Rainbow!" Twilight yelled running out of the casel, "I knew you left but I didn't know where and I so so so so happy your here!"

"Well I'm back you know I'm not a foal twi, " Rainbow dash replied.

"I know but I was worried you were gone for a few hours!" Twilight replied.

"Bye dash cya later twi! " Fluttershy said walking back to her cottage.

"Bye shy!" Rainbow yelled back. The ponies trotted in the casel. When they went in Rainbow said "I'm going to go read."

"Ok dash, " Twilight replied. They trotted to two different rooms.

-an hour later-

"Dash DASH?" Spike yelled walking around the casel,

"Spike go get twilight now!" Rainbow yelled at spike.

"ok," Spike said giving a salute, "TWILIGHT!" Spike said flying into the library.

"What is it spike?!" Twilight replied calmly.

"Rainbow told me to get you!" Spike yelled.

"Oh no," Twilight said running into where rainbow was, "everything ok dash!"

"No I need to go to the hospital now!" Rainbow screamed like she was in pain.

"Ok," Twilight picked rainbow dash up with her magic, "spike go get the others I'll meet you at the hospital."

Spike gave a little salute and flew away. Twilight teleported out front of the hospital then letting her friend down from the air. Rainbow fell on to the ground then got up very weakly they walked in rainbow leaning against twilight. When they got in twilight grabbed a wheelchair twilight picked rainbow up (with her magic) and put her in the chair.

"Hello miss what can I do for you?" The nurse at the front desk asked.

"She's going to have a foal!" Twilight yelled a little nervous.

"Come," The nurse said calmly. Twilight pushed rainbow to the same room as when she was last there. "We'll put her on the bed and hook her up to the IV's you can go wait for your friends."

"Thank you nurse," Twilight said giving a nod. Twilight left and heard "nurse.raindrops come to room B13 I repeat B13."

-10 minutes later-

Spike, and the others came in. "Girls your here rainbow is in the back she was in pain and told me to bring her here," Twilight said.

"Rainbow knows when she needs help even if she's embarrassed to ask," Fluttershy said.

"Ya she dose," Applejack replied, "hey we waiting for anypony else?" Applejack asked.

"Nope let's go on back," Twilight replied. The five mares headed back to the room.

-hospital room B13-

"Hi darling, " Rarity said.

"How you feels dashie?" Fluttershy asked.

"Good thanks." Rainbow answered, "hi girls."

"Wow I can't believe it's finally time!" Pinkie pie excalemed.

"Wow ya I can't believe it either pinkie," Rainbow answered. "Ouch!"

"You ok dashie?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ya shy," Rainbow replied.

"Rainbow Rainbow!" A familiar voice yelled.

"Scootaloo stop!" Another voice yelled.

"Sweetie belle?" Rarity said.

"We can't go in yet scootaloo!" Another voice yelled.

"Apple bloom?" Applejack said.

"I don't care apple bloom!" The first voice yelled.

"And scootaloo," Rainbow said as the CMCs came running in (mostly scootaloo).

"RAINBOW are you Really?" Scootaloo yelled while jumping up and down.

"Woah calm down squirt," Rainbow said. Scootaloo stopped jumping.

"We told her to stop!" Sweetie Belle said.

"But she wouldn't listen," Apple bloom finished.

"How about you girls go sit in the waiting room with spike you girls aren't old enough to get it yet ok." Twilight said to the fillys.

"You can come when we say you can, ok?" Rarity said.

"Ok," They said sadly. The CMCs left.

"Ouch!" Rainbow yelled.

"You ok rainbow?" Applejack asked.

"Ow! It's coming!" Rainbow screamed. All the girls left except fluttershy to get the doctor. Fluttershy calmed rainbow down like she did for her.

The doctors ran in,"thanks ladies you can leave.

"I'm staying dash needs me," Shy said staying next to dash.

Dash was able to whisper too shy "thank you." The other girls left.

"How come fluttershy gets to stay in there?" Scootaloo asked.

"Scootaloo I promise you if you were older rainbow would love to have you in there with her," Applejack said to scootaloo, "but your just too young."

"Ok, " Scootaloo said sadly.

They heard some screams from rainbow, and fluttershy saying "your doing great dashie," A few times.

"Wow rainbow was right it probably does hurt more than it sounds," Pinkie said. Everypony looked at her. "What?"

They heard a filly cry and the doctors came out and said "you can go in ladies."

All the girls walked in fluttershy was still next to rainbow. Rainbow was holding a light blue filly with a rainbow and white main.

"You did awesome rainbow!" Rarity said. Every pony agreed.

"Thank you girls," Rainbow replied.

"I think some pony is wanting to come in," Twilight said.

"They can come in now," Rainbow said smiling. The CMCs trotted in.

"What you gonna name the little cutie?" Fluttershy Asked.

"I don't know,I really never thought of a name," Rainbow replied, "how about Cumulus, Cumulus Cloud."

"I like it but we'd better get back to the farm, cya dash congrats?" Applejack said.

"Me too dashie I can't leave discord with lily for too long." Fluttershy said.

"Us too I have photo finish coming later and I have to get ready." Rarity said.

"Oh no! Mrs. Cake needs me to watch the twins cya dash!" Pinkie said. They all left.

"I'm going to go get you something to eat dash ok." Twilight said.

"Ok Twi," Rainbow said. Twilight and spike left. "Scoot get over here," Rainbow said to scootaloo.

"Ya rainbow," Scootaloo said smiling. Rainbow moved over and patted the bed. Scootaloo jumped up on the bed.

"So scootaloo I heard you live in an orphanage,"Rainbow said.

"Ya so," Scootaloo replied sadly, " You wouldn't get in."

"Actually I lived in one since I was your age my father didn't have enough money to support me after... " Rainbow trailed off starting to tear up.

"After what?" Scootaloo asked.

Rainbow knew that she had to tell her, "After my mother died when I was just a filly." Rainbow continued while crying. Scootaloo gave her a hug. Rainbow looked at scootaloo then her newborn filly that was sound asleep.
Scootaloo let go. "As soon as I can I'm going to adopt you kid your gonna have a real home with me ok would you like that?"

"I would love that," Scootaloo answered.

-3 days later-

"Scootaloo you didn't have to come all three days you know," Rainbow said.

"I know but I wanted to see you, and Cumulus," Scootaloo answered as they walked to twilight's. Cumulus was in a foal carrier.

"Ya but still not even twilight and fluttershy came all three days," Rainbow said back, "well were here squirt you should go find your friends there probably worried about you."

"Ok rainbow!" Scootaloo replied, "can I tell them you are adopting me?"

"Ya now Skadatel squirt," Rainbow said

"Bye dash," Scootaloo said giving rainbow a hug then started to run to the farm.

"Dash you should have told me you were being discharged today," Twilight said coming out of her casel.

"Don't worry twi scootaloo came again today," Rainbow replied

"She went all three days didn't she?" Twilight asked.

"Ya she did," Rainbow replied giving a slight smile. Cumulus started to cry. "Cue it's ok," Rainbow said taking the bag off and taking cumulus out to hold her. The baby pegasus Immediately calmed down and fell asleep.

"Wow I know your her mother but she really loves you," Twilight said picking up the carrier.

"I just can't believe it wasn't a dream at first I seriously thought it was a dream now I have this little cutie," Rainbow said just thinking about her experience of this pregnancy. She looked at her little filly that had just fell asleep.

"So dash how long will you be staying for now since I mean you had the foal?" Twilight asked as they walked into casel.

"The doctor said before we left that I shouldn't fly for a few weeks to let myself heal fully fluttershy had to do the same," Rainbow responded.

"Ok," Twilight said, "dash did they ever tell you why you can't fly?" The girls walked into the library.

"Sorta they just said that when you are pregnant it could increase the chances of the filly or foal, to have a disability," Rainbow replied, "and before or after giving birth the mom or I could be seriously hurt from flying."

"Oh," Twilight replied, "I wouldn't have asked if I had a book on it." The girls sat down at the table. Cumulus opened her eyes and giggled.

"Well look who's up," Rainbow said to her little filly.

"Does she cry a lot dash?" Twilight askes.

"No actually she's only cried when she's hungry or wants me or scoot to hold her or when she's in pain," Rainbow replied to the question.

"Wow this is the perfect child for you she's quiet, she's has a rainbow main, and she loves you so much,"Twilight said.

Rainbow looked at her daughter's eyes, "woah her eyes are faded almost grey!" Rainbow said surprised.

"Let me see," Twilight said as she got up, "your right dash her eyes are greyish pink!"

"She didn't open her eyes ever when the doctors were in the room," Rainbow said.

"You should take her to a pediatrician," Twilight suggested.

"I'll take her tomorrow twi," rainbow said now worried about her three day old filly.

-The next day-

"You need me to come with you dash?" Twilight asked.

"If you want," Rainbow said putting cumulus into her foal carrier.

"Do you want me to come?" Twilight asked putting the foal carrier on rainbows back.

"Sure twilight," Rainbow answered with a smile. They left the casel. When they got there they checked cumulus at the front desk.

"Go choose a seat," The nurse said in a babyish voice.

"Thank you mam," Twilight said as she thanked the nurse. They found two seats to wait in.

-a few minutes later-

"Cumulus," The nurse called out. Rainbow and twilight got up twilight put the carrier on rainbow's back then they walked into the back to meet the doctor.

"Hi Mrs.dash I am here to check up on your filly,"the doctor said walking into the room.

"Hi Dr.doormat," Rainbow said with a little chuckle.(I guess she didn't change that much.)

"May I see cumulus Mrs.Dash?" Dr.Doormat asked.

"Ya," Rainbow replied. Twilight took the Carrier off rainbow's back and gave cumulus to the doctor.

Cumulus started to cry. (Guess she wanted rainbow.) "shhh shhhh it's ok," the nurse said sitting cumulus on to the doctors bed. Cumulus looked at the nurse still with some tears in her eyes. "Her eyes are grey I'm going to do a few tests," The doctor said,"if it's ok with the mother."

"Will it hurt her?" Rainbow Dash asked feeling a little worried.

"No just a blood test and a few different eye tests," The doctor replied.

"Ok it's fine with me," Rainbow answered.

"I'll need you both to leave the room for the eye tests," Dr.doormat said.

"Ok Dr.doormat," Twilight nodded. Twilight left the room yet still waited for rainbow. Rainbow looked at Twilight then her little filly, she walked over to the table gave her a kiss on the head then left the room with her friend.

-a half hour later-

"It's been a half hour twi and they still haven't come out with cue!" Rainbow almost screamed.

"Let's go take a little walk outside dash," Twilight suggested.

"Fine," Rainbow muttered. They walked out for a few minutes then went back inside,"twilight you we're right fresh air did help me calm down.

"Look dash being a mom will be Hard but I know you will do it,"Twilight encouraged, as they went inside and sat back down.

"Thanks twi," Rainbow replied, "I still just can't believe that I was pregnant and had a little filly. "

"Mrs.dash come to the front desk," The intercom announced.

"I'll be right back twi," Rainbow told twilight. Rainbow got up and walked around the corner of the room.

"Hi Mrs.Dash your cumulus is in the back waiting for you," The front desk pony said.

"Ok," Rainbow said as she thought, "I hope she's alright," Rainbow trotted back to the room they were in before.

"Oh Mrs.dash I have good news and bad news for you," The doctor said, "the good news is I know who the father is, the bad news is that cumulus is blind,"

"She's blind!" Rainbow almost screamed, "who's the father?"

"The father is some wonder bolt named," The doctor looks at her clipboard, "soran ace."

"Of course I should have known it would have been soran," Rainbow said like she was stupid,"thank you so much Dr.doormat." Rainbow put cumulus in the carrier that had been left on the floor, and put it on her back.

Rainbow joined twilight in the waiting room. Rainbow had a few tears but wasn't sad she was surprised that cumulus was blind, and angry at soran for making her pregnant. "Rainbow you ok!" a purple and pink alicorn said trottin up to her.

"Sorta twi," Rainbow said shedding a few tears.

"Dash you wanna tell me?" Twilight asked as they walked slowly towards the door.

"I'll tell you," Rainbow started, "once I figured it out myself."

They walked out of the doctors office. On the way back to twilight's castle rainbow thought,"why soran why the only stallion I like!"

"Dash you haven't said a word about what happened," Rainbow heard under her thoughts,"Rainbow, Rainbow?" Rainbow released that it was coming from her friend twilight.

"What?" Rainbow said jumping out of her thoughts.

"Rainbow are you ok,"Twilight said as she stopped walking.

"Ya twi just caught in a thought," Rainbow replied. Cumulus started to giggle at Pinkie pie who they didn't know had shown up. Pinkie was making funny faces at cumulus, "hi pinkie," Rainbow said to pinkie.

"Hi dash! I saw you twilight and cue so I thought I would entertain cumulus while you were talking!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"You wanna come hang out for a bit pinkie?" Twilight asked.

"Sure!" Pinkie replied and started to hop towards the castle. On the way pinkie asked a billion questions like, "rainbow why do you pegusi make the clouds white?"

Every time she would ask rainbow would replied with,"I don't know pinkie."

When they finally got to the castle and went inside, cumulus started to cry. "Cue whats wrong?" Rainbow asked cue in a sweet tone voice. The Carrier was suddenly lifted off of rainbow's back and put on the floor. Rainbow took cumulus out of the carrier and rocked cumulus in her hooves. The crying stopped for a minute then it happened again, "twi I'm going to put cue down for a nap," Rainbow told twilight.

"Ok dash I'll go see where pinkie went," Twilight answered. Rainbow suddenly noticed that pinkie was gone from the room.

With her crying filly rainbow walked to her temporary room in twilight's castle. Rainbow looked around seeing if anypony was watching her then she started to hum,

You'll be in my heart
Oh yes you will be in my heart
Just take my hoof And hold it tight
I will protect you from now on
Cause You will be in my heart
Oh yes you will be in my heart
Always "always"

Rainbow sang the song for her little filly, rainbow held the filly so calmly and softly, the door creaked open, a purple alicorn peeked in smiling. Rainbow put cumulus in her cradle. Rainbow walked out of the room, "how much did you hear?" Rainbow asked with a sigh.

"Enough to know you really love that filly," Twilight replied, "now will you tell me what cumulus' doctor said?" Twilight asked.

"Fine, but where's pinkie?" Rainbow asked.

"Making cupcakes," Twilight said, "now tell me what did she say?"

"That cue is-is, blind," Rainbow told twilight with one tear going down her face.

"I'm sorry rainbow," Twilight confurted rainbow.

"Also on the other hoof twi she told me who the father is." Rainbow continued.

"Who?" Twilight asked.

"I want to tell all of you girls at once because I've got some explaining to do." Rainbow answered.

-The next day in twilight's castle-

"Hi twilight is there a special occasion or something that we forget about?" Fluttershy asked twilight.

"Nope but rainbow has something she wants to tell us," Twilight said to them all, "she told me that she would meet us in the throne room throw."

They all trotted to the throne room Fluttershy had brought Lily with her to keep cumulus company. "So twilight is there anything that you know why she had us come here?" Applejack asked.

"She said that she wanted to tell us all at once," Twilight answered applejack as rainbow walked in the room with cumulus.

They were all sitting in there thrones she lowered cumulus down next to Lily. "Darling why did you ask us to come here?" Rarity asked.

"I wanted to tell you some good news and some bad news," Rainbow started.

"Good news first please!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"I'm actually gonna start out with the bad news pinkie cause the good news is gonna take me awhile to explain the good news," Rainbow said.

"Awwww," Pinkie said deflating like a balloon.

"Ok so yesterday me and twilight took cumulus to the doctors cause her eyes are greyish pink," Rainbow started, "she was diagnosed blind."

"That's so sad dashie," Fluttershy said. Everypony agreed.

"So what's the good news sugar cube?" Applejack asked.

"Well we all know discord is Lily's father but you don't know who cue's father is," Rainbow said,"and I just found out who it is."

"Rainbow that's amazing!" Twilight said clapping her hooves.

"Who is it dashie?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well that's the hard part," Rainbow started put got distracted by her daughter floating over to her on a pink cloud.

"Awww" Everypony said as the little pegusi opened her wings and floated down to her mom. Cumulus snuggled into rainbows Wing and fell asleep.

"Girls let's all focus now what did you say rainbow?" Twilight asked.

"Ok so as I was saying the father is actually somepony that I've known for a while now and we are actually have been dating since the last Grand Galloping Gala," Rainbow continued.

"The last Gala was ten months ago rainbow who I this stallion?" Applejack asked.

"Well he's part of the wonder bolts,"rainbow said started to day-dream then shook her head, "his name is soran skins you know the guy that's always next to spit fire."

"Him? The guy with the dark blue mane?" Rarity started.

"The guy with the lightning bolt cutie mark?" Twilight continued.

"The stallion that always buys my pie?" Applejack continued.

"The guy that 'broke' his wing at the equestria games?" Fluttershy continued.

"The guy that has green eyes?" Pinkie concluded. Everyone looked at pinkie, "what?"

"Yup that's him alright," Rainbow said blushing a bit.

"Wow rainbow are you too really an item?" Rarity asked.

"Yup I thought I would explain to you girls before some news ponies found out there always snooping around wonder bolt headquarters," Rainbow explained.

"You girls wanna come hang out at sugar cube corner?!" Pinkie asked all the ponies.

"Sure!", every pony said almost forgetting about rainbows relationship. They left for sugar cube corner.

-outside of sugar cube corner-

Cumulus was in her carrier, and Lily Rose was in hers. When they were outside every pony looked at rainbow weirdly like she wasn't supposed to have a filly or any foal.

From behind the girls heard some chit chat. Then, "RAINBOW DASH!"

Rainbow turned around and saw apple bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. The rest of the girls turned around and rainbow yelled, "I'll catch up!"

The CMCs ran up to rainbow, "rainbow is it true that you are gonna adopt scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle said.

Rainbow looked around at all the ponies staring, "come girls," Rainbow whispered to the CMCs. The CMCs followed rainbow dash into an Alleyway next to sugar cube corner, "yes I am gonna adopt scootaloo girls but the others don't know yet, so please don't tell them just yet," Rainbow told the CMCs.

"I won't," Sweetie Belle answered.

"Me either," Apple bloom answered.

"If you really don't want me to tell them won't, " Scootaloo answered.

"Thank you so much girls" Rainbow replied with a smile, "you wanna come hang out with us?"

The CMCs said back, "Sure!"

-sugar cube corner-

Rainbow dash, cue, and the CMCs walked in to sugar cube corner, (well cue rode in the foal carrier)

"There you are sugar cube I thought you ditched us!" Applejack said.

"I would never do that AJ," Rainbow replied.

Than pinkie pie popped up out of nowhere behind rainbow dash and screamed, "WHO WANTS CUPCAKES!"

Every pony screamed, "me!" And pinkie brought cupcakes, every pony but dash took one.

Cumulus and lily we're playing with the CMCs yet rainbow dash couldn't think why she has gone soft. She wasn't sad or alone but when she looked at her two fillys(adopted or not) she couldn't help but smile. "You ok dash I thought you loved cupcakes!" Twilight asked.

"I do twi," Rainbow said. "But I'm not hungry right now," Pinkie brought out a pie and dash backed away from the pie. "I think I'm gonna just stay back here."

"What who doesn't like pie!" Pinkie said putting a peace of pie in dashes face.

"I don't," Rainbow said with a frown and shaking her head.

"There's one pie you like!" Pinkie said putting the Pie down, "ME!" Every pony even the CMCs laughed and continued what they were doing.

-a few hours later-

All the girls except for the CMCs went back to twilight's castle. They went to the throne room, "so dash do you really hate pie?" Applejack asked.

"Yup" Rainbow replied. The two baby fillys got but on the ground to play in between fluttershy and rainbow dash.

The mane six were talking about who the other four liked,"twilight do you really like flash sentry!?" Rarity asked

Twilight started to blush, "maybe," They all laughed. They talked about cheese sandwich and pinkie pie, rarity and fancy Pants, caramel and AJ, and of course twilight and flash. They had been talking for about an hour.

They were interrupted by two adorable fillys, cumulus started flapping her wings and slowly flew to her mother, rainbow dash watched as her little not even a year old filly was flying. Lily made it ran chocolate on pinkie and flapped her mismatched wings and flew to her mother fluttershy. Cumulus snuggled in her mother's soft feathers and feel asleep, lily on the other hand was just making chocolate rain on pinkie pie witch was super funny. Every pony laughed except for rainbow she was looking at her own cutie sleep.

Pinkie stopped drinking the milk and asked, "you ok dashie?" And the cloud of milk disappeared, "oh MAN!"

Rainbow blinked out of her transe and replied, "ya pinks," She sighed and rubbed her hoof on her daughters mane and cumulus snuggled closer to her mother's fur.

"Darling please tell us what's wrong, " Rarity said.

"I'm fine" Rainbow said with another sigh.

Then applejack whispered to twilight. "Something is definitely wrong with dash she would have screamed at rarity or pinkie by now."

Rainbow sighed and smiled at her small filly she was worried about her. She stroked cue's mane thinking, "how am I going to teach her to fly or I know I shouldn't be thinking about this now but what if she gets bullied when she's older."

Then rainbow heard, "dash dash? Rainbow, RAINBOW DASH!"

Rainbow jumped and looked up, "what sorry I wasn't listening."

Twilight said, "we asked you were ok."

"Oh! I'm fine just thinking" Rainbow answered and saw her baby filly started to shiver. Rainbow folded her wing to cover cue as a blanket.

Fluttershy asked, "what are you thinking about?"

Rainbow replied with, "stuff."

Rarity asked, "what kind if stuff darling?"

Rainbow replied with, "stuff about cue."

Applejack interrupted, "well that's a start."

Twilight asked, "what kind of stuff about cumulus?"

Rainbow sighed, "well if I'm being completely honest, I'm actually scared, she my little filly and I don't want to see her get hurt." Rainbow cried a bit while saying that.

"Oh dashie I didn't know you were worried, to be honest I'm worried about lily she's part discord, but I'm gonna do the best I can to help her become herself and you should do the same for cue," Fluttershy encouraged.

Rainbow sighed, "ok I'll try not to worry."

Cumulus than woke up for a minute to feel the warmth of her mothers fur and gave a little yawn, and said, "mama," And fell back to sleep.

Rainbow was in shock, "did anypony else hear that?"

All the main six nodded they were in shock as well. all but pinkie she was already planning a party for her. "I guess I should ask discord about lily she hasn't said a word or even a letter."

The girls laughed and continued to chat for awhile.

An hour I'll or so later rainbow dash went to sleep in her temporary room. Cumulus had fallen asleep in rainbow wing she left her in her wing until they got to there room. Rainbow but cue in her cradle and she was still asleep. Then rainbow climbed into bed and fell asleep.

Rainbow woke up when she heard a crash. She jumped out of bed and raced to the sound.

"DERPY!" She screamed. Then twilight came running.

"What is going on here" Twilight screamed.

Derpy got up and took out a letter and handed it to rainbow. Derpy saluted and flew away, "it says urgent so that's why they gave it to me at three A.M, " She opened the letter up and it read, 'dear, rainbow dash, please meet me at the center of ponyville at 7 AM, soarin' "what?" Rainbow questioned.

"Maybe we should go get more sleep I just finished my work an hour ago," Twilight said with a yawn.

"Ya" Rainbow yawned and they both went back to sleep.

The next day rainbow went to the town hall or the center of the town. Before she got there she dropped cumulus off at fluttershys cause fluttershy wanted lily and her to become besties like there moms.

When rainbow did get there s he saw a very familiar face it was soarin. "Uhhhhh hi dash" He said.

"Hey clipper what do ya want now" Rainbow asked.

"I wanted too know what happened and why you weren't at HQ for nine and a half months?" He asked.

"Well I'll tell you," She said with a sigh, "so basically I got pregnant, and was staying with twilight for those nine and a half months, and when the filly was born I got told she was blind and you'll never guess who the father is." Rainbow said with a grin.

"Who" He asked.

"You" Rainbow said quick and simple.

"What the hay!" Soarin said.

"Ya ehhhhhh it turns out that she has some of your blood." She spilled, and he passed out, rainbow rolled her eyes, "real smooth soarin," She had been practicing to fly again when cumulus was napping and when she didn't have to do anything, rainbow put soarin on her back and started to flap her wings, and soon enough she was flying. When she landed at her destination (twilights castle) she snuck into her room and flopped him on the bed, "soarin!" She screamed, he jolted up.

"WHAT, oh sorry were are we?" He asked.

"My temporary room," She said.

"Oh," He said. After a bit soarin went home, he learned about his new daughter and was going to think about asking rainbow to marry him.

I'm going to just time skip a couple of months (5).

So here's the tea, fluttershy had gotten pregnant again, rarity had a fiance with fancy pants, AJ was secretly dating caramel and got pregnant, pinkie and cheese somehow got super close and are BF an GF, twilight and flash one of the guards are dating, and rainbow is about to get a fiance.

Soarin showed up at rainbows door and asked her to come with him, "hold on," She said leaving him at the cloud door, "ready" She said with cumulus in her foal carrier. They flew to a beautiful place outside of pony-ville.

Soarin flew down and dash followed, soarin got down on one knee (if that's what you call it) and asked rainbow, "you rainbow dash make me the happiest stallion alive and dead will you mar... " He was cut off.

"Yes soarin" Rainbow expressed happily, then they kissed.

Time skip a couple of years (6)

Now all of the main six were married, twilight and flash, pinkie and cheese, AJ and Carmel, fluttershy and discord (of course), rarity and fancy pants, and rainbow and soarin.

All of them also had at least one foal and the older ones were all in school, pinkie had an older daughter little cheese, and triplets blueberry, strawberry, and candy pie. Fluttershy had lily rose (of course) and twins mystery and calamity both were hibrids like discord and lily. Twilight had two daughters twins, velvet sentry and Nova star and novel was blind in one eye one eye was colored the other one was whiter then cues eyes. Rarity had an older daughter gem dazzle and a son, sky gleam. Applejack like her mother had three kids not triplets though a older daughter Apple Carmel, a middle son Carmel Jr, and the youngest daughter blossom apple. Lastly, rainbow she had cumulus (of course) and had adopted Scootaloo. But this takes place while she is at school.

"MOMMY MOMMY," Cumulus yelled flying down the stairs.

"Cue what did I tell you about flying in the house," Soarin said trotting passing by.

"Sorry daddy" Cue said landing on the ground.

Rainbow came into the room her hair was up in a ponytail she winked at cue, what did you wanna show me cue?" She asked.

"Mommy! I taught myself a new trick! Wanna see?" Cue said jumping up and down.

"Let's go outside so dad doesn't have a fit," Rainbow giggled.

"Ok" Cue said and sprinted outside, "ready mommy!" She screamed.

"Let's see this cue!" Rainbow said getting ready to see her daughter who's still blind do a trick. She loves to she her trying out new moves.

Cumulus started to flap her wings fast she got going and did a flip then went high... Really high then bolted down toward the ground... And she was about to do what her mother has done  hundreds of times. Rainbow flew off the cloud house she wanted to be close to her if something went wrong.

Cumulus was going at high speed and did a sonic rainboom!but hers was also more white in the edge like a cloud. Cumulus felt a cloud and started to slow down she almost hit the ground but she just landed on a small cloud, rainbow dash rushed down soarin heard the BOOM of the rainboom and flew down to his daughter and wife, cue was laying on the cloud in exughtion. But neither of them notice that she got her cutie mark. Soarin picked her up and but her on his back, "see I told you she was gonna get hurt," Soarin said as they flew back to the house in the sky.

"Look I know how that feels I did the exact same thing when I first did the sonic rainboom you were there remember you told me that you carried me back to mine and shys dorm room," Rainbow explained.

"Ya I know but she's blind! You aren't!" He screamed as they landed on the cloud.

"Alright alright just let's get her upstairs and in bed," Rainbow said  as she nudged soarin up the steps.

A few minutes later cue woke up and saw something for the very first time but everything was green and purple and black and white. she saw her room for the first time in her life, she jumped out of the bed and didn't wounder how she even got there. She saw the steps the hallway, and entry way, "MOMMY DADDY MOMMY DADDY!" She yelled.

The two Pegusi heard her and ran, "what is it cue are you ok?!" Rainbow said running to her.

"What happened hey look her eyes dear there a light pink like fluttershys hair?" Soarin asked.

"Your right soarin what happened cue?" Rainbow asked again.

"BETTER than ok I CAN SEE but it's all green and purple and black and white but I can see your faces!" Cue said jumping up and down.

"Wait you can actually see us?" Soarin asked.

"YES I'm not auntie AJ but you know I wouldn't lie," Cue said a little sarcastic.

"Soar we should go see if twi has any idea." Rainbow suggested soarin nodded, "cue you wanna go see auntie twilight velvet and nova?"

"YES especially I really want to see Nova!" She jumped exidedly. They all went outside and they all took off with cue I  the middle, she saw ponyville and the castle "wow I can't believe I can finally see this place!" Cue said in Amazment."

They knocked on the door, twilight opened it, "hi guys what brings you HeRe woah!" Cumulus has given twilight a hug, "hi cue," Twilight said.

Cue gigglef and ran in to find nova and velvet. "Uh twi there is something I need to tell you."

"What is it rainbow?" Twi asked.

"Well you see cue did her first sonic  rainboom It was awesome but a few minutes later she said she could see but everything was purple green white and black." Rainbow said.

"I think the rainboom made her vision get better, and that instead of not being able to see at all she can't see all colors so that means she is color blind." Twilight explained.

"Oh thx twi you guys wanna hang out for a bit give us some change to catch up?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure!" Twilight Said.


"NOVA!" Cue yelled,

"CUE" She heard back.

They ran right into each other, "nova is that you?" Cue asked.

"Ya it's me silly!" Nova said.

"Guess what!"

"What cue?"

"I can see you"

"Wait really!"

"Yes really!"

"Oh my celesta this is AWESOME!"

"I know right!"

"Cue look at you flank!" Nova said exidedly.

"What," She said then looked, "oh My CELESTA! I Got MY CUTIE MARK!"

"Hurry let's go show our parents" They both ran to find the, they reached the throne room.

"MOMMY!" Both girls yelled.

"Look mommy I got my cutie mark!" Cue yelled.

"WHAT!" Rainbow said.

"Look!" She turned to the side. Her cutie mark was a lighting bolt like her mothers but instead blue red and yellow it was light blue, pastel pink, and pastel yellow.

A few days later Scootaloo was so proud of her sister, and they had a party for her.

At the end I know we didn't see any other one of there kids but if you would like a part 2 leave in the comments below. Cya later check out Rainbows Life and MLP truth or dare and I'll see you later bye!

You don't have to watch the video it's just 2 hours of songs.

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