

From that day forward I decided to not give up. For that was something Sakura taught me. I just knew that deep inside she still loved me. Even though I heaven't seen her once from the day she left the mansion, I knew there must be a chance. I must show her how much she really always meant to me.

For the next days I did not leave the benches at the reception.
For another few nights I was sleeping alone in the king size bed feeling lonlier then ever. Naruto couldn't come over for he had a family on his own. A family that I so desperatly needed right now. I needed Sakura. I could not imagine the rest of my life without her. Without her my life did not make sense.

And so I was again on my morning walk to the hospital where I would spend the whole day. The nurses and doctors there already stared at me but I could not care less.

Since I started to sit here und do nothing I catched a few glimpses of my wife, each time my heart began to fasten, just to feel the big dissapointment whenever she just ignored my precense.

But today was my lucky day, so it seemed. I just spend 5 hours on the bench doing nothing as I saw her moving in my direction. Fast.

''What do you think you are doing?'' she asked with anger in her voice, but I could see right though her. But as I opened my mouth to speak she beat me:
''I constantly hear complains, my employees feel uncomfortable while you stare at them. So what do you want?'' she almost whisper yelled as she did not want to make a scene.

''You'' I anwsered bluntly, quietly, staring right into her eyes. She visibly flinched, did not expect such anwser. Looking away she sighed and spoke tiredly:
''What do you want me for? To clean your mansion all the time and make me wait for you again and again and again? You want me for the good reputation of the Uchiha clan because of my high status in Konoha? You should have said so before you asked me to marry you. Because I just wanted marriage for love.'' and even if she did not want to show it, I knew she was on the verge of tears.

''Sakura, you don't get it, I want..'' she did not let me finish as she almost screamed
''What?! What do you want Sasuke so badly to annoy me with it?'' she was desperate. But so was I.

''You. I want us to be a family, I want a baby just like Naruto's...'' again, she interrupted me:

''So that is what I am here for? Cleaning your mansion AND being your personal whore?'' her eyes were so full of raw pain, as they pierced stright through me. I did not know what to say. Why did she see it that way? Why? Is there a way to fix the damage done now?

''No.'' I stated simply nd fast, so that she would not interrupt me, ''You are not.'' I took a deep breath, for now I had to give up my Uchiha pride. My pride, last name, nothing was as important for me, as for her to see, what she meant to me. I feld humilated and vulnerable as all the people in this hospital bore their eyes on us.
''You are not an Uchiha for cleaning nor for having sex nor for baring babies.'' I spoke slow looking directly at her, seeing her walls slowly cracking, her eyes slowly filling with tears. 

''You should know I did not leave because I wanted to, but I had to. It was very selfish of me to ask you to marry me even with the knowleage that I would be gone again so soon. It was selfish of me to leave at our wedding night. But you know me Sakura. I did it all with on purpose. I came back as Naruto told me you felt lonly and left out. I asked you to marry me because I was scared'' I could not believe to what I was admiting. It was so unUchiha like, so unlike me. But she needed to know.
''I was so scared that you would fall for someone else. I was scared that when I would come back you would already be married to someone else. It may seem selfish but I can't imagine a life without you. And why we did not have sex? Because I did not want you to abdon you with a baby. I wanted to be there the whole time, from your mood swings to your big belly, I want to be there when our baby is born.'' I was already looking down, defeated, vulnearable. humilited. I said all I had to say, that my pride let me say. If the longest speech in my life would not be enough then nothing would be. I would not be.


I looked at his defeated form and my heart felt like breaking. I promised myself to never give him another chance, I assured myself that he anyway wouldn't appraciate it.

But now I saw it. He had changed so much for the better. I thought I learned from my mistakes to never trust him again but the pain in my chest at this thought wouldn't let me go on. He gave up his pride and his speech was the longest in his life probably, he was still a man of few words.

And I guess my heart defined me. My emotions were always like an open book for him. And I could and would not rebel against the love that came back. With tears in my eyes I fell on my knees on the floor taking him with me. I was too tired to scream, to tired to cry. Too tired to hold a grudge. His eyes jerked up suprised, but as he soon as he saw my face, he knew. Forgiven. But not forgotten. He nodded his head, a ghost of a smile on his beautiful lips. He knew he had a lot to make up for.

But anyway, now that his mission was over, he had the time of his life to show me how much he was ready to do.

Nine months later

As you can imagine, the day they solved their problem was their true wedding night, followed by a very sexy honeymoon - it was no suprise that today was the day, where Sasuke Uchiha would totally and completly lose his mind, while being in the same room as his wife in labour.

He knew his wife as the strongest kunoichi from Konohagakure, who was used to physical pain. But as he stood right beside her, his hands bones long crushed and stiill squeezed by this beautiful woman, he just wished he could help her somehow. The labour was as expected from a first child labour already killing him. No really, literally. His wife tried 2 times to jump him and hit him in the balls to prevent herself from going though this pain again.

But after 12 loong hours he heard the most beautiful scream of a newborn, which was held by his most beautiful wife.

And as he held this bundle of joy in his arms and feld the tiny heartbeat underneath his fingers, he was sure, if he wouldn't give up his pride and Uchihaness on that eventful day, he would had really lost the only only woman he ever loved and would never recover from the darkness and lonliness his life would be.


Hi! I am so sorry the end of this fic took so long, but I just did not know how to end it.
I am not really happy about the ending, the end was somehow rushed, but I hope its readable!

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