Chapter 3
Sorry about the wait, but I'm not much of a writer.... any way on with the story!
Disclaim: I do not own PowerPuff Girls Z or any of the characters in this book
Buttercups POV
"Miss. Keane I don't feel so good," Miyako fainted, which was a nice touch, I ran over and caught her.
"We will take her to the nurse" Momoko said. We where out the door FSO fast that Miss. Keane didn't have time to argue. We ran up to the roof and opened our compacts.
"What is it this time Mayor," Miyako sounded really irritated,wonder what's got her on eage.
"Fuzzy Lumpkin and Mojo Jojo are fight ing at the super market on 8th street,"
"Ok Mayor we will be there in a minute or two just hang tight," Momoko was useing her leader voice as she hung up the city compact Miyako and I did the same," ok girls now let's transform."
Bubbles POV
When we got there Mojo Jojo and fuzzy Lumpkins were fighting over an orange. One of the stupidest things I have ever seen. Aveng popped out of all of our heads as we saw that this was why we were called here.
"So, the Mayor called us here to stop two ladies from fighting,"
"Its my orange" "No my orange" " no mine" "no not yours, mine"
" hey stupid heads over here. Why why in the hell are you fighting. There's more than one orange in this damn world in fact there is another grocery store across from you," Buttercup was so mad you could see the smoke coming out of her ears.
I went to the grocery store that was a car across from where we were and bought an orange. Then I gave the orange to Mojo Jojo and let's Fuzy Lumpkin keep the other one. I've had a lot of practice being a mediator because of Momoko and Kaoru. They fight... a lot.
"Are we done here," looked at Mojo then Fuzzy.
" Yes Bubbles," they said together.
That was even more stupid then last time. I sighed to myself as we went back to school. When we got to the roof we took a minute to caught our breath before going back to class.
Blossoms POV
" He what was that about," I choose to ignore Isica in hpoe he would just leave me alone offer that stupid call I'm done with people..... but no he is so damn persistent. "Common tell me"
"No, now leave me alone,"
"Please tell me please...... Common please,"
"Why not,"
"Becsuse why,"
"Because I said so now leave me alone, or are you three years old," and he was about to reply when the bell rang and I dashed out of there. Although where I was going wasn't any better.
We are part of this in school band thing..... it was Miyako's idea. We where the only ones in the class last year, buy that was ok with us. To be truthful we had a good time last year, but there might be more people than just us this year, I hope there isn't.
Buttercup's POV
When we got to the music room we started setting up our insturments. I got out my drums while Momoko and Miyako's got out their guitars.
"Hi girls I see you just couldn't stay away from my class, this will be another great school year with you girls in my class. I swear without you girls I might go crazy, because face it the chiors sound.... not good.... at all. You girls are what I live for," our music teacher, Mrs. Fast, added a little chuckle after the last part. We all laughed at her little speech also.
"Its nice to see you too, Mrs. Fast. Did you have a good summer?" Miyako always liked Mrs. Fast much more than the other teachers. She had brown hair and green eyes with a swear and jeans on.
"It was great, and you Miyako, did you do your voice exercises over break?"
"I'll say she did, when ever she got bored she did them, and it was a very boring summer. She did then like 20 times a day," I said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Umm is this the music room," oh no I know that voice.
"Yes you must be the new kids, well the instruments are in the storage room your welcome to use them,"Mrs. Fast explained. I did not want to turn around in fear of what I might see. I turned around to see Allen, Isice, and Eric standing in the door way listening to the instructions." I'm Msr. Fast and I'm not sure if you know the girls, but if you need help ask me or one of them, although I would stay away from Kaoru." I frowned as Momoko and Miyako started chuckling at her joke. I looked back to see Allen smirking at me. Just when I thought I got ridde of him here he is again, like wack a mole, but I can't wack him.
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