Chapter 7: Conflicting Views

"Why did Lance have to get involved? I'm going to be in more trouble and this teacher hates me enough as it is!" I waved my hands slightly to emphasize my frustration as I let out a grunt in an attempt to calm down. 

Pidge took a sip of their slushie and looked up at me, their short light brown hair shook with the movement of their head and their amber eyes made there way to my face through their round glasses. They didn't seem to care all that much about my problems and saw it as more of a joke.

"Because he's your boyfriend and that's what they do..." they looked back at their computer and tried to hide their grin. My face basically had RED written on it in sharpie and I looked at them in disbelief, I steered my gaze towards Hunk and looked at him with a panicked expression. He just smiled and put his peanut butter sandwich in his mouth.

"This week can't get any worse. It's only Monday and we have detention on Friday! I mean come on!!" I just wanted to bang my head into a brick wall until I passed out so I could miss the rest of the day and possible make Mr. Douchebag take pity on me or something and get me out of detention.

" I know, Mr. Ulaz is making you wait a whole week before you can be alone with Lance for five hours... bummer." Pidge was giggling trying to hide their smile with their hand.

"Look maybe he just wants to be friends, besides I think what he did was pretty cool, I honestly don't know why you're getting so worked up about this." Hunk looked over to Pidge who was basically spitting their slushie out trying to hold back their laughter at my rosey cheeks.

"Hey! You didn't deny it!" They were practically rolling on the table at this point. I was so close to just leaving and never coming back to school.

"Lance is not my boyfriend!" I snapped a little too loud. People began looking at me as I mentally face palmed. I sighed in frustration and sat back down because I realized I was standing.

"Look man, maybe you should give this friendship a try. I mean it wouldn't hurt..." Hunk took a sip from his chocolate milk. "Besides you need to have more friends than just Hunk and I," Pidge taunted.

"It just sucks that we got double detention in the same class, meaning I have to spend five hours after school cause this school doesn't think teens do anything important. No it's not like we have lives! That would be rediculous!" I huffed. 

"Dude you need to chill... but to be fair your right about how insanely long those detentions are so you got me there." Hunk had his head resting in one hand looking bored out of his mind and making his way through the last of his sandwich.

"And Lance was intentionally getting detention which is the weird thing..." I pointed out and then I began to question it myself.

Actually come to think of it the teacher let him off with a warning and he just continued. I know he could have easily shut his mouth for another twenty minutes but he decided to do it anyways. Was he trying to get stuck with me? No. That's ridiculous, why would anyone want to be around you, you're a fuck up!

The voices began to resurface and I pushed them back down... I couldn't deal with them at school. It's been two times today... just one more period.

"Yeah I wouldn't blame him, you're cool sometimes, but don't let it get to your head, you do realize if you were nicer to people you would be friends with everyone here right?" Pidge stated. I looked up at them not really hearing but had an idea of what they said, I wouldn't want to be friends with anyone one of the assholes in this piece of shit people call a high school.

"Hey, so are you going to that party on Friday?" Pidge asked Hunk who was halfway through his apple.

"Yeah, I'm only going because..." Hunk began to blush and Pidge cut him off.

"Because Shay? Did she invite you?" Pidge got all up in Hunk's face as his blush spread to his ears. "She did didn't she!" Pidge was practically sitting on top of Hunk at this point, they were like the annoying little sibling you couldn't help but love.

"Yeah, she did so I thought it would be fun... Hey! Keith you should come! You could be my wingman?" Hunk asked pulling me from my thoughts. I never go to parties but if Hunk and Pidge are going to be there than I guess there's no point in leaving them alone to be tortured by the choking smell of booze and hormones.

"Yeah! Maybe you'll find some hot guys your age to make out with in the corner," Pidge grinned and my eyes went wide.

"PIDGE! I would never stoop to that level. Besides I'm not that desperate for human interaction," I cross my arms and shake my head in disappointment at Pidge's statement. 

"Oh come on. Maybe you'll open your eyes and see Lance on the other side of that kiss," Pidge made kissing noises and I jumped up and put my hand over their mouth. 

"PIDGE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Pidge was laughing through my palm as they licked my hand to get free. I pulled away quickly wiping my now damp hand on my jeans. 

"Watch your mouth Keith!" Hunk wiggled his finger and made a tsk tsk sound with his mouth. I know how Hunk feels about cursing but it's his fault for being friends with Pidge and I. 

"Eww, Pidge your disgusting!" 

"That's what you get! But maybe..." Pidge smiled at me like the grinch and I knew they were up to no good.

"Oh no, what are you planning you little spawn of satan?" I put my head in my hand and sighed.

"Hey you should be bowing to the heir of the underworld!" They mockingly jostled their arm into my side. I do a few small bows to satisfy their little game and just sigh...

"Does this have anything to do with Lance?" I kept my hand on my face basically mumbling my words.

"You'll figure it out later. So will you go? You know I don't beg," Pidge put their hands together and gave me puppy dog eyes after a few minutes of me ignoring them.

"Wow, I don't know this must be pretty important to you if you're begging," I smiled devilishly at them and they just got up and slapped me.

"Yes or no! I'm not begging on my knees all day for your enjoyment, that's Lance's job," I put my hand over my cheek even though they just lightly slapped me and put a fake hurt expression on my face as well as shock at their remark before answering them.

"PIDGE!! WHAT THE H. E. DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS?" Hunk nodded in approval at my word choice then my gaze fell on Pidge. They grinned at me then sat back down and took another long, slow sip of their slushy, which was now turning their lips a light shade of green, before looking at me and cocking their head with a raised eyebrow. I finally caved... 

"You know what fuck it, your not going to let this go anyways..." I threw my hands up in emphasis and tied my hardest to project my pissy mood.

"Don't you mean fuck LAN..." they began to yell the sentence and I literally tackled them. They pushed me off and were dying of laughter which is really adorable and is definitely a way to go out. 

Pidge propped themself up on their elbows and sat with their legs crossed just chillin on the floor as I used the wall to support me on the journey to my feet.

"Ok ok, I'll stop... for now... but for real, I ship it." I just rolled my eyes and held my hand out for them as they got to their feet.  

"Besides I don't even like Lance like that were barely friends if even that..." I crossed my arms and leaned up against the wall.

"Maybe not yet but I see something, you should give it a try... Lance is a good guy once you get to know him." Pidge was smiling and had a supportive glint in their eyes but I wasn't about to become one half of another of their OTP's. 

"If he's such a good guy then why did he ditch you guys... I seriously don't see why you two think so highly of him after he left you out to dry." It wasn't my place to say that and it was pretty obvious. Pidge's smile disappeared and they looked over at Hunk with help in their eyes, Hunk looked over at me with warning in his as well as something else I couldn't place.

"Look Keith. Our friendship with Lance is... complicated. He's a really nice guy when you get to know him, but he has a habit of pulling away. He changed a lot from the happy kid we once knew and if you knew his history you wouldn't blame him either for the way he acts..." Hunk held eye contact with me and it basically said please just drop the subject... so I did.

Even though I was curious I didn't want to upset Hunk or Pidge so I bit my tongue... just this once. 

"Ok whatever, I'm leaving for my next class." I pushed my head back and made an annoyed groan and began to leave. Pidge brightened the fuck up and turned back in my direction.

"I'll text you the details for the party later, you need to get prepared for Friday!" Pidge yelled before I left. I hate parties so I don't even think there's a point in saying that this day can't get any worse because it sure as hell can. Maybe Shiro will leave me alone about everything if I go... My phone buzzed as I got in the hall and I checked it to see a message from Pidge.


Pidge: Your gay ass is going to thank me after all the trouble I'm going through to get you to this party

Keith: Yep I'm practically bouncing off the walls in excitement, you just know how much I looove parties.

Pidge: Yeah yeah, save your sarcasm. Trust me, you'll have fun.


Hunk and Pidge are the only two who really know about me and the way I like to do things to some extent. They know about my "emo" personality (which I'm not doubting cause I'm pretty close) and about my sexuality.

Unfortunately being gay means Pidge tries to set me up with a bunch of random guys them and their brother know for "blackmailing" purposes but I've never really liked any of them, I honestly just want to be left alone.

 Especially after my last serious relationship... 


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