Chapter 31: Flames and Ashes

You know that teacher in Charlie Brown? The one that's basically speaking like they were raised in the sims? I never knew that teacher existed until now.

Our math teacher, Miss. Whatsherface, has been droning on about who knows what for the past half hour. Luckily, I sit in the back, so I can do whatever the hell I want. For the past few days, I've mostly been working on the logo, but there are a few other projects I've been playing around with.

Honestly, I couldn't care less about math, quadratic formula isn't exactly difficult. The only two things keeping me from poking out my own eyes in boredom are my art projects and Lance, I guess.

We share this class and English, so at least I have something decent to pay attention to in those classes. So back to this boring ass lesson. The teacher finally learned a word that somewhat resembles the English language, and out of any of the words she could've picked from the dictionary, she picked my name.

"Keith, Keith, KEITH!"

Jesus fuck, she's like a yapping Chihuahua.

I don't even lift my head when I answer, not feeling bothered enough to even give her the time of day. I got the answer right because, again, quadratic formula isn't really hard.

Now you want to know what's really hard-

My phone screen lights up from between my legs before I can finish the thought. I shift uncomfortably at the buzz. I should probably turn that off shouldn't I? I don't exactly know how to though, so that's the problem. I'll just ask Pidge later.

I'm sitting criss-cross in my desk chair. Truthfully, it's the only semi-comfy way to sit in these uncomfortable chairs, seriously, you'd think a school would use their budget on something useful... but that's just wishful thinking.

My vermillion shaded pencil veered off the line I was working on when Miss. RestingBitchFace decided to slam her ruler on a students desk. Fuck her. Even though there is an obvious reason no one has yet.

I wouldn't touch her with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole. Not just because I'm gay as fuck, and most likely a better power bottom than she could ever dream to be, but any straight guy who'd willingly go up to her in a bar is probably stoned, drunk, drugged, and obviously a being not of this world.

But that's putting it nicely.


1 New Message: Lance

L: not that we aren't all thinking it, but why do you look like you're trying to figure out how to dispose of the body of our teacher?

K: Ruined my drawing.

L: Woah you really are pissed

K: What are you talking about?

L: The period at the end of your sentence, it sounds so mean

K: It's bad grammar to not use a period at the end of a sentence. Anyways, when did you even look back to see my face?

L: Why wouldn't I, kitten? Do you have something to hide?

K: ...

L: HA! I can see you blushing from here!

K: Oh fuck you.

L: *Says the bottom*

K: 🖕🏼(middle finger emoji in case a reader can't see it)


Before I could reply, a harsh snap echoed throughout the room. Everyone jumped, and if anyone deny's it, they're lying. For a moment I was excited, hoping it was the teacher's leg or something, so if she fell and couldn't get up we could all just leave class early.

But, the world hates me.

She'd slammed her ruler on the student's desk beside Lance. When the girl got up and spit something into the trash, it was pretty obvious what caused the teacher's hernia. Lance practically had a heart attack, clumsily slipping his phone into his jacket pocket. I was on the verge of pissing my pants because of that display. Lancey-lance is afraid of grumpy old Miss. Saggytits.

Poor baby (🤣).

Once everything was settled down she turned her back to the class to write something on the board, and a new text notification popped up on my lock screen within milliseconds.


1 New Message: Lance

L: sooooooooooo boreddddddd

K: Sounds like a you problem, so I'm going to see my way out of it.

L: Ohhh come on!!! Entertain me!

K: Do I look like a pet?

L: Well, you are my Kitten.

K: ...

K: I'm blocking your number.

L: Nooooo, Keith!

L: Come back?

L: Soft Kitty?

L: Warm kitty??

L: Little ball of FUUURRRRR~

K: Shut up!

L: You came back!!

K: My phone keeps vibrating and it's uncomfortable.

L: What? How is it uncomfortable?

K: It's in my lap...

L: Is it now?

K: Lance...





L: P

L: U

L: R

K: Lance, I swear to god I will throw your phone out the window.

L: Do it! no balls


I sighed, frustratingly. Trying to ignore how much the feeling of my phone actually affected me. Hey! Don't judge me. I haven't exactly gotten off in a while... I'm a little frustrated at the moment so leave me alone. It's been a stressful month and a half.

Ripping a piece of scrap paper from the notebook I wasn't using, I scribbled something on the page before pulling it into a loosely clenched fist.

The pencil in my hand dropped to the faux-wood table as I nonchalantly walked to the front of the class to pry Lance's phone from his hands, easily might I add, he didn't expect I'd actually do it but I think I could beat him in an arm wrestle easily so we all know it wasn't just because he was distracted.

Since the window was already opened, I just tossed it out nonchalantly. It landed on a thick patch of grass beneath the one story window, so it's probably fine and hidden well enough that it won't get stolen. I turn my head lazily towards the bewildered boy and raise one eyebrow with a smirk.

"Heh, like that?" A little dusting of rose polished his cheeks, and it would have been adorable if his features weren't so exaggerated in surprise. His eyes were wide, jaw hung like a cartoon character. It actually looked really funny... but he was still cute. Just a little bit.

That was the last moment of heart fluttering amusement I got to enjoy before the little motherfucker jumped towards my direction with her little old granny knees, successfully mutilating my ear drums with that noise she calls her voice.

If no one's caught on yet, she isn't exactly my favorite teacher.

"What are you doing out of your seat?" She shrieks, her voice making me reconsider jumping off that bridge. I mean, not literally because that's apparently 'harmful thinking' but it's still kinda accurate to how she makes me feel.

"I threw McClain's phone out the window, ma'am." I respond monotonously.

"Why?! What possibly made you think that was necessary in my class?" I shrug.

"Dunno. Boredom, maybe?" Her eyes grow wild in disbelief. I'm actually surprised she's taking this so seriously. Like I just killed her poor husband... well more like put him out of his misery. It's a little over dramatic.

"Well sit back down before I write you up!" She jabs like it was the best comeback she's ever come up with.

"Will do Miss. Killjoy." I salute, but before I could even consider jumping out the window and leaving, she started actually guffawing. Like when old British ladies hold their hearts in disbelief and say 'well I never' in that victimized tone. Huffing like a ten year old. I'll be honest, it's the most youthful I've ever seen her.

"I've had about enough sass from you! You never pay attention and you don't respect the people around you! Students are trying to learn but you're being a distraction." Wow, that's hypocritical thinking coming from a creature like her. That's like me saying 'I fucking hate gay people' when in reality I'm the soul creator of Gay panic™.

"Woah, woah. Don't take your pent up aggression on me. I'm just a student. You should know better at your age to not let your emotions get the best of you." I take on this innocent act, some students snicker into their hands trying to muffle the noises in fear and anticipation for what's going to happen next.

"I-" She starts, dumbfounded and still pretty pissed. I interrupt her before she wastes even more of my precious time.

"Aren't you supposed to be teaching a class? You're not getting paid to vent to us. We aren't qualified therapists ma'am." I explain, like I'm teaching a child the difference between right and wrong. Her accusatory hand wavers and retreats back, her angry brows faltering slightly before repositioning to her regularly scheduled scowl, albeit more weak than usual.

"I mean you could always call the principal down if you want to change professions, although I doubt anyone would join a class of yours to listen to your bitching about personal drama, we hear enough of that shit from the people in the hallways."

"Shut the fuck up, Kogane!" I put my hand to my heart and feign offense.

"Excuse me, but I will not tolerate cursing from an elder in this Christian School." Her face is hellfire red. If I didn't know any better, I'd be waiting for her to sprout horns or for a snake tongue to poke out of her mouth and lick her own eyeball like a gecko (geckos are too adorable to compare to her, my apologizes on behalf of the gecko community).

"You-" She starts, but I steal her spotlight, sensing she wasn't gonna really go anywhere with the sentence at this point.

"I?" I question, acting all innocent like the adorable little sub I am. Damn, I really need to pull out the shoebox when I get home.

"Sit down." She grits between clenched teeth, her wrinkly witch finger nubs pointing towards my desk.

She goes back to finishing the problem on the board and I flip her off with both hands like a fucking boss, because I am a fucking boss, before walking towards the aisle to my desk. A little exclamation of 'Worth it' laces my next breath when I get to beginning of the row.

As I pass Lance to get back to my seat, I slam the piece of paper onto his desk and give him a look. You know, a 'don't underestimate my motivation bitch' look, but it was more playful than sinister. Lance's mouth was still unhinged, like he'd gone into shock over what just happened.


It's what he gets for almost getting me hard. Bastard.

I watched and waited as Lance shook himself out of that daze and read the note. Probably one of my better writing pieces if I do say so myself.

I have more than enough balls. I'll even let you borrow some since you seem to be having trouble growing a pair of your own.

~Keith 😘

Sometimes I just love the smell of victory, and the sight isn't half bad either. I wish I could've basked in it a little longer but the fire alarm interrupted my little party. Well... talk about bad timing. Things were just about to get interesting!

We all quickly evacuated the classroom, excited to have any excuse to leave this godforsaken building. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Lance bend over the window sill to retrieve his phone.

Now that is a sight I wish I could see more often. I grab my art supplies and quickly throw them back into my bag, despite these fire drills never being real, but I'd rather keep my art safe than be sorry about not bringing it earlier.

With Lance's phone now in one hand, and backpack in the other, we both make our way into the halls and out the building.


People can be so gullible; bundled in a blanket of ignorance. A veil of illusions, of daydreams, stitched across their eyes.

Fear is such a beautiful thing to see; so easy to execute and delectably fulfilling to cause. It's such a phenomenon. I'm not what you'd call a madman but I tend to bask amongst my many 'curiosities.' Most of my attention usually fall on my pawns, however, not leaving much time to search other interests.

That little sex doll should be grateful I'm giving him so much attention, the ungrateful little bitch. I knew I shouldn't have left him alone for so long. It was only a matter of time until he started begging for another dick to suck.

But now I have an opportunity to get him back. He will come back. A disciple of my father has reached out to me after all, there's no way I'll lose him. He needs me. He needs me to show him right and wrong and if I'm not there to punish him, he'll never learn that behavior like this is unacceptable.

The fire's been lit, I just need to add the oil.

A few people are still scurrying out of classrooms to get out. The fire isn't too big, but it's still there. A microwave in the teachers lounge that someone put aluminum in. Believable right?

Room 420, seat 12, the backpack with the Haikuu lanyard. Not too complicated, especially because the teacher takes all the phones at the beginning of every class. I have my window of opportunity, and I'm not going to waste it.


My fingers run through my mop of messy white hair, guiding the strands behind my ear while scanning the crowd for Keith, to make sure he's alright. I assume everyone thought it was just a drill, but the smoke flooding the halls are enough to indicate that there is indeed a fire. After all, my glasses did begin fogging up while I was evacuating. 

It's been about ten or fifteen minutes since everyone's evacuated. The fire department was called but they're stationed on the other side of the town so it would take them about twenty or thirty minutes to arrive.

Honestly, when I came to America I was hoping the staff wouldn't be as ignorant as they appear in movies. It took about twelve minutes for them to realize that they should probably call the fire department after the alarm went off. They were standing around like idiots while we all evacuated ourselves. Sometimes, I wish I were still in Britain.

How hard can it be to find an edgy teen with a long hair? It feels like I've been looking for an hour! I somehow ended up finding myself positioned by one of the side doors, beside the front entrance, hoping to spot him if he hadn't already left. But there hasn't been any students leaving for the past few minutes, so everyone must have gotten out. Right?

Unfortunately, the only thing I found was that deadbeat of an ex that's been terrorizing Keith. Why did he come out just now? He shouldn't have taken that long, we were in the same class when the alarm rang. I have a bad feeling about this...

Not only because he looks sketchy as fuck, but because he's also just walking up to me like we've been best friends for years.

"Allura! Wonderful day isn't it?" He exclaims with a malicious grin. We literally just left a burning building and he has the gall to come over to me and say 'what a beautiful fucking day Allura'. (She mocks in her head XD) That prick.

"Only you would think so, you fucking psychopath." I spit.

"Ooo, ouch. That hurt. Like a stab to the heart." He holds his heart in agony, like he's seizing up and about to topple to the floor. If it were Lance, then it would probably just be funny that he's feigning dramatics, but Lotor just looks like he's acting out a murder he committed the other night.

"You probably get off to the idea of that." I slant my eyes, hoping he'll get the idea that I don't want to associate with him in any way that doesn't involve my fist making contact with his face.

"Wow, really taking jabs at me today. Is it that time of the month? I can see why you and Keith are fucking now. He's still the bottom right?" Lotor grins. What the actual fuck?! He has some nerve to come up to me and say shit like that. If there weren't so many witnesses around, so help me God this piece of shit would've been thrown over my shoulder and bounced off the concrete at least three times by now.

"What the actual hell you sick fuck!? Leave me alone and leave Keith alone. Or I will fuck you up so bad that they'll finally admit you to a psych ward with a full body cast and a concussion." His eyes change, like he's finally realized that I'm not just bluffing. It took him long enough to understand that.

"You wound me. It's a shame really. If you weren't so petty than I'd probably find you attractive. It really is your loss. Don't you get jealous of Keith? After all he's taken more dick than you could in your lifetime." Does he really think this is going to work on me? Is he actually fucking serious. God, I hate talking to sociopaths. They're so complicated.

"Get your face out of my line of vision, my eyes are burning enough thanks to the fire. I'd rather not go blind seeing your ugly ass face." I hold my ground and wait for him to move. He doesn't. He stands there, his arms crossed over his chest, but something is notably, yet subtly, different. He's acting more agitated, more like a predator trying to intimidate his prey. What he doesn't know is that I'm the predator bitch.

"You don't know what you're messing with, and trust me when I say you don't want to know. You'll only make things worse, and you wouldn't want to get Keith hurt would you? Or his friend with benefits? Don't get involved, or things won't be pretty for any of you." I still stay where I am, not showing him any sign that his words are getting to me. He eventually gets the memo when I also cross my arms and raise a brow that basically spells out 'fight me bitch, I dare you.' That gets his attention real fast and he stomps off, agitation fueling his bloodstream.

By some sort of miracle, I find Keith after Lotor's little temper tantrum leaves my line of vision, and make a bee-line for him and Lance. They're safe, but I still have a lingering bout of adrenaline, like I should pack Lance and Keith's bags and ship them over to my home country.

I don't like this. Lotor's words buzz in my head like a swarm of angry bees. Something big is going to happen, I can feel it, and I have a feeling this is just the beginning to something none of us are prepared for.


After the firefighters finally decided to show up, to put out the fire and untangle some kid who got pantsed on top of the flagpole, everyone was let back in. Most kids were complaining about how they wish the school burnt down and all that jazz but I was more worried about the  technological advancement notes in my bag.

It probably wasn't a good idea to leave my backpack in the school, but just like everyone else I kinda assumed that it was only a fire drill. That was an honest mistake on my part.

The scent of burning popcorn was venting throughout the school, clogging my throat and making my eyes tear. The smoke was still thick enough that I could probably take a pair of scissors to it, without even leaving a scratch (like Keith and Lance's sexual tensio- I'll stop).

Teachers were rounding up students left and right, trying to corral them into their classes like shepherds with disobedient sheep. Honestly, the only reason I'm still going to class, and not skipping, is because I want my phone and backpack.

I only go to school to feed my boredom. If I really wanted to I could easily just go to college or work for Nasa but I got to support the two little dummies I call friends. Three? I don't want to get into the mess of feelings I have for Lance. Platonic, of course, but I don't think I can call him a friend yet. I mean Allura's pretty cool, so I guess I've got her too, not that we're that close.

By the time we're all seated it's practically already the end of class, so the teacher reluctantly passes our phones back. I hate parting with my phone, but not because I'm obsessed. It's more so because I need to protect my phone from the FBI, or the Secret Service, or the Capitol Police.

My finger hovers over the home button, fingerprint password, but something's seems off about my phone. The SD card isn't registering. I mean it's not too big a deal, sometimes you just have to blow on the compartment to dust it off. With that hypothesis in mind, I slip off the case and crack open the back of my phone.

I knew there was a problem but this just turned into a whole different problem. Are you fucking serious?! This is a joke. This has to be a joke. Fucking dammit I hate teachers and their nazi reign over our cellphones.

The fucking SD card is missing. Like, full on missing. There's a flashing dotted line around where it should be and a hovering arrow pointing to the spot obnoxiously blaring ERROR ERROR ERROR. What the hell!

What am I supposed to do? Who would want my SD card? Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is bad. This is really bad. I have sensitive information on that card!

I have a bad feeling that something is going on, something that we aren't prepared for, and I don't see it ending well.


I'm so so so sorry for not updated in almost 2 months! I did not expect that to happen but I'm back with a new chapter. This one was so hard to execute because I had to make sure I added all the right details. Also I switched POV's a lot in this chapter. It goes: Keith, Lotor, Allura, Pidge.In case you got confused. Tune in for next chapter, we are finally going to be having our first NSFW scene! I'm really excited! I hope you guys enjoy! Luv you all <3

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