Chapter 12: You're Worth it Idiot
>30 minutes before Keith jumps<
I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong.
I've been trying to keep my mind on work and just forget about it but something didn't seem right about the way Keith was acting before he left the coffeehouse.
He left crying. Allura said that he just grabbed his stuff and bolted out of the shop and down the street. He can speak Spanish? I mean I know thats not the important part but still!
I can't just sit here. I have to go find Keith and make sure he's ok. I don't know why but I feel like he's going to do something stupid.
I finished bringing coffee over to table five then went to the back room to get my stuff. I want to find Keith. Something just seems too off right now for me to sit by and do nothing.
I slip in through the heavy door and switch out my apron for my usual jacket which is carrying my phone and now Keith's phone number and napkin. I check the hidden pocket on the inside of my jacket and feel for... yep my lucky Marlboro Red, I think it's still half full.
Once I checked all my pockets I made my way out to the counter to ask Allura where he could have gone.
"Hey Allura..." She turned her head to meet me. Her whitish hair swayed around her body and was pushed from her face by her hand.
"Lance... I really don't know what's going on with you. You don't seem like you're focused today. Is this about what happened in the break room?" She looked at me with hints of annoyance and concern pulsing through her facial expression.
"Something like that... do you think you'd know where he could have gone? Something doesn't feel right." I rubbed the back of my neck before she answered again, her tone a little more sharp and saturated in worry.
"What do you mean by something doesn't feel right?" Her whole body was turned to me, tense and serious. At this point her eyebrows furrowed in frustration, tension, and something else, sympathy? Not for me.
"I don't know. Something's telling me he's gonna to do something stupid." I look down in thought of what he could be thinking right now. But again we only exchanged what I'd consider 'pleasant conversation' for the first time two days ago. I have no idea what he could be thinking about.
I tugged at my hair, trying to come up with something and half lucky the coffeehouse was basically deserted aside from table five. Then Allura's urgency and despair hit me like a freight train.
"No." Her eyes widened and I looked back up to her quickly.
"Well I can't tell you much about Keith, considering he's quite secretive about his conditions but I think this is an exception. He's had a pretty rough past and suffers from really bad depression, and when he left he was headed North in the direction of-" I stopped her, knowing exactly where this was going.
"The Lion Bridge... Shit!" I bolted out of the cafe and ran towards the bridge. So many things didn't add up.
So Keith has depression. Why would he go to the Lion Bridge when the Garrison bridge is closer? I know that isn't an ideal question, I should probably be wondering why he's going to a bridge at all! God this is all my fault, I shouldn't have attacked him like that.
I was running as fast as I could and now all I could say in my head was 'Please don't do what I think you're going to do'.
My body was getting pretty tired but I didn't care. I wasn't going to slow down until Keith was in my arms and out of harms way. He's my... friend. So of course I want him to be healthy and safe, and I'll make sure that happens no matter what!
Make a right on Balmera street and a left onto Arusion way, the bridge should be on the next strip and it will take about ten minutes to get there if I'm quick enough.
I follow the directions in my head until I get to the end of the street I needed to get to, sliding at the corner using my hand on the ground to turn me to the right direction and continued running down the sidewalk till the bridge came into view.
As I ran forward I could see Keith putting something on a hook and standing on a support beam off the side of the middle of the bridge. I tried to call to him and he either heard me and ignored me or couldn't hear my voice over the boisterous sounds of the town.
He took one step, then two, then three... he was almost to the end of the pole. I booked it down the sidewalk and my heart stopped when his feet left the beam.
I put my hand on the rail and threw my legs over, basically jumping down the ladder. I grabbed onto his waist with one of my arms, the other was being used to hold another beam so I wouldn't go toppling over the edge as well. I pulled him back onto the beam and once he was in my arms I threw the both of us onto a platform under the bridge.
We were both lying on the wooden platform. I was kneeling on top of him... my arms were pushing my body up and by hands were at the sides of his head. I really didn't care what position I was in right now. All I cared about was the fact that Keith was breathing underneath me and he was still alive.
We stayed like this for a few minutes and Keith didn't move much but I could see the small breaths he was taking in the movements of his chest. His face was going a little pink but I was just going to blame that on the adrenaline. I landed on my knees so my legs were shaking around his torso but I was able to support myself.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU KEITH?" I pushed my body down on top of him and gave him a hug. He didn't hug back though... he seemed in shock. Everything seemed like it were going in slow motion. I liked being this close to Keith, knowing nothing could hurt him if he were always this close to me. He didn't reply to my question or actions and we just sat in this new position for a few more minutes before I pulled away. His face was emotionless except for the tears escaping the corners of his wide eyes.
"You scared me... you scared me so much. Don't EVER do anything like that again!!" I was hugging him again, my hands shaking and entangling themselves in his black hair, squeezing more as I tried to hold in my tears and keep my voice from shaking.
"Y... you. Why?" I pulled myself up and Keith looked into my eyes. He immediately pulled away, quite aware of our position now and scooted back a bit. I had to pretend like that didn't hurt like a son of a bitch on the inside.
"What are you talking about?"
"Why would you stop me? You don't even like me!" He kept his eyes off of me and instead he kept his gaze on the wooden planks making up the platform.
"There you go making assumptions again." There was a slight laugh of relief in my statement.
"Did I ever say I hated you Keith?" He kept his eyes on the ground and didn't say anything. I scooted closer to him and took his chin in between two of my fingers and pulled it up to look at me. He looked shocked but he didn't do anything to fight me so I continued.
"I want to be your friend. I never hated you. I always thought you hated me but I never knew why. I'm sorry Keith. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said those things to you in the break room I just couldn't stop myself. I didn't mean anything I said! You're perfect... so don't change because of the things I said and don't erase yourself." I could feel my brows furrowing out of concern for the boy in front of me. And in a second he was pulled into a soft hug, my chin resting on his head as I played with his hair, making sure he was still there and this wasn't some shock induced hallucination.
"You still didn't answer my question! You should have just let me jump... it would be better for everyone!" He mumbled and I could feel the tears staining my T-shirt but I cut him off with my own words before he could spew any more of that nonsense.
"Who the hell would benefit from you killing yourself Keith?! Seriously! Point me in their direction so I can beat some sense into them!" I couldn't hold it in I yelled at him and I could feel him jump at my sudden volume change but I started breaking at the end and my words got really shakey.
"I..." I cut him off again.
"Has anyone ever said that you being dead would benefit them?" And without a second thought Keith answered and I didn't expect it.
"YES! Is that so hard to grasp?" With his body still pressed against mine, he started looking up at me, making me move my head up so he could look at me from his position huddled in my lap between our two bodies. Salty tears stained his lashes and his violet eyes bled with grief.
I literally wanted to punch something. I dropped my hand from Keith's head and a crack of thunder accompanied by a couple streaks of lightning flew across the angry grey sky. I was dumbfounded. I was so confused and I was furious. Who would tell someone to kill themselves?
I looked back over to Keith and he began hugging himself, shaking as his tears began flowing heavier. I gave him another hug this one was tighter than the first one which I didn't even think was possible. I was giving him so many hugs so he wouldn't feel so alone and because, quite frankly, I don't want to let him go.
"Please... don't listen to people who don't want you here. That's their own mental problem. You're a good person as far as I can see and I would love to get to know you more but only if you want to." I'm still hugging him but then I feel his arms lift and wrap around my back. He presses his cheek into my chest and links his fingers together for a better grip on me. He didn't seem to want to ever let go and I'm not complaining.
"I'm fine. It doesn't bother me. I'm good Lance, I don't need your help." I widen my eyes and start to tear up for some reason. I hold them back but it still doesn't change the fact that this is effecting me way more than it should. I want to hug him more and just cry but I stop the tears like I always do and pull back a little to get a better look at his face and gauge his reaction.
"Keith this isn't fine... you almost jumped off a bridge! Actually scratch that, you did jump off a bridge and I just happened to be able to catch you! If you were fine then you wouldn't have even thought about committing! I... I want to help you. I really do so just let me help you." I look back to his eyes from our position on the floor, however he seems to be contemplating my statement. I give him the time he wants but he seems stunned that I'd even offer. Have I hurt him that much that when I offer my service he hesitates?
"O... ok." This time I'm surprised. He smiles up at me with the smallest smile I've ever seen but the most incredible smile at the same time.
"What really?" He laughs a little at my response and pushes on my chest jokingly before looking back up at me, his doe eyes persuasive yet soothing.
"Can we talk about this at the Coffeehouse? I just want to leave." He lets a few more tears escape before basically punching them off his face. So his demeanor changed very quickly but his emotions are probably all over the place after almost handing his life to the Angel of Death.
"Well let's go... shall we?" I stand up and hold my hand out for him to take. He doesn't take it and continues to sit on the ground. He's not even acknowledging me now, he's looking out at the heavy rain that's beginning to come down from the sky to the water.
"No Lance! Just, leave me alone... I need time alone. I'm going to go home." He didn't let his eyes leave the sight of the sea. I wish I knew what he was thinking about so I knew how to help him better.
"And do something stupid? I don't think so!" I crossed my arms and looked down at him. My word choice might have been harsh and I probably shouldn't be so harsh after a scare like that but like hell I'm leaving him alone to travel to the other side of town.
"Shiro's home I'll be fine..." He wraps his arms around himself protectively and I looked back to the ground.
"No I'm coming with you. We live next to each other so I'll text Allura and tell her I'm taking you home." I moved into a squat position with my elbows hanging off my knees.
"Don't Lance me. This is the only way we're getting up from this spot. And it's kind of raining so you might want to make up your mind." I hold a hand out to him and his eyes dart to the side before looking back at mine and answering.
"F... fine."
I get up and offer my hand again. He still doesn't take it but stands on his own and dusts off his pants. He walks towards the support beam from before which makes me nervous and I get ready to run after him again if he decides anything last minute.
Eventually he stops halfway there and turns around and waves me over. I follow him to the spot he was in before. I look around and I can see his bag hanging on a nail, a bunch of scratches or something in the wall, and some weird brownish-red splotches all over.
I look to the middle of the wall where all the scratches seemed to surround a few words written in black sharpie...
KAYK's Hit Rock Bottom
"Keith... how many times have you..." he cut me off when he turned with his bag in his hand and saw I was looking at the wall.
"Oh. Never really. This was my first time actually attempting surprisingly." He tried to laugh it off but I could hear the agony in his voice and I furrowed my brows before looking back at the wall. I re-read the words.
"Hey what does KAYK stand for?"
"Oh they're my initials. Keith Akira-Yorak Kogane. But I usually only use Akira."
"Excuse me, What?!" I couldn't hold in the outburst of laughter in the back of my throat. I shed a fake tear when I looked back up at him and he looked unamused. I just shrugged off his facial expression.
"You know I could still jump off this bridge." He deadpanned but I could tell he was joking. The truth was he easily could and that thought was sending bad shivers up my spine and my legs felt like they could go numb from the adrenaline beginning to build up again, but I stood my ground.
"Too soon?" he asked with an apologetic expression. I looked at him and crossed my arms to put emphasis on the fact that I'm really... emotional about all this right now.
"You think? But seriously Yorak? Are you an alien or something?" I covered my mouth with my hand to hide my laughter but it didn't work as well as I hoped.
"Shut up! What's your middle name then?" I snapped my eyes open and he noticed and crossed his arms and smiled. He put all his weight on his left foot and cocked his hip in the same direction waiting for my answer.
"Ummmm... that's not important." I tried to change the subject but he just asked again.
"Hey! I told you mine. I mean it can't be any worse." I grunt dramatically.
"Fine but you have to promise not to tell anyone."
"Well I don't know... it depends on the nickname..."
"KEEEEITH!" I whine.
"LAAAANCE!" He retorted. I sighed again and whispered the name.
"Tailor." He didn't hear me.
"What was that Lance I couldn't hear you..." I basically screamed it, jumbling it with a bunch of different words trying to get it over as soon as possible.
"Isaidit'sTaylor!" He gave me a look that said 'spit it out already' and I just gave in and told him.
"It's Tailor."
He was trying to hold back his laugh but he snorted a little and covered his mouth, which was adorable... I guess. I mean not adorable, adorable but adorable you know?
"Ok yeah I was wrong, that's way worse." He was laughing and a part of me was happy I could make him smile. Even if it was just because of my humiliation and he was slowly stripping me of my dignity it was definitely worth it to see his smile.
"What?! My mom liked to sew a lot when she was pregnant with me... T. A. I. L. O. R." Bringing up my mom in normal, somewhat happy, situations didn't bother me too much. It hurts when I think about her but when they are good memories I start to smile.
"Yeah ok. If that's what you want to believe hot shot, I won't dis you."
He swung his bag over his shoulder before climbing to the rail and putting a hand out for me to grab on, I took it and he pulled me up.
"Well I guess we both have something in common now." I looked over to him confused and he blows some hair out of his face before walking down the sidewalk without me and answering.
"Our middle names suck." My smile faltered a little and when he looked towards the road it completely collapsed, and my smile basically jumped off the bridge.
My parents named me. The mother that left me and the father that beats me. My siblings helped out but were soon swept off their feet by the welcoming arms of Heaven's angels.
Why does everyone I love end up dying?
Do you like their middle names? I tried to be creative lmao. See u in the next chapter!
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