Chapter 26

Hi! How are you guys?

So, idk how many of you saw my announcement but-

Chapter got deleted :/

So there was no chapter yesterday unfortunately, I know I promised one but Wattpad was being stupid so-

Sorry :(

Thanks for the sympathy from you guys though in my feed, it was all really nice, I don't know how I got such kind readers :)

Also, warm welcome back to TheoneWithalongname who a) was sick and b) got grounded but now they're back! Glad to see you again ^^

Woah, 2.7k views... awesome :D

Let's start with the chapter now!

"Woah, so... you told Antfrost you hated him?" Puffy said, shocked.

"Well, yeah." Velvet sighed, looking at his feet. "But I didn't mean it, I was just... upset."

"And he said he hated you back?" Puffy asked, slower.

Velvet simply sighed again in response.

"Hm. So you're in deep poop." Puffy said, sympathetically. She patted his back gingerly.

"Yeah, basically." Velvet said, deflated. "I don't know what to do now."

"Well, you could apologize." Puffy suggested. "Get him to like you again somehow?"

"Here's the problem..." Velvet started. "I don't know what I want..."

"You don't know if you still want him to love you?" Puffy tilted her head.

"I don't... I don't know why I want Antfrost to love me anymore. I don't know why I love him. He's so different now, I hate him, and every time I think he's changing, he goes back to being a piece of trash." Velvet slumped, frustrated.

"So... you feel like you have no reason to love him, that's it?" Puffy tilted her head.

"Not anymore, no. He's a brat now." Velvet chuckled bitterly.

"Well, maybe you're attached to what he was like in the past." Puffy said. "Maybe... you see too much of the old Antfrost to be able to fully process and judge the present one."

"The old Antfrost?" Velvet echoed.

"The one before the egg." Puffy explained.

"Oh." Velvet twiddled his thumbs. "Maybe. I loved him."

"That's probably it then. You want him back."

Velvet looked up at her. "Probably." He mumbled.


"What was he like?" Puffy asked.


"Antfrost." She elaborated. "What was he like before the egg? Like, what was he like that made you fall in love with him?"

"He was... the best friend I could've asked for. Kind, sympathetic, soft-"

"You say the same thing every time." Puffy interrupted. "I want you to think about exactly why he means so much to you."

Velvet looked at her, slowly understanding. "I suppose... I like him because of the good memories I have of him. Just the two of us. Together. Just us."

"So, think about those memories for a second, will you?"


"Trust me. Just think about it."

"Alright I guess?" Velvet said, closing his eyes, breathing slowly as he tried to remember his favourite memories. "I can't focus with you staring at me like that." Velvet giggled, opening one eye to look at Puffy.

"Shut up Velvet, just think." Puffy rolled her eyes playfully. Still, she brought out her sword and began sharpening it instead as she walked away, taking his request.

Turning up the volume of his music through his headphones, he fell into this realm of memories.

- - -

"Alright, see you guys later." Velvet mumbled, walking away from his two so-called 'friends'. He didn't really like them but really, who else would he be friends with? He was just another face, no one special. Barely anyone knew his name.

Velvet sighed, walking out of the school, back bent over. Another day in the prison of a school.

How much longer?

10 years.

10 FRICKING years.

Velvet kicked a pebble in front of him across the pavement as he heard a soft yelp from the alleyway at the side of the school. Turning around, he walked over, curious.

As he approached the small alleyway, there was more sounds of beating and soft whimpers. Turning the corner, he saw a sight that made him gasp.

At the end of the alleyway were his two best friends, kicking and laughing at someone Velvet couldn't see.

"STOP!" Velvet found himself yelling. His two friends(who he had since forgotten their names) turned around.

"What did you say to us Velvet?" One of them growled. Velvet stood there in shock for a moment.

"Leave him alone." Velvet decided on his words, stating them firmly.

"Why? He's a freak." That was when Velvet saw the boy they were beating up, an anthropomorphic Siamese cat, with bright blue eyes. He was nothing like anything Velvet had seen.

"So? Doesn't give you the right to go beating people up. Treat everyone equally." Velvet said, gritting his teeth.

One of his 'friends' were about to say something back when the other one hit him on the arm. "Dude, let's go. It's not worth it." And with that, they left.

Velvet ran over to the boy. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?"

The  boy looked at him, blue eyes meeting Velvet's emerald ones, shrinking away, scared. "Go away." He whispered.

"No." Velvet stated. "You need help, you're losing consciousness, I can tell."

The boy looked down.

Velvet sighed. "Come on." Velvet said, picking him up making the other yelp. "I'll take you to my place." He settled the other on his back, beginning to run home. Reluctantly, the other buried his face in Velvet's shoulder.

"What's your name by the way?"


- - -

"There!" Velvet giggled, placing the last bandage on Ant's knee. He looked up at the cat. "How do you feel?"

"A little bit better." Ant said, smiling softly. "Thanks for being so nice to me."

"Of course!" Velvet beamed. "You wanna be friends now?"

"I- for real? Or is this another prank?" Ant tilted his head.

"Of course not! Who would joke about something like that?"

Ant shook his head sadly. "So many people..."

Velvet frowned. "Aw, poor Anty." Velvet said sympathetically, patting him on the head.

"What's your name?" Ant asked, trying to ignore the blush creeping on his face.

"Velvet IsCake." Velvet said. "But you can call me Velvet."

"Hm.. how's Red instead?"

"'Red'?" Velvet echoed.

"Yeah! Your hair is red, 'red velvet' and red's my favourite colour! It would match with my favourite person!" Ant beamed.

Velvet smiled, blushing dancing over his face.

- - -

"Hey Anty!" Velvet waved at the boy sitting under a tree, reading as he ate his lunch.

"Hi Red!" Ant smiled back, putting his book down.

"What do you have for lunch?" Velvet asked. He sat himself next to Ant, leaving no space in between them.

"Tuna sandwich, what about you?" Antfrost tilted his head.

Velvet opened his lunch bag eagerly, before groaning. "Steamed artichoke and mayonnaise." Velvet grumbled, making a disgusted face.

"Ouch, well eat up Red." Ant giggled.

"Oh shut up." Velvet peered at it again. "Wanna trade lunches?"

"No way!"

- - -

"RED GUESS WHAT!" Ant ran through the hallways, nearly jumping on his shorter friend.

"Um, you're having a sugar rush?" Velvet joked.


"Really?" Velvet said, eyes wide. Ant nodded. "YES!"

"This is great! We can walk home after school together! Red, this is amazing!"

Velvet smiled. "It really is."

- - -

"ANTY?" Velvet yelled, knocking on the door harshly. "COME ON, WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!"

The door swung open, revealing Ant with a black eye and a small trickle of dried blood on his cheek. Velvet gasped.

"ANT OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?!?" Velvet said worriedly, cupping his face.

"I- I'll be okay Red, don't worry." Ant said, blushing slightly.  "Nothing new."

"That's not good, you know that right?" Velvet frowned.

"My dad was never nice to me, this is normal." Ant shrugged, but winced slightly.

"Anty, that's horrible."


"You poor Anty." Velvet interrupted sympathetically.

At that, Ant burst into tears, collapsing in Velvet's arms who caught him immediately. "It hurts Red." He whispered. Velvet hugged him tighter, burying his face in Ant's shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Velvet hushed him.

- - -

"Hey." Velvet turned seeing Ant sneak out of his window to the rooftop too.

"Hey Anty. Come sit." Velvet patted the spot next to him. Ant sat, cuddling into Velvet. The two watched the stars that shone brightly above.

"Aren't they pretty Red?" Ant whispered.

"Not as pretty as you..." Velvet said under his breath. Ant heard it and blushed.

"Wha- what?" Ant stammered.

"Don't worry about it cutie." Velvet grinned at the other who grew more and more flustered.

- - -

"Happy Birthday dummy!" Ant chirped, hugging his friend as soon as he saw him.

"Thanks kitty." Velvet said, both of them blushing at the nickname. "You're the first person to say that to me so far."

"What? What about your family?" Ant frowned.

"None of them remember, and none of them really care." Velvet shrugged as if it was nothing.

"That's too bad Red. Don't worry, I didn't forget you." Ant smirked proudly, grabbing a box out of his bag, giving it to Velvet. "Open it Red!"

Velvet opened it gingerly. He gasped, seeing the pair of headphones that sat in the box.

"WOAH ANTY THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Velvet said in shock.

"Your welcome! I knew your old headphones were pretty much trash now so I thought I'd help you get new ones! It's not too fancy, sorry Red." Ant said guiltily.

"It's from you, that's more than enough for me." Velvet smiled, Ant smiling right back.

- - -




- - -

"Happy Valentines Day Anty!" Velvet said, hugging Ant.

"Happy Valentines' Red." Ant hugged right back.

They separated, looking into each other's eyes.

"Want to go to the restaurant down the street again and pretend we're dating to get free garlic bread?"

"Sure, let's make it a tradition."

- - -

"I'll miss you Anty." Velvet sobbed into his shoulder.

"I'll miss you too Red." Ant said, feeling his fur getting wet from his own tears too. "I'll think of you everyday."

"Promise me you'll be fine. You'll take care of yourself." Velvet whispered.

"Only if you promise me the same." Ant hugged him tighter.

"I'll see you again, somehow, someday. I can promise you that." Velvet shook violently.

"I'll be waiting for it." Ant promised.

- - -

"Velvet?" Puffy's voice shook him back to reality. "You good?"

It was only then when Velvet realized he was crying.

"Yeah." Velvet wiped away a tear. "Just remembering." Velvet let out a long exhale. "I miss him."

"So." Puffy started, standing up. "What's the plan now?"

Velvet smiled, knowing why she asked him to do that. "I'm going to free Antfrost, one way or another. He may be horrible now, but he's still my friend, and I love him, I can't deny it. I miss the old him, but maybe we can bring him back."

"That's the spirit." Puffy grinned. "I'll give you all the help you need."

"Thanks Puffy. For reminding me what I want." Velvet said. "You're a pretty good therapist."

I can't believe I forgot my goal.

Ant is different now.

But we can save him.

We can make more happy and good memories.

And maybe...

Maybe we can even stumble upon marriage.

Ok, explanation for this chapter, I wanted some fluff ;-;

That's it-

I have no other reason for it.

Also, BRO WHAT WAS GNF'S LORE STREAM THE OTHER DAY- WHAT WAS THAT- If you know, you know- if you haven't seen it, go watch it

You might hate gnf after it

I don't, I'm still a gnf apologist ._.

Also, woah chapter 26- 4 more chapters + epilogue and then this book it done(and I can maybe start on a mcyt oneshot book(if you guys want ofc))

Have a great rest of your night/day! Take care, stay safe and be happy, love you/p! <3

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