Just for clarification for new people reading this story, Maya is the same age as Anti and the other egos, just NEWER as an ego. That is what makes her Anti's 'little sister'. Just wanted to put that out there so there's no confusion.
He hated storms.
'This is bullshit!' he thought to himself, barely able to contain his glitching, 'I need control! Otherwise, what kind of fucking useless thing am I!? I won't lose it!'
Anti had always had these insecurities of weakness. He could never show any vulnerabilities. Not even even to himself.
Not if he had any hope of wiping the Septics out of existence.
He was in an abandoned apartment complex near the city trying to wait out the storm overhead. It was pouring out so tricking of rain seeped through the cracks of the ceiling and walls. Ever since the big fire in this place, it was a disgusting mess and a safety hazard but the city obviously forgot about it, unable to put together the ambition and money to fix it up.
Instead, Anti made his home here by himself. It wasn't much but it was something.
Another crack of lightning overhead made him glitch and nearly fall apart into pixels, "FUCKING HELL! STUPID FUCKING STORM!"
He grabbed ahold of his lame mattress and nearly ripped it apart to gain control over himself back.
'I will not fall apart. I'm stronger than this. I have to be. . . . . I have to be strong. . . . . no weaknesses . . .no weaknesses . . . .'
Suddenly, though, this next crack of lightning was just right next to the building and Anti took an abrupt and sharp breathe before falling unconscious.
The next morning, he woke up exhausted and groggy but at least the storm was long gone.
'Damn . . . that was the worst one yet'
Stretching, Anti groaned and sparked but in the middle of his stretch . . . . something was different.
He felt something else next to him that shouldn't be there.
Looking next to him, he discovered the strangest thing he had ever witnessed.
One year later
"But Aaaaaaannttiiii!" she whined, "Why can't I go with you this time?! It's not fair, big brother!"
"Told you to stop calling me that and we've been over this." he cracked his back and shoved his knife in the back of his pants, "If they see you or even get a hint that you exist, they'll kill you. Do you really want that?"
She huffed, "No . . . . . Can I at least go out to get groceries? I'm sick of ramen! I'll wear that stupid disguise you make me wear when we BOTH go out!"
She frowned.
"Just stay put, alright. If you really want, you could hop on over to the Iplier shithole to pass the time but no going out and ESPECIALLY not without me, you hear me?" he was really strict about that rule.
She groaned to herself and looked away but Anti wasn't taking that as an answer, "Maya! I need a verbal answer! Do as I say!"
Maya flinched but nodded, a bit sad, "Fine . . . . I'll stay here"
Anti nodded back, "Good . . . I'll bring back some Chinese on the way home. You want crab Rangoon or egg rolls?" he bribed.
She just shrugged sadly, "Can you get . . both?"
Anti rolled his eyes, "You know I fucking spoil you, right? Fine . . .. I should be back in a few hours. Remember what I said"
"Yes sir" she mocked but he ignored it and glitched off.
Maya was never allowed to go out on her own and if she did at all, Anti and her disguised themselves just in case and she had to stay at his side at all times. She didn't think it was fair. They didn't even know what she looked like or that she existed in the first place!
'He's just so overprotective . . . even if he says otherwise . . .I wish I could just go have fun like other people. I see them all the time on the streets and sidewalks going by and talking about how much fun they had in their day'
She exhaled heavily and gawked out the window again. It seemed that was all she did these days.
Don't get her wrong, there were days when she got to go to the Iplier house with Anti and hang out with them. They were an odd bunch but pretty nice. The first time she met them, some of them wanted to kill or hurt her but Anti was sure to put an end to their blood lust when it came to her.
Anti AND Dark.
Dark was pretty nice to her. Granted, he was nearly on her just as much as Anti but in a different way. She thought of him as her best friend. She didn't know exactly what that meant but from TV, she guessed that's what they were. That had to be the only option to label him.
Even though sometimes she was sure Dark probably thought he was just a glorified babysitter.
And like a good little girl, she waited for Anti either watching TV or people-watching from their balcony.
Then she heard a loud warped glitching noise and smelled that yummy food. She was still upset with him but couldn't turn down food.
Anti snorted as she ravenously bolted at him, snatching her bag of Chinese, "You're welcome"
Looking up to thank him, she noticed how he looked, "Ouch . . .. Didn't go well today?"
Her big brother shook his head and took out his own meal, "No. . . . that hero asshole managed to stop me from breaking another atm and gave me this black eye as a warning. Not that he could have done anything else to me" he snickered, "I managed to cut his cheek before glitching away. What'd you do today?"
She remembered her anger at him and glared.
He got the idea, "I see . . .. right ... . well maybe this'll make you feel better. How would you like to visit the Ipliers tomorrow?"
"How's THAT supposed to make me feel better?"
"Easy now, easy" he rolled his eyes, "Because while you stay with THEM, I'll be out making a few deals to see who wants to try their hand at taking out the Septics for me. And while THEY try their hardest in vain, I'll be breaking into Chase's computer. If I can just do that, then we'll at least have a shot of taking them down for good." he snickered evilly.
Maya rolled her eyes this time, "Why don't you just talk to them?" she shut up suddenly seeing his emotions change into livid rage.
"S-sorry" she apologized but it was too late for that.
Anti snorted, "You KNOW better . . . there's no talking to them . . .. you understand? Maya, if they even got a whiff of your existence, they'd do everything in their power to END you."
"But . . . but maybe I could help you? What if-"
Anti just scoffed at her, "You wouldn't understand. You're too soft"
Ending the conversation, Anti took his meal and decided to eat elsewhere in the apartment.
Maya felt horrible on the verge of tears but she deserved that. She should have known Anti was sensitive like that. But he should know . . . . that so was she when he snapped like THAT.
'What's he care anyway if they DO kill me?' her angst butt into her thoughts, 'He'd probably be happier without me to always take care of'
She sniffled and looked at the food. But she wasn't hungry anymore.
The next day, Anti glitched them to the Iplier house. She was still kind of sad and Anti felt this.
'I shouldn't have yelled at her like that . . . . She's just so . . weak. I wish she'd just be stronger. She came from ME after all.'
The memory of their first conversation came to his mind when she had asked if he was her father. Of course he panicked and shook his head violently. No fucking way did he EVER under any circumstance want to be called 'dad'. So she guessed again and called him her big brother to which he agreed to. It was better than the latter.
'Sometimes I forget how young she is. . . . She's so fucking innocent and ignorant of everything on the outside . . . That's my fault but for some reason . . . I don't want her to get hurt'
He wasn't sure himself as to why but in the back of his mind he knew that if anything happened to her, he'd tear apart through anything and do just about anything to ensure her safety.
Was that what love was supposed to feel like?
He shuddered at the thought but his attention returned when Bim opened the door.
"Well hello there! I'm Bim Trimmer and-"
"Yeah, yeah show-dude. We know! Move it!" Anti rudely bust through him and he vaguely heard Maya mutter an apology for him before dragging her with him to Dark's office.
He bust down Dark's door and walked right in, ignoring Maya's comment on how rude it was, "HEY DARK! WHERE YOU AT!?"
He heard a deep and exhausted sighed from the other end of the room around the corner and Anti dragged Maya along with him towards it.
Dark was sitting at his desk looking out the window but with a small glance towards them, Maya almost felt scared if it wasn't for her anger at Anti being so crass.
"Anti . . . haven't I told you before not to be so loud and disruptive when entering my quarters?"
Anti just shrugged at him, "I like to make a big entrance. Anyway, here's the deal-"
Dark stood up from his chair and crossed his arms, "Maya, how are YOU? Doing well despite living with this beast?"
Anti glared and seethed at him but Maya smiled softly, "Oh, I'm fine! He's just . . excitable today is all, I think"
"Excitable" Anti repeated, "I'm gonna take out those Septic losers once and for all today!"
"Sure you all" Dark didn't believe him, "Anyway, I'll keep Maya here while you go out. Don't get yourself killed or maimed too badly. The doctor is out today so if you get shot or a cracked rib, you'll have to take care of it yourself"
"Whatever." Anti didn't want to hear it, "Maya, you stay here and be good for Dark. I shouldn't be gone too long"
"Be GOOD for him!?" she spat, "I'm not a child, Anti! Geez!"
"Really because wasn't it just the other day you wanted me to get you a Happy Meal?"
"Oh shut up! I wanted to see that weird new robot toy they had that interacts with your phone! It was cool!"
"It broke in like five seconds." he poked her shoulder affectionately but that was all he'd do, especially in front of Dark, "Just stay out of trouble. See ya"
With that, he glitched out of the room, awkwardly leaving her and Dark alone together.
"So . . .. how've YOU been?"
Dark rolled his eyes but gave an odd amused sneer, "Go downstairs and play with Yan or Eric for a while. I'm busy but later I'll come get you. There's something I want to talk to you alone about but not right this second. Later"
She felt a shiver go down her spine and she didn't know why but shrugged, "Okay!"
She wanted to run out of the room anyway.
"So anyway, as I was saying, I stabbed them for DARING to touch MY SENPAI!"
Maya stiffened, "Yan . . don't you think you could get your . . senpai's affection by talking and getting to know him?"
"Pft!" they snorted at her, "NO! You don't know anything about love, Maya! You're too young to understand! Why do I ever bother talking to you about it!?"
She flinched at that but shrugged in response. Yeah, that was generally everyone's go-to response to anything she had to say.
Too young. She WAS the youngest ego at only a year old but she was learning! Learning pretty well, too, for not being allowed out in the outside world by herself!
After a couple of hours hanging around Yandere(because let's be honest, most of the time, it was a one-way conversation), Dark finally came to collect her.
"Maya, come back up with me to my office will you?"
Obediently, she followed, actually a little grateful to get away from Yan's incessant screeching about her Senpai who may or may not be real. She wasn't too sure yet.
'I wonder if Anti is getting anywhere yet . . . I wish he'd just listen to me for once. Maybe we could just move somewhere else and not have to ever hide again! Then I wouldn't be in danger. Wouldn't that be the best decision?'
She knew of her big brother's feud with the Septics but honestly, she didn't know much more than that. He didn't allow her on YouTube so she had no idea of who Sean was or what the Septics even LOOKED liked.
"Maya, pay attention" Dark's sudden gruff voice shot her out of her thoughts.
"Oh . . sorry"
They made it up to his office but something was different.
The window curtain was closed and his lights were dimmed a bit but not enough that it was . . dark.
"I thought we could eat lunch together and talk" he pointed to his desk where there was a nice salad and sandwiches prepped for them, "Would you like that?"
'Is his voice deeper than usual?' she shook the thought off, 'He's being polite, Maya, you should just sit down with him. It's been awhile since we've talked'
Dark pulled out her chair for her and she sat down and he walked over to his own seat.
"Go ahead and try it. I got the food from a nice restaurant downtown. I think you'll like it"
She nodded and picked up the sandwich, taking a bite. Something about this 'chat' was bothering her but she didn't know what it was.
"Is it good?" he sounded a little too hopeful. That was weird.
But she nodded, "Are you okay, Dark? You're acting . . . different"
He chuckled, "Oh Maya . . . . you ARE observant . . . I just want to . .. explore is all. Our relationship. We're friends, aren't we?"
Friends . . . . she didn't think he was capable of knowing that word or what it meant.
"I . . .I guess"
"Right . . well . . . I was wondering if you'd like to stay here more often . . . get away from Anti here and there. He weighs you down, you know"
"Wait, what?" she stopped him, "What are you talking about? Anti's really good to me"
"Of course he is . . . and that's why he keeps you locked up all the time like a prisoner . .. only letting you out to either come see me or indulge you on your fantasies of the outside world but ONLY in certain circumstances . . . .yes . . good to you"
"I . . . I don't-" he was right, though. Anti WAS controlling over everything she did but . . . .
"It's for my protection"
"Your protection" he repeated, " Maya . . . I could protect you far better than HE ever could" his voice turned sour, a snarl on his lips.
She didn't like this and put the sandwich down, "D-dark . . . I'm not comfortable talking about this . .. I'm just gonna go downstairs and-"
He suddenly bolted up out of his chair and grabbed her arm, "YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE! WE'RE NOT DONE TALKING!"
She flinched as he shoved her back in her seat, "D-dark?"
"Why are you being like this, Maya? You know he's not good for you! I could take better care of you than he ever could!"
He growled low and shuddered but suddenly gained control over himself back and his face relaxed. He looked okay again, "Maya . . . . ." he stood up from his chair and walked slowly around his desk to her, "I . .. want you . . . to be mine. Just think about it!"
Maya tensed as he took her shoulder and rubbed with his thumb softly.
"I could give you . . everything" his voice was seductive but she was just terrified.
'I want Anti. Where's my big brother? I need you, Anti, please!'
Dark twirled her around in her seat so she was facing him and he leaned down to meet her eyes, "Maya . . . He's lied to you, you know . . . ..There's so much he's lied to you about"
"Wh-what are you talking about?"
He grinned, "You having to hide . . .the Septics . . . . what he does in his free time or . . . . .used to. Stay with me and you'll never have to hide again . . . I want you so much, Maya"
Things got creepy again when he took her face in his hand, "So young" he whispered to her, "So innocent . . . don't you think it's time you became came something more than Anti's . . . . little sister? Don't you think it's time you learned how the world REALLY works?"
Her heart raced and pounded against her ribcage. She shivered and started to cry but Dark didn't seem to care and he leaned forward, taking advantage of her in this frozen mindset.
His lips touched hers and she panicked. He didn't expect her to fight back but held her firmly, suddenly pulling her up out of the chair and flush against him.
Maya cried and tried to shove him away but he was stronger, trying to move his tongue through her lips.
Suddenly, though, in the spur of her high emotions, she slammed her foot down on his, making him pull away briefly but before she could run, he grabbed her by her arm.
But she just cried and suddenly shouted, "I DON'T WANT YOU! LEAVE ME ALONE!"
In her own rage, a wave of electricity shocked Dark enough that it forced him to let her go.
And now finally able to move out of his grasp, she glitched out of the mansion.
And back home.
Only . . . she may have miscalculated where home was in her panic.
Back at the mansion, Dark growled and kicked the chair away, "DAMMIT!"
He had to get her back before Anti returned!
Maya looked around but sort of recognized where she was.
'I'm in my town but . . . where's home from here again?' she looked around scared. She felt naked and violated. She never expected Dark to do something like that.
She felt her tears streak her cheeks and rubbed her lips with the back of her hand. She felt gross.
But she had to find home and started walking.
Only for there to be a sudden explosion!
The buildings shook and there were loud noises and other people around seemed to scream and panic, too but Maya found that she couldn't really move. She was frozen again.
The building next to her started to crumple down and a steel pole fell away and started to fall over her.
She closed her eyes and braced for impact. Maybe it'd hit just right and kill her on impact.
But nothing happened. She felt alive, still. She opened her eyes and couldn't believe what she saw.
This man . . .. was holding up this steel beam like it was nothing and glanced to her with a smile.
"Are you alright, mam? You should get out of here! It's not safe!"
With that, he put the beam down on the ground and raced to help other people. Apparently there was a gas explosion in the restaurant next to her where she was walking and this man . . . came just in time to help save and protect everyone? Who was this guy?
But then she suddenly realized.
HE'S A HERO. THE hero!
'Oh shit . . . . Anti warned me about him! He's not a good person, really! He'll kill me if he knows who I really am!' she found she was still frozen, though and couldn't move, 'What do I do? Where do I . . . what should I. . . . '
"There you are . . . . Maya"
Her breathe caught in her throat and she didn't have to turn around to know who it was.
She could only think of one thing to do!
Dark tried to grab her and go but the hero heard her scream and rushed over in a flash. His eyes changed. They weren't happy anymore.
"Darkiplier . . .what are you doing here terrorizing poor young ladies?"
Dark snarled, "None of your business. . . this . .. girl . . is my ward and we really should be getting back home"
"Mam?" the hero turned to her, "Do you know this man?"
She thought of the only thing she could to get away from Dark, "NO! Please help me! He tried to rape me!"
But the hero pulled Maya to him, "Leave now, Dark, before things get ugly . . you're not welcome here . . . remember?"
Dark glared at Maya but just snuffed, "We'll see each other again . . . . . Remember you can't hide from me forever"
With that, he vanished into the shadows and the hero shuddered.
"Man, that guy's creepy . . so you know him then, huh?"
Maya didn't know what to say but she didn't have to as he continued, "It's okay! I'll make sure he can't hurt you. I'm Jackieboyman by the way! But you can call me Jackie! Can I escort you home, miss?"
Maya couldn't deal with this. She started to cry again and the hero did the only thing he could think of in that moment.
He hugged her.
Maya was scared but this man . . .. there was something comforting about him.
She heard Dark's earlier words in her head.
'He's lying to you'
About what?
Looking up to the hero, she was curious. Something told her that maybe . .. . . maybe Anti wasn't telling the full truth about these Septics.
This was the first part of this short story. The next part will be out shortly. What do you think Maya will do? And how will Anti react?
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