a/n: @Gay_Sinner won the contest!! Thank you to everyone who everyone who entered! This was my first contest and i may do another one in the future! Tell me in the comments below what you guys would want in the next contest. Also, hop over to my oneshot book (Car's Good Ol' Oneshots) for the oneshot of the contest winner's choosing; Jeremy x Reader. Enjoy!!
Also made this meme for my story,,
AND!!! read All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. It's more of a mature book so prepare yourself but i've had my nose in it non-stop for a couple weeks now. totally recommend it!!
"No, you dumbass. Where'd Jenna get that from?"
"Well. . . Just her imagination, probably."
"I know you're lying," Michael said, tapping his fingers on his leg, "what really happened?"
"I don't know if you're ready to hear all of this." Jeremy laughed in a sarcastic manner.
"I am! Just spill it." The Filipino's brows furrowed.
"Fine. . ." Jeremy let out a long breath, "It started a few months ago. . ."
Michael nodded softy, lips pursed. He didn't know what was about to come out of Jeremy's mouth, but he didn't really know if he wanted to know. He gulped and watched as Jeremy's fingers played with the loose strings of his cardigan, sleeve half way down his hand.
"Well. . ."
The Filipino sighed softly, "Are you sure you want to tell me?"
"Yeah." Jeremy nodded, "I want to, and I'm sure you want to as well. You're more nosy than I am."
Michael laughed softly, "Touche."
This was the calm before the storm, only Michael didn't know it yet. But guess what? Jeremy did. Since that's a fact, it made Jeremy's nerves kick into high gear. The newfound look on his face caused Michael's laughter to cease and turn into more of a serious frown.
"Jeremy? What's on your mind?" Michael questioned, shooting endearing eyes over at the brunette.
That look alone sent chills down Jeremy's spine but all he could do was gulp and keep his lunch down, "Well. . ."
His eyes traveled around the room, trying to find someone or something even slightly more interesting than the situation he was in right now.
"I know I'm probably not supposed to tell you about things like this, but I have to get it off my chest."
"I'm your best friend." Michael said, "You're supposed to tell me whatever you want to tell me. . . Y'know, unless it's to drag me into the ground and leave me in a bathroom to mope over my sorrows in my weed boxers."
"I thought we got past this," Jeremy sighed reluctantly, "I thought we'd talked about it and figured things out.
Michael shrugged, "Yeah, we did. It's just the last time you're ever sat me down like this or talked to me like this, that's what happened. I'm setting guidelines."
The brunette blinked and tried to shake off the fatal blow he just received. If looks could kill, Jeremy would be gone. The look on Michael's face was the look of betrayal and unsaid words. It sent shivers down the brunettes spine and it was a face that could keep him up at night if he pondered it for too long.
"Okay. . ." Jeremy gulped, "So. . . Can we talk?"
Michael blinked and gave Jeremy a look that made him want to crawl under a rock and die there, "That's why we're here. Just start talking, and we can get this over with. I know this pains you just as much as it's about to pain me."
Jeremy shook his arms, trying to get the shivers out before he started talking, "So, uh, I've had dreams about you."
"Me too, bud." Michael laughed softly, but he stopped once he didn't see Jeremy's expression budging, ". . . What kind of dreams?"
"Uh," Jeremy laughed awkwardly, "wet?"
". . Wet?"
"Wet dreams. Yeah. It's disgusting, I know, but ever since I got one I—"
Michael laughed, "Stop messing with me, man. What's really on your mind?"
"I'm being serious, Michael!" Jeremy's voice cracked for a second, "Ever since I had that dream, I've felt like," he paused, "I've felt these weird feeling things ever since I had that dream! And I know it was a dream, and that it wasn't real, but it felt real! It felt really, really real." Jeremy's mouth was dry and his palms were clammy.
There was long pause, maybe even a little too long for comfort. Jeremy licked his lips and pushed a loose strand of hair out of his face before speaking again. He stalled his words a bit longer just to see if Michael would pipe up and say something, but he didn't. The look on Michael's face was confused and intrigued at the same time, and Jeremy didn't know if he liked being the recipient of that odd expression.
". . . So, what do you think about that?" Jeremy finally had scavenged enough courage to say that.
The Filipino's face was now blank with an unreadable expression on it. Michael took his glasses off and cleaned them on his hoodie before fixing his posture, clearing his throat and putting his glasses back on. His eyes went from size one to size ten real fast.
"Well, I don't really know what to say, Jeremy." Michael shrugged, "I can see why it was embarrassing for you to say something about it to me, but why'd you think that that couple possibly change our friendship? Or that I would hate you for it?"
"Because! Usually people don't talk about stuff like that, not even best friends. And it's embarrassing!" He gulped, "And it's not just that dream, it's that. . ." Jeremy's voice gave out for a new sections, "it's that I think I like you, Michael!"
Jeremy's eyes widened and he tried to cover his mouth faster than Michael could say something. The Filipino was taken aback, mouth slightly ajar and eyes wide. He didn't say anything, but he did slowly get up and off the bed. Michael grabbed his cassette tape before walking out of his room without a word. Once the door closed, Jeremy faceplanted on his bed and groaned because he knew that was a sign to leave. Quick — before Michael changed his mind to walk away and to do something else
"Another one bites the dust,"
Michael bursted into his room, thoughts whirling around his head. He hadn't said a word since he left Jeremy's room (other than shouting at someone for cutting him off on the highway). Things were seeming to move in slow motion, and Michael felt as if his feet were stuck in quicksand. He unintentionally slammed the door, and flinched once he heard it close.
Rich looked up once he heard the door close, cocking a brow, "I thought you were staying with Jeremy tonight?"
"There were a change on plans." Michael fell on Rich's bed and groaned.
"Come here," the blonde patted his thighs, "need to have a little big-brother-little-brother talk?"
"That'd be nice." Michael nodded
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