Highway 66

(Co-written by NoraXSWest-AllenFam)

Dedicated to Dedicated to @bloodypunkkk, @amorheartz, ThatSpiderKnight, and @Nicholas_Thawne, for all of their sweet views, votes, and comments on my stories! You're all amazing!

And a special dedication goes out from both of us to luciferandchloe2021 and damianflashpoint943 for their schway support of our work! We highly appreciate you both :)

15 Minutes Later...

What had once been a gentle car ride with the man she loved through the outer suburban sections of the places between Central City and its neighboring coast one, had turned into one, slightly more - turbulent.

The peaceful sights and similarly slow driving cars had been traded out for the insane drivers that wanted to reenact the scenes of a Fast and Furious movie, whizzing past so quickly that had Iris actually decided to become a cop, she would've definitely pulled them over for it.

The green hills and homely road for that of hardened dirted gray cement that ran beneath their car's black tires, complementing the similarly colored built bridges and other man-made structures that they passed by almost as quickly as they would come into view.

Though not one little part of these changes seemed to get to Iris at all, the unmoving feeling of love and tranquility, along with a burst of growing excitement, still running through her to her core.

These sights versus the others, none of it really matters. Because I have the only two things I need with me right in this car.
... Although if I see another one of those tiny racer reds try and blare its loud horn at us and scare the living daylights out of us again, I may or may not suggest that Barry just use a little bit of meta magic to teach them a lesson.

Unfortunately, the feelings of the blissfully happy wife/soon-to-be-mother were not quite as reciprocated by her partner.

As in, at all.

"Is it okay if I say that I'm one-hundred percent regretting my decision to agree to this?" Barry asked, his words followed by a nervous half-laugh as his shaky hands struggled to hold a firm grip on the steering wheel.

Though, that did not in the slightest pull his gaze away from the chaotic mess of a road that surrounded him, his insides jumping unpleasantly nearly every time he heard his fellow drivers' indignant shouts of road rage or the loud zipping sound of another vehicle racing past theirs.

"Relax Barry, you're doing great," Iris replied cheerily, her eyes somehow managing to see the exact same thing as his, yet something completely different at the same time.

"And don't listen to any of them, they're the bad drivers. You're the expert scientist with a PHD in physics, one that's being kind enough to drive his pregnant wife to their resort reservation. I say that makes you better than each and everyone out here." she told him lovingly, lightly rubbing his knee calmingly.

"I know you keep saying that Iris and I really, really appreciate your support, honestly, but just looking at this traffic isn't exactly making me feel that way," Barry stated, his rapid heart beat swiftly gaining speed as he instinctively jerked the steering wheel to the left, abruptly following the large line of cars crossing over to the lane beside his past one.

"Well speaking as the passenger on this car ride, I think it is," Iris commented supportively, her words of confidence and reaffirmation unwavering.

"You just have to, let go a little bit, relax," she explained, the ever tense muscles of her husband still fully locked into place.

Though she knew how difficult that would be for Barry considering despite being one of the smartest people she knew (and we know a LOT of geniuses), relax somehow seemed to be one of the only words that was vacant from his rather large vocabulary. A fact he shared much in common with a certain anger tool-throwing mentor of his. Or rather, with most of his heroes.

"Just enjoy everything you have here with you. Focus on that instead," Iris instructed gingerly, before turning back in her seat to look out at the long, open road in front of them, beaming as unendingly brightly as she had been the whole trip as she still held her one hand on her stomach.

I know I am.

"I'm trying to, Honey," Barry responded distractedly as he abruptly pushed his foot down on the pedal, stopping just as a nearby lamppost's hanging street light turned red, the entirety of the car's contents suddenly jostling forward, including the two unsuspecting passengers.

The many containers of food teetered back and forth on the passenger seats behind the couple, their various interior materials only barely remaining secured in their plastic container due to the man's extensive packing efforts earlier that morning.

Though that wasn't all that shifted in the abrupt stop of the pair's ride, Iris having been thrown particularly roughly from the unexpected brake as she had to suddenly grab the dashboard handle in front of her to keep herself from going any further forward, feeling like her stomach had continued to lurch forward even after they had stopped.

That was... a little sudden...

"I'm so sorry about that! Are you and the baby okay?!" Barry frantically asked as he immediately diverted his attention, despite his nervousness, away from the temporarily paused road in order to make sure his loved ones were completely safe.

"Yeah, yeah we're both okay Babe," Iris quickly reassured him with a half smile, still feeling honestly more shaken than she should have given the minor inconvenience.

"Okay, okay, great! That's good," Barry breathed, letting a thankful sigh at his wife's safety slip past his lips before his eyes slowly regained their attentive focus on the rambunctious vehicles currently revving their engines readily all around theirs.

Needless to say, nervous was far from the descriptive word the man would use to describe the couple's current predicament. Claustrophobic on the other hand, seemed to match his anxious feelings much better.

Well, considering their daughter was in attendance, that was the one he'd choose, anyway.

Iris just turned back to the road once more as she felt the space around her start moving again, the once calming sensation of what had felt like graceful flying now turned into something strangely rough and uneven.

She let out a long, quiet breath as she just placed her right hand back where it belonged, trying to shake the uneasy feeling that had suddenly overtaken her when her blissful bubble that had coated the world suddenly popped at their abrupt stop.

You're okay, you're okay. Just being over sensitive about Nora, that's all.

As they continued to drive along though, Iris' feelings quickly began to change.

Her vision started to become blurry as she strained to focus on any of the other roads or even cars around them, finding herself instead just staring off blankly into space as she felt her mind begin to go numb.

A strange feeling began to form in the pit of her stomach that seemed to grow stronger with each sharp turn that her husband took to avoid what he would've considered their next chance of crashing, her smile slowly fading as a low growling filled her ears, the rolling and sploshing of all of excess amounts of food inside her growing with it.

I don't think that eating ALL of those cheesy wraps was such a great idea...

"Barry," Iris croaked quietly, the hand grasp around her abdomen clutching it a little bit tighter as she felt its deep growling start to grow stronger.

"Yeah, yeah, okay, Iris, I know you're gonna say that I need to calm down and just relax but how can I "just relax" when we're currently stuck in between a million other psycho-drivers, no offense to them of course! But still, it's kinda true..." Barry rambled, his eyes kept intently at ten and two with the front windshield, with the sole exception of an occasional glance at the vehicle's side mirror to ensure there would be no "ramming."

"Barry," Iris pleaded again, trying to put some more urgency in her voice, but not getting far as she fought back the bubbling sensation at the back of her throat.

Now's not the time for your adorkable rambling...

"Okay, you're right, I shouldn't be calling people out like that. I mean, not everyone is probably that reckless of a driver-except that guy! Hey, you can't just cut in front of us like that!" Barry called exasperatedly, though his words did very little considering the window was still closed.

But the anger his words lacked were made up for in kind by the sharp increase in speed the vehicle gained as he pressed his foot down firmly on the pedal, throwing Iris' already turning stomach into even more turmoil.


"See if I let anyone else cut the car with my Wife and Baby off again..." Barry mumbled vaguely, his mind now completely emerged into the chaos that was the highway surrounding them.

Only, he held much more concern than the rather agitated drivers which drove beside him. Though, it would be far from accurate to say that the man wasn't even in the least bit frustrated by their stressful situation.

"Barry! Iris cried, a short burst of air suddenly leaving her lungs for that brief moment before her growing feeling of nausea began to work its way upwards as she quickly became silent, a burst of pain shooting through her abdomen as it did so.

This probably isn't going to end very well...

"What? What's wrong?" Barry quickly inquired, his senses still slightly disoriented from the frustration and panic which had so swiftly overtaken him.

Though, it took no further explanation from his wife to explain what exactly was going on.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Iris croaked, the unpleasant bubbling in her stomach growing stronger with each passing second.

"Oh, um, no problem!" Barry replied, as reassuringly as someone could to a comment like Iris', any anger he'd once felt towards their driving situation disappearing in a single lightning-fast heartbeat as he immediately jumped back into overprotective husband/dad mode once more.

The man's eyes snapped back to the road to look for any type of escape route they could use to get to somewhere a little slower, though any sign of a feasible exit for the couple was completely shrouded by the blockade of cars which surrounded theirs.

"We can't really pull off right now because we're in the middle of a highway and all, but don't worry! Because I totally prepared for this with in-car vomit bags...just give me just a second!" He rambled, his words leaving his mouth in rapid succession as he carefully, yet swiftly attempted to lean back and grab the aforementioned supplies while still keeping full control of the moving vehicle which they were seated in.

"Too late!" Iris sputtered as her hand quickly jumped to her mouth, the feeling of her previously delicious meal of cheesy wraps flooding back up her throat uncontrollably, leaving her only one option to use within arms reach.

"BLAHH!!!" Iris cried as she stuffed her face inside her green purse's soft clothed interior, feeling her stomach heave as every bit of food she'd had that day left her, filling her already overstuffed bag even more, repeating the same process another time as a second wave of nausea and subsequent vomiting struck her as suddenly as the first, pouring what felt like all of her guts out along with it.

Iris slowly breathed a heavy breath as she pulled her head out of what had formerly been her favorite purse, closing her eyes for a few seconds as she tried to let her insides settle after the whole shakening event.

"How are you feeling..." Barry began before being abruptly cut off as his wife quickly stuffed her head back into her purse and finished depositing the rest of her stomach's contents into it.

Despite being what most would consider a not-so-great driver, an instinct inside him somehow kicked in, sending a needed push of confidence shooting through the man's veins as he cautiously held the steering wheel steady with one hand while using the other to gently hold back his wife's hair for her, taking extra caution to avoid undoing the hard work she'd put into it earlier that morning.

After she was sure that anything that she could've eaten was outside of her body and now in the bag sitting in her lap, Iris pulled her head back out from her purse once more and leaned as far back as she could in her seat, once again taking a few slowed breathes as she cautiously held one hand to her queasy stomach.

I'm not sure if that was Barry's driving, the cheesy wraps, or pregnancy sickness, but two things are for sure.

Nora sure must be having a good time in there, and I've lost this purse.

"Are you okay?" Barry inquired softly as he let her hair fall back against her sleeveless blouse, though rather than removing his secondary hand, he merely moved its comforting touch from his partner's hair to her back, rubbing it slowly so as to ease any pain from her stomach.

"Yeah. I'm okay now," Iris answered quietly, the feelings of discomfort slowly leaving her body at her husband's gentle and soothing touch, along with the rest of what had left her just moments prior.

"But I guess it's a good thing that we still have our digital reservations, because these are done," she remarked with a light sigh, not even daring to look in her purse as she cautiously closed it shut.

"That's why we always plan in advance. Well, that and the fact that I'm usually clumsy enough for us to always just assume we'll need a backup," Barry joked lightly, a soft smile coming to his face as he inconspicuously deflected any type of embarrassment back onto himself so as to make Iris feel better.

Plus, there was probably nothing that he could ever do that would be embarrassing that he hadn't already accidentally done when she was around, both before their marriage and afterwards.

Not something though that went unnoticed by his partner, or unappreciated.

"Thanks Barry," Iris smiled lightly, her grateful tone expressing all of how much she truly appreciated him, even if she couldn't fully get it into words at the moment.

"But do me a favor, remind me not to eat in the car again," Iris moaned, as she just leaned her head back against the soft headrest once more.

"Even if I try to say otherwise."

"I think I can manage that," Barry agreed, his loving smile just as genuine as before, the palm of his hand still rubbing her back in soothing circular motions.

An action that was simultaneously calming both of the pair's nerves at once. Though, Barry always knew that there would never be a better way to describe his happiness except by simply saying, Iris.

Because having the love of his life there for all the moments they would be sharing as a family? Well, that's the only thing he really needed to know they would be great parents. Because they were doing it together.

Though, knowing exactly who their future kids turn into definitely was also a bonus bit of reassurance for the couple's slightly nervous hearts.

That was far from what I'd call pleasant. But luckily, I have Barry with me to help me through it. Just like he always is for me. And how I know that he will be all of these next months until we meet our Baby, and forever after to.

And the next nine months, the first ones where it's going to be three of us for the first time, despite how... uncomfortable and unpleasant I know they'll be at times, I already know will be nothing short of magical.

I mean, how can it not when you're working on bringing your daughter into this world?

Well, the puking isn't a highlight, or the plenty of other things I know will come, but that's besides the point, since those aren't here right now.

Though all in all, I guess at least our Baby's first joyride on our Babymoon started out "eventful".

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