Happily Pregnant Parents

(Co-written by NoraXSWest-AllenFam)

Dedicated to Dedicated to damianflashpoint943, @bloodypunkkk, @amorheartz, ThatSpiderKnight, and @Nicholas_Thawne, for all of their sweet views, votes, and comments on my Flash-themed stories! You are all truly the best :)

And a special dedication goes out from both of us to luciferandchloe2021 for their incredibly kind support and patience waiting for this story! We sincerely appreciate every comment you leave on our works :)


It was the singular word that bounced avidly throughout Barry's mind as he raced around their large Loft's every room, his hands promptly packing and swiftly stacking several suitcases full of his and Iris' various luggage near their polished oak front door, the soles of his energetic black sneakers seemingly tapping along with his heart's every beat.

"And that should do it!" Barry beamed proudly, a wide smile of joy shining clearly on his face as a comforting warmth tugged at his muscles, the thought of his family immediately vanquishing any amount of tiredness that had once pulled his body down.

So, I MAY not have slept that much last night...or really any at all, but can you really blame me?! I mean, it's finally our turn to take the next step in our lives. To do the thing we've spent the last five years of our lives dreaming about. We get to have her. We get to have our Nora. And best of all, I get to do it all with the woman I love more than anything else in the world.

Barry felt the softest of tears glisten gently in his eyes at just the thought of getting to have their baby girl, the image of her little hazel brown eyes nearly making the father's heart melt as his gaze drifted around the room, taking in almost every detail of the home that surrounded him:

The sun's bright rays shone in through their home's delicate glass-paned windows, casting a vibrant light across nearly every piece of furniture which resided within their living room's space. Their tan comfy couch's cushions were fluffed to perfection, creating only the softest of places for the man's now pregnant wife to rest on. Plates upon plates of varying foods from three-layered cheese lasagna to freshly baked peppermint chocolate chip cookies were covered thoughtfully with plastic wrap and readily waiting on top of the quaint kitchen's marble pop-out bar countertop for the car ride the couple would soon be taking together. In fact, the only thing in the entirety of the space which their Loft consisted of that could even be considered messy was solely the thick blue-binded books which lay sprawled out across their living room's long glass center table, its translucent surface reflecting the morning's natural light back up at the ceiling in a sort of disco-esque way that somehow sent an additional beat of happiness through the speedster's heart.

The very books which the speedster had carefully compiled the very night prior of several notes as to what they would need during Iris' pregnancy.

And those are only the detailed checklists I made for the first two months of symptoms she may have or the things we'll need to make sure to buy. Which in hindsight reminds me, would it be a better idea if maybe I stay here and get everything prepared while Iris takes a vacation? I mean, it wouldn't hurt to give her some time to rest before the long months we have up ahead and then she wouldn't have to worry about anything else except, just keeping Nora healthy and safe!

"Yeah, that's not happening," Iris stated clearly, the feeling of her soft hand patting his plum-cardigan-covered shoulder jolting her husband out of his sudden downward spiral of worry.
"Huh? What?" Asked Barry as he quickly spun around on his heels, shaking his head once or twice to regain a focused vision on the woman who stood only inches away from him.

Though, it took very little time to do so due to his wife's shining beauty.

She was dressed in a sleeveless marigold yellow tank top paired casually with a pair of black jeans that ended just above her ankles, simple white sneakers covering her brightly nailed feet. Her long black-curled goddess braids hanging elegantly down against her exposed shoulder blades, a delicate silver necklace with her mother's initials placed gently around her neck acting as a sort of reminder of the Christmas Barry had given it to her nearly nine years ago.

I felt so lost that year as to what to get her because well, I didn't want to make it seem like too much because she was with Eddie and I didn't need to get in the middle of that, but at the same time, she deserved to get nothing less than something that was at least somewhat as great as she is. And then I saw that broken jewelry box her mother gave her when she was a little girl and I knew, I juut knew, that it would make the perfect gift.

"I don't have to hear you say it to know when you're worrying about something. Or especially when you're spiraling," Iris smiled knowingly, one hand placed lightly on her hip.

"And before you even think about it; we are both going on this vacation," she stated, taking Barry's hand gently in her own.

Her voice seemed to be able to hold the kindest and most gentle touch to it that Barry had ever heard, yet still carry the firmness needed not to let her husband avoid the conversation.

Which is one of the many reasons why she's the perfect woman for me. Or in general, honestly.

"Besides, what good's a Babymoon if we're not both there to share it?" Iris added sweetly with a light tilt of her head as she wrapped her arms slowly aroond his neck and pulled herself closer to him, her brown eyes gleaming up at him lovingly as she did so.

"I know, and I would never give up the chance to get to spend even a single moment with you," Barry smiled softly as he placed the palm of his hand against her face, the tips of his gentle fingers held gently on her cheek.

"I'm just worried that with how excited I am, I might end up missing something you or, you know, Nora needs," he admitted, his eyes darting downwards sheepishly at the precious gift which currently resided in his wife's stomach.

And somehow, despite what all logic would otherwise state as even possible, the man's loving smile grew wider than before.

Iris and Nora, they're already both so amazing, or Nora will be amazing when she's born anyway. And I just want to make sure that I'm doing enough for them. Which is technically impossible because they deserve everything and I can't exactly give them that, but that doesn't mean I can't, or won't, still try, anyway.

"I don't think that's going to be possible, since we both have you right here with us," Iris answered lovingly, taking a few seconds to follow her husband's gaze to the place where the smallest cells of their little girl were technically already residing.

Even though no words were spoken by her, the amount of pure love and indescribable joy that laid in the soon to be mother's heart was unlike that of anything she had ever felt, something she only felt for her family. An experience she'd now only be lucky and grateful enough to experience as a parent.

"And with everything we've both already gotten and put together for our pregnancy being packed away already, I'd say we're good on that too. Especially since it's only been a week since we found out. And the fact you can super-speed anywhere if there's anything else that comes up," Iris reassured her love as she moved her hand calmingly over his heart, labeling off the many amazing things he had already done in the last hour alone in their Loft, in order to counter any of his potential worries.

Barry just smiled appreciatively at his wife's words, his heart skipping several beats at just the sweetness that her tone alone entailed, though having it paired with her beautiful smile certainly helped distract him, also.

She's the only person who can always find a way to calm me down, no matter what I'm anxious about. Because let's just say, those reasons vary heavily depending on the circumstances.

"You do make a pretty good argument, Mrs. West-Allen," Barry conceded, laughing lightly before leaning in for a quick kiss with his love, letting her red lipstick smear ever so slightly against his own lips.

"Well, three Pultizers kind of makes it hard to disagree, Mr. West-Allen," Iris beamed back, still held close to the speedster's heart.

"Not that I'd ever want to when I have a wife as great as you are," Barry added, genuinely, his bright blue eyes emulating only a fraction of the love he felt for her.

To be fair, nothing really can, though.

"And it's comments like that that show why you're such a great husband," Iris replied warmly, swaying ever so lightly in his grasp.

"We make each other better," Barry smiled, loving both hearing his wife's kind words and saying equally sweet ones back to her.

Not that I could ever be nearly as sweet as she is because she's Iris, after all...but that doesn't mean I'm saying I never come close...

"That's something I can agree to," Iris replied with a grin, both of the two laughing shortly at her response, before they leaned in once more and shared another intimate kiss with one another.

And never had anyone ever spoken more true words.

Aside for the love we have for our family, that is. Especially each other. But she makes that the easiest thing in the world to feel because my love for her, well, it's my whole heart. And everyone always says that the best part of me is that, so, in a way, I feel the exact same way as they all do.

"As much as I'd just love to stay here all day, just giving each other compliments and telling you how much I love you," Iris commented, her beautiful gaze still not moving from her partner's as her hand gently squeezed his.

"I think that we have to be in Coast City by Noon or we'll miss our reservation," she pointed out, excitement at their next Babymoon adventure carrying in her voice as Barry briefly looked down at his silver studded watch that read 8:32.

"Yeah, that's probably a good point," Barry conceded, though his loving gaze still didn't move from Iris as he hurriedly slung all their luggage over his broad shoulders, balancing the multiple plastic plates of various deserts he'd made that morning (just in case she gets hungry on the drive there) in his hands.

It's a really good thing that I have these lightning abs or this stuff would seriously be crushing me right now. Would it be worth it? One hundred percent for her. But still, not really the best way to start the next step of our Babymoon...

"On another note of me having good points, maybe you could try driving us there? Just in case I have any symptoms since this is still so new.

Especially since that'll give me some time to try all of the great things you baked last night," Iris suggested, her salivating gaze falling onto the wide array of delicious snacks that her husband had stayed up late making the night prior, while she had sent in the last of her next article to editing.

"Um...I'm not sure that would be a good idea. You know, with my record of awful driving incidents and all," Barry protested, cringing slightly at the thought of having to actually drive a vehicle.

A fact that only added to the man's enthusiasm for having super-speed, both when he'd first been struck and now.

Let's just say that that time Iris and I got grounded for stealing Joe's car and taking it on that joyride in high school was far from either of our best ideas. Though, on the bright side, we did get a lot of street cred, or any in my case, with the other students for, you know, having to be pulled over by a cop...hehehe, yeah, again, not our finest moment.

"It's not that bad," Iris protested, honestly, though the same incident that Barry was remembering did briefly cross her mind with similar feelings.

"Besides, I'll be there with you to make sure everything goes okay," she reassured him, squeezing his hand lovingly in her gentle grasp.

"And it'll be good practice for later, you know, assuming that our baby doesn't already come with super speed," Iris laughed, jovially.

"I guess we should start now then because I'm going to need all the practice I can get," Barry conceded, a laugh of simultaneous happiness at his wife's comment and awkward nervousness from what he was about to have to do filling his voice.

I know we've said it so many times over the past week, but God do I love getting to say our baby. Our Sweet Nora.

"And in no time, you'll already be perfect at it, just like with everything else," Iris commented lovingly, as she planted a quick kiss on her husband's cheek.

"That even includes your packing skills - but are you sure we have everything?" Iris smirked playfully, as she grabbed her nearby forest green purse, all of the couple's reservations and plans for their vacation stuffed carefully inside.

"Yep...but just in case, let's try and walk quickly," Barry smiled warmly at her, the slightest hint of urgency hidden in his otherwise intentionally carefree voice as he quickly unlocked and opened the door for his wife, despite not even in the slightest having the free hand to do so.

"Okay, my hero," Iris smiled widely, as she just took the door and held it the rest of the way for her husband to pass through it, seeing the already large strain he had put himself under. In more ways than one, all just for her.

Something she appreciated more than he could know.

"Don't want you to break any of those muscles before we actually get our vacation started," she giggled lightly.

"Thanks," he panted, gratefully, letting the obviously fake "cool guy" expression leave his face in favor of the adorkable smile Iris would always love seeing more than anything else.

Who am I kidding? I'll never be as cool as Oliver was. Though to be fair, he's always been and always will be the definition of cool to me.

"Do you think that they'll have anything at the resort that I can swap for my martini? For when we're tanning by the poolside together?" Iris asked happily, already picturing the scene, as she held the door open for her husband, the man struggling to hold everything as he carefully made his way through their doorway, following behind him as she closed their brown oak wood door to their home.

"I'm sure they'll have something for us," Barry replied, jovially, despite the weight of their heavy luggage.

"Oh, and that reminds me! I know it's technically only been a week since you know, the whole you getting pregnant thing happened, but I've already made a pact with myself that until you have Nora, I'm not drinking anything alcoholic. So we're doing this whole thing together. Which I know doesn't necessarily count for much because I can't get drunk anyway, but still! The meaning's there, right?" Barry rambled, awkwardly as he carefully extended out his partially free hand to open the building's staircase door for his wife.

I want to make sure that I do everything with her when it comes to this. Which means any crazy, uncomfortable or painful thing she has to do, I'll do with her! You know, other than giving birth, that is. Because, um...that's not really an option for me. But if I could, I would, of course!

"Aw, Barry," Iris cooed, smiling appreciatively up at him as she wrapped her arm closely around his, pulling her body close to his as she did so.

"That, this, everything you're doing, it all means so much to me," she stated lovingly, resting her head softly beside his.

"You're the best husband I could've ever asked for. Or father Nora could've," Iris told him with a warm genuinity.

Barry felt the warm glow of his wife's loving heart against his shoulder, the very thing that told him just how much she truly loved and appreciated him.

Her just being here with me, being the most beautiful and kindest woman to exist? Well, that's more than any husband could ever ask for. More than I could ever ask for.

"That's only because I have you here with me," Barry complimented as he leaned ever so slightly down and gave his love a gentle kiss on the forehead.

And without another word, the two West-Allens slowly made their way down the several flights of stairs which were the only thing separating them from the amazingly romantic week which lay ahead, Iris' hand still locked lovingly in Barry's temporarily free one. Or rather, the one he left free just for her.

I know I don't really say this a lot, but this time, I kinda wanna just take things slow. Because these next few moments, this next year, is going to be some of the best days of our lives. And I don't want to miss a single moment.

With Iris.

With our daughter.

And with us.

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