Couple's Salon Therapy
(Co-written by NoraXSWest-AllenFam)
Dedicated to @bloodypunkkk, @amorheartz, ThatSpiderKnight, and @Nicholas_Thawne, for all of their schway views, votes, and comments on my stories! I appreciate you all so much :)
And a special dedication goes out from both of us to luciferandchloe2021 and damianflashpoint943 for their incredibly kind support of our work! You're both awesome :)
Streaks of glistening purple gracefully glided across a pale backdrop as it left a beautiful sea of colors behind, a magical mixture of violet and shining silver sparkles dancing on the artist’s canvas with each of her eloquent brushstrokes.
One followed by another, until soon the entirety of the picture was fully transformed into a beautiful painting of violet, the purple and silver accents seeming to capture the artist’s smiling reflection as she placed the last finishing touches on her work, looking approvingly at what may have been one of her best masterpieces yet.
“ Now that’s what I call schway,” Iris beamed proudly to herself, watching the noon sunlight glint off of her freshly painted nails as she admired them, thinking about her daughter, the person who had taught her just how to do this amazing technique (one which she’d actually taught to her brother too) with each and every stroke.
Though that’s only a tiny part of the infinite reasons that she’s going to be so special.
“ See, I told you they’d look great,” Iris commented from her comfy pedicure chair, watching as her husband carefully leaned over her shoulder, his gaze quickly falling upon her colorfully painted handiwork.
“They look amazing, and they honestly resemble Nora’s perfectly. But to be fair, everything looks great when you’re both as beautiful of women as you two are,” Barry replied, smiling brightly over at his lover, the palms of his sweaty hands uncomfortably rubbing the sides of his navy blue jeans.
Don’t get him wrong, Barry loved doing everything with Iris, including helping her with anything make-up and or clothing wise she needed (even if he was mostly clueless as to what said help would really be entailing), but that didn’t stop his hands from getting slightly clammy at the thought of even trying to sit around and do nothing. Because, needless to say, anytime he quote and quote “tried” to relax, things tended to get chaotic. Specifically that of a certain yellow-suited speedster, though it was far from excluded to just him.
“Well, you do tend to bring that out in me,” Iris smiled back, happily, as she took one of his tense hands in her own and gently squeezed it, the sensation of his wife’s touch slowly easing some of the pressure pulsing through his shaky fingertips.
You just do a lot by being you. And being here, with me.
“But, um, wouldn’t it be better if you were actually doing this with me?” Iris asked, with a hopeful optimism that she knew was sadly misplaced by the moment she saw her husband’s skeptical expression.
But if anyone’s going to get him to have a good time, it’ll be me. And her too.
The glossy white walls of the hotel’s glorious spa house, one of the main attractions that it advertised to anyone in sight at the place’s front desk, sparkled with their almost pearl-like gleam.
Fellow guests and employees dressed in fancy formal white aprons milled all around the spa in small groups, providing gentle background noise that seemed somehow peaceful in its tone, an effect the place hoped to have on all of its visitors.
It’s certainly having that effect on me. Well actually, I'm pretty sure that’s Barry.
Multiple different stations from places like hair salons, sauna rooms, some pedicure stations, and side outlets on the large interior’s setup for massages all blanketed the pearl shined room, each one eager to offer its own unique form of relaxation to relieve any of the pent up stress inside its occupants.
The last of the four, being the massage setups, was the first place that Iris had been immediately drawn to the moment after they had bought her special nail polish, eagerly pulling the reluctant speedster/husband/father/stress-fanatic with another bout of excited joy as he tried to avoid hitting into anyone clumsily on his way past.
As a relaxing massage was exactly what was on the woman’s mind.
I mean, God knows we could use one.
Barry’s kindly voiced request for the station’s worker to actually allow Iris to do her own nails before their massage treatments, with nothing more than just asking with his polite charm. Something that a fair amount of the place’s guests would “happen” to forget to use.
Something that I feel like most people would never think to first do; use kindness. But Barry always will, because that’s just the size of his beautiful heart.
“I mean, I can paint your nails too if you’d like?” Iris grinned playfully, poking fun at her partner once more.
“Thanks, but I think I’d just rather watch you do your thing,” Barry replied, laughing lightly at her remark as he casually dropped down onto one of the wide-spaced room’s soft white-leathered waiting sofas next to her.
That’s a little bit vague Babe, I have a lot of my own things.
“And you know, massages aren’t really my strong suit. Unless, I’m giving them to you, that is, but that’s a totally different story,” Barry explained, scratching the back of his head, thoughtfully.
“Plus, I’m already comfortable just by getting to be around you and Nora,” Barry added, his words carrying his genuine love for his two favorite girls while also squeezing in the slightest bit of flattery in the mix just in case the prior wasn’t a good enough reason to get him out of her suggestion.
“That’s really cute, both how sweet you’re being, to both of us this entire trip, and the fact you think you can weasel your way out of this,” Iris smiled sincerely, lightly gripping her husband’s hand in her own as she rested them on his knee.
If there was only one of us that could use a nice day off, it’s The Flash. Not to mention that I want to make sure my husband’s happy too.
“Well, it was worth a shot,” joked Barry, lightheartedly, though his words did not in the slightest bit change how much he really did not want to be having to do what Iris was so sweetly urging they do.
Not that that mattered much though, because when it came to making his wife happy? There was nothing that wasn’t worth the sacrifice.
Even relaxing. Or rather, attempting to do so, anyway.
“Look at it this way, instead of sitting around and relaxing, not off running to the next adventure or saving the day again, see it as spending some quality time with your wife to make her happy, to give you the spirit and will to want to go on all those runs.
And most of all, spending some time with your baby, even if she isn’t really here yet to know it,” Iris suggested, blissful love towards her partner and their daughter clouding her thoughts once more as she lightly squeezed his hand.
Though for whatever impossible reason, that bubble seemed to almost pop for the second time that day when she truly noticed the strained expression on her lover’s face, what was his attempt at trying to hide his worries towards helping both Iris and their baby as much as humanly possible making him look all the more nervous in the process.
Wait… is this how upset he’s been the whole time?
“Or, actually, forget it. There’s no reason you can’t have fun watching too,” Iris rephrased swiftly, with an unconvincing laugh, trying her best to backtrack her last statement’s effects as quickly as possible.
“No, it’s okay. Your idea sounds way better!” Replied Barry, hurriedly dismissing any signs of anxiety he’d previously failed to in favor of giving his wife the absolute most comfort he possibly could.
“You said you just wanted to watch, I mean, you’re still going to be right here with me anyways, you should do whatever makes you happy,” Iris told him, caringly.
I just want you to be happy.
“Yeah, but what makes me happy is just being with you which means it doesn’t really matter what we’re doing. And I know you really wanted me to do this so, that’s exactly what I’m going to do,” Barry stated, nodding his head just a few too many times to be considered completely calm, though that didn’t stop the supportive smile he’d been wearing throughout their entire trip so far from remaining on his face.
Iris hesitated for a few moments as she looked down at the soft brown carpet underneath her brown heels, carefully thinking over her next words before taking a deep breath, and voicing her thoughts to her always.
“Then why haven’t you been since we started?” she asked quietly, frowning slightly as she felt her words come out more as more of a whisper than an actual statement.
It’s not that I don’t think you want to be here, it's just it feels like you’re not. For any of us, most of all you.
“Because, well, I just wanted to make sure everything during this trip went perfectly for you and Nora. Which I know sounds really over dramatic and probably kinda stupid because it’s already perfect just by you two having each other here to spend it with, and that’s what I kept trying to tell myself when we first left earlier this morning. But none of that’s stopped me from feeling like I’m not doing enough to help both of you feel comfortable. And, you know, happy. Like you deserve to be. Always,” Barry explained, softly, his breathing seemingly getting slightly heavier as he felt the immense pressure of his concerns pressing harder against the inside of his chest.
Acting as a sort of silent reminder of just how nervously excited the speedster really was to get to be the father to their excessively perfect daughter one day.
It’s not that he didn’t want to tell Iris how he was feeling, there would never be a time that that would be true, no matter what problem the couple was facing. But rather, that he didn’t want to make her feel like he didn’t want her to be having fun.
To be enjoying the amazing moments they were getting to have with their wonderful little baby. And honestly, he wanted to be feeling all of that same blissful, beautiful happiness with her, too. To smile at every little thing they did together just like she had since the moment he’d felt her hand touch his shoulder earlier that morning, their bodies nestled sweetly beside one another as they recounted the endless amount of times the singular moment of finding out Iris was pregnant had replayed within their minds the night prior. But no matter how hard he tried, nothing seemed to fully be able to vanquish the speedster’s lingering worries of possibly letting his wife and their Sweet Little Nora down when they needed him most.
“I know that probably sounds like a really stupid excuse, though, so I think it would be better if we just continue on to the next thing before we waste anymore time,” he swiftly added, his eyes drifting momentarily away from hers as his gaze’s focus decidedly diverted onto that of his sneakers, hoping beyond hope that his confession wouldn’t change the loving smile which Iris had worn since the moment the day had started.
Iris just smiled lovingly at her sweet husband, moving her hand into his as she squeezed it calmingly, bringing Barry’s gaze back to her as she looked into his sensitive blue eyes, her own gentle touch and soft expression already telling him without speaking a word that she understood exactly what he meant.
How can I not? He wants to make everything perfect for me, for Nora. I want the exact same thing for the two of them. And… It's just so sweet that he cares so much. That he loves us so much. He just needs to know that the only thing that either of us need from him, is for him to be just that; himself. There’s no one else I’d rather spend any second of my life with, or that Nora will either. Because he’s perfect the way he is.
“I know that you’re nervous about everything that’s changed, I mean, I am too,” Iris admitted, lightly placing one hand to her stomach for a few brief moments as imagined her daughter’s smiling little face, feeling the place where their little baby was inside her.
“Trying to make everything just go smoothly for me, making a day’s worth of food in advance, packing an entire trunk’s worth of resource books and potential medicines I’d need, even unpacking almost everything and letting me choose what we did first.” Iris explained gratefully, her heart glowing brighter and brighter as she remembered each and every little thing her husband had already done for her that day.
He really has been making today the best one possible. And without even realizing in the biggest way yet.
“Even putting up with me on the rough car trip,” Iris laughed lightheartedly at the… unpleasant memory, Barry’s quiet laugh soon following after her words, too.
“That’s the whole point though; you’ve already done just that since the moment that we woke up this morning,” Iris stated, happily.
“When I woke up in bed with you next to me, knowing that you were always going to be in my life. That you truly love and care about me. Just like you do everyday, by even the simplest touch, smallest gesture, or tiniest compliment, all by just being you.”
“Because that’s how I always feel around you Barry, loved. Happy. And that’s exactly how Nora’s going to feel. I mean, even though I shouldn’t, I already can feel it. And honestly, I’m just surprised all that love fits in one person,” Iris smiled warmly, with the same soft joy that Barry had always brought to her life.
“And however you feel after this, just know that you already make my life perfect. By choosing to be in it.” she finished lovingly, placing her hand’s freshly painted fingertips soothingly on her husband’s cheek, his touch bringing more joy to her heart than anything but his smile ever could.
Because this is our love. And it’s perfect.
“Well, being in your life was never really a choice for me. Because from the first moment I saw you, I already knew I loved you. And I always will,” Barry replied, softly as his eyes temporarily closed, letting the calming feeling of his wife’s warm love pass through his every vein.
“I’ll always love you too,” Iris repeated softly, before placing her other hand on his opposite cheek and pulling him into a light kiss, the touch of their lips meeting sending a warm feeling of bright love straight through Iris’ heart, sending her on a trip she wished would never end.
I love all of you Barry, and I always will.
“I’m sorry, for all of this. I know it was probably a little bit dramatic, especially since you shouldn’t really be getting stressed out about anything while you’re pregnant, even if it’s only been a week. I just want to make sure everything’s perfect for you two. Because you guys deserve nothing less than that. But I guess me trying to control all of that kinda ended up just making things worse,” Barry sighed, though his words were at least said with the smallest smile this time around for there would almost never be a time where Iris didn’t make him smile.
“Nothing’ll ever be dramatic if that’s the way you’re feeling, Barry. I get why you’re so stressed about trying to make everything perfect for us, and honestly, it’s really sweet. I’m just sorry that I didn’t notice all of it earlier,” Iris admitted, with a light frown, though it only lasted for a few seconds before being replaced with another loving smile as she looked at her always, gently rubbing her partner’s knee soothingly.
“But, just know, that there’s no amount of anything you could do that could make things perfect-”
“Ouch, well, I know that I said that you were the perfect one, but that doesn’t mean you have to rub it in,” Barry joked, playfully placing his hand to his chest as if he’d just been physically wounded.
Or rather, wounded at all.
“Ah uh,” Iris laughed as she lightly punched him on the shoulder, letting out a short giggle as she rolled her eyes, before going back to what she had been saying before she had been oh-so-rudely interrupted.
“You can’t make them perfect, because they already are. With you. Because of you,” Iris stated, lovingly.
“You’re what makes my life perfect. Both of ours. And that’ll never change,” she finished, with the full love and honestly she held in her heart for her husband, getting lost in his joyful ocean blue eyes.
“Well, then I guess it’s a good thing for both of you that I’m never going to be anywhere but here with you. And our Sweet Nora,” Barry smiled, gently leaning in for another short, but romantic kiss, the sensation of Iris’ sweet vanilla make-up covered lips touching his slowly vanquishing any of the remaining fears that had once weighed down on his shoulders.
Though, it did also help that just saying their daughter’s beautiful name made his heart skip several beats, too. Or really, just having her there with them, in general.
Nothing is ever going to be better than this family, and it’s all because of them. Because of him.
“You think that little show of PA was allowed here?” Iris whispered, jokingly, as she looked around to see if there had been anybody staring at the couple's shows of affection, though in all honestly she didn't really care what they thought.
I want everyone to know just how much I love you.
“I’d assume so considering it’s a romantic retreat, after all. But I guess you never know,” Barry replied, his eyes following closely behind his wife’s movements.
“But that was more of a rhetorical question, wasn’t it?” He cringed, ever so slightly at his own awkwardness, though he had far since accepted that he would by no means ever really be the cool guy around Iris.
Mostly due to the fact that there was never a time that she didn’t take his breath away.
“Just a little bit Babe,” Iris laughed jovially, making a small pinching motion with her hand to add extra humor to the comment.
“Hehe, got it,” Barry sighed, scratching the back of his head, absentmindedly for a few short seconds before pushing himself off of the comfortable couch which had been conveniently placed by the multiple vanity set up.
Then again, if they were going to pay for a hotel as expensive as this one, it only seemed reasonable that at least some things would be easier to use.
Even if things can’t really get any easier when you have a partner as great as Barry, and one looking out for him too.
“Now, what do you say that we go get those massages?” Barry offered, an added enthusiastic pep to his every step as he playfully pretended to offer his wife a delicate hand up.
“Are you sure? You really don’t have to if you don’t want to. Not every guy is Cisco Ramon after all,” Iris asked genuinely, gently taking her husband’s caring hand and being slowly pulled onto her feet.
“I appreciate it, but honestly, I kinda think it would actually be fun. You know, just the three of us getting a family massage together? Plus, I could probably use something to get my mind off of my usual over the top stress levels,” Barry reassured, an honest smile covering his happy face as he looked lovingly into Iris’ chestnut brown eyes.
“That sounds perfect to me,” Iris smiled lovingly, as she looked back into his, her hand delicately grasping her partner’s as their fingers interlocked with one another's.
You two are perfect to me.
“And as for the stress thing, I think that there’ll be plenty of stuff to do here to keep your mind distracted. Both in the pamphlet and a few surprises,” Iris grinned, mysteriously.
Barry didn’t respond in actual words but rather in the excitedly adorkable smile which only Iris could truly bring to his face for it required a certain level of complete happiness saved solely for that of his lover.
“Then why waste any more time here?” Barry smiled, warmly squeezing his wife’s hand as his head gestured lightly across the room towards the previously daunting-looking massage set-up.
“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” Iris agreed fondly, as they both started towards the scene of relaxation together, only for the person carrying for two to stop after only a few steps.
“But, um, maybe when we’re done, we can swing by that restaurant that was in the brochure?” Iris asked, hopingly, the gnawing of her empty stomach returning, as visions of cheese-covered food, preferably french fries (no, definitely french fries) dancing throughout her mind.
As if everything we had this morning and hurling it all up wasn’t enough for you, Nora?
“Sounds great to me,” Barry agreed, his smile growing ever so slightly at just the notion of their baby’s food cravings.
An action that he was sure would occur much more often as the months of Iris’ pregnancy continued, in both senses of the meaning.
“Thanks, but first, we’re definitely doing this,” Iris grinned, not wanting to give even the slightest chance for Barry to change his mind at the last second, as he was now locked into their massage session no matter what.
I know that he already said he would, but I know him. He could get stressed out at ANY minute now. Gotta make the most of that time I can. Especially since I just want to spend all of mine with him. And cheese. Our little baby… I love you so much.
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