Blissful Love For Our Baby Daughter
(Co-written by NoraXSWest-AllenFam)
Dedicated to Dedicated to @bloodypunkkk, @amorheartz, ThatSpiderKnight, and @Nicholas_Thawne, for all of their amazing views, votes, and comments on my stories! You are all truly the best :)
And a special dedication goes out from both of us to luciferandchloe2021 and damianflashpoint943 for their awesome support of our work! We highly appreciate it :)
Blissful happiness, in the absolute best kind of way.
That feeling of complete happiness, of love.
For my family.
For Barry.
Our baby.
That feeling, that love, that joy, I've only ever felt something like it twice in my life.
When I married the love of my life, the person that had been my everything before and after that, that my whole heart would always belong to.
And when I found out that one day I was going to get to be a mom.
And when I was told that I was pregnant, that Barry and I were getting to start that journey we always wanted to, that our baby was alive. That she was with me, inside me at that very moment, closer to my heart than she ever had been before.
It was like rolling both of those first moments together into one. Into something indescribably beautiful. Just utterly breath-takingly beautiful.
Because Barry and I, we just created life. Are starting to build a person.
A family.
And all that love I feel inside my heart, love that somehow seems impossible to stay inside my rapidly beating chest without exploding out for the whole world to see; this happiness that I get to feel knowing that the most perfect daughter of ours is with us right in this very moment, resting inside me.
That feeling is something that's never going to change, or that I'm ever going to forget.
All of these thoughts and so many more blissful ones bounced around the inside of Iris' head as she looked out at all of the passing sights through their silver car's window, each of the single images seeming to come in vivid detail to her as they passed by.
Time almost seemed as if it was frozen just for her, her gentle gaze meeting all of what would have been considered the day to day occurrences around her, the little things of life that somehow now suddenly seemed so insurmountably incredible and important, all for a reason that she couldn't quite put into words, rather just a feeling in her heart.
Rows of multicolored cars, all driving down the road around them in unison, their colorful metallic paints all blending together to make what Iris considered to look just like all the colors of a rainbow, magnificently surrounding the relatively small spaced interior of the car that her and the love of her life resided in.
It gave off the feeling like a warm blanket was wrapped cozily around both of the two lovers' bodies, a feeling of safety and calm that just seemed to fill her with peace every time she saw someone driving next to them.
Sparkling grassy green hills gently rolled past for what seemed like an endless eternity, their still freshly wet blades from the morning dew reflecting the soft glow of the early Spring sun back onto Iris' face as she felt its gentle touch lend its soothing warmth to each and every one of her relaxing muscles.
Somehow, Iris truly felt like the picturesque scene of nature seemed to be made just especially for them, somehow reflecting the beauty of everything that was inside her and her husband.
And strangely, even her own reflection seemed to bring a sense of tranquility and joy to her heart, her many goddess braids residing gently in her long black hair as it rested styled upon her head, a set of smaller silver hooped earrings that had been a special gift from her husband just a few weeks ago hanging from each of her ears.
The wide peaceful smile, the joyfully sparkle of her hazel brown eyes, the ones of her own wearing, showing that of someone impossibly happy and at peace.
The whole of the reflection that stared back at her doing just that too, showing everyone just what she was already feeling in her heart.
And all this that I'm seeing right now. That I'm experiencing, feeling.
Most people would just chalk that up to some of the pregnancy hormones affecting the way I'm seeing things.
But that's not true for me.
That's just the way that Barry, and our baby, help me see it.
A gift better than anything, besides letting me into their lives in the first place.
Letting me be in her life.
As her mom.
"See, I told you that your driving wasn't that bad," Iris commented through chewing a mouth-full of food, a white open plastic container of half-eaten taco wraps sitting on her lap as its delicious smells wafted all throughout the car's light gray interior.
"And this food certainly isn't either," she added, taking another look at the mouth watering tortilla and cheese combination, before she let the next bite of it scrumptiously slide down her throat, a strange sense of satisfaction and contentment filling her as she did so.
Seriously, some of the best he's ever made. No wonder it took him so long.
"Uh, yeah, thanks. And glad you've liked the food so far, but you haven't even gotten to the best part yet," Barry replied, his eyes holding a firm gaze on the road in front of them so as to make complete sure that they did not even in the slightest run into any problems.
"Then again, you do have to save some things for later, too. Not that I of course won't cook you more as soon as we get to the hotel, if you want it," he added, his nervous hands gripping the silver steering wheel's leather cover even tighter than before as he slowly turned right.
"Well, I'm not sure that's up to me to decide," Iris smiled happily, letting out a quiet giggle as she closed the empty carton and put it up on the dashboard in front of her, resting back into her seat comfortably as she looked down lovingly at the same place all of that food had gone.
Iris's right hand laid lovingly across her stomach as she gently let it rest against her lap, never having moved it once from it since she had first gotten into the car with her husband, always and forever wanting to feel the miracle known as her daughter.
The feeling of happiness, of love, everything blissfully great she was getting to experience, all somehow managed to be packaged into the tiny little space inside her, and it was more wonderful to think about than anything ever had been.
It was strange, nothing looked different about her. To anybody she met she would still just seem like the same old Iris West-Allen that she had always been only less days ago than she could count on both of her hands.
Just the same person they all knew and loved with a little bit of a larger appetite.
But that couldn't have been farther from the truth.
Because I am a thousand times greater than I've ever been, and I owe that all in everything you are Nora; my daughter.
Though even with all that, it wasn't too hard for anyone to see the nervousness in her Guardian Angel's white knuckled hands, let alone someone who had been there for him his whole life.
"You're doing great," Iris reassured her husband warmly, as she just gently placed her other hand against his closest arm, giving it a soft and loving squeeze to help try and take all of his tension away.
"Thanks," Barry replied, his bright blue eyes for the very briefest of moments lingering on the wonderfully beautiful woman who sat beside him, an appreciative smile covering his face.
Nothing would ever make him feel more warmth or comfort than the feeling of the safe haven which was his and Iris' infinite love for one another. The only emotion he was completely certain was stronger than his constant anxiety towards, well, anything going wrong for that matter. Especially when it came to keeping his wife and baby girl happy. Though, that almost solely was due to his insistence of making everything perfect for them. A feeling that would never change.
"Let's just hope it continues that way for the rest of the drive. But on the bright side, since I packed everything so far in advance last night we're nowhere near being late enough to have to take the freeway!" He added, a hint of enthusiasm at the thought carrying into his overall happy voice.
That happy voice and smile of his always seems to make everything perfect. To make me feel that same happiness and joy too.
Although, I'm not entirely sure he was paying attention to the time, or how slow he's going...
"Um, Babe," Iris just said subtly, using her eyes and a gentle nod to gesture to the electronic dashboard in front of them, the shockingly much later time than Barry had been expecting barely registering in his head.
Not that I really care how long this takes or how slow we go. All I care about is spending time with him. And that's what I've gotten to do every moment since we've woken up today.
I just also don't want to have to turn around and go home right away because we missed our time window...
Besides, even though he's a speedster, Barry still needs some time management help every now and again.
"Hhum, what?" Barry asked, an expression of confusion covering his face for probably only a split second before he realized exactly what his wife was trying to tell him.
His body almost instantly tensed back up at the sight, his momentary feelings of relaxation quickly being replaced by ones of frantic worry.
"What? No, wait, wait, wait, how are we almost late?! Even after I made sure to get barely any sleep last night just so I could plan everything perfectly for us! And well, because I was too happy with everything going on to get any rest anyways, but still!" Barry exclaimed, a mix of frustration and concern holding firmly in his voice as he cautiously increased his foot's pressure against the black-rubber pedal beneath the steering wheel.
An action that accurately displayed his internal feelings towards the situation, too.
"Barry, Barry, it's okay," Iris quickly reassured him, reaching an arm out and just lightly holding her palm against his chest to help her husband calm down, his breathing momentarily slowly back down to its abnormally fast rhythm as he was held against the leather cushioned seating.
"We still have over an hour and a half to get there," she told him, her words taking on a soft and calming tone that brought his heart beat back down to its usually fast speed as he took in another deep breath.
"All we have to do is just... speed things up a little." Iris added with a bit of pep to her voice, as she caught sight of a nearby sign up ahead that read " next left turn to Highway 66".
"Like taking the highway for a little bit," she stated cheerily, the look of bright and bubbly optimism on her shining face much contrasted by that of her horrified husband as he turned to meet her gaze.
"Yeah, I'm sorry but there's absolutely no way we're doing that," Barry abruptly dismissed as he absentmindedly bit down on his lower lip at just the possibility of attempting such a dangerous task.
"I wouldn't even chance that if I was driving alone, and that's even more true now that there's you and our precious cargo in the vehicle, too," Barry rambled, the evident panic quickly rising in his already unusually high voice as he felt the tiniest bit of sweat drip down the back of his neck and onto the white t-shirt layered below its purple flannel covering.
While it was far from what should've been the most important thing in that very moment, Iris couldn't help but momentarily stop and feel her heart skip a beat with happiness at Barry's mention of their child, the whole thing still feeling so surreal to the point that it was like hearing it all over again for the first time each time he mentioned her.
I really never have been happier than I am right now.
"I already told you, you have nothing to be worried about," Iris said delicately, her eyes telling him she meant every bit of it with all her heart.
"You've come this far already, and there haven't been any problems, right?" She asked with a light smile, tilting her head slightly as she spoke.
"Yeah, but it doesn't matter how long it's been because I always want to keep you safe. Both of you," Barry protested, his breathing relaxing ever so slightly as his nervous gaze shifted over towards Iris' stomach.
The very place that was currently holding the gift that was their daughter, his heart skipping several beats at just the thought of having Nora there with them. The wonderful little girl's sweet smile she held anytime her father looked at her holding more love in his heart than anything else in the entire world ever could.
"And we will be, as long as we have you here with us," Iris stated lovingly, gently taking one of his hands (After making sure that it was safe and there were no cars near them) and resting it on top of her own, which was laying on that very same place, the feeling of their hands touching sending a loving warmth through the nervous man's whole body.
"And there's no world where I don't trust you, with my life or hers," Iris finished genuinely as their gazes met, her words, feelings, the face of the man she loved, and the feeling of both of their hands pressed to her stomach, something that now felt more like a second heart to her, one more important than anything else, bringing such a warm love to her soul that she just couldn't describe.
That's the same way I feel about both of you.
Barry didn't respond for several seconds, his blue eyes' gaze now nearly completely overtaken by the love he felt for his wife and their daughter as his hand just rubbed the top of hers gently, letting some of the tension and self-consciousness weighing down on his shoulders slowly dissipate in favor of the happiness that was spreading throughout his body's every vein.
"Okay, we'll do it," Barry finally conceded, nodding his head nervously at his wife, though his words easily displayed just how much he appreciated the confidence she'd always held in him, and always would.
"And don't worry, we're going to be here with you the whole time." Iris smiled, giving the father one last boost and reassurance of his confidence, one that was shown more through the way she spoke than the words even said, as she gave his hand another gentle squeeze.
"Besides, we won't even have to take it for that long anyways, probably only an half hour or so based on our GPS," she commented, looking at her phone's directions that they had pulled up between them.
"That'll give us plenty of makeup time without you having to worry for too long, and me plenty of time to finish this next box of cheese wraps you made," Iris said hungrily, as she carefully reached behind her seat and to the row behind them, taking the top white carton off of the large secured stack of food as she placed it back in her lap.
"What? I can't help that our baby loves your food as much as I do," Iris laughed, Barry joining in lightheartedly in agreement.
"Okay, let's do this. You know, before I change my mind," Barry declared, only half-jokingly as he slowly turned the vehicle right onto the busy freeway of bustling early morning workers.
"And thanks, you know, for being you, for letting us be together, with her," Barry spoke, his words carried by only that of the genuine love he felt for his wife.
"And for, you know, always being my everything," he finished, carefully leaning across the dividing glovebox and giving his wife a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks for being my everything too," Iris replied lovingly, her husband's words and gentle kiss making the warm glowing smile on her face somehow get even wider.
"And everything that comes with it too," she finished happily, her hand still resting on her abdomen where the pair's little baby resided.
"I wouldn't trade it for anything," Barry smiled back, taking one last calming breath before turning his attention back onto the road which lay ahead of them.
Because you've truly given me more than I thought the world ever could.
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