A Sweet Surprise For My Special Ladies
(Co-written by NoraXSWest-AllenFam)
Dedicated to @bloodypunkkk, @amorheartz, ThatSpiderKnight, and @Nicholas_Thawne, for their sweet support of my stories! I truly appreciate all of you :)
And a special dedication goes out from both of us to luciferandchloe2021 and damianflashpoint943 for their kind comments left on our work! You're both super schway :)
"Yeah, lemon was definitely the way to go," Iris thought to herself, as she put the finishing touches on her late night outfit, admiring her own work through the golden-edged hanging mirror placed next to the couple's dresser.
She wore a sleeveless lemon yellow dress that ran the length of her knees, just seeming to sparkle with all of the radiant joy that resided in the woman's heart.
The same large two hoop earrings hung from her ears, their polished silver casings reflecting the warm smile that she had been wearing since the moment she'd put them on that morning.
Her hair was still done up in the goddess braids she'd put together earlier too, but with a small twist, every other braid being held up by an orchid colored one that perfectly complemented the other colors of her outfit, for they all just seemed to burst with a explosion of life and joy that to some could seem even a little bit excessive.
And there's no other way I'd want it.
"It's a good thing I took some extra time to get all of this done just for him, especially since I knew he'd be late." Iris commented to herself, the white digital words lit above the wallpaper of her wedding day on her nearby phone illuminating the time that was more than a little bit behind schedule.
"Not that it matters, because it's not like we really have much of a schedule," Iris laughed happily, enjoying all of the well deserved time the pair actually were getting to enjoy to themselves.
Especially now that I know he's fully here with us, and that'll we're all having fun, together.
"Not to mention this is Barry after all. And it'd be sooner he'd not be struck by lightning then he'd be on time for something," she quipped, shaking her head lightly at her own joke as she started placing the last set of braids into the only strand of her hair left undone.
"You better find my jokes funny if you like your dad's..."
Though, the woman's words were abruptly cut short by the gentle knocking at their hotel room's door, the sound holding just a lightness of touch that could only be that of her husband's.
"One moment!" Iris called out hurriedly, as she rushed the last set of braids into place, taking only a brief moment to glance over it and smooth it down once absentmindedly before grabbing her complimentary plastic gray bag (aka temporary purse) and rushing over to the room's door.
She excitedly threw it open as she felt her heartbeat speed up ever so slightly, the sure sign that her partner had to be just on the other side.
And the stunningly handsome man she was greeted with was just that, and definitely did not disappoint.
He was dressed in a formal navy blue cabin knit soft sweater that stopped just above his slim tapered black jeans, ones of which were much in contrast to the optimistic bright blue eyes which were his own. His short brunette hair was perfectly combed and tousled just the way he knew his wife liked it, keeping its middle part hidden beneath the partially smoothed back section on the left side of his head. His feet were covered in the same chestnut brown dress shoes he'd worn on the day of their renewal vows, their color nearly exactly matching that of Iris' sweet brown eyes, only hers of course glowed with a much brighter light than anything else in Barry's world ever would. Delicately slipped over his right wrist was the worn, black-strapped sentimental watch which Joe had gifted to him eight years ago, its tiny little arrow-headed hands ticking energetically as each second passed the pair by. The very same one he had taken extra care to wear almost everyday since that same Christmas, too. Lastly, gripped carefully in the same hand was a velvet, ruby-red ribboned bouquet of rich lilac purple roses, their beautiful hue resembling that of a certain speedster's special spark. Not that anything could ever truly capture their daughter's light except, the warm smile which made her father's heart skip a beat just thinking about it for there was nothing in the multiverse that made him happier than feeling the love their sweet Nora felt for her parents.
Wow, you look so just... wow. Handsome and a smile that could sweep me off my feet are words I'd use to describe you anyday, but there's just something about you right now that's just, so special.
And it's not any one of the really stunning outfits you put together for me, it's just that love shining in your eyes towards me. And it's always there of course, but it just seems infinitely brighter today.
Maybe because it's not just the love he feels for me.
"Wow, you look so amazing..." Barry complimented, his words momentarily trailing off as he took in the full extent of his wife's strikingly beautiful appearance, in all the infinitely wonderful forms it took on.
Ones which even a speedster as fast as The Flash could never fully comprehend the extent of, though it did help that Barry enjoyed trying so often to do so. For practice purposes, of course.
"Thanks," Iris blushed, lightly pushing a strand or two of her braided hair behind her ear, smiling warmly at him as she already felt her heart flutter in just the first few seconds they had spoken to one another.
Only you can bring that out in me.
"But I'd say wow yourself. You look amazing," Iris told him lovingly, the gentle glow of her husband's smile and light twinkle of his eyes being the thing that held her gaze the most, though the beautiful bunch of lilac roses were hard to miss too.
"What, this old thing? Oh no...I just, I just kinda threw it on," Barry quickly dismissed, his left hand awkwardly fiddling with the casually folded sleeve of his sweater in a poor attempt to draw any attention away from himself.
"And trust me, if you could see just how beautiful you look right now, you'd feel the same way I do," Barry reassured, his hand gently taking her sweet, rose-scented hand and interlocking it within his.
"Well, that's just the beauty you bring out in me I guess," Iris smiled happily, lightly squeezing her partner's hand in her own.
"You're beautiful no matter who you're with. But I do have to agree, we make each other look just a little bit better, don't we?" Barry joked, his smile growing ever so slightly larger at the feeling of his wife's newly painted fingernails touching his palm.
"If it's any indication of that attractive sweater, or if I look at least half as good as you say I do, then yes. I'd say we do," Iris agreed, wholeheartedly.
We always make each other better. That's the magic of Barry and Iris.
"Well, then it's a good thing that we have us, isn't it?" Barry spoke, sweetly before he leaned in for a quick kiss, though none of his feelings could ever truly go away when it came to his love for Iris.
And he had over a decade worth of love and patience to show for it. A fact that he usually didn't let his partner forget, in both senses of the word.
"Yeah, it is," Iris breathed quietly, beaming up widely at her romantic lover, just truly wishing their kiss never had to end.
I love you so much, Barry. And you're always finding new ways for me to show that love for you.
"Especially for me, since I get the amazing husband that throws secret surprises for his expecting wife," Iris pointed out as she gracefully wrapped her arms around Barry's neck, poking lightly at the large interest she had been holding over her lover's specially planned evening for the last several hours.
"Not that you know... It has to stay a secret?" she pressed, just a little bit less subtly now as the smallest hints of a playful grin tugged at the corners of her pink lipsticked mouth.
What? I told him I could get impatient.
"Oh, right! Sorry, just got a little distracted there," Barry laughed, apologetically as he quickly blinked a few times to regain a sense of focus inside his head.
Well, the ones which were not currently lingering on how pretty Iris was, that is.
"Which reminds me that I actually got you a pre-date gift," he commented as he politely offered Iris the delicate bouquet of flowers he'd gotten just for his two favorite girls.
"I actually bought these from a special garden in eastern China that had this newly appointed rose pigment breeding planter who was literally the nicest guy ever," rambled Barry, his voice simultaneously carried by his appreciation of the aforementioned gardener's hardwork and his nervousness towards getting his wife the perfect first present to begin their mysterious evening.
One which, if everything went as planned, would be a night they'd remember for a long time.
Not including the fact that he could probably perfectly recite every one of their past dates almost word for word because he loved her that much, but who's counting?
"They're incredible," Iris smiled happily, taking a brief moment to smell the flowers' sweet nectar scent, which really did remind her of the beautiful seas of color that covered vast parts of the large continent of Asia (something she knew since the pair had been there twice since they'd been married, just another perk of super speed).
"I'm just sorry that I didn't get you anything. Though in my defense, I didn't know we were doing gifts," Iris laughed lightly, holding her husband's loving gesture close to her chest as she spoke.
Not to mention I probably wouldn't do better than a wallet...
"Trust me, you just standing here in front of me in that beautiful dress, with our sweet baby girl is the only gift I'll ever need," Barry reassured, his eyes temporarily finding themselves lost in the soft chestnut ones which was his wife's before the speedster quickly shook his head to once again regain his attention.
Nothing'll ever be better than our little baby. Or getting to actually say that I'm getting to do all of it with you.
"But now would probably be a good time to get going because with how weird I'm acting right now, I might just end up zoning out, again. Then again, it is partially your fault for looking so pretty," Barry quipped, playfully as he gave Iris' free hand a gentle squeeze.
"It can be a bit of a curse sometimes," Iris joked back, laughingly.
"But hey, I'm the only one that gets to space tonight, with you looking like that and all." she smiled, lovingly, squeezing his hand gently back.
"Not to mention you'll also give me an excuse if it happens otherwise," she shrugged, honestly.
But hey, that'll be for another good reason.
"Well, I guess we'll just have to keep reminding each other that there's more than one thing to love here," Barry spoke, sincerely as his left hand carefully slid down onto his wife's stomach, his fingers pressing delicately against her yellow-dressed form.
"Not that we could ever really forget," he added, his voice holding merely that of a whisper as he smiled appreciatively across at Iris, his face covered by a look that could only be described as love.
Iris said nothing as she moved her own hand delicately on top of his, the warm feeling of pure love that she felt radiating from inside her growing tenfold at even the softest of her lover's touch, glowing that much brighter when she thought about what it truly meant for both of them.
The love we share for our Nora.
"I really don't see how we could," Iris smiled back, lovingly, her husband's bright blue eyes sparkling with all of the love he held just for her, and their child.
"When it comes to our family? Never," Barry agreed, giving his wife one last soft kiss on the cheek for good measure before slowly pulling out of their warm embrace.
"Now, how about I show the two of you your special surprise?" He suggested, his voice returning to its intentionally low and romantic tone.
"I think that sounds great," Iris grinned, with a quiet giggle, just taking one last moment before they left to smell the lilacs one more time, their beauty reminding her of just how much love Barry had for her.
"Just like how much I love Barry, every minute of every day. And our beautiful new family too," she thought affectionately, as the gold-lined door to their hotel room quietly shut behind them with the softest of clicks.
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