↠ 16

It was quiet at night except for the small buzzing of the streetlights. So when a loud howl broke the silence, you jumped in fright. "What the hell was that?" You mumbled, pausing and looking everywhere. "It had to be a dog..." You told yourself in an attempt to calm down your heart. Then you start walking faster than your normal pace and stopped.

A long distance away was a solid human figure standing there. The shadows concealed his face but you felt that the two of you locked eyes. Something felt wrong.

"Hm?" A silky voice said. "Your name is Y/N, isn't it?" The figure tilted its head to the side. "I can see why those damn mutts are interested in you."

"Who the hell are you?" You glared and took a step back.

"Me?" In a blink of an eye, the figure was gone and the next thing you know, he was right in front of your face. You were about to scream when a hand clamped onto your mouth and his other hand gripped onto your arm. "I'm someone who's going to kill you."

You eyes widened and then you tried to struggle out of his grip. Next thing you know, the two of you were in an alley. You glanced towards the opening seeing your discarded bag on the ground.

"Hey girl," Then man redirected your gaze back on him. His eyes were a bright red.

"What the actual hell? His eyes!" You thought as the eyes scanned you.

"You actually smell really good." He licked his lips and smiled, showing two long canines. "I bet your blood is really sweet, isn't it?" He brought his head closer to your neck. You tried to get out of his grip again but his hand was still on your mouth, his body pressed against yours against the brick wall and his other hand clutched your arm in a tight grip.

You felt his tongue swipe your neck and suddenly his canines sunk into your flesh. Your body started shaking and slowly felt a small trickle of your blood flowing from the wound. Sounds of him gulping was heard and your tears were slowly flowing out. You could already feel yourself becoming lightheaded. "Hm?" He paused momentarily. "Are you already going to pass out on me? Heh, at least you won't feel the pain when I drain you of life." His canines sunk back into the same place and continued drinking.

You thought you couldn't keep up with it. Growls echoed around the two of you and suddenly he was yanked back and thrown down the alley. You slid down the wall, feeling light. "Y/N!" A voice called.

You raised your head to see Jungkook in front of you, cupping your cheeks. His wide brown eyes searched yours, then dropped to the wound on your neck. "Shit... The bastard did this to you?" He growled.

"Huh?" The unknown man stood up and was staring at you two. "You interrupted my meal, mutt." He snarled.

Jungkook whipped his head around and bared his teeth. "You fucker! You dare to hurt her? I'm going to fucking rip you apart!" He snapped.

"Kill me or save her?" The man responded, a smirk on his lips.

Jungkook looked back at you to see you drifting away slowly into unconscious. "Jimin!" He yelled to another man that just arrived and staring at you. "Help her! Get her back to the house!" Then his deadly glare was set on the man. "Now, I will get to kill you."

The new man rushed to your side, quickly taking you from Jungkook's hold. You barely saw a blurry Jungkook standing up and rushing to the man, but it was strange. Halfway through it, there was no more Jungkook but instead a very large dog that charged at the man.

"Shh," This 'Jimin' spoke and proceeded to carry you bridal style. You let your head flopped to his chest. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to take care of you, my mate." The wind hit your face and just like that you fell into the dark.

A soft hum was heard as you felt yourself starting to wake up. You groggily started to open your eyes. "Oh, you're awake!" A voice said.

You turned your heavy head to see a man you once saw before. At this moment you couldn't recall his name. Or the room you were in. Like a frightened rabbit, you sat up with wide eyes looking at the unfamiliar room you were in.

"Y/N, don't do that or you'll hurt yourself."

You looked back at the man. His beauty was something that hit you every time. "J-Jin?"

He smiled brightly. "Are you hungry or anything? I can get you something light for now."

"Where am I?" You ignored the question and looked at the room. It was extravagant. You were laying down in a queen sized bed with black blankets and pillows. The walls were a white contrasting the black furniture that was in here.

"Oh, so you don't remember anything?" Jin asked to which you replied with shaking your head. "Well, apparently you passed out on your way home last night and Jungkook was there with you last night."

Slowly the puzzle pieces were starting to come together. "Sort of. It's just that man... He literally bit me! Who the hell was he?!" You touched the side of your neck to only feel some tape and a white cotton pad.

"I fixed it up." Jin was watching your hand. "You'll feel better soon, I promise. Why don't I get you some crackers to eat?" He stood up and patted your head. "It'll make you feel better. Stay here." Then he left the room, closing the door behind him.

You kicked off the blanket and sat down on the side of the bed. "What the hell happened last night?" You whispered to yourself. Although Jin said to stay there, you needed to get your phone which you're pretty sure you dropped last night. "What time is it anyways?"  You glanced out the window to see the sun up and shining brightly. "D-Did I miss work and my first class? Damn."

You stood up and walked to the door. You would find Jin, ask if Jungkook got your things and you'll be on your way. As soon as your hand touched the knob you froze. How did Jungkook find you? Was he there on the street that day too? You head throbbed as you threw open the door and out onto the hallway.

As soon as you looked out, there was a group of six men that stood outside your door and you knew all of them. "Y/N?" Jin paused his conversation. "What are you doing?"

You didn't know what to say and furrowed your eyebrows. "You all live together?"

Jungkook sheepishly smiled. "Yeah, we're roommates." Then he glanced at his roommates then back at you. "You know all of them?"

You could only nod in reply.

"Why is everyone out in the hallway together?" A very familiar voice called out and appeared behind the group. They pushed their way through the group. "What did I miss a meeting or-" He stopped his sentence once he saw you.

"Hobi?" You asked. "Okay. Of course it's Hobi, but all of them know each other! I didn't think that they did."

"Y/N?" His face was blank before it lit up with one of his famous smiles. "Y/N!" He ran to you and tackled you into a hug. He pressed your face into his chest, tightly grabbing on. "What are you doing here?"


"Hoseok," Taehyung spoke. "Please let go of her."

"What?" Hoseok asked, momentarily letting go of you to put you to his side. "Why?" He raised an eyebrow. You glanced between the sunshine and Taehyung who was staring at him with a blank expression. Then to the others. Some of their eyes were narrowed at Hoseok while the rest were staring at Hoseok's hand on you.

Taehyung continued to stare at Hoseok. "Let go of her. She's hurt right now so please-"

"What?" Hobi's voice lowered. Then turned his head towards you. "Where? Where are you hurt?" His eyes were looking everywhere until they landed on your neck.

"Hobi, it's okay. I just need for it to heal." You reassured him.

"No." His gaze was on the wound and it felt like that he was healing the wound with his gaze. "Who did this?" He whipped his head towards the others. "Who the hell did this so I can go kill them?" A growl resounded from his chest that you felt.

"Calm down Hoseok." Namjoon spoke. "Jungkook already did it, so there's nothing to worry about."

"Of course there is!" Hobi snapped. "That means others will be after her too!"

Honestly, seeing Hoseok like this made you flinch a little. What did he mean by 'others'?

"Stop and calm down." Namjoon glared at him. "You're scaring her, now calm down and step away."

Hobi looked at you, his eyes softening. "I'm sorry, did I scare you?" He latched back onto you, caressing your head. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I just worry about you." Hobi didn't hear the growls of the youngest person there and it freaked you out a bit. "You'll be safe from now on, okay?" Hobi gave you one his cute smiles then kissed the top of your head.

At that action there was a lot of growls. Suddenly, Hobi was grabbed and ripped away from you, thrown down the hallway. He collided with a small table with a loud crash, breaking it. You stood in shock seeing Jungkook in front of you, his breathing heavy. "Don't touch her!" He yelled.

"J-Jungkook?" You tried to process what happened. Was Jungkook that strong to throw a person about 30 feet away?

Jungkook turned around at your voice. His eyes softened. "I'll protect you." Then he turned back around, glaring at Hobi. Hoseok stood up by now, a small line of blood was running down from a gash above his head. His glare was on Jungkook. "What do you think you're doing?" Hoseok snapped.

Jungkook leveled with the same intensity, another growl resounding from his chest. "Protecting my mate."

"Mate? What the hell?" You thought as you backed away slowly. You watched the others look at Jungkook with wide eyes.

Hoseok was staring at Jungkook with wide eyes as well. "What the fuck do you mean? She's my mate! She's mine!" Hoseok yelled back.

The younger male could only stare at him in confusion. "No, she's my mate! I know what finding your mate is!" His glare returned. "My mate! You will not touch her again!"

"Yes, I will." Hoseok growled. "Because she's mine."

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. He roared and charged at Hoseok. "Jungkook!" You yelled out, in hopes to stop him. He didn't listen as he continued as midway through his body began to transform. He was a human and then suddenly a large wolf took his place and pounced on Hoseok. They toppled to the ground.

The large brown wolf snapped its teeth at Hobi's face, but the man held up the wolf with his hands on the chest of the animal.

You only froze in fear of the wolf and then suddenly watched Hoseok transform into an animal. A light warm brown color took Hoseok's place and then bit into the neck of the brown wolf. The brown wolf let out a whine before he was tossed to the side.

"Yoongi!" Namjoon yelled. "Get Y/N out of here!" Then he started to stalk towards the wolves.

In an instant Yoongi was by your side. He lightly grabbed your arm. "Come on, let's take you somewhere else." You only looked at him with wide eyes, you just felt frozen. He sighed then picked you up in one movement. He shifted you to carry you in a bridal-like style. Apparently, the light brown wolf noticed and roared. The animal started to charge but was blocked off by Namjoon and Jin who tried to hold him in place.

Yoongi fled the scene to downstairs. He then went into the large library and settled you on the couch. "Are you okay?" He whispered.

What had you just witnessed? People turning into animals? This had to be a dream right? You stared into Yoongi's eyes. "What..."

"I'm sorry," He frowned a bit. "I know you're confused, but please let us explain ourselves when everyone is here, okay?"

You were slightly shaking. What sort of person turned into a wolf? You didn't talk to Yoongi for a few minutes. There were audible thumps, growls and yelling going on upstairs.

During those minutes, Yoongi watched you. He didn't know what to do. How exactly do you explain that people were werewolves? Ever since he saw you that night with Taehyung, he felt uneasy that his mate was also Taehyung's. Now? He felt highly uncomfortable at the thought that everyone's mate was now you. Was it some curse? Did he do something wrong in his past that made this? Yoongi looked up to see the rest of the members file in.

You watched them as the rest of the people line up in across from you. "Okay," Namjoon begun in the softest voice you ever heard. "I know you have a lot of questions so we'll try our best to answer them."

You looked at Namjoon then to Hoseok and Jungkook. They were far from each other. Jungkook had a scratch on his cheek that was oddly faint while Hoseok had a small cut on the bridge of his nose that was also faint. Then you looked at Namjoon.

"You guys... turn into big dogs?"

You heard Jin choked on his laughter. "No, no, princess! We are werewolves!"

"Werewolves?" You repeated. "So you turn into big wolves?"

"Pretty much." Jimin spoke up.

"What do you guys do then...?" You awkwardly trailed off.

Jimin smiled at you. "In our wolf forms? Why we kill vampires, of course. Our purpose is to kill vampires."

"There's actually vampires? What about witches and zombies?" Your head throbbed a little.

"Witches and zombies? I don't think there's any more of them left. Even if there is, they're rare now." Jimin happily replied.

"Ok, what about that whole mate thing?" You recalled when Jungkook and Hoseok from earlier.

Jimin stayed quiet but you could see a faint blush on his cheeks. Actually on everyone. No one spoke until Taehyung broke the silence.

"Well, you see, how do I put this?" Taehyung scratched his cheek in a nervous manner. "For werewolves, a mate means a soulmate. They complete each other and give the um," He clenched his hands together. "B-Best offspring."

Now you felt yourself blush. "A-And um you two...?" You couldn't say it directly and pointed at Hoseok and Jungkook. They both glared at each other and eyes softened at you.

"Actually," Namjoon bit his lip. "We're trying to figure that out. It's unusual for werewolves to have the same mate. And all of us know that you're our mate."

"What? All of you?" You looked at everyone who were staring at you intensely. It was highly uncomfortable.

"Yes." Namjoon continued. "I think it may have to be a curse of the Werewolf King." He saw your look and finished the rest of his explanation. "The Werewolf King has powerful blood and that gives the best offspring. I think it's once every so years that a person of the lineage will have multiple mates, but I just have to check that." He paused for a moment. "You're our Queen."

"Wait. You think that I'm..." You straightened up from your position. All the guys gave you a brief nod. "But I'm not a werewolf! I'm a normal human! You guys are wrong!"

"Y/N, please calm down." Yoongi whispered softly.

"No!" You felt bad seeing Yoongi flinch at you. "I don't get it! I'm normal! I just don't get this..."

"Please, Y/N," Jin softly asked. "I know we're confused too and we don't know what to do..."

"Where's my bag?" You suddenly asked.

Seokjin blinked at you before disappearing into the hallway and came back with your bag. You grabbed it from him and got out your phone. "I'm leaving." You announced. There were small whines from everyone.

"At least let me drive you home." Seokjin said.

You could only nod. The two of you left in his car. You needed answers. Right now. And who's better to ask than your parents?

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