Training and more training

Sorry if this chapter's boring, not good with training arcs.


Issei felt himself being dragged into a new location as he took the statue's hand. He also noticed he was out of his werewolf form, leaving him completely naked. "What the hell! where are my clothes?!" He shouted "where am I?"

As Issei, getting over his shock of being naked in a unknown facility, he began to look around. To his right was a track course and a obstacle course, and to his left were some black tracksuits (which Issei quickly put on) and sets of wearable weights. Issei figured he was in some kind of training room. 

'This was probably what Lycaon meant when he'd say he'd train me. Speaking of Lycaon, where is he?'

"Ah, Pup you've made it" Lycaon, from above said, startling the brown haired boy "How was the trip?"

Issei was confused at the sight of the large wolf man, Lycaon had white fur, was riddled with scars, had wild hair and wore brown cut up shorts.

 "Whoa, Lycaon? Is that you?" Issei questioned, He was nothing like Issei had imagined. But then again, Issei hadn't imagined meeting anyone today. None the less a god. "So what am I doing here?" 

"Yeah about that, this isn't earth anymore." Lycaon said, uncertain how his student would take the news "This a dimension I use to train weak werewolves" Lycaon stated calmly, unintentionally stabbing Issei's pride.

"So, your gonna train my werewolf abilities?" Issei asked

"Well, not yet. You gotta walk before you can run pup" Lycaon laughed "For now, we'll work on strengthening your body, so you to have better control of the transformation and so Ddraig will give you a more powerful gear."

This was it. The turning point in Issei's life, from a wimp to an all powerful being, Was he truly ready for this? Short answer, of course he was. "Wait, what about my parents? Won't they be worried if I don't come home?"

"you don't have to worry about that kid!"  Lycaon said " Time in this dimension is a snails pace. Hell, I could train for for a decade and only a week would pass on earth." 

"Are you actually gonna train me that long?" Issei said, worried. Lycaon noticed the visible grimace on Issei's face.

"Heavens no kid, five years of training should do you some good, and you'll probably train more on earth when the 5 years pass " Lycaon seen Issei's grimace disappear, and replaced with a determined grin

"Well lets get started. I am so pumped!" Issei yelled

"Good, now put a weighted vest on and give me 500 push-ups, 500 sit-ups, 500 Squats,  weight lifts, and lunges. After that is a 200 km run on the track, then I'll release some magic beasts to train your magic against, don't get caught by them. Then I'll train you in the wolf kung fu style. Then it's all magical training" said Lycaon

"Wait, what is wolf kung fu?" Issei questioned

"I'm glad you asked little pup. Wolf is a vicious art that uses high level striking, gripping, and tearing techniques that are used with hands. Wolf Kung Fu also strikes from low lunge positions that moves throughout multiple opponents." Lycaon stated

"How many can use wolf kung fu?" Issei asked

" Alive? At most 5, not including you. Most wolf kung fu masters used scissor style take downs, kicks, knee strikes, and sweeps primarily  breaking legs and or bringing opponents to the ground for Wolf's ground-fighting and or joint disrupting." Lycaon lectured

"Whoa! Really? That sounds totally badass!' Issei yelled "How can I learn it"

"I'm happy your so enthusiastic. However this isn't a easy art to learn, To master Wolf Kung Fu one must develop the highest levels of hand toughening, leg toughening, and body conditioning. There are numerous challenging exercises that demand tremendous leg endurance." Lycaon started 

"Wolf Kung Fu Masters use the highest level of hand toughening just to meet the demands of the powerful full body kicking attacks used in Wolf style. The movements require years of toughening to master with the ability to kick through solid metal and brick. Unlike a technique, bone and joint toughening takes years to master, there's no rushing it, and if done improperly the hands or legs can be permanently damaged." Lycaon continued

Issei quivered at the last statement, the last thing he wanted was his hands broken, or his legs for that matter.

"So I'll ask again. Are you ready for this gruesome four year long training!" Lycaon crossed his arms

"Yes sir!" Issei yelled

(...First week in...)

Issei could barely do 20 push-ups, let alone weights and sit-ups and the others. He couldn't run for shit, he almost died when the magical beasts caught him. The first time he tried to harden his hands, he cried for hours, As Lycaon tried to teach him the steps in Wolf kung fu, he did them all incorrectly.

Lycaon was beginning to lose trust in the werewolf successor, but then noticed one thing. No matter how hard Issei failed, he got back up again and tried even harder the next time

(...3 months in...)

Issei could now do hundreds of push-ups, weights and all the other gruesome exercises Lycaon made him do without passing out. This was a huge accomplishment for the brunette, He was even a getting better at magic. Issei could now do low level elemental magic and defense magic with some strain.

 Issei also learned he was part dragon, thanks to Ddraig's draconic energy flowing through him. Issei was still having trouble with wolf kung fu though, Lycaon told him not to worry about it, as it was hard for newcomers.

(...6 months in...)

Issei can now do medium-level elemental magic, medium defense magic and low-level illusion magic, Lycaon also made him wear double the body weights as he trained his body. Issei also learned mediation was a key point of training, due to Lycaon continuously drilling it in his head. He even increased his mana reserves.

Issei had also got better at hand hardening, he could now break through wooden planks and wooden bats. He'd also mastered low level wolf kung fu, and could easily beat regular thugs and low tier supernatural

(...1 year in...)

Issei can now use high-level elemental magic, high-level defense magic, and medium-level illusion magic. He can now break through hollow metals, shields, and pipes thanks to greater understanding of hand-hardening.

Issei now has full control of his werewolf transformation, meaning he can basically transform at will. He has also mastered medium level wolf kung fu, and can now beat gangsters and mid tier supernatural. 

His body had filled out a lot from the training, Issei wasn't bodybuilder level but he was a muscular lean. He no longer had the scrawny body his friends made fun of him for. And even more shocking, Issei hadn't talked or thought about boobs the whole time he was here.

Issei had finally done it, he survived one year of hellish training. Lycaon and him had a party to celebrate. 

"Lycaon, I did it! Thank you for pushing me so hard" Issei yelled with tears of joy in his eyes

"I'm proud of you Issei, You're like the little brother I never had." Lycaon said with a warm smile "I can't wait to make you stronger!"

After the party and the duo both went to bed Issei's arm began to twitch rapidly as he slept. 

Issei woke in a cold sweat, holding his twitching arm in pain. As he watched it transform into the dragon arm Lycaon told him about.

[Hello partner! you have come a long way.] A mysterious deep voice said

"Who the hell said that?" Issei questioned

[it's me Ddraig, your future partner!] The dragon stated

"Ohhh! You're Ddraig" Issei exclaimed, staring into the green gem

[If that wasn't obvious already...] Ddraig sweat-dropped mentally

Issei choose to ignore the dragons retort "Anyway, does this mean you except me as a partner?"

[Yes. You've worked hard to get where you are now, I'd never imagined my new host could become a werewolf. Their like, ancient good job partner.]

"Thanks Ddraig. Does this mean you'll help with my training?" Issei asked

[Of course. When me and Lycaon are done with you, you'll be able to destory anything with a simple flick of your wrist.]

"Sweet! I'm gonna be the strongest in the whole world!" Issei happily shouted.

Just then, there  was a knock on the door to Issei's room. "Issei! if your beating off, Keep it down in there!" Lycaon yelled, in a tired tone, startling Issei."Some of us are trying to sleep!"

"Sorry Lycaon! I'll be quieter next time" Issei said. He then, after talking to Ddraig for a while fell asleep.

(....1 year and 3 months in...)

After telling Lycaon about his conversation with Ddraig, his training became harder. He now had to do 5,000 push-ups 5,000 sit-ups, 5,000 squats and a 5,000 km run along with other magical and strength training. 

Issei had mastered elemental, defense and illusion magic. For some reason he wanted to learn all types of magic. Issei had also picked up partial beast transformation, his reasoning was he wouldn't wanna tear off all his clothes.

Issei has also mastered high-level hand hardening and can break through solid metal and brick. He could now defeat high-level supernatural and any normal human without breaking a sweat.

(....1 year and 6 months in....)

Issei has learned medium-level summoning magic, low-level duplication magic, low-level healing magic and low-level sealing magic.  Also He has mastered all of hand hardening, and wolf Kung Fu

Issei can now handle 40 boosts, and has learned what he's called, 'dragon shot' which at full power can destroy whole mountains with ease.

Issei while sparing with Lycaon, can hold his own while Lycaon is holding back, but still loses. Issei has now learned low-level swordsmanship, his reasoning being why not?

(....2 years in....)

Issei has now mastered partial beast transformation, and learned medium-level swordsmanship. And while he's no expert, he can now use Eolas (Eolas is an extrasensory ability used to allow the user to discover a person's whereabouts by connecting to nature.)  Issei can also now handle 60 boosts. 

He's learned high-level summoning magic, medium-level duplication magic  medium-level sealing magic and medium-level healing magic

Issei has also learned that he can reinforce his attacks using dragon energy. Because of his training, Issei has also developed a high resistance to fire attacks, because fire is a dragon's main element, Lycaon told him

He has also gained the Boosted Gear's Balance Breaker which he can hold for about 5 hours due to Lycaon and Ddraig pushing him so hard. 

(....2 years and 3 months in....)

The boosted gear had updated due to Issei constantly pushing himself, the gear still looked the same but gained another green gem and two yellow spikes. He can now transfer his power to anything he wanted.

Issei was originally very weak and vulnerable, easily hurt by the simplest of attacks. But with his continuous training with Lycaon, where he was forced to survive Lycaon's brutal assaults, Issei's durability greatly improved.

In which now his body can withstand 100 boosts.

Issei now has mastered summoning magic, learned high-level sealing magic, high-level duplication magic and high-level healing magic

Issei can now go against satan level supernatural with little to no strain, with his mana rivaling the 3 great leviathans

(....2 years and 6 months in...)

Issei has now experienced the juggernaut drive and is slowly learning how to incorporate it into his own style. He has mastered high-level swordsmanship, and started training in alchemy.

while also learning menacing pressure from Lycaon, which is basically him controlling his aura to make enemies feel immense fear, pain inducement and mental pressure .

Issei and Ddraig had become something like brothers over the years and look up to Lycaon as an older brother. In which Lycaon treats them like family

While sparring with Lycaon, Issei can almost easily make him break a sweat. Issei, wanting not only to be battle smart, started studying for various things, such as devil history, things that happened after the great war, what the factions were up to and more. He had no idea who'd he side with if the 3 factions approached him, but decided it was a problem for later Issei.

(...3 years in...)

Issei can now destroy mountains with single punches, he has learned some level of mind control and can withstand the juggernaut drive. Lycaon believe Issei is the strongest werewolf he's ever raised because how fast he advances.

Issei has mastered sealing magic and healing magic

In a full out brawl Issei can nearly beat Lycaon if he goes all-out with Ddraig and werewolf form.

Issei has even surprised himself at what he's learned, he has completely gone away from perversion (in public) and peeking on the female gender. He has become what you would call, a gentlemen pervert.

He has mastered swordsmanship, has various powerful boosted gear skills and learned how to mask his presence

(....3 years and 3 months in...)

Issei can now beat Lycaon in wolf form and balance breaker form separately, and has beaten Lycaon twice. 

He has also picked up some stealth skills and can easily take out entire cities.

Issei has made contracts with Foxes, Snakes, Sea monsters and various other creatures because Lycaon told him he needs familiar's.

A/N: Imma be honest with you guys, I'm running outta Ideas so time-skip to when Issei is done training










"Well done Issei! You've finally finished all of your training." Lycaon said, feeling like proud parent who's watched their child grow.

"Yup, and it's all thanks to you big bro!" Issei said in response with a smile, that then turned into a grimace.

"Hey, what's that look for?" Lycaon asked in worry, in all the years he had know the kid he'd never seen him so sad.

"it's just that you've really grown on me Lycaon and I don't want us to drift apart after I go back to my world" Issei said sadly

Lycaon paused for a moment and then burst out in uncontrollable laughter.

"WHA? What's so funny?" Issei said in playful anger

Lycaon stopped laughing. "Kid, do you really think i'd just forget about you after this? I'm almost hurt." He pulled issei in for a hug, "You, me and Ddraig are brothers now and i'll never forget about either of you"

Issei was overjoyed, finally someone who believed in him. "Me and Ddraig will become the strongest you ever know! Our names will go down in history!" he said as Ddraig boosted in response.

 Lycaon who was greatly moved by Issei's speech couldn't wait to see how grand issei would become. "I can't wait, maybe in a few years you'll finally be able to defeat me. But you should get going kid, You can come back to the temple anytime you want." Lycaon said as he opened a portal to earth " Oh, And make sure to bring back a girlfriend or two!"

Issei gave a warm smile to his brother and fistbumped him "You know I will!"

[Shall we get going partner?] Ddraig said with confidence 

Issei took one good last look around the place he'd known for years, smiled and stepped through the portal.


















A/N: This is Issei's new appearance after the 5 year training, human form obviously

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