
Meanwhile in Remnant.

Location: Remnant in RWBY's dorm

Team RWBY were doing their own things with Ruby eating cookies, Weiss being well Weiss, Blake reading a book more erotic "Ninja of love", and Yang playing a game on her scroll. Suddenly an intercom shows up

Goodwitch: (intercom)Would team RWBY please come to Ozpin's office, please? Ozpin would like to send your team a mission.

As they all stopped what we were doing and looked at one another in confusion.

Blake: Why are we going there for?

Yang: I don't know but it better be good.

Weiss: Or something bad.

Ruby: Well let's go! I can't wait to have our first mission!

Yang: calm down sis, I know you're excited but remember we have to be ready for anything on this mission.

Blake: Yang is right, but I am also curious about what kind of mission doe Mr. Ozpin gave us.

Weiss: Who knows let's get be ready to get it done.

They walked out of the dorm and walked our way to Ozpin's office, after taking the elevator we see him drinking his mug while looking at his scroll, he looked up and he smile at us when he put his mug down.

Ozpin: Ah, Team RWBY good you all here ready for your first mission?


Goodwitch: (scold) Miss Rose! please control yourself.

Ozpin: No need to scream Mrs. Rose. This mission is about investigating an unknown object that was located in Emerald Forest. (smile)

Ruby: so do we know the location where it is?

Goodwitch: Is already on that scroll, Mrs. Belladona.

The girls check on their scroll and reveal their map and destination.

Ozpin: Also pack some things before you all go, because your journey may or may not be long.

Yang: Oh boy is there anything else we have to know about this mission like do we have to deal with Grims or something?

Ozpin: You all shall see, you all may go now.

The four of them leave the room and headed out.

Timeskip after 2 hours later inside the deep forest. 

Yang: (groan) Are we there yet?

Blake: yang I don't think we'll get any closer if you keep asking "are we there yet?"

Yang: (groan) boring...I mean we have been like 2 hours walking in the forest...

Weiss: well according to the scroll we're nearly there we just have a few miles to close.

Ruby: Come on, guys cheer up! I mean what worse going to have happened if we found this unknown object? It could be a treasure! (smile)

Blake: Ruby right if it is an unknown treasure maybe mister open is probably going to give us an award.

 Suddenly Weiss's scroll was glitching as it suddenly explode turning to smoke and overheating.

Weiss: (shocked) What oum?! 

Weiss was pissed as she throw the exploded scroll to the tree is it broken to pieces.

Yang: (groan)Great now what? We don't know where we are.

Ruby: calm down Yang, Weiss said we have a few miles to go so we shouldn't be far too from the location.

Suddenly the weather starts getting dark and raining, Team RWBY starts heading toward the cave for taking shelter.

Yang: great! now what we're stuck in here until the storm passes.

Weiss: (sigh) not how I wanted our first mission to be...

Ruby tries to lean on the wall suddenly she presses a hidden button and the wall inside the cave suddenly glows and shows a blue light pattern.

Ruby: (eyes wide) Ehhhh Guys? 

The three of them looked at ruby to see what she was seeing.

Yang: what is that?

Ruby: I may or may not push a hidden button and the walls suddenly glow.

Blake: Could be the way in?

Yang: Only one way to find out.

Weiss: wait we should think about this.

It was too late as Ruby, Yang, and Blake went through the wall.

Weiss: (Sigh) here goes nothing...

The four finally enter, they were in some kind of hidden part of the cave.

Ruby: (Awe) wow look at these crystals on the wall!

Blake: Ruby, I suggest don't touch it, also there is a gate door in front of us.

Yang: (smirks) Let's get it open. 

Yang cracked her knuckles as she ready to push the doors.

Weiss: Wait Yang! dont-

It was too late Yang forced punched the doors open to reveal a huge hallway.

RWBY: (Awe) Wow....

Blake: What is this place?

Weiss: (shocked) I have never seen a place like this, even if they look old and advanced. (shocked)

Yang: you think this the place Ozpin wanted us to go to?

Ruby: I don't know- (look at the middle ) Oh look!

Yang: what is it ruby?

Weiss: did you find something?

As Ruby walked toward the middle she saw something like a grail and inside it was a beautiful blue gem.

Ruby: Wow (awe)

Ruby was about to touch it as Weiss turn around look at Ruby she was shocked.

Weiss: (eyes wide) Ruby! don't go near it! we don't know if it is dangerous or not!

Before they could stop her, It was too late and suddenly a portal show up and they got sucked into it.

Ruby: GUYS!!! (Horror scared)

Yang: (Worried)Ruby!! grab my hand!!

Ruby was able to grab Yang's hand as well Blake grabbed Weiss's hand until the four of them were finally sucked into the portal.

RWBY: KYAAAA!!!Scream).

After they were sucking in the portal it suddenly closes.

Meanwhile on Earth, in England.

The portal that took team RWBY opened as team RWBY fall out of the portal landing on the floor.

Ruby: (groans) Ouch....

Blake: oww my head.

Weiss: well that was most unexpected.

Yang: Let's do that again!!

RWB: NO!(Shout).

Blake looks around and notices that they are landed in a different room.

Blake: Guys? I think we are in someone's place....

Weiss: whoever it is they got good taste.

Suddenly they heard a footstep and closing doors.

Ruby: (Whisper) Hide!

The four of them hide in places where they can't be found.

They peeped and saw 5 males show up as they have talking and bit an argument about something, the girls were shocked and had massive blushes on their faces.


???: (groan) I told you that spell was not going to work.

??? 2: I swear god mate, for the last time it works! just look at Xander(pointed at him) he manages to summon his own familiar! a bloody dragon!

???3: he's right I was able to summon a Phoenix.

???4: would you stop complaining you'll get another chance until you get some mana back.

??? 5: Andres is right, You need to calm down Mark, You will get another chance to summon your own familiar.

Mark: ugh fine I'll wait.

Noah: good I'm getting hungry.

Xander: (chuckle) Would you like some Cookies I make for you? is mint flavor.

Noah: you read my mind, Xander.

Ruby heard the word cookie she was going to come out of her hiding spot until Weiss grab her hood.

Weiss(whisper): Ruby! Don't leave your spot until they leave.

Ruby: (pout) fine.

Mando: So now what do we do now it's going to take time for Mark to get his mana back.

Xander: How about you guys go get some rest, while I make some food for all of you (Heading to another side corner)...also how's your girlfriend Mark?

Mark: we're doing great I planning on taking her on another date soon.

Mando: (raise brown) You mean Juana? does her twin big sisters know about this? 

Andres enters the room.

Mark: no if she did she'll keep her eyes on me when I'm not home.

Mando: Damn, mate...(sweatdrop) imagine if those two are watching you both during dating including watching you both.

Mark: trust me I know what they'll try to do during our date.

Andres: (sigh) Anyway If you guys need something meet me at library.

Andres left and headed to Libary's room, then Xander show up and brought some Cookies with mint flavor as he put them on the table to hold it off.

Xander: This should be doing it, (shout) Noah! do you mind grabbing a big jar for the cookies?

Noah:(shout) I'm on it.

Noah grabs a big jar and put it next to the table.

While Xander grabs the second plate from the oven, he notices something missing one cookie from one of the plates.

Xander: Noah? did you take one of the cookies?

Noah: No I haven't gone near the cookies yet.

Ruby was eating the cookie that she took from the oven, but when she ate the cookies it make a sound make Xander notice it.

Xander: Hmm? did you hear something? (look around)

 Ryan began to look through the room until he step on a strange sword.

Ryan: Huh what's this (picked up the sword) hey Xander look what I found.

Xander: (pops out from the kitchen) A sword? let me take a look.

Ryan puts the sword on the table

Ryan: I've never seen anything like this.

Xander grabs the sword and inspects the sword.

Xander: Hmm (inspect a sword) this sword is a type rapier.

Noah: maybe but why is this in your house?

Xander: I don't know, I didn't even craft this rapier. whoever this belongs, this rapier craft is really talented, but sadly is to bit light, and the material is not strong as the one I used to craft it. (inspect the blade)

Weiss:(whisper) how dare he says that.

Xander: Hmm Ryan would you mind holding this for me? (gave a rapier to Mark)

Mark accepts as he holds Weiss's rapier, unknown to Xander as he closes his eyes and raises his right hand.

Xander: Forged...On (open eyes) 

After he said a word his right hand suddenly glowed parts at the end of part a small glowing flash as it created another Rapier. 

Xander: Looks like I created Afterglow's Rapier. (small smile) 

Noah: Nice you always have to trace every sword you get your hands on.

Xander: (Sigh) Correction Is Forged, I forged many weapons while training to control my mana thanks to my sensei

Mando: I wonder what other weapons you can forge other than swords.

Noah: Let's find that out later what do you want to do with this rapier?

Xander: Hmmm..Put on the table for while also I need to prepare some food before I go on another date with girls. (Sheathed rapier and went to the kitchen) 

 Ryan: again that's the seventh time this month.

Xander:(shrug) I mean It was my damn bloodline charm also I don't even want to make those girls sad.

Noah: I forgot how many girls you date.

Xander:.....I lost count, I even date Juana's big sisters, also (grab his scroll ).

When he grabs the scroll it suddenly drops to the ground.

Xander: (Read it) Let's see......(look at others) Is 8 girls, Hehehehe (laugh nervous)

The three boys' anime fall.

Xander: (put it back) Oh, by the way, have you guys watched RWBY season 8?

Mark/ Noah/Mando: no/no/yes.

Ruby (whisper): Wait what?

Yang (whisper): they know about our team?

Blake (whisper): Shh quiet.

Xander: Wait? (surprised) Mark, Noah? which season do you still watch on that series?

Mark/Noah: season five.

Xander: (Raise eye brown) Is it where those team RWBY reunited?

Weiss (Whisper) What is he talking about? and what he means about reunited?

Ruby(whisper): I don't know I guess they can see the future.

Blake(whisper): how should I know?

Xander: I am also curious question which girls do you lads like from those animated TV series? cause mine is Weiss and Winter, she smart, elegant, also tsun tsun.

Mark: mine would be Neo hot and silent.

Noah: I like ruby she is funny and fast and she likes cookies.

Mando: mine would be Blake she's strong she's fast and she loved to read.

Xander: (blinking eyes) What about Yang?

Noah: Andres would go for her he likes strong girls.

The four girls were mad blushing when they heard their conversation.

Mando: if they were real I bet Xander would have fainted from shock seeing Weiss in person. 

Mando: (Smirk) none I just saying if Weiss was real you probably faint from seeing her while Noah and Mark betting for 5 bucks if you faint.

Xander: Would you rather if I told your secret about her? (Smirk)

Mando: what is it?

Xander: You know you love cat ears~ and her bellaboo-

Weiss: (Glare) Don't you dare say it!!

Weiss leaves her hiding spot as she yells at Xander.

Mark, Noah, Mando, and Xander looked to their left to see Weiss the Weiss right in front of them and they were shocked and surprised.





Ruby: (eyes wide) Weiss! What Oum you doing ?! 

Weiss: (eyes wide) oops.

Xander: Are you real? Like Weiss Snchee?

Weiss: um uh yes.

Xander fainted and collapse on the floor as he drop the rapier on the floor.

Mando: huh I was right.

Mark: (cheers) Unlucky!!! Now give me 5 bucks, Noah!

Noah: (groans) dammit here you go (give Mark five bucks).

As the three show up the boys were having shocked and surprised except Xander who still fainted.

Mark: much did you hear? About our conversation?

Before one of them could speak, Andres enters the room while holding a book.

Andres: Hey Xander I couldn't find the book to summon heroic spirits do you-(see team RWBY) Oh they're real (fainted).

Ruby: um we heard most of y'all convention.

Blake: There are a few questions we like to ask you but we'll wait for your friends to wake up.

Mando: so....can you guys show us something that you a real? Like really real? Like semblance or anything?

Ruby uses her semblance to disappear and reappear with the jar full of cookies.

Noah: (eyes wide) She's dream really come true....(fainted)

Mando: Okay.......anyone wants some teas? before we start?

Weiss and Blake: I do.

Mando: And what about you two? Yang and Ruby?

Ruby: milk. 

Yang: got any strong drinks?

Mark: Silver can make you but thanks to her ice princess ( Weis: HEY!), his dream come true and fainted.

Yang: geez thank Weiss.

Weiss: (pout)Hey! I didn't do anything?!

Mando & Mark(mind): (amuse) Silver was right she does really tsundere.










To Be Continue.

Writer team by :



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