
October 10

We see Rey Mysterio facing Chad Gable with Otis at ringside. The match goes in Gable's favor before Mysterio turns the tides. Suddenly, his son, Dominik, and Rhea Ripley arrive to play mind games on Rey. Rhea is seen having Beth Phoenix's armband as they make their way to the ring.

Soon, Rey wins the match but was immediately met with his son who challenged him. Rey tries to leave, but Rhea stops him. Rey refused and allows Dom to slap him. He didn't fight back as Dominik was getting pissed that his father is too cowardly to attack his own son.

Rey then goes for a fight, but instead, attacks an incoming Damien Priest. Finn Balor arrives but gets a Headscissors Takedown, knocking him onto Dominik. Rey takes down Priest and sends Balor to the second rope.

Rey went for 619, but then Dominik knocks him down. Dominik glares at Rey who pleads to him to stop. The crowd chanted "You Suck!" as Rey was crying. Dom is begging Rey to hit him but Rey shook his head and turns to leave. Dominik was pissed and charged until the lights went out. Then, they come back on and Daikon Black is seen where Rey was. The crowd pops as Dominik and the rest of Judgement Day look on in shock.

Corey: Daikon!

Daikon is also seen in a different attire. He now wears a grey long-sleeve shirt and armbands with a glove on his right hand. And black Gi with flaps, grey pants and leg guards, and grey boots.

Dominik is looking up at Daikon in shock and fear. Daikon looks down at Dom, wondering why he is getting scared. Soon, his mask glows as a small purple light shines, and he glares at Dominik.

The crowd was chanting "Kill him, Daikon! Kill him!" as Dominik backs away. The fans are out for blood against him and Daikon well...he aims to please. Suddenly, Rhea tries to grab him from the apron but is then knocked down by Anne Winters, who starts hammering away at her.

Soon, Nova and Umbra come out and start fitting Finn and Damien. Dominik is seen begging Daikon to not hurt him, and the crowd was disgusted, seeing he's doing what his father did earlier, now having someone like Daikon in front of him.

Kevin: Oh look at Dominik. He's begging as Rey did to him. How pathetic.

Corey: Well, what did you expect? He's in front of Death himself!

Kevin: And he's getting what he deserves!

Daikon shook his head as he grabs Dominik by the throat. He then turns him around and grabs his wrist. He then pushes and turns him to hit this...

Corey: OH F*CK! *cringes in pain*

Kevin: Corey! *cringes*

Corey: I'm sorry! I think I felt that!

And so did many. Dominik knees down as he lays against Daikon's thigh, feeling the pain. Daikon looks down at him before pushing him down with his knee. Outside, Umbra sent Priest through the barricade as Anne hits an X-Plex on Rhea onto the ramp as Nova sends Finn against the steps with a Headscissors Takedown.

Daikon gestures to Nova to bring Finn as Nova and Anne brought Balor inside the ring. Parker gives Daikon a mic as he goes up to Finn. Daikon grabs him by the head and leans him up. He goes to speak as Finn glares at him.

Then, Black shook his head before slamming the mic onto Finn's forehead. He drops as he stood in the middle. The other three entered the ring and stood around him. They then spread their arms to form a triangle around their lord. He then poses as the ring posts flared out pink fire as the arena turns in a light shade of purple.

*backstage exclusive*

Daikon and his followers are seen in an unknown location as they stare at the viewers with their masks on.

Daikon: Earlier tonight...we showed the impertinent child known as Dominik what real pain is about. I strike down on you, not physically, but mentally as well. I would assume the Son of Rey Mysterio is now humbled by the strike of reality. If not, then he's a lost cause. And so...we desire to eliminate him...from this life.

He turns to his followers who nod in agreement. He then picks up a red sphere as images of Judgement Day's best moments appeared in it.

Daikon:'re friends, Rhea and Damien, and Dominik are going to experience a kind of smite you've never seen or felt before. The story of Judgement Day has gone on long enough. And now, I'm going to do what I did to you back in New Japan...

He then crushes the sphere with his bare hand.

Daikon: Make you...History.

Soon, the scene cuts.


Anne: I cannot believe Corey actually said fuck on live TV?

Parker: I mean, who wouldn't? I was glad our masks hide our reactions.

Riley: I heard that when Dominik found out he was gonna be slapped by Daikon, he said, "Well, time to prepare my funeral."

Parker: I'm amazed he even let Daikon do that.

Anne: Though, that does show how he's willing to do it.

Riley: That's true. Gotta give him props for that.

Soon, Daikon arrives as he looks at the three.

Daikon: Okay, guys. Let's go.

Anne: Say, how did Dominik become willing to get a slap from you?

Daikon: I mean, would you say no to me?

The three looked at each other before shaking their heads. They agreed you cannot say no to Daikon.

Daikon: That's what I thought. Anyway, let's go.

Riley: No trip to the bar?

Daikon: Today, no. We're gonna do some routine workouts tomorrow and I want you guys at 100%.

Parker: What? Really?

Daikon: Are you complaining? *evil aura looming over him*

The three got scared and shook their heads rapidly. Daikon calms down and smiles.

Daikon: Anyway, let's go to the hotel. *walks off* At the gym, I'm gonna make sure you three experience the most painful workout imaginable. Of course, you have breaks, but you still have around 2-3 hours of exercise left, so be mentally prepared.

All three: *nervous gulp*

*the next day*

We see the group working out at the gym as Daikon watches them while also down some exercises. At first, they're doing well, but they quickly see Daikon would do some intense workouts, as well as doing karate training and boxing, a deadly combination.

Soon, they lay on the chairs, exhausted as Daikon passes them a protein shake for each.

Daikon: So far, you did well. Some of my other students would complain about my methods, but you guys never did.

Riley: Because we know you would make us disappear and replace us with other people that look like us.

Daikon: Oh, I wouldn't do that. Maybe hit you in a place where no one can see the bruises, but who knows?

Riley goes pale as Daikon, Anne, and Parker laughed a little.

Parker: I'll be right back. I need to go to the restroom.

The others nod as Parker left.

Riley: Why are you gonna do me like that, bro?

Daikon: That's how I am, man. Deal with it.

*with Parker*

Parker just got out of the restroom as he makes his way back to the others. Then he stops as he noticed someone he recognized.

Parker: *whisper* Oh, shit. Rhea.

Parker immediately felt nervous but blushed as he walks off. He kept looking at Demi though made sure she didn't see him. He then hears Daikon, Riley, and Anne talking which snapped him out of his train of thought.

Anne: I mean, Parker's two inches taller than you, and yet you're the only one out of all of us hitting a Chokeslam.

Daikon: It depends on the situation. But yeah, I actually won my first title by hitting a Nodowa Otoshi-style Chokeslam.

Riley: I think Nodowa Otoshi sounds cooler than chokeslam.

Anne: Me too. What about you, Parks?

Parker: Uh, yeah. I think it sounds better.

Daikon: *noticed something* You okay, man? You sound detached.

Parker: Y-yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking of someone-I mean something.

Daikon raised his brow as he stares at him.

Daikon: Alright. Anyway, let's continue. After this, we'll be going to another city for Next Week's RAW.

All three: *sarcastic* Yes, Sensei.

Daikon rolls his eyes and they all continued working out. While they do their exercises, Anne caught someone just finishing doing bench presses.

Anne smiles as she thinks of Allen but immediately returned to doing her exercises, feeling Daikon's presence behind her.

With Riley, he was seen doing squats with a dumbbell at 100 lbs as he finished his 3rd rep. He goes to relax for a minute before someone approached him.

Ashley: Hey, sorry to bother you, but are you done?

Riley: Uh, almost. Just need one more rep and I'm done.

Ashley: Oh, okay. I'll be over there waiting for you.

Riley: Alright.

Ashley walks off as Riley watches her leave. He gave a smile before gasping, seeing Daikon walking over to him. He immediately gets to do his squats as Daikon passes by, watching him.

Soon, all four began to leave.

Parker: Man what a workout.

Annie: I can barely feel my body.

Riley: Me too.

Daikon: *turns to them* That's to be expected. Though I have to say, you guys did well.

Parker: Thanks, bro.

Daikon: No problem. Oh and by the way-

All three: Ow!/Shit!/What the fuck?!

Daikon: Don't get distracted when you see someone you like while exercising.

All three looked at him, surprised and wondering how he found out. Daikon winks at them as he walks off.

Riley: How did he know?

Parker: This guy's not normal.

Annie: I mean, aren't we all?

Riley: I think he means he's above the level of what's normal to us.

Daikon: You better come here or I'll leave you guys behind.

They sighed as they walk over. They entered the car and drove off.

A/n: How's the chapter?

Rate of Daikon bitch slapping Dominik:

What do you think of the three seeing their potential love interest?

And Daikon's response to that?

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