Chapter 2! Yeah, These Are My Real Parents

A/N The Italics are Peter talking if you're wondering

Steve was throwing up in the toilet bowl in his small apartment.

'What the hell is wrong with me?' He thought to himself, heaving over the edge of the bowl.

*That's my mom! He didn't know it yet, but he was pregnant with me!*

'Maybe I'm sick?' Steve thought to himself, trying to stand up, but hilariously failed and clutched the porcelain again, throwing up whatever he had the night before.

'But I can't be sick,' he thought, 'The serum would counteract that!' Then he had an even more terrifying thought, 'What if the serum went away because of the ice and time?'

He suddenly stopped feeling nauseous and dialled Nick Fury on his new phone, it rang only once before Nick picked up, "Hello?" Nick asked.

"Hey, Fury?" Steve asked, extremely nervous, "Do I still have the serum in my veins?"

It was five in the morning, but luckily Fury was already wide awake, "Yes you do, but why on Earth are you callin me at four in the mornin?" He asked.

Steve hadn't actually looked at his clock, he didn't realize how early it was, he just woke up feeling extremely nauseous and ran to the toilet, "Uh," he said, getting much more worried now, "I didn't know it was four, but I think I'm sick?" he said, but it came out sounding more like a question.

"Sick?" Fury asked from over the phone, his surprise displayed clearly in his voice, so clear Steve could hear it through the phone.


"Well, shouldn't the serum counteract that?"

"That's what I thought," Steve said, pacing the room, "But I don't know anymore."

There was silence on the other end, and Steve started to get sweaty palms.

"Come to Shield headquarters right away," Fury said urgently, "I expect to see you soon," he added and hung up before Steve could say anything.

Steve just shook his head and went to change into some fresh clothes, and brush his teeth.

*So yeah, that's how my mom found out, should we check up on my dad?*


Tony sat on the edge of his bed, running his fingers through his hair, "I fucked a dude two weeks ago, two dudes," he muttered under his breath.

*Yeah, that's my dad, I know he's a nervous train wreck, but I don't think he was doing too good at this point. He was staying in a fancy hotel in New York that week, I don't actually know why my dad never explained*

Tony smelled himself and was disgusted, he went to take a shower and thought about what happened two weeks before.

He had gone to some bar, he met... he couldn't quite remember who it was, he only remembers blonde hair and blue eyes, and there was another guy, he had brown hair and dark eyes, kinda like Tony's, but his hair was longer. He had fucked the blonde dude, and then he couldn't remember anything else besides waking up with a horrible hangover and two warm spots on his bed.

He turned the shower on and took a long hot shower when he got out, he realized he had gotten a call from someone, he didn't know if it was important or not, but he decided to call back the number.

"Hello? Stark here," he said over the phone.

"Hello Tony Stark, this is Nick Fury from Shield headquarters," the other voice said.

Tony just nodded, but then he realized the person couldn't see that, but before he could say anything the person, Nick Fury, started talking again.

"We have urgent matters happening right now that involve you, there will be a car comin to you in thirty minutes, they will tell you the letters "S.G.R.J.B.B" and you are to ride with them to Shield headquarters. I expect to see you soon." Nick suddenly hung up and Tony was left to stare at the phone.

"S.G.R.J.B.B." He muttered under his breath, "Thirty minutes" he quickly put on some clothes and waited for when the car would be to pick him up, for some reason, he just had had a feeling he needed to go, and he usually followed his gut.


*And as for my papa, Bucky Barnes, he honestly doesn't remember getting a call, knowing a Nick Fury, nothing. They all think that he was sent out for some test run or something and that he accidentally bumped into my mom, and dad, and somehow remembered them, and, uh, I happened. But they think that probably the next day they, Hydra, hurt him again.

If you know what those letters mean, I wish I could give you a prize! You're so smart! But here's what happened at Shield headquarters, I mixed what my mom and dad said they remembered.*

"I'm happy to say, Mister Rogers, that you are with child!" The doctor said after examining them.

"Pardon me?" Steve asked, completely taken aback and slightly scared, 'Pregnant?' He thought, 'It's been barely a year and a half since I've come out of the ice and I'm pregnant?! And I'm a man for god's sake!"

"Yes sir," the doctor said, "You have both reproductive systems," she explained, "Meaning you can both get pregnant and impregnate someone, this has also been linked to some of your illnesses as a child, and why you were so weak."

Steve felt dizzy, "So you aren't kidding?" He asked.

"I'm afraid not sir," the woman said, clearly sorry for him, she knew from his surprise it was not planned, "But we do need to know who the father is, do you have any ideas?"

"Fathers," Steve mumbled.

"I'm sorry?"

"Fathers," Steve said more clearly, "I'm sure of it, Tony Stark and James Barnes."

"Ah, and how do you know this?" The woman asked.

*Uncle Eyepatch, I mean Uncle Nick, er, Mr Fury, uh, Nick Fury had been sitting in a chair in the corner the entire time, and that moment was when he made that call to my dad.*

Steve blushed slightly, "I was in a bar two weeks ago, I saw Tony and he reminded me of Howard, on the other side of the bar I saw Buck, I-I," Steve choked up a bit, it was caused by a mix of sadness and hormones, "I could never forget his face, but he seemed more broken, the more I talked to him, the more I knew he was Bucky, but Tony, he acts a lot like his dad, they both eventually seduced me into going over to Tony's and-" Steve cut off clearly embarrassed.

The doctor understood, "Of course, of course, I'm sure Mister Fury is already contacting Mister Stark, but, just so that we're clear, this is James Buchanan Barnes you're talking about. The one that," she paused, trying not to seem rude, she knew all about Steve and Bucky's history, "That's passed on?"

Steve nodded.

"Are you sure you weren't confused when you saw the man, intoxicated?"

Steve nodded again, "I can't get drunk so that's out of the question, and I'm positive I wasn't confused."

The doctor just pursed her lips, there was no way they could contact James, so they couldn't;t bring him to the office. "Of course," she finally said, "I'm sure you're wondering how far along you are. But putting the serum into factor, I'd say your child will grow twice as fast as a normal human being, and you're about two weeks pregnant, so that would put you around a month pregnant by normal standards."

Steve couldn't do anything but nod, he didn't know a single thing about pregnancy but that made, sense, he made some quick calculations in his head, "So the baby, it's going to be born about three or four months early," he said.

"Yes," the doctor said, "Around early August, and Mister Fury when will-"

*Yeah, the month then was February, and I was born in early August, so they were right!*

"Another twenty minutes," Nick said, standing up and walking over, "Is there anythin I can get you?" he asked, folding his hands behind his back.

Steve shook his head, "No sir."

Nick just nodded and walked away, the doctor following him.

Steve just put his face in his palms and run his fingers through his hair, "How is this possible? I'm sorry baby," he muttered to his still-flat stomach, "I know you didn't mean for this."

He started to feel sleepy, he had slept really late the night before already, and he had woken up at four, so he was rightly tired, he laid down on the cot and went into a peaceful sleep.


*My dad arrived really soon after that, the car apparently picked him up early.*

"Hello," Tony said, shaking Nick Fury's hand, "Tony Stark."

Fury shook Tony's hand in turn, "Nick Fury," he eyed Tony's crisp it and sunglasses, of course, he was that kind of person.

"So you wanted to see me?" Tony asked, clearly recovered, or at least mostly, from his hangover.

"Yes, I'll explain along the way," Fury said and walked into the building, Tony following. When they got into the elevator, Fury started talking again, "Now, don' pass out on me, but congratulations, you're a father."

Tony nearly did pass out, "Excuse me?" he asked.

Nick just kept a straight face, "You're a father now Stark, congratulations."

"Now, if you don't mind me asking who's the mother?" 

"A certain Steve Rogers," Fury said, just as the elevator door opened.

'Steve Rogers?' Tony thought to himself, following Nick out of the elevator, 'But, that's Captain- he's dead!'

'This is a joke, they're messing with me,' He thought, but then he went into the room Steve was in and saw the captain there, awake now, looking very dishevelled.

"Steve?" Fury asked, "Stark's here."

Steve looked up and to Fury, and more specifically Tony, who walked to him, "So it's true?" Tony asked, "You're alive and pregnant."

Steve just nodded, "Yep, and you're one of the dads."

"Dads?" Tony asked, his eyes widening, he plopped down, very gracefully, into a chair beside the cot.

"Yeah, do you remember anything from two weeks ago?" Steve asked, sounding nervous, what if Tony didn't even remember him?

"Yeah, I fucked a dude and I'm pretty sure now it was you," Tony said, "Who was the other dude?"

"James Barnes."

"The dead one?" Tony asked incredulously, but honestly, if Captain America was alive and well, not to mention pregnant, anything could happen, right?

"Yes, the dead one, I still can't believe it either, but he seems to have disappeared again," Steve said, rubbing his eyes with his palms, "How are you so calm right now?"

Tony just shrugged, "Dunno, how far along are you?" 

"Around two weeks, but with the super-soldier serum, the baby's around a month developed," Steve muttered, shaking slightly, it was real and he wasn't dreaming, he surely couldn't have dreamed up this much.

Tony just nodded, staring at nothing and just thinking.

*Uncle Eyepatch was in the corner seat the entire time watching. You guys know how he just loves to just sit around in the shadows and be very dramatic!*

"So, uh, you're not freaking out are you?" Steve asked.

"Oh, totally freaking out," Tony said, "Just not showing it."

Steve just nodded, it was one of the only things he really could do at this point he was so shocked.

"Uh," Tony mumbled, hating the silence, "How about you come over to my house, I'll call Happy."

"Happy?" Steve muttered, "Is that a person?"

"Yep," Tony said, already picking up his phone, "He's technically my bodyguard and chauffeur, but he's also kind of my friend."

Steve just nodded his head again.

"That won' be necessary Stark, I'll have the car that picked you up to take you and Mister Rogers to your house-" Fury started to say, getting up from his chair and walking over.

"Yes it's perfectly necessary," Tony said, cutting off Fury and calling Happy.

Fury just shook his head and turned to Steve, "If he gives you any trouble, don' hesitate to call me."

Steve looked blankly at Fury and just nodded his head, still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that he was pregnant with Stark's, Tony's baby, and his best friend's baby too.

Tony finished up his call and turned to Fury, "Well, have a great day Mr Fury," Tony said, shaking Fury's hand again, "And Steve, Happy'll be here any minute, you should get up."

Steve, still in a state of shock, got up and followed Tony out of the door.

*So you know how my dad's a super genius right? Well, that comes along with having a good memory, only when he wants to, if he wants to remember something, it usually happens, and he memorized the way to get back to the front door. But if he doesn't want to remember something or doesn't try, he can't even remember what he had for breakfast that morning! It's actually kinda cool to me, I love my dad.*

On the way back to the Stark mansion, Steve was surprised to find that, even if Tony said that "Happy" was his chauffeur, he still drove himself. When he asked Tony about it he just shook his head.

"The last time I didn't drive myself, bad things happened," he said shrugging," Now you can get in the front, Happy can sit in the back, right Hap?"

Happy just rolled his eyes and got out of the driver's seat, "Yeah, and nice to meet you Mister Rogers, Harold Hogan," he said, holding out his hand for Steve to shake, which he did.

'Happy's a nickname, that makes sense,' Steve thought to himself, he took Happy's hand and shook it, "Likewise Mr Hogan."

They all got in the car and drove off.

*So yeah, I'm sure that if papa knew about it he would go rushing there, but Hydra got him. You know he was actually my mom's boyfriend back in the forties? But because of the war, they broke up just so that they didn't get too attached to each other, and then, that little thing with my mom and my Aunt Peggy (yeah, I still call her my Aunt)  happened.*

The trio arrived at Tony's hotel and Steve was clearly surprised about where Tony lived, "Well slap my ass and call me a donkey this place is nice," he muttered.

Tony nodded then turned to Happy, "Do you mind parking this thing? I'm going to take Mister Rogers in, you can have the way."

Happy just rolled his eyes and agreed.

Tony went in, had Steve follow him to his suite and told Steve to get comfortable.

"Well, looks like I'm going to have to cut my vacation short," Tony muttered to himself, making a few calls.

Steve wondered where he heard he name plaza hotel from and suddenly remembered, "This was open even when I was a kid," he said, sitting in a plush chair.

*Fun fact! Did you know that the Plaza Hotel (one of the greatest hotels ever) opened in October of 1907? That's how my mom knew it, he was born in the 1920s!*

Tony nodded, but he was on the phone so he couldn't do anything more.

When Steve finally registered what Tony was doing he started yapping, "Wait, you don't have to cut short whatever you were doing just because of me, I'll be fine."

Tony sent him an "Oh really?" followed up by a, "Can you shut up I'm literally on the phone?" face.

Steve just shut up and studied the intricate details in the chair he was sitting on, he might sketch it later on if he wasn't busy, he still worked for Shield, and he didn't know if he would be able to leave.

Tony finished up his calls and turned to face Steve, sitting on a chair in front of him, "So, I'm cutting my vacation short," Steve opened his mouth to argue but tony raised up a finger, telling him to, "Hush, I made up my mind and nothing's changing it,  but I'm cutting my vacation short, so I'll be here for another three days and then you're coming with me to my mansion in Malibu!"

"I'm what?" Steve asked insight disbelief and a little confused.

"You're going to move in with me right?" Tony asked, "Don't worry, you and the baby will be taken care of very well, all the highest tech, the best foods, it'll be a dream."

Steve was still sceptical, he had literally just met this man officially only about thirty minutes ago at most, "Well, one I just met you," Tony shrugged, "Two, what about my apartment," Tony gave him an "I got that" look, "and three what about my job?"

"Well," Tony said, drawing the "e" sound out a bit, "I am technically the father of the baby, and I don't want to be like my own dad, which means I want to make sure they get the best life that they possibly can get, and that's a life with two parents by their side or a least two adults that love them.  About your apartment and job, I'll pay for your rent during the months you're at my mansion, but, of course, even after the baby is born and you still want to stay in New York, I completely understand and you can come back to your home, and for the job, who do you work for?"

"Shield," Steve answered.

"Under the eyepatch man?"

"I wouldn't call him the eyepatch man," Steve started to say but was quickly cut off by Tony.

"Perfect, that'll make it easier for you to get longer maternity leave, well, the entire pregnancy, I'll, of course, offer them money if they say no."

"I-what-what's maternity leave?" Steve asked.

Tony stared at Steve, "How are you alive again?"

Steve sighed and went through the whole "went under the ice for sixty years" talk that Fury had with him.

"Mhmm," Tony said, "So you're still getting used to 20th, now 21st century."


"Well in that case. Maternity leave is the period of time that a new mother takes off from work before and after the birth of her baby," Tony explained, "But I guess it would be a paternity leave for you."

Steve just nodded, "So you're saying?"

"That you're going to come live with you in my mansion in Malibu, you're going to live the best life, but you're still going to have your house and job if you still want them after the baby is born," Tony clarified. 

Steve hesitantly agreed, "Have about during the pregnancy I can leave whenever I want? I'll just call shield."

"Course," Tony said grinning, "How about we spend the rest of the day together? Get to know each other?"

*They did spend the rest of the day together, but at the end of the day, they went their different ways. My dad said that they met up together the next day! He also said he started to fall in love with my mom soon after he moved in with him, but that's for the next chapter!*

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