Game 20: Pairing Games Part 5
Welcome Back to the Last Pairing Games :( , I will continue these after the Sequel One-Shot! Anyways I want to Thank all the Users who suggested these Lovely Couples.
Also I want to say a Special Thanks to TheAverageJoe for JoeDeNogla and Sugar_Rush_4_Days for MiniVanoss!
Now for a Moment of Silent for Star_SHIPSS to say our National Anthem
"Make a wish upon a star, you are being watched from afar You could drown in a frozen lake, in you end your life's at stake Kill to save your life after all, or you will take a massive fall This is all for their enjoyment, wrecking lives within a moment Come and play our twisted game, let's just hope you have good aim"
"We are here to save our lives, you'll be holding bloody knives We never wanted it to be this way, underneath a mockingjay Not all can make it out alive, all you can do is survive In the end, we aren't a bore, that is something we know for sure I wish you the best of luck, in these games, you have to- FUCK IM DEAD NO-"
*Everyone Claps*
Thank You for that Wonderful Speech!
District 1 ( Joeirious and H20Joenoss )
District 2 ( JoeDeNogla and WildBac0n )
District 3 ( SeaChoas and H20Cat )
District 4 ( PewDienoss and EvanLily )
District 5 ( MiniCat and ZeRoyalChoas )
District 6 ( Basicallyido Delirious and MiniVanoss )
District 7 ( Joenoss and H20Suniza )
District 8 ( RiCat and Jackiplier )
District 9 ( TerrorLadd and SunCat )
District 10 ( H20Cry and Delitoonz )
District 11 ( PewDieCry and Basicallyido Ladd )
District 12 ( RacingCakes and SeaMexican )
May the Odds ever be in you Favor~
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
CatzCakes runs away from the Cornucopia.
MiniCat runs away from the Cornucopia.
H20Cry runs away from the Cornucopia.
WildBac0n attacks Jackiplier, but Joenoss protects him, killing WildBac0n. ( This is what happens when you let a Pig go Kill others xD )
PewDieCry runs away from the Cornucopia.
H20Joenoss runs away from the Cornucopia.
Joeirious finds a bag full of explosives.
H20Cat finds a canteen full of water.
Basicallyido Delirious runs away with a lighter and some rope.
AnslEve rips a mace out of EvanLily's hands.
TerrorLadd runs away from the Cornucopia.
MiniVanoss snatches a pair of sais.
Basicallyido Ladd runs away from the Cornucopia.
H20Suniza finds a backpack full of camping equipment.
JoeDeNogla, ZeRoyalChaos, RiCat, and SunCat form a suicide pact, killing themselves. ( There goes a Foursome of Couples that formed a Pact )
PewDienoss runs away from the Cornucopia.
Delitoonz runs away from the Cornucopia.
SeaChaos snatches a pair of sais.
Day 1
Basicallyido Delirious tends to MiniVanoss's wounds. ( Awe (○゚ε^○) )
SeaChaos forces H20Suniza to kill CatzCakes or Joenoss. He decides to kill CatzCakes. ( Why H20Suniza!? )
H20Cry diverts H20Cat's attention and runs away.
MiniCat defeats Jackiplier in a fight, but spares his life.
PewDieCry discovers a cave.
H20Joenoss, AnslEve, and Basicallyido Ladd successfully ambush and kill PewDienoss, Delitoonz, and Joeirious. ( Nuuuuuuuu 2 Delirious Couples Down >_< )
EvanLily makes a wooden spear.
TerrorLadd receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
9 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
WildBac0n District 2
JoeDeNogla District 2
ZeRoyalChaos District 5
RiCat District 8
SunCat District 9
CatzCakes District 12
PewDienoss District 4
Delitoonz District 10
Joeirious District 1
Night 1
Basicallyido Ladd cooks his food before putting his fire out.
H20Suniza destroys EvanLily's supplies while he is asleep. ( Bestfriends VS Bestfriends )
Joenoss sets up camp for the night.
AnslEve receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
MiniVanoss, Jackiplier, Basicallyido Delirious, and H20Cry sleep in shifts.
TerrorLadd defeats PewDieCry in a fight, but spares his life.
MiniCat questions his sanity.
SeaChaos begs for H20Cat to kill him. He refuses, keeping SeaChaos alive.
H20Joenoss accidently steps on a landmine. ( Which one wasn't looking where they were going )
Day 2
PewDieCry explores the arena.
EvanLily stalks H20Cat. ( Quit listening to their conversation )
Basicallyido Delirious camouflauges himself in the bushes.
MiniVanoss searches for a water source.
AnslEve makes a slingshot.
TerrorLadd steals from MiniCat while he isn't looking. ( He stole a kiss from Mini when Wildcat wasn't looking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
SeaChaos, H20Suniza, H20Cry, and Basicallyido Ladd raid Joenoss's camp while he is hunting.
Jackiplier tries to spear fish with a trident.
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
H20Joenoss District 1
Night 2
TerrorLadd and Basicallyido Ladd work together to drown PewDieCry. ( They were trying to make a move on Mini )
EvanLily lets MiniVanoss into his shelter. ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Threesome Puerto? )
MiniCat sets up camp for the night.
H20Cry loses sight of where he is.
H20Suniza sets up camp for the night.
Joenoss attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
H20Cat passes out from exhaustion.
Basicallyido Delirious receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
SeaChaos passes out from exhaustion.
Jackiplier and AnslEve run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Day 3
Jackiplier sprains his ankle while running away from SeaChaos.
TerrorLadd runs away from EvanLily.
MiniVanoss begs for Basicallyido Delirious to kill him. He reluctantly obliges, killing MiniVanoss. ( They couldn't handle it )
MiniCat and AnslEve work together for the day.
Joenoss tries to spear fish with a trident.
Basicallyido Ladd receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
H20Cat scares H20Suniza off. ( Wildcat scared off Suniza for looking at his Man xD )
H20Cry searches for firewood.
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
PewDieCry District 11
MiniVanoss District 6
Night 3
Joenoss is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
TerrorLadd and Jackiplier talk about the tributes still alive.
SeaChaos, EvanLily, Basicallyido Delirious, and H20Cat sleep in shifts.
H20Cry tries to sing himself to sleep.
Basicallyido Ladd looks at the night sky.
MiniCat, AnslEve, and H20Suniza cheerfully sing songs together.
Day 4
SeaChaos thinks about home.
TerrorLadd forces AnslEve to kill EvanLily or Joenoss. He refuses to kill, so TerrorLadd kills him instead. ( AnslEve You are a Hero, I salute You! *Salute's you* )
H20Suniza poisons H20Cat's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies. ( Suniza tried to get Payback but it Backfired )
Basicallyido Delirious receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Jackiplier kills Basicallyido Ladd with a sickle. ( 0_0 )
MiniCat tries to spear fish with a trident.
H20Cry hunts for other tributes.
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
AnslEve District 12
H20Suniza District 7
Basicallyido Ladd District 11
Night 4
MiniCat's trap kills EvanLily. ( Noo ;_; )
H20Cat cooks his food before putting his fire out.
TerrorLadd, Joenoss, and SeaChaos cheerfully sing songs together.
Jackiplier, Basicallyido Delirious, and H20Cry sleep in shifts.
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
H20Cat decides not to go to The Feast.
H20Cry decides not to go to The Feast.
Basicallyido Delirious convinces Jackiplier to not kill him, only to kill him instead. ( Backstabbers >:3 )
TerrorLadd spears SeaChaos in the abdomen. ( Ouch! )
MiniCat decides not to go to The Feast.
Joenoss decides not to go to The Feast.
Day 5
H20Cry constructs a shack.
Basicallyido Delirious collects fruit from a tree.
Joenoss steals from TerrorLadd while he isn't looking. ( Watcha Steal? )
H20Cat and MiniCat hunt for other tributes. ( Threesome ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)? )
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
EvanLily District 4
Jackiplier District 8
SeaChaos District 3
Night 5
H20Cat receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Joenoss is awoken by nightmares.
TerrorLadd, H20Cry, MiniCat, and Basicallyido Delirious tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
Day 6
H20Cry stalks H20Cat. ( Cry wants to know what Wildcat is doing to Delirious )
Basicallyido Delirious receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
MiniCat camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Joenoss receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
TerrorLadd travels to higher ground.
No cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Night 6
H20Cat cries himself to sleep.
H20Cry defeats TerrorLadd in a fight, but spares his life.
Basicallyido Delirious, Joenoss, and MiniCat get into a fight. MiniCat triumphantly kills them both. ( MiniCat Dominates all! )
Day 7
H20Cat travels to higher ground.
H20Cry thinks about home.
MiniCat runs away from TerrorLadd.
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Basicallyido Delirious District 6
Joenoss District 7
Night 7
TerrorLadd defeats MiniCat in a fight, but spares his life.
H20Cry receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
H20Cat attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death. ( Welcome to the club Lovers! )
Day 8
TerrorLadd scares H20Cry off.
MiniCat searches for firewood.
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
H20Cat District 3
Night 8
H20Cry receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
TerrorLadd lets MiniCat into his shelter. ( Threesome <3 )
Day 9
MiniCat scares TerrorLadd off.
H20Cry explores the arena.
No cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Night 9
H20Cry attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
TerrorLadd goes to sleep.
MiniCat falls into a pit and dies. ( Welcome to the club Lovers #2 )
Day 10
TerrorLadd is unable to convince H20Cry to not kill him. ( FATALITY! )
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
MiniCat District 5
TerrorLadd District 9
The winner is H20Cry from District 10!
Congratulations H20Cry!!!! I hope You enjoyed this last Pairing Couples, There will be more after when I finish the Victor One-Shot!
Thank You TheAverageJoe and Sugar_Rush_4_Days for suggesting those couples!
As Always, See You Next Time ^w^
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