art but i forgot ranboo 🥰
Poultry man: you dont take things seriously
Sally: wh-
Poultry man: and you take things too seriously
Prof beaks: wH-
Poultry mam: and you..
Poultry man: you are perfect, so we cant risk losing you. I'm sending sal
Rainy: pOuLtry maNnNn- ;-;
Smol: stop saying I wish, and start saying I will!!
Sally: I will I had a father
Sally: :0 I feel confident about a family already!!
Chron: hi can I get a cake that says, "I feel anxious today but at least I got this cake tho"
Isk: if you cant find your cat,
Isk: just go in a room.. *proceeds to go in room and slam the door shut*
Isk: and just wait 3 seconds,
Isk: and open your door- *opens door back up*
Gman standing on the otherside: what are you doing
Rainy: this morning I made waffles and pancakes with ice cream on top, for dessert breakfast I made donuts. For snack before lunch I gave a healthy fruit salad, lunch I made pizza and fries, lunch dessert i had an apple pie, snack before dinner I made a salad, dinner I had vegetable soup with fresh made bread and sweet baked potatoes, and for dessert I made strawberry cheesecake!!!
Rainy: I've been stress cooking
Magic maker: I came here to stab you but, I'll stay for lunch if you dont mind-
Magic maker: guys are you ready to go?
Smol: yeah I just cant find my pepper spray-
Magic maker: oh, *proceeds to spray pepper spray on neck as perfume *
Magic maker: let's go
Gman and isk all cuddled up in bed:
Gman: who's gonna turn off the lights?
Isk: not mE-
Gman: not me either
Isk: guess we're sleeping with the lights on
Isk: ok I'll go turn off the lights-
Sally, beating the shit out of a plastic fish: fUCK yOu-
Smol: pm can you not control your child?!?!?
poultry man: oF course I CaN coNtrOl mY chILd!!!!! sAlly-
Chron: I have an idea
Chron: *takes out mirror*
Chron: *puts mirror in front of Sally's face*
Sally looking at herself in the mirror: hey sexy~ what are you doing tonight, oh that's right! Nothing ;) I'm free too, dinner at 6?
Poultry man:
Smol: well she stopped beating the fish-
Rainy: there are a few things that traumatize me but other then that, I think I'm gonna stay the same me all hermittpad!:3
Sally: that's what the last girl said before she got her head cut off
poultry man dead in his coffin: pssst..
Magic maker: ...ay yo?
poultry man: I left a list of things I want done in hermittpad while I die
Magic maker: stfu and go to hell
Poultry man: I'm on my way, bye
everybody at the funeral:
(First time meeting,)
Magic maker: I am the magic maker, first born daughter of the generations of magic makers themself. I spent my entire life training in skill of fighting and magic techniques, I come to take your land and rule as your own
Poultry man: whoever you are... I have a knife-
Magic maker: whoever I am-? Did you not listen to a word I said????
Jungle bandit: how did you and your ex break up-?
Magic maker: I wanted to feel special and he took me to subway
Sally: I hate all men
Sally: but I guess the "men" in the end of "women" is okay
Magic maker: good. you did good
Sally: thanks mom!
Magic maker: dont call me mom.
Sally: yes mother
Magic maker: mother falls into mom categories
literally any time magic maker has been held in poultry mans arms:
Magic maker: do you have a knife?
Poultry man: ..why?
Magic maker: because somebody needs to cut the tension between us
Prof beaks in the near by future: see if you do this, *jaMs rock into pills to crush them*
Prof beaks: and then inhale It-
Sally: are you encouraging me to do drugs??
Prof beaks: no. I am encouraging you to watch me do drugs
Prof beaks and sally flirting:
Sally: are you my dad? Because you don't talk to me enough
Prof beaks:
Magic maker: next person to speak goes to the bedroom
Jungle bandit: why
Magic maker: oh no you spoke- oh no I spoke!! Guess we have to go to the bedroom together
Magic maker: yo, taste this. You cant even taste the alchohol- it literally tastes like juice
Chron sipping the drink: this is straight vodka
Poultry man: where's the doctor?
Magic maker: I am the doctor *cocks gun*
Prof beaks: so I figured out why my ass is so flat
bones: why ?
Prof beaks: ....
bones: why??
prof beaks tearing up:
bones: are you gonna tell me? what's wrong? Why is it flat?
prof beaks: you weren't supposed to answer it like that. I thought you were gonna be a simp
Smol: I'm surprised you came to the beach today magi! They dont allow alchohol
Magic maker: yeah haha, everybody needs a break from drinking .
Gman trying to put on sunscreen: why does this sunscreen smell like vodka?
Magic maker: I replaced the sunscreen in the bottle with vodka
Prof beaks: top 10 people I would cheat on my girlfriend with,
Prof beaks: number 1, no one
Prof beaks: I love my girlfriend. Nobody can ever take her place!
Prof beaks: number 2, Lola from shark tale-
Magic maker: ugh, I get cat called all the time
Jellie: *hisses from distance *
Magic maker: *hisses back*
Magic maker: it's so adorable
(The young days)
prof beaks: so .. why dont you have a boyfriend yet?
Sally: dunno, my dads arent really comfortable with me having one.
Sally: why dont yOu have a girlfriend?
Prof beaks: well your parents arent comfortable with that yet ....
Sally: wha-
Sally: :,0
Magic maker: I hate all men...
Magic maker: but my son,
Magic maker: I hate him more
Parrot child: yeah right Ursula
Magic maker:
Magic maker: I'm going to the bar bYE
Chron: are you bringing your own money?
Magic maker: uh no, I stole 20 dollars from isk-
Chron: are you actually going to use that 20 dollars?
Magic maker: ... probably not
Chron with disappointment: stop stealing margaritas from the bar
Sally, death glaring g: I am going to cut off your legs so you cant follow and attack me
Gman doing the same back: I am going to cut out your vocal cords so I dont have to listen to your stupid tone
Poultry man walks into the room: hey guys-
Sally with a forced smile: OH hey poultry man! I was just hanging out with my best bud over here
Gman also forcing a smile: awe thanks sally! You are my best bud too
Poultry man: awww
Prof beaks: hey jb, what's it like to have a beautiful, amazing, talented, stunning, charming, unique, perfect child!
Jungle bandit: I wouldnt know
Chloe: come here
Sally: no
Chloe: why?
Sally: cuz ur gonna hit me
Prof beaks panicking : is this an abusive sibling friendship?!
I did the art I wanted but........
I forgot to draw ranboo. Next time guYs-
But, I present to you....
Robin is a character I made in the au of demon bones but I think I'm making him cannon to profs lore soooooooo
Little blonde fuck who wants your money B)
He's also got a little ferret named horse 😎
Its pretty cool. I had lots of fun making the little asshole :3
human artemis!!:3
artemis is profs tiger that just randomly exists in hid jungle.
She became human in the demon bones au so cool :3
And my liked songs on spotify was 420
K, drink water for me please, do something active and love yourself as much as I love yOU-
ok bye
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