36: Hot Pot
Where in the world have I ended up?
"Thanks for the ride."
"There's no way I could turn down a request from your mom to pick you up." The man seated in the driver seat of the sleek black car flashed Nori a full-blown grin. "It was nice seeing you, Norihise."
"You too," he responded. "Take care."
The car pulled out of the driveway at that, zigzagging along the winding stone path all the way back to the front gate. Stock-still and gaping with eyes wider than saucers, I did my all to digest the colossal building hailed before me.
The house loomed proudly, flanked by rows of multicoloured flowers, swaying gently to the breeze. Nearby, a delicate marble fountain stood, the soft tinkling of the water resonating in the surrounding silence.
It was incredible. I couldn't move.
However, oblivious to my shock, Nori hiked his backpack on his shoulders then strolled toward the doors.
Only partway did he realize I wasn't following.
Jolting to my senses, I stumbled after him. We entered the darkened house to which the lights flickered on automatically. I nearly jumped from my skin. Everything in sight was sparkling. The glass chandelier, the shiny marbled floors, the twisty staircase.
My jaw was hanging limp as Nori ambled into the open kitchen where he set his bag down on a nearby chair. I hastened after him and tugged his sleeve.
"Nori, this is going to sound crazy but I think I hit my head or something."
He cocked an amused brow. "How come?"
"First with the fancy car, and now, being here—in this... abode of wealth. I have to be dreaming. This is all too out of my league!"
Indifferent to my panic, the corners of his lips stretched high. "What to do, then. Assuming you are dreaming, it should be my responsibility to wake you up."
He lifted my chin with his forefinger, forcing my eyes to his.
"What would you like? A kiss?"
"Honestly, being smacked by a pan or doused in cold water sounds perfect."
My neck whipped in the direction of the kitchen sink. I was drenching my face in freezing water in no time. Refreshed, I parted my eyelids for the second time, only to find that nothing had changed.
"Angel," Nori called before I could dare repeat the action. He dabbed a paper towel he'd collected nearby onto my cheeks and face, unable to stifle a laugh. "You're awake. This is reality."
My mouth moved, wordlessly. "And this is your house?"
"It is."
"S-so you're filthy rich?"
"I wouldn't say "filthy rich" but I do live comfortably." He cast the drenched napkin into the trash bin. Then rested his elbows against the counter and slyly knocked his head to the side. "My parents are actually in show business. My mother is an actress and my father, a talk show host. Hayami and Keita Shiro—"
"Hayami Shiro? The Hayami Shiro?" I exclaimed in disbelief. "My mom loves her! She spends every night watching that drama she's in. And Mr. Keita has a bunch of celebrities on his show. You're their son?"
"The one and only."
"Oh my gosh, Nori. You're incredible. I always thought so, but you're really, really incredible!" I jolted when realization dawned on me. "Wait. Don't tell me they're here now—"
I jerked my head, surveying every inch of the room as if they'd materialize out of thin air.
Nori snorted.
"They're not," he responded. "They work late. Plus, they're constantly travelling so they're rarely home."
My shoulders fell. I released a breath of relief. "Good. Because meeting them would give me a heart attack."
Nori smirked. "That's a problem. Because for the first time in a while, they both happen to be coming home for a family dinner."
My heart nearly flung from my chest. "What!"
"That's why I wanted you to come over," he said offhandedly. "I need help making dessert since my hands will be full taking care of their dinner."
"And you waited until now to tell me this? How long do we have?"
He briefly glanced at the clock hanging in the living room. "Forty-five minutes."
My lungs plummeted to my gut. "Forty-five minutes to prepare dinner, dessert and meet Hayami and Keita Shiro? Oh, God. Oh my gosh."
Nori chuckled at my exaggerated reaction. "I'm glad I invited you after all, Angel."
He gripped my shoulders, guiding me to a utility closet. Then passed me an apron.
"Well, no time to waste. Let's get to work."
I puffed my cheek with air as we headed to the bathroom to wash our hands. "Sometimes, Nori, I feel like you enjoy teasing me."
He merely flashed me a wide grin. "Must be your imagination."
"Okay, so you add the eggs, sugar and honey..."
Interpreting the recipe propped before me whilst pouring the ingredients into separate bowls was draining. And also confusing. However, I had no choice but to move as fast as my mind in creating this dessert I'd never baked before.
There was a lot to battle—
"Allow me to assist you, Angel."
Starting with this distraction.
"Nori, shouldn't you be cooking?"
Following my inquiry, the red-haired flirt casually placed his hand over mine, guiding my whisking. His chest brushed my back, and he bent over so that his side profile was clear in my periphery.
"The hot pot is coming along fine. No need to worry."
"That's not what I asked." Chills darted you my spine when strands of his hair tickled my nape. "Don't you think you're a bit close?"
"Not at all. In fact, I believe there's no harm in getting closer." He squeezed my hand, his free one encircling my waist. "I thought you were of the mind that desserts taste better when worked on together."
"I am, b-but... We only have a limited amount of time. And I-I can't focus."
"Can't focus? How come? Are you nervous?"
"Th-that's not..."
"You're stammering as well." He withdrew to admire my face. Our shoulders touched. "Angel," he said, slyly this time. "You can tell me anything."
I gulped, chewing my bottom lip. Jutting my chin, I pushed away from him the best I could.
My giggles erupted thereafter.
"Ca—can you move over?" I sputtered, unable to halt my hysterics. "Y-your hair keeps grazing the back of my neck, and it tickles...!"
My rain of laughter startled Nori. Fortunately, he backed away, rapidly fluttering his eyelashes. Then, he chuckled as if I cracked the funniest joke alive.
"You're full of surprises, aren't you, Angel?"
Steadying my whisking arm, I stifled my amusement the best I could. Then gaped at him. "Hey! I knew it! You are teasing me!"
Least to my expectations, his hands fell to either side of me. My back hit the counter. His face was inches to mine before long.
"It's because your reactions are so very adorable," he confessed, dipping a mischievous brow. "I can't get enough. All I want is to keep your reactions to myself, but I guess that's impossible, huh?"
My pulse quickened. "N-Nori...?"
The seriousness in his gaze bore a hole through my chest. Having him so near did fluster me—his handsome face and suave mannerism always ebbed at my defenceless heart—but now, at this moment, my nervousness spiked. My cheeks flamed.
I faltered a step only for my hand to knock the bag of flour rested on the counter. Gasping, I whirled in time to be doused chest to toe. The remainder of the bag also spilt across the floor.
I coughed incessantly, waving away the cloud of dust. But flour was everywhere imaginable. The entire counter. The batter I was mixing. The floor. Me.
"Oh, no!" I shouted, grabbing the bowl. "It's ruined!"
"That's all right."
"No, it isn't! Now there's no time to finish this! And your parents—"
"I'm sure Miko won't mind waiting a bit longer for dessert."
I swivelled in time to find Nori dusting the petite amount of flour that'd clung to his apron. I blinked, dumbly.
He could only offer a smile. "Did I say something strange?"
"Y-you mentioned Miko! Why? This dessert is for your parents."
Now it was Nori's turn to tilt his head. "My parents? But they hate sweets."
I returned the bowl to the table, flailing my arms desperately. "Wh-what? You're not making any sense. We're making this dessert for your parents. That's why you brought me here, right?"
"Hmm. While I did say we'd be making dinner for my parents, I never said the dessert was for them."
I mean, thinking back, that could be true. "Then..."
"You've been worried about your friend, correct? All today, though you did smile energetically, you couldn't stop thinking about her."
My lips flapped speechlessly. Then, they met and settled into the state of a frown. Regardless of the mess that ensued, I leaned against the counter. "It's that obvious?"
"Not enough for the others to notice, I don't think. But I'm particularly sensitive when it comes to you, Angel."
I forced a smile. "Is that why you invited me here? Out of concern?"
"I wanted to do something."
My shoulders stiffened.
"On the day of the competition," he continued, staring at the ceiling. "She came running out of the audience, asking everyone on-site if they baked. If they could fill in to be your fifth member. She was willing to do anything to help you succeed. It was heartwarming; how far she was willing to go for you. As somebody who only stopped by to make sure you were doing all right—as somebody who took up baking solely to kill boredom—it was embarrassing. It was my fault you ended up in this competition, and yet your friend who was completely unrelated to it took on such huge responsibility."
As he spoke, I faced him, undeniably at a loss for words.
He airily chuckled. "Whether or not it was pure coincidence I happened to be there the moment she ran outside the venue, it's because of that encounter I gathered the courage to head inside the room. It's because of it I was able to interact with you again. Then, I can't stand by and do nothing when it's clear she's having a tough time right now, and you're having all these thoughts. Therefore, I wanted to do something. For both of you. Thus, this idea."
"I may be overstepping my boundaries, but I'm sure your friend will appreciate a dessert you've made for her. Dorayaki may be a little sweet but I've adjusted the recipe you're using accordingly. Hmm. Maybe I should have been more outright about this from the beginning. I apologize, Angel."
He... invited me here to make Miko a dessert? Because he noticed my turmoil and was concerned for Miko?
I made a face. It didn't make any sense.
"You're such a puzzle, Nori."
"Am I?"
"You're very popular and flirtatious and are such a good confectioner. You have the entire world around your finger. But you're still so kind and do so much for others. You had no reason to feel indebted or come to help me at the competition or do all this, and yet you did. Plus you're apparently the son of famous celebrities... No matter how hard I try, I can't figure you out."
"Do you want to figure me out?"
"Very much!"
He hummed. The corners of his mouth upturned higher, bringing out the birthmark under his eye. "What to do, then. I'll answer anything if you think it'll help."
The blaring of a notification lodged my voice in my throat. Ever so calmly, Nori reached into his pocket and surfaced his cell. He was quiet as he read his newfound text. Then, shoulders slumping, he returned it to where it was.
"Where were we?" He plastered on another smile. "What colour underwear I'm wearing today?"
My face burned. "I-I didn't ask that!"
"Then, how soon in a relationship do I like holding hands? I'd say instantly."
I practically jumped when he scooped my palm into his.
"Didn't ask that either!" Reeling it back, I whipped my neck in the direction of the clock. I flinched. "Agh! We talked too long! Your parents will be home in less than five minutes. Is the sukiyaki finished yet?"
Nori slowly straightened his posture, observing as I dashed toward the pot to check on the food.
The mouthwatering scent practically slapped me in the face.
"It smells so good!" I gushed, heart-eyed. "I bet it tastes magnificent!"
Let alone magnificent, knowing Nori's talent, it probably tasted godly.
"I'd hope so. I have to remember to make another batch for them next time."
"Next... time?" I parroted.
He didn't bat even a single eyelash when we crossed eyes. "They can't make it anymore. Work came up."
My eyes bulged from their sockets.
The text.
He'd read it with such a straight face...
"They cancelled just like that?" I asked.
"It happens all the time," he excused. "They're busy people. They can't waste time eating home-cooked meals like they used to."
"Truthfully, I tell myself I should stop cooking so extravagantly when I know they'll cancel. But, just in case they don't, I want to welcome them warmly."
He grinned as if to uplift the dip in mood. Then, he lifted his forefinger.
I craned my neck.
"The first thing to know about me," he explained. "Also, my underwear is black."
"N-Nori!" I exclaimed.
He laughed.
"Make that two," he said. "Anyway, we should clean up and finish that dessert so you can hurry and visit your friend before dark."
Before I could give a proper response, Nori was already wiping the excess flour off the counters. My heart weighed in my chest.
I didn't know if it was his words, but suddenly, in this gigantic, eerily quiet house, I felt small. Why hadn't it hit me earlier? Nori's parents were constantly gone. He was the only one in this entire house. He ate all his meals alone.
In public, he may have been constantly surrounded. He was definitely well-loved. But he wasn't the heartthrob confectioner, Norihise Yamashiro, twenty-four-seven. At home, and to his celebrity parents, he was just... Nori.
Maybe that's why he got bored easily? He must've been lonely. Darn it. Imagining it only made me see him as a neglected puppy.
I chewed my lower lip. I should work on the dessert. Complete it and give it to Miko. But... if I did that knowing I'd be leaving Nori alone at a time like this, there's no way she'd be happy.
I seized Nori's sleeve. He twisted to face me, bewildered.
"I love sukiyaki," I declared, firmly. "Let's eat it now."
He fluttered his eyelashes. However, my connotations were clear as glass to him, melting his previous confusion and morphing his features in amusement.
"Are you sure? Shouldn't you go?"
"There's always tomorrow morning," I excused. "Besides, there's no point working on an empty stomach."
"Eating a meal with me won't be very entertaining."
"I'd beg to differ. Any company is good company." I propped my hands on my hips, beaming. "You got involved with the wrong girl if you think I'll abandon you tonight. On your parents' behalf this evening, I will eat my fill of your cooking and smother you with as much attention as you desire."
Once more, without warning, he chortled. From his eyes to even his radiant smile—its sincerity rolled off of him.
"If it's with you... I doubt I'll ever be bored," he said, wholeheartedly. "I hope you don't mind if I follow up on that promise."
He was happy. This was definitely a good idea. "Of course not. Be as selfish as you want."
"Great," he said. "Because I was thinking before we eat, you should change out of those dirty clothes. Here, let me grab some of mine for you to borrow. They may be a little large but I'm sure you'll look cute in them anyway."
My heart leapt to my throat.
This... was a good idea, right?
This update is late, which I'm sorry for! In my defence, I was busy completing another story offline. . . that hopefully will be posted on Watty soon. . .
(It's basically going to be written like an otome game, if you're interested in those ;) )
But also, the recent events of the world left me feeling unmotivated (which I delved further into on a rant I posted in my book "Disconnect" so check that out if you're interested).
Anyway, I had a lot of fun this chapter. We got to learn more about Nori and his motivation to help Kotori. I hope you guys enjoyed it too! Nori's grown on me a lot and he hasn't been a character in the story long ^^;
Remember to Vote & Comment! <3
See you next week!
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