25: Matcha Roll
This kind of situation wasn't good for my heart.
First of all, the Cooking Club—the enemies I'd been pursuing since I first decided to become a pastry chef—were scouting somebody right in front of me when all they'd ever given me were derisive scoffs and sneers. Moreover, this somebody that they were recruiting was none other than Nori Yamashiro, the confection-making genius (and playboy) who'd moments ago ran off with me to hide. And to top this all off, I was here firsthand, witnessing this entire occurrence unfold before my eyes.
So many emotions had swelled inside of me, I couldn't even fathom what to do with them. Which, had led to me unappealingly gawping.
Not that those in the Cooking Club even noticed.
"You're not getting away this time," Ryoma said, tapering his eyebrows into a glare.
"I bet I could," Nori said cheekily. "If you do me a favour and look away for about ten seconds, I can guarantee you that I'll be gone—"
"I'm not here to play along, Yamashiro. Frankly, your sense of humour is horrid and I have better ways to spend my time."
He crossed his arms again. "You'll be turning in your club registration form come April, won't you? I'm only here because I wanted to confirm."
Nori couldn't have appeared more discomforted. Although he was receiving the honour I'd yearned for months—admission presented on a silver platter to boot—he didn't want it.
"About that, Fukui..."
"Come on, Yama," Eru said, hands still together. "The high school Cooking Club is supposed to be way more fun that the middle school's. There's more challenges, too. Mimi and Eru are looking forward to it so much. Plus, Fuku told Eru that we can crush our opponents all we want and face no repercussions. Doesn't that sound delightful?"
Nori cast a side eye, mouth twitching. "'Delightful' probably wouldn't be the word I'd use..."
"Don't care. You were never given an option, livestock," Kohmi interjected. "You're becoming my slave and that's final. Show your master loyalty already."
Nori's eyes widened alongside mine.
Ryoma sent her a flat look. "Kohmi, didn't I tell you to sugarcoat your words?"
"Whatever." She slipped her shades back on. "It's the truth, anyway."
Time elapsed, but nothing changed. The Cooking Club members were still cornering Nori with eyes of dissatisfaction. Nori, albeit smiling, remained doused in unease. Then there was me who was as stiff as a statue, watching this all unfold.
"Look," Nori eventually said, primming his mouth. "I can't join."
"'Can't' isn't an excuse," Ryoma pressed.
"I understand that. And I really do have nothing against the Cooking Club. But... it's because..."
Somehow, watching Nori so reluctant to speak left a bad taste in my mouth. I didn't know him, and I had no clue what his reasonings were for wanting to turn them down for this club. However, simply being aware that I could step in to aid him made it that much more difficult not to.
I blocked him off before I could register it.
"He's joining my club."
The shock that administered into each of their faces hit me hard in the chest. Arm extended out, I stared the three in the eye. My legs were literal noodles, extremities jittering, sweat profusely dripping down my forehead. It'd even become difficult to breathe.
"What?" Nori demanded, gaping from behind.
"What?" Ryoma reiterated, more ominously.
"Joining your club?" Eru cried, head jerking between us. "Wait, who are you? Eru doesn't know!"
Though Kohmi was silent, I inferred she was scowling at me beneath her shades. Understandably so.
What the hell was I doing?
"I've been wondering who this hussy was from the moment we got here," Kohmi finally said. "Did you want to become my slave or something? Sorry, but I only accept boys."
For a soon to be first year high schooler, she sure was impudent! Sure I was already used to their club members being uppity people, but there had never been a member as contemptuous as her.
"Kohmi," Ryoma warned.
"Still true."
He shook his head but didn't comment. Instead, he trained his signature look at me. The soul-sucking, demoralizing one that gave me the literal chills. Kohmi's frown and disconcerting shades didn't help.
My heart raced a mile per minute. I'd never been the type to be so observant. I did what I did and never left the time for regret. And yet now, before these people, all my confidence had been sucked dry.
I shut my eyes, banishing the memories the best I could. But they only came surging back.
"What the hell is that? You call that a cake?"
"Did she get dropped on her head as a baby? What makes her think she can stand on our level with that kind of sorry excuse of a dessert?"
"Get out of our faces already. Take your club registration back too. You make me sick."
"You're seriously so—"
The squeal instantly shattered through my thoughts alongside the animosity in the air. My breath caught in my throat and before I could comprehend what was happening, I was tackled into a hug.
"You're so, so cute!" Eru had stars in her bright maroon eyes which were shimmering as they met mine. "Don't tell me you attend Soetsu High too? What's your name? Age?"
I couldn't find my voice for a while. That was how stunned I was. "Kotori... Teruhashi," I eventually sputtered. "I'll be a third year starting next year."
"Wow! So you're Eru's upperclassman? It's a pleasure to meet you, Tori!"
"Eru give nicknames to everyone so don't mind it." Truly like a burst of sunshine, she tilted her head, beaming wider. My hands were already firmly gripped between hers. "Ah, you can call Eru whatever you want! Let's become great friends, Tori!"
I couldn't help it. My heart melted. She was so full of energy. Plus she seemed so nice. Somebody like this was joining that den of monsters in the Cooking Club? There was no way.
"Let's," I said, unable to stop myself from grinning. I squeezed her petite hands tighter. "I'll call you Eru then—"
"'Eru' is off limits. Eru's ex-boyfriend used to call her that."
Although her smile was blinding, her words were stern. I slowly blinked.
"Then... Eru-Eru?"
"Denied. Eru doesn't like repetition."
I half-heartedly laughed. This wasn't going anywhere.
"Then," I said, "what do you want me to call you by?"
"Hmm." Eru placed a finger to her chin. "How about... 'Your Highness'?"
My features fell flat. "Huh?"
She giggled, as if the haughty title hadn't just left her mouth, and waved. "Ah, 'Princess Eru' is completely fine too. Eru may not look like it, but she's actually the princess of a really big country." Her eyes narrowed into slits. "So show some respect already, peasant."
Mouth flapping wordlessly, I attempted to process her lowered voice and tone shift. Was that malice right now? And did she just call herself a princess?
Was her kindness just a farce?
I stumbled into Nori's chest. Surveying the three who were each staring me down with eyes of scorn, I stiffly swallowed.
Never mind. Eru really did belong with them. She fit in so well with them.
"What were you saying again?" Ryoma took a step closer, hostility so apparent in the air it made it difficult for me to inhale. "Something about a disgusting strawberry shortcake... 'An insult to mankind,' wasn't it?"
My heart screeched to a halt, eyebrows darting to the sky.
He remembered.
Logically speaking, it made sense he did, considering he was the one who called my baking an insult to begin with. But this was the Cooking Club—the people who treated every other student like they weren't worth considering; remembering.
It was a whisper adjacent to my ear. Startled, I whipped my neck up. Nori's attractive features had softened alongside his dimpled smile. A blush brushed against my cheeks.
He placed a hand on my shoulder.
"You heard it from her," he told Ryoma. "Give up on me."
His arm snaked around my waist and he guided me forward.
We didn't get far before Ryoma yelled, "Wait."
Nori stopped, casting a small glance over his shoulder. "Persistency isn't a good trait, Ryoma. If you keep it up I'll get the wrong idea."
He scoffed. It was clear he didn't like Nori.
"I'm under orders of the previous president to recruit you. Despite being a genius Japanese confectioner, you spend your time idly by at school. Then you randomly show up to incognito competitions like these and effortlessly take the win."
"That isn't entirely correct. I didn't win today did I?"
"You lost purposefully."
Nori's lips curved higher, into a half-smirk. "A bold assumption."
"It's obvious you'd sacrifice a win to avoid facing the Cooking Club in the final round." Ryoma crossed his arms. "I'm not interested to know why that'd be the case. But I do know you're talented. The president let you do your own thing for your first two years, but he made it clear he wanted you, Eru, and Kohmi this upcoming year. I'm not about to let his graduating wish go unfulfilled."
"How noble of you." He twisted to face him though his look didn't falter. "But sorry to disappoint. My answer still stands as a no. I'll keep baking my own way."
So cool. Standing up to them like this. If it were me in his shoes, would I have the confidence to do so? Probably not. I couldn't even stop them from slandering me let alone talk back.
But to have this club so obsessed with getting him to join, just how talented was Nori? If only I could've tried his dessert today. I'd have an answer instantly.
Well, even without it, I fortunately got to eat a lot of the second place winners' dessert. It was super delicious. Who knew how good Eru and Kohmi's matcha roll cake was to have completely destroyed them, but it was exactly the type of dessert I'd normally fantasize about. The type I praised my dad for as his biggest fan.
Truthfully, just remembering it made my mouth water...
"It's okay, Aya. We did our best."
"Our best wasn't enough, Sei. They completely destroyed us. How are we supposed to face Mom and Dad like this?"
The distant whispers seized my focus. Rapidly fluttering my lashes, I swivelled around. Turning into this very hallway were familiar faces. Bright blond hair, red and puffy eyelids; matching white uniforms. The boy even carried a huge plate of leftovers—the very cake I was recalling only seconds ago.
My mouth fell, as did theirs the moment they realized who else was in this hall.
They stopped dead in their tracks, and gandered openmouthed as if they'd seen ghosts.
Kohmi erupted into an obnoxious cackle. "I was wondering where you two disappeared to. Went to find yourselves a corner to pathetically cry in, huh?"
Sei locked up. His eyelids crinkled, as if stifling further waterworks behind a glare. "I..."
"What did you expect anyway?" She placed a hand over her hip. "You were going against the Soetsu Cooking Club. Anything you tried to bake would've automatically been inedible trash."
Eru oohed in her sickly sweet voice, situating a hand to her forehead. "Eru's and Mimi's leftovers finished in an instant while they still have so much! Geniuses and regular people really are different, huh."
My heart sunk in my chest. It didn't help watching Aya and Sei's faces morph in unexplainable pain.
"S-Sei and I did our best!" Aya defended, tears strolling down her cheeks. "Sure we might've not stood a chance, but don't you think you're being mean?"
Scoffing, Kohmi sauntered forward. Her heeled boots clicked against the linoleum until arriving in front of them.
She delivered a swift roundhouse kick into the boy's abdomen. Sei gasped and immediately collapsed. The cake toppled onto the floor.
Aya darted to his side, screaming, "Sei!"
Kohmi opened her mouth, letting out a hysterical laugh. It was pure evil.
She stabbed the foot she'd just used to kick him into the cake, stomping onto it so mercilessly until it was left barely recognizable.
"Mean?" she echoed, cackling. "I'm telling you idiots the truth. What you made is shit. It's nothing but garbage that belongs on the soles of my feet!"
"Hey!" Unbeknownst to when, but somehow I'd burst through my previous fright and shielded them. Eye to eye with Kohmi, adrenaline pumped through my veins. Like always, my mouth moved before I could process it. "Leave them alone. You didn't have to go so far. It's not like you tried their dessert. If you did, you'd have known how delicious it was!"
Nori had inched in close, bending over to make sure they were all right. As if unbothered by her actions entirely, Kohmi's smirk vanished and was replaced by a neutral frown. Eru and Ryoma remained where they were, equally as indifferent.
After raking me over, Kohmi lifted off her sunglasses, pushing them back into her bangs. Her almond-shaped eyes were sharp, piercing through me alongside her tapered eyelids.
"Are you trying to make them feel better or something?" She shook her head before I could respond. "You do seem like the type to eat this kind of crap and call it good. All nobodies are the same. They don't know when to subjugate to those above them. Even animals have an easier time doing that."
I grounded my teeth. They were taking this too far. Their behaviour made me sick. It always had, but this was new. I'd never been this angry before.
"You're... terrible," I snapped, scowling hard. "They made that cake because they wanted those who ate it to enjoy it. They did their best to make it a reality! Can't you understand that?"
"Of course not. I bake because I'm talented at it. They aren't. Therefore, I can step on their poor excuse of a dessert all I want and feel no remorse whatsoever." Kohmi kicked leg high until her frosting and sponge cake covered boots were inches from my face. She jutted her chin in disdain. "If you understand your pathetic place as well, you're free to lick their disgusting 'heartfelt' dessert off the bottom of my shoes. It's delicious, right?"
"You..." I growled.
"Kotori, was it? You said you had a club. Don't tell me it's a baking one."
"So what if it is?"
"You must be a bigger idiot than I assumed. Ryoma already told us about your previous attempt to join the Cooking Club, and how often you bother Okito as well."
"Address us more politely," Ryoma sighed. "We're your upperclassmen."
Kohmi wasn't listening. "Don't you think it's childish forming a club because another wouldn't let you join? We didn't let you in for a reason. Take that as a hint. You aren't good enough to bake."
"I'll decide if I'm good enough myself." My arms trembled, but I balled my fists anyway. "Besides," I continued. "The Baking Society is already countless times better than the Cooking Club. The other members are way, way, way more talented than yours too."
Kohmi's brow twitched. She dropped her foot to the ground.
"Do you realize what you're saying?" she snapped. "Better than us? If they aren't apart of the Cooking Club, they're automatically failures. Nobodies like those two crybabies on the floor. Don't say something so cocky if you can't back it up."
"I can." What was I saying? "They are better." Please stop me. "Koyuki, Chiaki and Hayate really do shine like stars. They're amazing. That's why we would never in a million years lose to obnoxious buttheads like you." And I'm screwed.
Silence brewed. My skin bristled with newfound goosebumps.
The black look that enveloped her countenance shook me to the bone.
"Take responsibility for those words." Eyes dark, she snagged me by the collar with enough force to make me stagger. "I better see your ass at the Sweet Treats Competition this coming April. When you lose, you and your clubmates are becoming my slaves for the rest of your pathetic lives."
Her fingers furled tighter around my shirt. I could barely keep my jelly feeling legs straight. I gulped hard. But I didn't back down.
"What... happens if I win?"
"I'll quit baking entirely. Make a public apology too." She scrunched her nose then snarled, "I hate losers, but I hate untalented nobodies like you even more. You think optimism can make up for your lack of skill? You think talking big will somehow let you win in the end? I'll show you not to mess with me again, bitch."
She shoved me. I barely caught my balance in time to watch her slip back on her sunglasses and storm off.
"Ooh," Eru exclaimed. "Mimi is so mad! She never gets this angry!"
"What do you expect?" Ryoma replied. "Kohmi has the most twisted personality out of all of us. She's completely tyrannical. And this random girl defied her. In her eyes, it's basically her announcing a coup d'état against us. Obviously she'll get angry."
"Tori really is adorable," Eru giggled, meeting my eyes. "The Sweet Treats Competition, huh? There's no way she'll pass the first round, let alone the third."
"Let's go." Ryoma pivoted on his foot. "We can't let Kohmi destroy everything in her path. She has enough lawsuits against her already."
"Huh? But what about Yama—"
"We can handle him later. He won't be able to resist us forever. I guarantee it."
Ryoma ambled off at that, disappearing around the corner. Light on her feet, Eru jogged after him.
"Bye, Tori!" she called over her shoulder, waving vigorously with a huge beam on her face. "Eru will be looking forward to the competition!"
Even after they left the vicinity, my heart was ricocheting menacingly in my ears. I teetered, but Nori was quick to steady me. Aya and Sei were already long gone thanks to his help.
"Are you all right, Angel?"
Despite the question, his voice proved he already knew the answer.
So I gave it to him straight: "No."
I could barely bake. We weren't an official club. Our member count was still four. And yet we had to face off against the Cooking Club and countless other top shot bakers in some baking competition in a month's time?
I grasped at strands of my hair, mouth wilted in a heavy frown.
What in the world did I get us into?
I've been waiting this entire book to reach this point. Boy am I e x c i t e d.
Hopefully you guys are as well? Tell me your thoughts about the chapter! Was it intense?
From here on out is gonna be the second half of the book. Meaning, new characters + backstories + a faster-paced plot. The RH in the story will finally start developing as well (yay).
Lots to look forward to.
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