Welcome to This World
Kat's POV
I sat against the wall. I felt awful. Defeated even.
I looked at my fellow masked friends and whined, "I don't want to do this."
"Just get it over with, Unicorn." Ohm growled at me.
"Look, I know you want to leave, but so do I." I said, "Getting snappy at me isn't going to help though."
He rolled his eyes and I heard familiar shoes of my certain death coming. He soon stood in front of our cell and unlocked it. The clicked seemed to ring as he walked up to me with some kind of helmet.
I looked into the face of my kidnapper as he cleared his throat. I refuse to let this happen. I need to save these guys and find Narwhal and get the hell out of here.
Narwhal. Oh my gosh, I forgot about Narwhal! What if she was caught by the flirts or worst, that psychotic version of Luke.
Last time I saw her was on the busy street when this lunatic grabbed me:
I was walking with her, passing all the people and someone grabbed me from behind. I tried to scream, but they were too fast. They smacked their hand over my mouth and around my arms and clung on as he ran.
I tried to do those things they do isn't the movies where they flip the guy over their shoulder and run the other way, but this guy had a death grip on me and way more stronger than me. I gave in on that and soon just started moving every inch I could, not really getting far.
Suddenly it got dark and I look around. We turned down an alley, away from the crowds. I started crying because I didn't know what was happening. I wiggled and struggled, but nothing happened. I'm going to die. This is the end.
Without a warning, he turned me around and pushed me against a wall. It happened so fast I could only gasp.
I stared into cold, vibrant, yellow eyes that sent a chill down my spine. He took off the dark owl mask and reveled eyes almost the exact same. His twisted lips curved into a smile.
"I bet you're really pretty." He said and touched under my mask.
I couldn't move. I couldn't even scream. I was paralyzed and now my head hurt due to him hitting if off the wall.
"I wanna see your face. Stare blankly at me if you're okay with that." He laughed.
I still couldn't move. Blink dammit! Blink!
He laughed and lifted the mask. He somehow mastered the spell of taking off my mask. I felt the cold air touch my lips and that's when my senses came back.
I grabbed the mask and pulled it back down, surprising him in the process.
His smile disappeared and took a really long, deep breath before closing his eyes and putting his hands around my waist. I was about to push him away until my eyes closed on themselves.
When I opened them back up, I was not in the all anymore. I looked around and it looked like I was in a dungeon. Uneven rocks lined the walls like bricks and metal bars separated cells.
"You go with the masked ones." He said as he dragged me down the hall.
I tried to fight and even grab onto anything that might stop us, but nothing worked. I looked into a sell as I was passing by and saw Craig, Brian, and Luke. I widened my eyes and was about to yell for them when I was practically thrown into a cell.
I rolled on the ground a few times and rolled into someone's foot. I looked up and saw a marshmallow look down at me.
"Unicorn?" He perked up.
"Smitty?" I questioned by the voice.
The version of Evan from before stepped on my hands and pinned me down like that. Before I knew what was happening, a cold metal clamped around my neck and I felt like I was chocking. He moving quickly and I sat up, having the cold hunk of metal around my neck fall forward a bit so it would give me so room to breath. I rubbed my hand and whipped tears that I didn't feel before away.
"I'm Hoodini by the way." He said, "If you need anything, just yell. I'll be back with the helmet in a little, your friends can explain to you what that is while I'm gone."
I heard the cell door close and the metal echoed throughout the room like a song at a party.
"How did you get here?" Delirious asked.
"I don't know." I admitted, "Narwhal and I went for a walk and I lead her down a path and-"
"Wait," Luke interrupted, "Narwhal's here too?"
I looked across from us and saw Evan, Tyler, and Brock.
"Y-Yeah." I said.
"Where is she?" Marcel asked from another cell.
"I'm not sure. Hoodini kind of separated us." I sniffed.
"Are you okay?" Tyler asked.
I looked at him. "N-No. I don't wanna be here and-"
"No one wants to be here, Unicorn." Ohm groaned.
I looked at him and didn't say anything. I was hurt. I thought my friend would be happy to see me or at least hear me after so long.
"Don't mind him," Brain said, "we've all been here for a long time and we feel the same way. He just has an attitude."
I looked at him again, but he still hasn't looked at me once. Something about him seemed really off.
I sighed and examined my cell. Smitty was next to me, Delirious was next to him, and Ohm was the last in the line.
"How long have you all been here?" I asked.
"Too long." Ohm grumbled.
"About a month." Evan said.
"Why did Narwhal and I get here so late?" I asked.
They all shrugged. Usually it's ladies first, but I guess that doesn't apply here.
"What exactly is he getting?" I asked.
"The helmet." Evan said, "It'll make versions of you. Like the P2s and heroes."
And now I sit here, with a psycho coming at me with a helmet.
"Just hold st-"
"Wait!" I yelled.
"What?" He asked and pulled away.
"I'm on my period!"
He made a really confused look and says, "What the fuck does that have to do with anything?"
"You don't want all my versions on their periods." I said, "They'll throw a fit."
He groaned, "That's not going to happen."
"How do you know?" I asked.
"Because..." he had nothing to back him up and he screamed, "Fine! I'll do it another time!"
We disappeared, enraged that he didn't get what he wanted.
The cells were silent and a single breath by anyone was heard by everyone. Needless to say, when Delirious's stomach made the impression of a dying whale, everyone who could see him looked at him.
I was about to ask another question when a swift movement caught my eye and suddenly Hoodini was sitting in front of Delirious. Delirious jumped back by his sudden appearance and seemed to hold his breath.
Within his lap, Hoodini had a slice of cheesecake on a white plate and a fork to go with it. He took apart of the cheesecake into the fork and put it in his mouth.
He chewed and swallowed. "I got this from that one store down the road from your mom's house." He commented.
I raised an eyebrow at what he was doing as he took another bite. Once he swallowed, he made another comment.
"She seems to not be doing so well." He taunted, "Well, if my son were to be kidnapped and not visit me every chance like he used to, I'd be pretty depressed about it to."
He chuckled a bit and took another bite of the cake. Why is he saying this?
He swallowed and talked again, "You and her would go there every time you two got the chance, but you wanna know something strange, Jonathan?" He had a really long pause of just sitting there, staring at him till he said Delirious's real name.
I looked at Delirious. He still hasn't moved once. He seems mesmerized by Hoodini's eyes.
"What?" He said in nearly a whisper.
To my surprise, he pushed the cake into Delirious' face and got onto his knees inhumanly fast and got closer to Delirious and growled, "It's not even that good."
Delirious backed into the wall and tried to move Hoodini's hand, but every time he raised his arms, Hoodini would use his free hand and moved his fingers down, making Delirious's hands follow the action.
Hoodini stared at Delirious with the plate still on his mask and just inches away from him. "That's all you're going to fucking eat, Jon." He whispered, "Anything that went through those dumbass wholes in your mask."
He took the plate away and the hockey mask was now covered in smashed cheesecake. Delirious was shaking, but I couldn't tell from fear or anger.
He examined him and laughed. His laugh got louder and louder then stopped. With one movement, he smashed the plate over Delirious' head and the shards breaking, hitting him and the floor tortured me.
"Don't let that ruin your appetite."
He laughed even harder and punch Delirious right in the nose. The thud of him hitting the mask, knowing it nearly broke Delirious's nose. Hoodini got closer and waited and waited. Blood dripped from the bottom of Delirious's mask and I gasped quietly.
"That might make it taste a little better." He murmured and stood up, disappearing into thin air once again.
"What is wrong with you!" I yelled.
I crawled behind Smitty to get to Delirious. I started whipping off the cake on his mask and he goes, "Stop."
"Hang on." I said.
"No Unicorn, you need to stop!" He said and pushed away from me.
"Am I hurting you?" I asked.
"No but he's going to hurt you!" He said and pointed.
I turned and saw Hoodini staring at me with his eyes a blaze of yellow flames.
"He's not wrong." Hoodini remarked.
He put his hand up and my eyes were forced closed again. I started crying again. What is he going to do? I finally got to open my eyes and I was on a table. I looked around and didn't see him so I swung my legs over the side and was about to get up until two hands grasped my thighs.
I gasped and looked at him. He took in a long deep breath and moved closer.
"Do you enjoy testing me?" He started rubbing my thighs and breathed in my face. At least his breath smelled like cheesecake.
"W-What do you mean?" I asked.
"You clearly don't understand how things run around here." He said as he continued to rub my thighs. I started to blush as he went on, "I make the rules and you follow them."
"Okay," I said, "but I don't know the rules."
He chuckled and stopping rubbing, looking down at the floor. A second went by and suddenly his hand was at my throat. I widened my eyes as a few tears escaped.
"Rules are simple," he growled. His previous smile disappeared and his eyes seemed to fill with fury. "You fend for yourself and you listen to me. I'm the one with all the power and you need to listen to me."
I nodded just for the fact I wanted him to remove his hand. Once he did, he turned around.
"Wait." I said. Why did I say that? "I have a question." What? No I don't.
He tried around and raised an eyebrow, "Yes?"
I was silent for a second then said, "If you have all the power, then why are we here?"
We walked to me again, "What do you mean?"
I hesitated for a second. "W-Why are we here? Like what's the point of keeping us here when you have all the power and we know that?"
Why am I asking this? I'm going to get myself killed but know that I say it, it makes me want to know.
He rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Its really complicated."
I shrugged, "I have time."
He raised his eyebrows in agreement and came even closer.
He cleared his throat and started, "Every YouTuber has a part in this platform called YouTube Land. I know, I know, it sounds really dumb and absurd, but it's a real thing and a big deal to everyone here, including me."
I nodded as he went on, "Anyway, BBS City only consisted of the GTAs, P2s, and the heroes and villains. Then I came along. I'm not ashamed to admit that I was really jealous that other cities were larger and better than ours. Years went by and we still had one of the smallest cities, so I took matters into my own hand."
He disappeared for a second, then reappeared with the helmet from before. Now that I'm seeing it from this angle, I see that it's no a normal helmet. It had censers and pure magic.
I stared at it in awe. "It took nearly ten months to make it but with science and magic, it was finally possible." He pulled it away and I looked at him and he looked at me, "With this, I made this city grow and as it grew, they all knew that I was the one made this possible and everyone was thankful.They always come up with more and the more we have, the bigger the city will become and I will be known as the best leader throughout YouTube Land!"
It was silent for a moment and I awkwardly said, "Okay...and then what?"
He looked at me with pure confusion and the helmet disappeared within his hands, "What do you mean?"
"What's going to happen after you become the top dog in YouTube Land?" I asked, "Others aren't going to join."
"Well yeah," he said, "but I'll be known. Don't you want to be known."
I looked at him like he's stupid behind my mask and said, "No."
He rolled his eyes and said, "Don't lie. Deep down inside you, you want people to know you. Maybe not for your appearance, but for something you're good at."
I thought about it for a second and he had a point. I nodded.
"See!" He took a deep breath and started rubbing my arms. "Every since Evan was little, everyone just seen him as that one kid. No one really saw what he was good at which was computers and jokes."
I nodded, "Okay-"
"And I just wanted to be there for him." He said, "I see myself as his since of humor and when Evan sits there and acts like he has nothing! He acts like he doesn't have a job or an interest or even friends most the time!"
He continued to vent about how Evan has so much potential, but because of other people, he'll never realize it.
"I realize that he wouldn't be where he is today without his his friends, but he never does anything by himself and it makes him look dependent!"
"So," I interrupted him, "you want him to see you get far by yourself and it will make him want to follow?"
He nodded. He had the look of finally written on his face and it made me...smile.
"But," I continued. But? But what? Why am I still talking? "why are we all here?"
"I can't clone the other clones or the clones that generate will have their traits." He explained. "If I cloned a GTA BBS for another, that new clone will have the tenancy to steal."
I nodded to indicate I understood and he nodded as well. I don't know why I just noticed this, but both of his hands were on either side of me and he was still really close. He sighed and put all of his weight one one hand and rode the other to my cheek. He looked straight through the nostrils of this stupid mask and right into my eyes and they seemed to dilate.
"I'm not going to hurt you," he said, "but when I send you back to your cell, I want you to act like I scared you to death. I don't want them to think I'm not going easy on you."
I nodded and my eyes were forced closed again. When I opened them, the chain was back around my neck and I was next to Smitty.
I took a deep breath and leaned into the corner of the cell.
"Are you okay?" Smitty whispered.
I didn't answer. I thought about what he said. "I don't want them to think I'm going easy on you." Does that mean he's been really hard on them. They probably fought against him while they were in the dark room with the table; I didn't. Him having his hands at my throat scared me enough honestly.
I looked around and saw a camera. I sighed and examined random things around me.
Smitty was kind of short and had a pillow-looking mask to cover his face. It looked like his logo with the little hat, 3D glasses and animated smile printed on the front. His skin that was showing presented him as tan. He had dark clothes and really nice shoes.
Next to him was Delirious, now without cheesecake on his mask. He was wearing a blue hoodie, gray shirt, and black pants. His Jason-like mask had some scratches and the paint seemed really faded. His dark hair looked tangled and messy.
Ohm was after him and he was wearing a gray hoodie, probably with bunny ears, and dark pants. Him and Delirious were equally pale white. His hair was a nice brown, but it seemed to be gelled back.
I looked at the chain around their necks and looked at where it was connected on the walls. My eyes widened when I saw Delirious's was missing a fourth screw to hold it in place.
I looked at the camera and thought out a plain. As I was looking, I saw it move to its left, slowly. I raised an eyebrow and waited for it to turn again and after about a minute, it did. Another minute, another turn. I looked for the screw that was missing and saw us against the wall. I watched the camera turn and scurried to it. I grabbed it, and t back to my usual place and started looking for the key hole on my chain. I finally found it, but the camera turned again. I hid it real fast and looked at the others in my cell.
They looked surprised about my sudden movement, but intrigued by my idea. I glanced at the camera and waited. I saw them all look at it for a second out of the corner of my eye. It started to turn again and I went back to trying to pick my lock. I stuck the nail in and jiggled it around. I got it stuck on something and twisted it.
The chain unlocked and it filled the silent room with hope and confusion. The camera started to turn again and I hid the chain behind me and sat like that for the longest minute of my life.
It turned again and I shuffled to Smitty. I didn't the same thing to his as I did to mine and went back to my spot. I whispered to him, "Stay where you are."
He did as I said and stayed. The camera came back and we waited. I was shaking because I was so scared we weren't going to be able to pull this off.
It turned and I handed the nail to Smitty. He automatically knew what to do and started working of Delirious's chain. Another click, and it was off. The camera started turning and Smitty wasn't in his spot and his chain just sat on the ground, clearly unlocked.
"Smitty!" I whispered to him, but he didn't hear me.
I started to panic. I looked around and saw my shoe. I took it off and threw it at the camera.
It missed.
The camera was all the way turned now and looking at our cell. I took my chances with my luck and pulled off my other shoes and threw it. Soon, the camera crashed into the floor.
I looked over and all of them were free. We stood up and stretched a little, then ran to the door. Smitty handed me the nail and I quickly unlocked the cell door.
By now, everyone kind of caught on to what was happening. I gave the nail to Smitty and went to my shoes. I put them back on and looked up to see a thing of keys down the hall. I ran to them and went to the first cell and unlocked it. The other key was really big, so I went in and tried it on Nogla's chain and it automatically fell off.
I did the same to the rest in the cell as Daithi got up. I soon ended up getting everyone out and we headed to the door. I was leading, but I stopped when I got to the door.
"What are you waiting for?" Tyler asked.
"Open it." Anthony commanded.
I took a very long breath and opened it, not expecting to see a beautiful, long hallway. I raised an eyebrow as I lead the group down it, them just as confused as me. The floors were nicely tiled with a golden brown color and the ceiling was very high.
We walked down the hallway and entered a rather large room.
"Is this where they danced in Beauty and the Beast?" Scotty asked.
I shrugged.
"Looks like it." Brock commented.
It really did though. The long stairs that they met each other on and walked down together were there, just a red velvet color instead of blue and the chandeliers were brighter. The floor also had beautiful golden vines connected together to make an elegant owl in the middle of the ballroom.
We all went to the stairs as we gazed in awe at the enormous room. We started walking up the steps and I got to the top and noticed something that also wasn't in Beauty and the Beast.
"Evan," I said, trying not to laugh, "is that you?"
I looked at him and he said, "Is what m-Oh my god!"
At the section where the separate stairs meet stood a statue of, I'm guessing, Hoodini, but he doesn't have a mask on...or clothes...just a maple leaf covering his groin. He had a really toned body or at least that's how the statue portrayed him
Everyone started laughing and Smitty walked up to it and pointed at the leaf, "That's just disrespectful."
"That's not me!" Evan whined, his face getting red.
I started laughed even harder and put my hand on his shoulder. "At least we know what you look like in bed."
The turned to me and said, "Is that an insult or a complement?"
I laughed and Marcel said, "Guys, there's an exit sign!"
He started running and we followed. He turned down a hall and we ran down the hall. He came to a screeching stop, making the rest of us hit him. We were about to say something to him, but he turned and put a finger over his mouth. He then pointed to something and we all looked to see Hoodini asleep in a chair in front of a fireplace.
Our eyes widened and we all tiptoed out of the hallway and into a lounge type room. There were sofas and chairs that looked super comfortable and the fire just made the place look gorgeous. I looked around and saw a picture of Hoodini on a horse with him mask on, but his shirt was off and the feathers on his mask were very long and majestic. I started snickering and pointed at it. Everyone, besides Evan, did too.
I turned my attention back to escaping and saw two doors with the label "EXIT" at the top in red.
We headed to the doors and pushed them open. We got a blast of cold air as we ran out into the snow. We ran pretty far and I looked back for a moment to make sure we were alone and saw a bunch of mountains. I raised an eyebrow and saw Hoodini's front doors leading straight into the mountain. Another weird thing about it was that it was his mountain was the only one with snow.
I turned back around and put the question aside for later. I started to pick up the pass as the temperature did. We were suddenly in a forest and just walking a path to god only knows where.
We heard cars and hurried to where they came from and was soon greeted by a highway. Right across the street was Happy Burger.
"We got to get out of here." Bryce said.
"We have to find Narwhal." I reminded.
"Where is she?" They all asked at the same time.
I threw my arms up, "I have absolutely not idea! I was kind of token away from her!"
They all groaned and four people exited Happy Burger. They looked at us but their eyes stopped on me. Oh god.
They walked to us and I got behind Scotty and in front of Luke.
"Unicorn!" The flirts cheered.
"Our time limit ran out, but we were so worried about you because Narwhal said-"
"Wait!" I interrupted Flirty Marcel, "Narwhal's with you guys?"
They nodded and Flirty Nogla pointed at Brian, "Flirty Brian found her a few hours ago so he took her to our place."
I widened my eyes. Hours?
"Where exactly is your place?" Brian asked.
"The love snack in the woods." Flirty Tyler said and winked at me.
We all looked at each other and thought the same thing: Narwhal and romance do not go together.
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