Welcome to This Territory
Kat's POV
"Racist bastard!" Marcel screamed and started stomping to the eight foot man.
"Marcel, don't-" Bryce tried to stop him.
"Why you gotta aim for my head, huh?" Marcel yelled at the mutant.
"Marcel..." Narwhal said as we all started backing up.
"You wanna go bitch!" He screamed, "Cause I ain't afraid to throw hands motherfucker!"
I looked around and saw a huge factory type thing and a bunch of obstacles in the way. I felt my eyes constrict as I noticed where we were.
"We all have to run." I said.
"Why?" Nogla asked.
"We're in Dead by Daylight." Ohm answered for me.
The guy raised his hand and within it was a rob with bolts of electricity dancing around it and it was as big as Marcel's rage.
"Marcel!" We all screamed.
"Oh shit!" He said and moved just in time. He rolled onto the ground and after he got to a safe distance, he got back up.
The mutant figure was now closer to us and he slowly lifted his head into the light and reveled a faded red face with one huge, throbbing eye being forced open while the other had an x through it to keep it shut. He had a brace thing around his head that was holding his mouth in a everlasting smile. A mental bar was wrapped around his head and had connecting bars aligning the top of his head.
"Run!" Delirious screamed and we all scrambling around, hitting each other and fall over from each other before actually running away.
I ran pass the monster. I was heading for the factory looking place. There was a very small chance that I'd be safer there but I took in anyways.
My mind was racing along with my legs as I tried to dodge anything in my way. I looked behind me to make sure the guy wasn't following me and saw nothing.
I turned back around and screamed as I hit something. I looked up and saw the trapper towering over me. He bent in down and his mask said "H2O Delirious" but Delirious was stretched across it like a smile.
I screamed again and got up right before he grabbed me. I turned around and ran the other direction. I didn't look back this time, but I still wanted to get to the factory thing so I tried to circle around, but I heard the footsteps behind me. I finally decided to hold the plan till later. I began to run straight and I heard a click and felt a pain go throughout my leg and cold steel pierce thought my shin and calf.
I screamed and looked down to where the pain was and saw a bear trap clung onto my leg. Blood started to surface around the metal teeth and pour over the side as I cried from the pain and my possible death.
I turned and saw that he was only feet away from me, clever already in a position to hit me. I closed my eyes and flinched, waiting for my death.
"aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh" I heard a very girly scream as someone ran pass me. I looked up and saw Brian running faster than Usain Bolt.
I saw another monster pop up and turn to me.
"Trapper." She said. It was dark so all I could make out was bunny ears, but she sounded a lot like the girl version of Ohm.
"Huntress." The Trapper said. He sounded exactly like Delirious but his voice was deep and more menacing.
"Help me kill him." She said.
"I have a victim right he-"
"She's in a bear trap." She insisted, "She's not going anywhere and if she does, it won't be far."
I hesitantly turned to look and he was staring at me.
"Fine," He said, "but we hurry."
I saw her nod and they were both off. I looked at the trap and tried to pry it off but it wasn't working.
"I'm white and dressed like a slut! Help me!" I heard Sam scream.
"Narwhal!" I screamed for her.
I heard shuffling and suddenly she popped out from a bush.
"Oh my gosh!" She said and looked at the bear trap in my leg.
She got down and tried to pry it open, by my blood made her hands slippery. She finally got ahold of it, cutting her hands in the process, and pried it open till it clicked opened.
I tried to move my leg but I couldn't even feel it. The adrenaline seemed to have already worn off when Narwhal was pulling off the trap.
"I can't move." I finally said.
She glanced around real fast and grabbed my leg. She gently glided it over the trap and onto my other. She grabbed my arms and wrapped them around her neck then grabbed my legs.
"Ready for a piggy back ride?" She asked.
"Do I have a choice?" I answered.
She shrugged and stood up. I repositioned myself on her back and she started running.
"Go to the building." I insisted.
"There might be supplies there."
She breathed out and said, "I'm trusting you."
She started running to the building, making sure she wouldn't fall over anything. I looked over my shoulder and saw that no one was following us.
"Back is clear." I told her.
We were going so slow but I knew she wasn't a fast runner to begin with and the extra weight probably wasn't helping. We did make it, thankfully, and no one was around. We ran in and saw a generator and stairs.
"I'm going to try and go up the stairs for a second to see if there's anything." Narwhal said as she carefully went up the stairs with me on her back.
It took us a good minute, but we got to the top and saw a medkit, a flashlight, and three closets to hide in. Narwhal hurried to the medkit, gently laid me next to it and opened it real fast.
"Uhhh..." she said as she skimmed through it. She grabbed the bottle of peroxide and a rag.
She dumped some onto the rag and warned me before she started to tap my wounds. It's started to sting and bubble up, but she just wiped it off with the side of the rag that didn't have the medicine on it. I flinched and balled my hand to a fist and bit it.
"Shit!" I cursed as she wiped up the last of it.
"I'm sorry." She said.
"You're fine." I insisted, "Thank you."
"No problem." She said as she got some kind of wrap and wrapped it around my leg. "This is the best I can do. I'm not a doctor."
I nodded, "It's fine, I understand."
We heard foot steps and we both froze. Hurried footsteps stomped up the stairs and I saw Narwhal throw me, the medkit, the flashlight and herself into the closest closet. We heard breathing and I wanted to scream. I looked at Narwhal and she wasn't paying attention to me; She was looking down, listening. The footsteps stop for a second then they got louder.
I held my breath.
Don't open this one.
Don't open this one.
Don't ope-
"AAAAAHHHHH!" Narwhal and I screamed.
The person jumped back and screamed too.
"Bryce?" Narwhal said.
"Why would you scream?" He yelled at us.
"Cause vocal cords react to sudden, unexpected happenings, especially when you're scared." I sarcastically said.
A chainsaw engine started up and echoed as it rang throughout the building.
We motioned for Bryce to get into the closet and he didn't hesitate for a second. We somehow managed to close the door and the closet fell silent while the chainsaw started up.
I felt Narwhal grab onto my shirt and squeeze in closer. Bryce did the same and it was at that moment I realized I was in the middle.
Large and loud steps pounded up the stairs and the chainsaw got louder. No one moved. It seemed as if all three of us just became statues.
We heard him stomped to the furthest closet and the doors being slammed opened a second later.
Oh god.
A growl. A few more stomps. Another set of doors slamming open.
Please don't.
It was right in front of us. I stared into the face of death as the door was slammed open.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" The three of us screamed at the top of our lungs.
He hair was a greasy tangly mess and at the hairline was the start of the stitches where he had someone else's skin over his own. He had some kind of metal bars at each end of him mouth under the mask and I graced on his forehead was "H2O."
We all screamed again, but I couldn't hear anything over his chainsaw. He reached out to grab someone, but I closed my eyes before I saw who it was.
"No! No!" I heard Narwhal scream, "Please! No!"
I felt her let go and her voice started to crack and she squealed as she was thrown over his shoulder. She continued to scream as he walked off, down the stairs.
I started cry and I grabbed onto Bryce. I looked at him and he was crying too.
"We can save her." He said, "We jus-"
"I can't even walk dammit!" I screamed at him.
He blinked a few times at my sudden rage and grabbed me, putting me on his back like Sam did. I felt like throwing up.
Not only did I just let my friend be taken away, but I didn't even try and help because I was so scared.
I cried even harder and Bryce tried to calm me down.
"Unicorn," He whined, "we're going to go save her."
"I'm sorry." I cried.
"It's fine," he said, "just calm down."
We got down the stairs and I looked over at the generator.
"Should we fix that?" I asked.
"You know how to fix a generator?" He asked.
That's when I realized I have no information to anything besides the controls.
"Nevermind." I said.
He started running out the door and just sprinted in the direction of Narwhal's screams.
"I'm in the sex dungeon! Help me!" Smitty screamed.
Bryce stopped and looked around, as he was turning, I saw a stairway to a dark area lit in red.
"Over there!" I pointed.
He turned and saw where I was pointing and ran. He hurried down the stairs and we looked into the large, red room. There were two huge post with four hooks each and Smitty was dangling from one.
"Smitty!" Bryce and I said.
We ran to him and Bryce put me down and grabbed Smitty. His lifted him up until the hook was out of his shoulder then set him on the ground. He held is and I heard him sobbing.
"Thank you." He cried.
"Will you be able to run?" Bryce asked.
He stood up, shaking as he did so and nodded. Bryce copied and turned to pick me up, but froze. We all heard the loud steps heading down the stairs. Smitty and Bryce stood up and Bryce turned to pick me up, but a large hand latched onto his shoulder and the last thing I saw was him flying across the room, screaming.
"Bryce!" I screamed for him.
I looked at the mutant and he got super close to my face. He's skin was peeled off to the side and his mouth was gapping open and was drenched in spit and blood. A small portion of his head with stitched together and his hair line was pretty much on the back of his head, showing a blondish brown like Bryce's.
I screamed and he stood up straight, looking at the three of us. "I can help you." His voice was raspy and he couldn't shut his mouth all the way.
"W-What do you m-mean." Bryce said quietly.
"I can help you leave." He said, "You're the real ones. I didn't notice at first."
We were silent for a moment then Smitty said, "H-How are you going to help us?"
"I know how to get out of here. I can lead you guys there then get your friends too." He said.
"Why should we trust you?" I said.
"Because who else are you going to trust? Plus, my original is here, I hurt him, I hurt myself." He explained.
I took a deep breath and Bryce walked over to me and picked me up. "We'll go, but I want the rest out of here as soon as possible."
He nodded and turned creepily and we started following him. Bryce carefully went up the steps with Smitty behind us, making sure if we fall, we'd have a soft surface to land on.
We got to the top and Hillbilly Bryce said, "It's just up here."
He started walking very fast and we followed close behind.
After a few yards, we heard screaming and turned to see Luke looking straight at us, looking behind him. Hillbilly Bryce grabbed him and motioned for us to get being him. Luke screamed even louder and started punching and kicking Hillbilly Bryce.
An unhealthily skinny, mangled old lady came creepily crawling after him and stoped when she saw the other hunter holding her victim. One eye had a huge x over it while the other was barely open. Her yellow showed as her head twitched.
"I have this one," He said, "but my prey went that way." He pointed in the direction we came from and she nodded, teleporting away.
Luke said, "I will fucking murder your ass you stupid-"
"Luke!" Bryce said.
Hillbilly Bryce turned to revel us.
"He's a good guy." I insisted.
Luke looked up at him and then at us, "She you guys are fine and he won't hurt me?"
We all nodded and he relaxed a bit. Hillbilly Bryce put him down and Smitty said, "He's going to show us the way out then get the rest and do the same."
Luke nodded, obviously iffy about the idea, but really didn't have a choice. We started walking again and got to a large opening.
"I can't go pass this point, but you can leave and wait for your friends right there." He said and we thanked him and ran to safety. We got to a comfortable distance and Bryce sat me down.
"How long do you think it will take him to save the others?" I asked.
"It shouldn't take that long." Bryce said, "I mean, he knows his way around the place."
I nodded and examined everyone. Bryce looked fine besides how tired he was. Smitty and I were just bleeding out because we can't really do anything else and Luke had a gash on his back that started at his right shoulder and ended at his left hip.
We heard heavy footsteps and saw Hillbilly Bryce leading Evan, Brian, Craig, and Anthony.
They saw us and ran faster to us. They thanked the gently giant and he was on his way off again. They ran to us and hugged us.
"Thank god you guys are alive!" Evan said.
"Are you guys okay?" Brian asked.
"If we don't go to a hospital after this, no, we won't be." Smitty said as he hugged Craig.
"Is there a hospital here?" I asked.
Evan nodded, "I seen it when I first got here."
"Well Unicorn can't walk, how far is it?" Bryce asked.
"Not that far, but far enough to wagers we might have to switch you off when we get tired."
I nodded and turned to see if any of my other friends were coming. I heard the hoo of an owl and turned to where the noise came from and saw the baby owl from when we first got here.
He was a bit far so I couldn't pet him, but I waved at him just as someone screamed. I shot my head at to entrance and saw Nogla, Tyler, and Marcel screaming their asses off and running from Hillbilly Bryce.
The got pass the safe zone but kept running. I honestly don't think they noticed we were here.
"HEY!" We all screamed at them.
They stopped abruptly and turned to see us. They started asking questions as they got closer, but I just ignored them and waited for the last seven.
I looked back for the tiny owl, and to my surprise, he was still there. He moved a bit closer though. Something seemed different about him this time though. I knotted my eyebrows and was about to say something to him when two very high pitched screams rang throughout my ears. Suddenly, Evan was tackled to the ground and someone tripped over them.
"Sam! Brock!" I yelled, noticing who it was.
Sam stood up and Bryce cheered, "You didn't die."
Sam glared at him, "Of course I didn't die, no help from you!"
"You can't just blame me, Unicorn-"
"She's injured, Dumbass!" She yelled.
"Hey," Brock said, getting off of Evan, "there's no need to fight."
She nodded, "I'm sorry Bryce."
He hugged her, "Its fine. I understand why you're upset."
She headed my way and sat next to me. I examined her and saw she had a hole in her shoulder and a large gash on her side.
"You got cut-"
"It's not that deep." She said, "I'll live."
"I'm really sorry. I-"
"You're fine. I honestly wouldn't love done the same too. That was fucking terrifying." She said.
I didn't want to be annoying, so I dropped it. I looked over and the owl was closer. His eyes were super bright even though it was dark. I was about to address him to Sam when we heard footsteps and heavy breathing.
I looked at the entrance on last time to see Delirious, Ohm, Lui, and Droidd cross over to the safe zone. Everyone greeted them and looked at the kind soul that is Hillbilly Bryce. We thanked him one last time before me nodded and left.
"Why'd you thank him?" Sam asked. Tyler, Marcel, and Nogla agreed with her.
I felt someone pinch my hand and gasped, looking at the tiny owl. I looked at my hand and saw purple sparkles jump around my little wound.
"Unicorn," Lui said, making me look at him, "you okay?"
I looked at the owl real fast just to see him gone. I raised an eyebrow and answered, "Yeah," I looked at my hand to see there was nothing there anymore, "I'm fine."
Everyone but me stood up and Evan explained that there was a hospital and we need to hurry there. Everyone nodded and Bryce picked me up, putting me on his back.
We finally saw the large Red Cross above a huge building and was started running to it. Bryce switched off with Brock and Brock was a lot faster than both of them. We got inside and the nurses at the desks were turned around.
"Hey!" Evan said, "We need help."
"Sir you're going to have to-" Brian and Ohm turned around. They had nurse outfits on and their eyes widened.
Nurse Ohm hurried to a phone and said into it, "We need all surgeons, the originals are here. I repeat, all surgeons be ready, the originals are here."
Nurse Brian pulled us aside, "Follow me this way."
We did as he said and he lead us through a full waiting room and into a few doors. Everyone in the waiting room had a gash or hole like we did.
"What the hell?" I heard Tyler whisper.
We passed a few more nurses and doctors and eventually got into a room full of beds. "Please pick a bed, a surgeon will be assigned to you soon.
He felt in a hurry and we all sat on a bed. Brock took the one next to me after he set me down. Sam was across from me and Nogla was on the other side of me.
A bunch of doctors and nurses walked in, all with cuts and blood. One surgeon walked in front of the rest.
"Okay you have to work on your originals because we all have open wounds and we can't risk getting anyone's blood in anyone else's blood. If you're not injured, you work on either Unicorn or Narwhal." The doctor said. He headed over to Tyler's bed and said, "We only have so much time so move your asses!"
They all nodded and went to either their original or Narwhal and I. Doctor and Nurse Bryce grabbed my bed and we all rolled out, Bryce and Scotty being left behind due to no injuries.
Nurse Bryce laid me down and put a mask over me saying, "Just got to sleep; We'll take care of you."
I nodded and my eyes soon closed.
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