Welcome to This New City
I looked at Unicorn and said, "This can't be real."
"I don't know what's going on." She admitted, pulling me to the bathroom.
We entered and it looked exactly like a McDonalds bathroom; disgusting and cheaply made.
"That's not actually Tyler." I said to myself in the mirror as I washed off most of the dirt, "But it looks and sounds exactly like him."
"We have to ask him what's going on." Unicorn said.
"He looks like those player 2 things that the fans made." I said, "Remember that one girl tagged us and it was all of us and we looked like our complete opposites?"
She looked away as in just realizing something. She took a deep breath and said, "What are we going to do?"
"The better question is: what the fuck is going on?"
I sighed as I finished up cleaning up myself the best I could and looked at Unicorn. We nodded at each other and exited the bathroom, walking up to the counter.
Everything looked exactly like the game, just realistic. For example, the counter, windows, and tables were exactly where they were in the game and this version of Tyler was wearing the uniform.
He had Tyler's features-facial hair and all-but his eyes were red and puffy, not their usual baby blue. The main difference between them, however, was the many bandages, scars, wraps, and stitches that covered his arms.
I didn't even look at the menu and just said, "Two number twos please."
He nodded and walked away. I was going to turn to Unicorn and say something, but the window that was behind him caught my eye. P2!Vanoss was screaming at everyone. Throwing shit, breaking stuff, and hitting people.
He had red eyes too and a white owl mask strapped to his belt. He looked exactly like Evan, just angrier and a bit paler.
"Oh my gosh." I said.
"That's terrible." Unicorn agreed.
I looked at her and said, "I'm not sure if I want to eat here anymore."
"Same. Let's get out of here." She said. We checked to make sure they weren't looking and hustled out of the restaurant.
We got out and ran to where they couldn't see us through the windows. I sighed and looked around, seeing a city up ahead.
I turned to Unicorn to tell her something and before I could open my mouth, we heard four rather loud thuds in front of us. We both flinched and hesitated to look, but when we did, we were just really confused.
Large, yellow eyes stared down at us while the other three did the same. The owl in the front looked so angry, and it was just a mask.
The eagle had the look of pride-thirsty; seemingly wanting to show everyone that he's more than just a man behind a mask.
The shirtless monkey was honestly quite intimidating. It was so dark you could barely see the holes for his line of vision, leaving it mostly black. The unhappy face a cigar didn't make it any better.
Then there was the dumbass raccoon thing with its tongue out.
"Do you know where P2! BBS is?" The mysterious Bat Owl cooed.
"Well you came here for a reason, didn't you?" I said.
"Excuse me."
"They work at Happy Burger. You're at Happy Burger." I reminded him, "Did you suddenly forget why you were here or the fact that you were even here?"
Batccoon, Mega Monkey, and Early Bird started laughing and covered their faces so they could try and stop.
Bat Owl walked closer to me. "Are you calling me stupid?"
"I didn't say anything; you take it however you want." I laughed.
He growled, "You're going to regret insulting me. Especially in front of my team."
I raised an eyebrow, "Okay. See you till then. Just make sure you get to Happy Burger so you can talk to P2! BBS."
He scolded he and walked pass me, purposely hitting my arm. His team followed and they stopped when they got to the door, but Bat Owl kept walking.
"Sir!" Early Bird said before he got too far.
He turned around and the three of them motioned to the door. He acted like he didn't completely forget where he was again and walked back to his team.
Before he walked inside, I commented, "Looks like an owl, but has the memory of a goldfish."
He snapped his head my direction and hooed in offense, making me smile brightly. I turned around before he could do anything else and started walking the direction of the city and not the forest.
Unicorn caught up with me and said, "That was a real dumb move."
"How so?"
"He's a hero. He can destroy you." She said.
"If he's a hero, then he's not going to fight me." I said, "He's just going to watch over us until I do something bad and he'll stop me then."
She nodded and after a while she laughed, "Looks like an owl, but has the memory of a goldfish."
We laughed at my previous comebacks as we walked into the city.
Confusion flooded our faces. "Where the hell are we?" I asked.
It was a gorgeous city. One like you wouldn't believe. Cars of every color flew down the roads and the building were sky high that had colorful and goofy ads. The thing that really confused me, however, was the fact that literally all the people who were walking around, looked exactly like our friends.
They all had their differences, but they were identical to either Evan, Tyler, Lui, Delirious, Marcel, Craig, Brock, Brian, Ohm, Nogla, Anthony, Scotty, SMii7y, Droidd, Bryce or Luke.
"Narwhal." Unicorn gasped.
I turned to her, "What's wrong?"
She pointed up to a sign not far from where we are and in big, bold, flashing letters, it said: BBS City.
"What the fuck?" I said, "Where the hell are we? What the fuck does that even mean?"
"How does this even exist?" Unicorn said.
I put my hand on my head and looked around. "I don't know..."
"No, Narwhal, it makes sense." She said, "Look at all the versions of our friends. The P2s, the heroes, the..." she pointed to a group of girls and said, "gender switch versions...?"
"Okay, but the heroes and the P2s were made by fans," I said, "where the hell did these others come from? Plus, that still doesn't explain why all this is here."
"The rest could be versions we didn't know about." She said, "Plus, they all have to resort to somewhere."
"Yeah, they should remain fake on the internet, not in a complex universe that we somehow ran into."
"Maybe we're supposed to be here." She added, "I mean, according to our fans, we are apart of BBS or whatever."
Hearing someone else say makes me understand why Craig hates it so much.
I cringed, but an idea popped into my head, "Wait, do you think they're here?"
"The boys?"
"Yeah." I said, "Do you think they got stuck here too?"
She was going to reject the idea, but stopped and thought for a second and said, "Maybe we should just ask someone."
"Who?" I said.
"Well that group is heading this way." She said, pointing behind me.
I turned and saw a group of the boys heading this way. It was only Brian, Evan, Tyler, Marcel, Nogla, Brock, Delirious and Craig. As they got closer, it was obvious it wasn't the real ones.
Tyler had brown eyes instead of blue and his fake, little piggy nose was in the shape of a heart.
Brock had heart-shaped sunglasses on, covering his usual hazel eyes. He had on the sunset shirt like his GTA character, but he looked like himself with his curly brown hair and bright smile.
Evan had his heart-shaped sunglasses too, but they rested on the top of his head, showing off his green eyes. Even though he had amber colored eyes the last time I saw him.
Marcel didn't have his coco brown eyes, but instead had vibrant blue ones that made his look like a completely different person. His light brown skin seemed to be less bright and he had little pink hearts on the corners of his eyes.
Nogla was wearing a green shirt that had a little heart pocket and his eyes were blue. He had the most shit-eating grin I have ever seen in my life, it made me cringe.
Craig had dark brown eyes and little hearts like Marcel, just a line under his eyes. His hair was freshly cut and looked professional and nice.
The Delirious one was quite tall actually. Due to his mask, however, I could only make out how fucking pale he was. He had little hearts on his mask too which took away the scare factor of it.
Brian was the one that really got my attention, however. His eyes were green and honestly didn't look that bad or different. Expect for the fact that half of his face was missing, showing off a robotic skeleton with a glowing red heart-shaped eye.
"Who the fuck are they?" I whispered to Unicorn.
"I'm not sure, but they sure do like hearts." She said.
I looked at her, "We're literally staring at them; we need to stop."
She suddenly realized and we looked away from the men.
We heard them still walking our way but acted like we didn't notice.
"You two are really cute." The Brock of the group said looking at Unicorn.
"Very cute." The Craig of the group said while circling me.
I've literally been here for five fucking minutes and already get hit on.
"Thanks?" Unicorn said.
"What are you ladies doing here?" The Tyler said, wrapping an arm around her.
I cringed at the man and rolled my eyes.
"Not here for you, so if you don't mind, we'll be leaving." I said and turned, meeting face to face with the Brian.
He giggled, "Playing 'hard to get' I see."
"Nope," I said, "literally just not interested."
"Then why are you still standing in front of me?" He said.
"Because you're in my way, Dumbass." I smiled sweetly and said in a fake flirty tone.
"Woah woah woah." The Evan said, "Take it easy, Babe."
I raised an eyebrow and looked at Unicorn. In the process of me arguing with the men, she removed herself from the Tyler's arm.
"Who are you guys?" She asked.
"We're the flirts." The Delirious said.
"Flirty! BBS to be exact." The Nogla added.
"When the hell did the fans make that?" I mumbled.
"Fans didn't make us, Sweetheart." Flirty Craig said, "BBS City contains different BBS versions. Some that the fans did make like the P2's and some are just emotions that they feel, like us and Happy! BBS."
"How many versions are there?" Unicorn asked.
"Too many to count really." Flirty Tyler said, "But if someone thinks it, a version will show up."
I rolled my eyes, "That sounds fantastic."
Someone snaked their arms around my waist and pulled me to there body. I looked up at Flirty Delirious and saw he had drown eyes.
"It is great," he said, "because that means you guys are in BBS too and you'll have you're own versions soon." He then poked my nose and started swaying.
I shook my head and pushed him away, "Yeah, that's not going to happen."
"Why not?" He asked.
"Why would I want clones of me?" I said, "I know I look good-"
"Very good." Flirty Evan said.
I rolled my eyes and continued, "but I don't need more than one."
They shrugged and I grabbed Unicorn's arm, walking away.
"How the hell do we leave this damn city?" I asked.
"We can help with that." Flirty Brian said.
"We know this place like the back of our hands." Flirty Marcel said.
"I'd rather die trying to find it myself instead of-" Unicorn covered my mouth and stopped me.
She took away her hand and turned to them so I did the same, confused to what she was doing.
"Actually, this place does look like a lot of fun, and you just said you knew it like the back of your hand," she said, "so let's play a game. We hide and you guys seek and if you find us within the span of an hour, we'll hang out with you guys and do whatever you want to do."
They widened their eyes and smiled, "Really?"
She nodded, "Just give us a five minute start."
They nodded and turned around.
"Okay," Flirty Craig said, "go now."
We bolted it down the sidewalk and went through many alleys to try and cover as much area as we could. We ended up on a street with nothing but cars, skyscrapers, and people.
"Looks like New York." I commented.
"Look!" Unicorn said, pointing to a building that looked like it was made in nothing but glass, "Girls restrooms."
"Smart plane!" I said and we ran into the building, straight into the restrooms.
We took a moment and just caught our breaths. I looked at her and said, "You don't think they'd check in the women's restroom, do you?"
She shrugged, "Even if they did, it would take them a long time to look through every buildings women's restrooms."
I nodded, "Good point."
Without warning, the door slammed open and two girls walked in. I jumped like twenty feet and yelled, making them freak out as well.
"Who are you two?" They asked.
I looked at them and saw it was a girl Delirious and Ohm.
They looked like them, clothes as all, just longer hair and more feminine features. For example, Delirious still has the hockey mask and Ohm still has the blindfold, but they had breasts and their dark hair was resting on their shoulders.
I raised and eyebrow and said, "Are you some kind of Girl! BBS?"
"Well, GenderBender! BBS." Girl Delirious said.
"Yeah," Ohm said, "You two are supposed to have boys."
I nodded. I looked at how well their clothes covered them. I looked at Unicorn with a you-thinking-what-I'm-thinking look and she nodded.
Went up behind them as they went to the mirrors and pinched them on a nerve that makes them go to sleep. I looked at Unicorn and she looked at me like I was insane.
"You could've just asked them it we could switch." She said.
I shrugged, "This way they can't say no."
She rolled her eyes and walked over. "I kind of already have Delirious' look down, so just give me her mask."
I looked at Unicorn and noticed she was wearing nearly the exact same thing as the Girl Delirious. I nodded and took the mask off of the girl and gave it to her.
I then took off Girl Ohm's hoodie and blindfold and put them on. I put the hood up, having bunny ears flop in my face. I pushed them away and tucked in my hair.
I looked at Unicorn as she only had the mask on. "Wait, what happened to your other mask?" I asked.
She lifted up the hockey mask and reveled her other mask, not effected one bit. "I'm not sure how this is happening, but I'm not going to question it."
I nodded, "You need to put your hood up and tuck away your hands. Delirious is pale as hell and you're not even white."
She nodded and did as I said. We checked each other over one last time and exited the bathroom.
"Let's go out the back way." I whispered.
She nodded and followed me as I tried to find a back way out of this building. Once I did find it, after going through several rooms and finally found an exit in the kitchen, we went through and found ourselves in an alley.
"What do we do now?" I asked.
"We should try and find the originals so we can leave with them." She said.
"What if they're not here?" I asked.
"I think they are." She said.
"Thinking isn't knowing and we need to know what we're doing before we do anything." I said.
She sighed, "I guess we could walk around and try and find a way out and back to your house."
I shrugged, "I guess."
We headed out of the alley and onto yet another new street. I looked around and didn't see anyone that would be a threat to us.
"Narwhal, look!" Unicorn said, pointing down the road, "There's a park!"
"Why do you want to go to the park?" I asked.
"Because when there's a park, there's friendly people and friendly people help other people."
I nodded, "Fine, let's go to the park."
We walked down the sidewalk and to the park. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me to the side, yet I only saw the light just disappear before I closed my eyes for a second, when I opened them again, I met a pair of brown ones.
"Welcome to BBS City."
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