Welcome to This Neck of the Woods

"Savage?" Peg whispered to herself.

They were defiantly something. They wore old rags to cover their manhood. They weren't dirty but they weren't put together. Their hair was everywhere, they're facial hair was untamed, and they looked clueless. Well, all but Anthony who had a panda hat but the black was replaced with leopard print.

He nodded, "Yes. We live in this part of the woods and fend for ourselves as our world burns around us."

"Burn around you?" P2 me questioned.

He nodded once more, "We've been cursed, but I believe you've already met Hoodini." He motioned to our faces and we knotted our eyebrows. I looked at the others and widened my eyes.

"What is that?" I asked and looked at their necks. I felt mine and it felt like someone tattooed something on me.

It read the print:

Property of

"What?" I said breathlessly, "Wh-When did this happen?"

"You remember when he grabbed your neck and said 'I claim you?'" Peg said, "He burned his blood into you. He literally claimed you meaning he claimed all of us."

"Wait, what does that mean?" Sad me asked.

"I don't know the full extent of it," She sighed.

"You're very knowledgeable of Hoodini's powers," Savage Panda said, very interested to know more.

"Well we just know the same amount of things." She said and looked at him.

"You're a dark one!" He gasped.

"That's racist," She pointed at him.

"Not like that!" He clarified, "A dark ego."

"Oh. Yeah," She nodded and motioned to me, "I'm hers."

He looked at me, "I see-"

"New people!" Savage Ohm cheered and threw his arms up.

Panda looked at him and he shut up and put his arms back down. He turned to us and said, "Join us for diner. We can house you for the night if you need it as well."

He started walking and I glanced at my clones before following. Kitty was silent. I think she was too scared to talk since she saw that they had weapons.

I observed their behavior as they walked. They had bad posture and were looking around a lot, they only spoke a little but now full sentences. They treated Anthony like the leader. He was the only one who seemed to know proper English.

One fell back behind the group and was next to me. He looked up at me. His hair was so long and was basically crawling; I didn't even realize it was Craig's savage version until after a good minutes of examining his face.

"Hello," I greeted.

He waved as he bear-crawled next to me and would stop for a brief second to look up at me.

I looked forward to see an advanced camp made out of literally anything and everything. It was impressive, honestly. They had blankets and planks and slabs of wood holding up a tarp to keep out rain and the tarp was covered with leaves and stinks so it looked like a pile of morning till you got closer.

Savage Tyler got in front of everyone and moved the makeshift door they had-which was just a bunch of street signs melted at the edges so they would fuse together. Panda dent down and walked in and everyone followed. Savage Craig crawling in and I looked at Tyler while readjusting Kitty.

"Thank you," I said.

"Hou are welcoom," He said, trying really hard to say it right. I smiled and he smiled back, widely and in an adorable fashion.

I bent down and went through the door and was greeted by stairs. I knotted my eyebrows and walked down. I reached the bottom and was introduced to a well-light room with sleeping bag-type beds scattered on the floor for each of the boys. There was a endless supply of fruit and vegetables that overfilled boxes and homemade crates. I looked at the light source. It was an old version of the BBS City sign.

"How is that even lighting up?" My P2 asked.

"We barrow electricity from the DbD territory," Panda said as he sat in a somewhat comfy-looking chair. The others either went to their beds, to the food, or started playing or building something out of parts they found.

"Come," Panda motioned to him and pulled four lazily-made pillows out from behind the seat and sat them around him.

We walked over and took a seat. I continued to hold Kitty and glanced at her as she looked around. I heard shuffling and looked over to see Savage Craig take a seat next to me.

"Craig, their are guests!" Panda scoffed.

I looked as Craig realized what he was doing wrong and covers his parts with his hands. Luckily, I not Kitty saw anything.

Panda sighed, moving on. "Welcome to our home," He smiled.

We didn't say anything and just smiled and nodded as a "thank you."

"You're probably confused," He chuckled.

"Very," My P2 said, emotionless.

"Well, as you may know-"

"Tiny!" Savage Daithi shouted, making me jump. I looked and he was pointing at Kitty.

"No, Kitty," Kitty pouted.

"Kitty, Nogla," Panda encouraged him to call her by her name, "She's a kid; a tiny human."

"Tiny hoomen!" He pointed again.

Panda only looked away and said, "Hoodini made most of us savages...well...ignorant."

"Why would he target you guys?" I asked.

"We can solve problems," He said, "We see things he does and figure them out. I wasn't always the one full of knowledge, but he took that away from my friends because we 'knew too much.'" He paused and looked around, becoming sad, "Now we know nothing."

"What did you see?" Pegasus asked.

"I never seen any of it, but the others had stories. Stories of seeing Hoodini screwing over the survivors in our neighboring territory, drowning people, and lying. I believe the stories, but there is no longer proof," He said, "I'm not sure if he took away their memories, but he took away their intelligence."

We were silent as we listened. "Why does everyone listen to him?" I asked, "Can't you all gang up on him?"

He looked at me, "One thing I do know is that he is far more powerful than what meets the eye."

"That doesn't make sense," P2 me said.

He looked at Peg, "You, Pegasus, are the only other dark persona in this city."

She chuckled, "The other guys have one-"

"He destroyed them." He said before she finished.

She spat out a laugh, "No he didn't. He couldn't have. You can't kill an alter ego."

"That's what we believed," He sighed and looked down, "When we were all created, everyone questioned his ruling, but he stated he killed the other dark egos, leaving only him to run our town. No one believed him and he wanted to prove he got rid of them." He looked back up at us, "He made the Happy Burger BBS sacrifice themselves and they were never seen again."

My clone's mouths' dropped. "Th-That's not..." Sad me tried to say but couldn't get the words out.

"We looked everywhere and waited for them to reappear but they never did. Hoodini mad the P2's take over the restaurant and moved on. No ones questioned him since," He said.

Craig suddenly started grunting and moving his hands as if to tell us something. He got more and more violent and angry with it when he saw we weren't comprehending.

"Craig," Panda put a hand out to stop him, "You're just confusing them more. Go eat and then go to sleep."

The savage pouted and looked at me with little hope before crawling away.

"He got the worst of everyone," Panda said, making me turn back to him, "He can't even walk."

"What did he see?" Pegasus asked.

Anthony shrugged, "I never got the full story. Like I said, I wasn't always the most knowledgeable one," He pointed and we followed his finger, "Tyler used to be."

He was literally playing with a worm.

"Hard to believe," Peg said and we all turned back. He only shrugged.

"He wouldn't wipe out his city, would he?" I asked, knowing he wouldn't.

"He got rid of them so carelessly," He said with nothing but sadness, "I don't think he even sees us as a city."

I nodded. He is really manipulative.

"Sleep?" Savage Brian suddenly asked.

Panda looked around, "We May sleep after you make beds for the ladies." He got up and he started pulled blankets and pillows from the chair and laying them out for us. I watched Panda as he went to the sign and clicked something, turning the lights off.

I pried Kitty off me and handed her to my sad version since she had extra room on her bed. I payed on the one he set out for me and got as comfortable as I could. I heard everyone else go to their beds and eventually my vision focused on the darkness, seeing figures go to pallets on the floor.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I turned to the wall and stared. My mind wondered to places I never imagined. I couldn't explain what my imagination made up because it was all bundled together. Millions of questions with billions of possibilities but no real answers. I don't know how long I was spacing out, but someone lightly shook me and I was brought back to reality and heard multiple snores. I jumped at the contact but turned to see Savage Craig.

"Ugh pleg ta shhhha ooh arhahh," He whispered.

"What?" I whispered back and sat up. He sighed and repeated, but slower. "I still don't understand. Can you use your hands?"

He nodded and thought to himself for a second. He put his hand out and used his other to show a walking motion.

"You want to go for a walk?" I asked. He nodded and then used his hands as binoculars. "To see something?" He motioned for me to keep guessing as if we were playing charades. "Uhhh, you want to look at something?" He pointed at me then did the binocular thing again. "You want to show me something?"

He nodded excitedly and took my hand into his. I glanced to see everyone sleeping and got up once he started dragging me. We went up the stairs and he carefully moved the door just enough for the both of us to slip out. He covered the gap and took my hand again. He wasn't rough about it nor was he rude about t, so I didn't pull away. I think he was proud of himself that I understood him. He guided me to the end of the path we took and down a somehow familiar route. We got to the end and it was the bridge P2 Ohm died from.

We stopped and he pointed at it. I looked at him and asked, "What?"

He lead me closer and we were only inches away from the water. I realized there was glow to the water. Like there were lights underneath but I didn't see anything. The water looked relaxing today, unlike when it killed P2 Ohm.

I remembered what Panda said about the savages seeing things that Hoodini's don't and one was drown people. I looked at Craig.

"Did he drown someone?" I asked, assuming Craig would know who I was asking about.

He motioned "kind of" and tried to explain wit his hands. He did the walking motion then pointed to the water.

"He walked on the water?" I asked. He shook his head. "He walking into the water?"

He nodded excitedly then held up ten fingers then seven more.

"Uhhh he did it 17 times?" I asked. He shook his head and did it again but then had the walking motion again. I had no idea. "I don't understand."

He nodded then pointed to us and held up two fingers. "Two people," I nodded.

He nodded excitedly and then held up the 17 again. "17 people?" I asked. He nodded more and then did the walking thing. "17 people walked in there with him?" I clarified and he smiled and nodded more than ever.

He then stopped and held his hands out. "But," I guessed and he gave one nod before putting up one finger and the walking motion again. "One walked out?" I said quietly, hoping I was wrong, but he nodded and I widened my eyes.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" I stopped him before he said anything else, "You're telling me Hoodini lead 17 people into this river and was the only one to walk back out?"

He nodded. He started whispering in gibberish again and I stopped him, "Craig, that's insane." He looked at me hurt and confused. "How could that even happen? Who were they?"

He started moving his hands but they moved too fast and I didn't understand one bit of it. He got impatient since I wasn't guessing and started to do more but he nearly lost his balance. I put his hand down to catch himself but landed in the peaceful water, disturbing the relaxation it let off.

He fixed himself and we both looked at the water. I don't think either of us knew why. It just seemed like we had to and when we did, I felt a pit in my stomach. We watched and suddenly saw a shadow of something bigger than the both of us and I did think twice before I ran back down the path. Savage Craig had the same plan and we bolted threw the woods and back to the hut. He opened it and we slipped in. I made sure he got in okay and sat there for a second, not even daring to breath until we knew we were okay.

"Ugh kirrsy," He suddenly whispered. I could tell by the tone of his voice, he was trying to say sorry.

"It's okay," I breathed and slowly moved away from the door, going down the stairs.

He lead me to my pallet and I laid down. I went back to staring at the wall, with new questions and horrid thoughts. Needless to say, I didn't sleep that night.

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