Welcome to This Cabin
I recognized the voice, but I was too terrified to register it in my brain and compare it to anybody's. He was taller than me by like seven inches and had something over his mouth.
"Oh my gosh." Unicorn said behind me, obviously surprised at the sight.
He glanced up and said, "Shut it you rainbow bitch."
His voice was loud, but quite and in a menacing tone that made my blood cold. He looked down at me again with his brown eyes that looked like dried up blood. He chuckled, but it soon stoped when a loud "clunk" took place in between him and a metal rod.
He let go and fell to the ground, unconscious. I took a deep breath and turned to Unicorn and she was holding an old, rusty pipe. She dropped it and covered her mouth.
"I can't believe I just did that." She muttered.
"You saved me." I said and hugged her, "Thank you."
She didn't hug back, however. Instead she just stood, emotionless. I pulled away and saw she was still looking at the fallen man. I turned too and saw who it was.
"Luke!" I said and got down beside him.
The thing that covered his mouth was a bandana that had his little icons smile on it. I got down, turned him over to his back and examined him.
I wanted to cry till I looked at his eyes. He had two scares over his eyes so they would perfectly make an "x".
I stood up and looked at Unicorn, "It's not him."
"That doesn't matter." She said and looked at me, "I still killed someone."
She sounded like she was about to cry, but a glowing made us look back at the body to see it vanish in thin air.
I looked at her and said, "We need to go. I don't know what the fuck just happened, but I don't want to stick around to see what happens next."
She nodded and we exited the alley. I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure we weren't being followed or anything else. Once we finally made it to the park, I stopped Unicorn and said, "Okay, who do we talk to?"
We looked around and saw a lot of versions of the guys. It was honestly so weird because they weren't actually them and I couldn't get that thought stuck in my mind.
There was a group of them that looked like stereotypical dads and with them were a bunch of kids that looked like the guys. Near them was a few teenage versions playing basketball and not too far from the basketball court was a group of them just chilling.
I pointed at the group, "Who are they supposed to be?"
Unicorn looked at them and shrugged, "GTA?"
I noticed their outfits and nodded. "Well you wanna talk to the dads, the kids, the teens, of them?" I asked.
"I feel like the dads are going to want to continue a conversation with us and the kids and teens probably won't be any help," She said, "so let's try the GTA ones."
I made sure we looked like the girls we stole the clothes from and we started walking to them. They noticed us and got up walking to us as well. I took a deep breath as we met in the middle.
They looked like their older GTA versions. For example, Evan had his cherry red jacket with the slight bit of white and sunglasses.
"Saw you ladies coming over." He said, "Can I help you?"
I gulped and said, "We're trying to leave. We fucking hate it here."
I made my voice a lot higher than it actually is so they wouldn't know it was me.
The Ohm in this group, who wasn't even wearing a mask, raised one of his eyebrows. He had brown, fluffy hair and gorgeous brown eyes. He was a lot taller than me as well and I didn't really realized it till he stepped in front of everyone and looked at me.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I shook my head, "I lost my voice and I'm sick so I sound like a fucking idiot."
He nodded and stepped back, believing my lie.
"Why do you guys what to leave?" Lui said through his monkey mask, "Who pissed you off that bad?"
Think fast.
"The flirts."
"The P2s."
I looked at Unicorn and she looked at me. I looked at the guys and said, "Both of them but the flirts pissed me off more than the P2s."
They nodded and Evan looked around before getting really close and saying, "Look, getting out of here is actually really easy. All you ladies have to do is-"
"Hey guys," I growled and looked at Flirty Marcel, "have any of you seen Unicorn and Narwhal?"
"You mean the originals?" GTA Scotty said. She wore a mint green tank top, jeans, and heels. She looked exactly like Scotty but without the facial hair and had longer hair. "I'm pretty sure they still don't know if BBS City even exists."
"No they're here." He said while looking around, "We ran into them and they said we have an hour to find them."
"Find them?" They questioned.
He wiggled his eyebrows.
I rolled my eyes and said, "You're disgusting."
Everyone looked at me and that's when I realized, I didn't change my voice. I coughed real fast and was about to cover it up with some other lie, but I got interrupted by someone screaming, "Thieves!"
We all turned and saw all the girls looking and pointing at us. I looked and Unicorn and said, "Run."
We bolted away from everyone at full speed, making my hood fly off along with the blindfold and Unicorn's hood and second mask.
"Get them!" One of the girls yelled.
"Sorry," GTA Evan said, "I'm a thief too and if I help you, that'll be hypocritical."
We got out of the park and I stupidly looked behind us to see Flirty Marcel and the girls following us.
"Shit!" I cursed and turned back around.
We continued to run as fast as we could, dodging everything in our way until we finally got to such a crowded place, we could barely even walk. I turned and saw people getting pushed away as if someone important was coming through. Someone grabbed my arm and yelped as I was pulled over beside a trash can. I looked to see Unicorn was the one who grabbed me and I sighed in relief.
"We'll just wait here till they pass by." She whispered.
We waited and saw people get pushed away and saw the mob looking for us. They kept going in the direction of the crowd and Unicorn and I sat there for a bit longer to make sure they were going.
We stood up and headed back into the crowd of people, going the other way.
"Think we're safe." I said, looking at my surroundings. I waited for Unicorn to say something and when she didn't, I turned to look at her, only to see she wasn't there. "Oh goddammit."
I started looking around for her but didn't even see a girl. I debated weather or not I should yell for her, but my thinking was interrupted by someone grabbing my hand. I turned and met Flirty Brian.
"Found you!" He giggled and pulled me to him.
I gasped as he picked me up. My arms went around his neck so I wouldn't fall, along with my legs around his torso while he held me up by having both of his hands under my ass.
"Put me down." I said and looked at the ground while kicking, but he had a death grip on me.
He just giggled and swung me side to side saying, "Nope."
He started walking away and I used the extra height as an advantage to look over everyone so I could see Unicorn. I looked and looked and saw someone go off the path as everyone else and into an alley away. That's when I saw Unicorn being dragged by whoever it was.
I started kicking more violently and was about to cry. "Put me down!" I screamed. I started pushing him away, trying everything in my power to get out of his arms.
"Come on, Babe." He tried the shush me but it wouldn't work.
I started crying as I kicked hard and screamed louder, making people look at us. I felt someone smack my ass really hard and I gasped and turned around to Flirty Delirious. He got really close to my face and said, "You won't like it if I'm angry, so I suggest you just listen to us."
I sniffed and nodded, scared of what that meant. He sighed, lifted his mask, and kissed my cheek. He pulled away and turned around, putting his mask back on.
I took a deep breath and turned back around, resting my head in my hands on Flirty Brian's shoulder.
Unicorn could die and it'd be my fault because I wasn't paying attention, I might get hurt if I don't listen to these guys, and the both of us are being hunted down by preppy bitches.
I continued to cry silently. The only other person who could hear me was Flirty Brian.
"He's not going to hurt you." He whispered in my ear, "He's never hurt anyone, ever. He just gets loud and scary at times, but I'm right here."
I mumbled, "I don't want to go though. Unicorns in trouble and my dumbass can't help her."
He was silent for a minute or so, then said, "Tell me where the last time you saw her was and I'll have the ones that have a crush on her get her."
I gulped and looked at him, moving my hands and just resting my head on him, "You promise they'll get her back safely?"
He looked at me and his pupils dilated. He seemed star struck by something but he was only looking at me.
"I promise." He whispered.
I took in a deep breath and realized I was slipping. Not wanting to fall, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up. I looked at where we were and noticed we were in the woods. I looked around, but didn't really see anything that stood out.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"You're going to our house." Delirious answered.
"It's in the middle of the woods?" I asked.
"It's more private." He explained.
I widened my eyes and decided not to ask anymore questions. I'm throwing this out there right now, I am not afraid to cut someone's dick off.
I heard Delirious step on something hard and turned to see we were on a porch to a really nice looking cabin. Delirious opened the door and Brian went inside. I unwrapped my legs from around him and landed on the floor. He kept his hands wee they were and I let go of him.
I started looking around and noticed we walked into a kitchen. It was really retro and had a really nice dining table in the middle. The cabin had a cinnamon smell to it and it made me relaxed.
I turned to Brian and saw that he was still looking at me like I was the best thing he's ever seen.
"Please let go." I said.
He let go, but didn't say anything and just stared. I turned around and saw some people walk through the door way.
One was a Flirty Anthony. He had a panda with heart eyes and ears. His dark, brown curly hair was short and fluffy. His used to be beautiful brown eyes were now hazel.
Another was a Flirty Bryce. He had cute hearts on his face in a line under his eyes. He had glasses on and they covered his brown eyes. His blonde hair glowed in the light and looked like a nice brown it the dark.
"Hello." They flirted.
I face palmed and said hi in an annoyed tone.
"Here, follow us and I'll show you around." Delirious said, grabbing my hand.
I don't know why I'm so scared of these guys. Flirty Brian even said they never hurt anyone, but I feel like they're going to do something. Maybe not hurt me, but flirt with me till I fucking lose my shit.
He started leading me through the house, but I wasn't listening to anything anyone was saying nor paying attention to anyone we passed. I was focusing on the house and seeing if there was anyway to get out. It was a nice house. There was a stone fireplace in the living room along with a really soft looking sofa and a bunch of love seats with heart pillows. The walls were aligned with very romantic pictures of each of the flirts. He lead me down the hallway and all the doors were closed so I couldn't go into them.
"And here's the bathroom." Flirty Delirious said as he opened the door.
I looked in and there was a window. I raised an eyebrow and thought about my getaway.
I looked at Delirious and said, "Do you know where Unicorn is?"
He shook his head, "We'll find her." He then looked into my eyes and said, "You don't have to worry about a thing."
I widened my eyes and just kind of sat there in silence. I nodded and turned around to be face to face with someone. I yelped and backed up right into Flirty Delirious. It was all of them.
Flirty Delirious wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on mine. "If you wanted a hug, you could've just asked." He giggled and started swaying.
I never realized I hated affection until this moment.
I pushed away and said, "I would've, but I don't."
A round of "ooohhhh"'s came from the crowd and I looked at them confused.
We all cleared out of the hallway and Delirious whispered something to a few of the other flirts.
"You know," Flirty Brock said behind me. I turned to him, "if you were a fruit, you'd be a fine apple."
I chuckled and said, "That's probably the best one I've heard all day."
He blushed and glanced at me as he walked away.
Flirty Brian walked up to me and said, "Most of the guys are freaking out because Unicorn's not here; Where was the last place you saw her?"
I explained to him exactly what I saw and where it happened and he nodded and walked away. A few moments later, four men-Flirty Daithi, Craig, Marcel, and Tyler-ran out the front door of the cabin. I knotted my eyebrows and Brian walked back into the room.
"I told them." He said.
I laughed and turned around. That hallway was literally teasing me. I want to leave but not without Unicorn.
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