Welcome to the End of a Ruling
"What?" I asked.
"You know how Hoodini is your dark side?" The dark Marcel said. I nodded. "We're the other dark sides. Like I'm Marcel's. My name is Lazy."
"Lazy?" I questioned.
"It's like the opposite of his name." He explained, "BasicallyIAmLazy. I don't have a special name."
"I do," The Delirious one said, "I'm Delirium."
I nodded and looked at the others. They went in a line as they introduced themselves.
"Piggy," Tyler's dark side said.
"Bear," Panda's said.
"Smite," Smitty's said.
"Wrecker," Ohm's said.
"Devil," Luke's nodded, "and this is Zoidburg." He motioned to the Daithi next to him, "He doesn't talk too much."
"Pablo," Craig's said, moving on.
Brock's was next, "Moose."
"Woody," Scott's waved.
"Kryoz.exe But I like Exe better," John's said.
"Bruce McQuaid," Bryce's smiled.
"The Terminator," Brian's said.
"Carlos," Arlan's chuckled.
"Calibre," Lui's waved.
They all had a very dark and evil look but they didn't look at me with it like Hoodini did. Some just looked like dark versions of my friends with small differences like wardrobe changes, but ones like Terminator's was big; the whole right side of his face was robotic and had a glowing red eyes that didn't blink. Another was that Moose had antlers.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"He put us here," Delirium suddenly got dark and kicked the floor and pushed the wall super fast. Then I saw the chains on their wrists.
"We trusted him and he lead us here and kept us here so he could take over the city himself," Exe explained.
"What's that?" I asked and pointed to the chains.
"Our restraints," Piggy held his up and it had a purple glow around it, "He put a spell on it. It stays on us and takes out our powers and gives them to him."
"Wait, he took your powers?" I asked.
He nodded, "And we need his fingerprint to get them off."
I looked at my thumb, "I can do it."
"He'll see you," The merman suddenly spoke again and I turned to see him and the other ones. Merman Nogla pointed to the corner and I saw a camera.
"I would've done it if that meant he wouldn't kill me." Merman me said.
"But he cant hurt me," I said, "He'll hurt himself."
I crawled to Piggy. "Wait," he stopped, "he'll know that something's up because our powers will return and he'll feel it and I want to ask you something."
"What?" I asked.
"Why are you here?" He asked.
"He kidnapped us. All of us. He wanted more people in the city to be the biggest. Unicorn broke us out, but he claimed her and hurt everyone else-"
"That explains the pain," Wrecker said and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Wait, the girls are here?" Devil asked, "How come their dark versions aren't with us?"
"Well Sam hasn't even met Hoodini yet," I said, "And Kat has one named Pegasus but she was just made yesterday and she knocked him out to first chance she got. They're all actually right above us." I said and looked around, "How is it dry in here anyway?"
"He can't drown us or we'll just respawn somewhere else and be free," Pablo said, "He put a spell over this little cave so it's dry and we just suffer."
I nodded, "I'm so sorry."
"Why are you sorry?" Lazy asked.
I took a deep breath, "He's my dark persona. He's my fault."
"No he's not," Bruce said, "He's your dark side, yes, but you're not Hoodini. He's making his own decisions, making him his own person. He's ruining this city, not you."
"Why would you think it's your fault?" Bear asked.
"Lui said-"
"Don't listen to Lui," Calibre said, "He's just not getting his way so he's acting like a baby. He probably doesn't even mean it."
"Are you sure?" I asked, "Him and Tyler nearly fought over it earlier."
He nodded, "Lui's just an ass. Yes, that's partially my fault but he's just letting off steam. He'll regret it later."
"He's crying right now," Merman Luke said, "He thinks you killed him or something bad happened to you."
"Why?" Pablo asked.
"Well, he slipped and pushed me into the water and I'm still down here," I said.
"We should get you back up there," Woody said.
I nodded, "Not without you guys." I grabbed Piggy's wrist and put my thumb to the pad. It suddenly lost its purple tent and fell off. Piggy rubbed his wrist and smiled, laughing lightly.
I went around and did it to all the guys, getting the same happy reaction or a very meaningful thank you.
"You beautiful human!" Carlos cheered and kissed my cheek.
"Hey, I called him," Merman Daithi whined.
I only chuckled and blushed lightly as I undid Calibre's; the last one. The dark sides crawled to the edge and the mermen made a bubble.
"I'm not sure if we can fit all of you in it," Merman Luke said.
I looked at Merman Daithi. I put my arms out for him and he smiled and came to my side. Before I was completely in the water, I said, "You guys can ride in the bubble."
I was then grabbed by the waist and I held my breath as I was back in the water. I cling onto the merman as he swam. I felt for his face and kissed his cheek as a thank you. I felt him smile then felt the pressure of the water lighten up then the disappearance of Nogla's arms. I felt myself break through the water and gasped for air.
"EVAN!" I heard multiple people cheer and then got dragged onto the grass. I gasped for air and looked around at my friends, the savages, DbD BSS, the P2s, the heroes, and the other version I haven't met yet.
I coughed and blinked. I felt someone hug me and looked at Lui crying.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," He sobbed, "I didn't mean anything I said." He kept rambling and I rubbed his back.
"It's okay, Lui," I said, "but you need to back up."
I moved back and told everyone else to back away from the water. They did so.
"Why are we-"
Kat stopped talking when the bubble broke the surface of the water. It flew up and the mermen showed half their bodies as they moved it so it was over land, then let it pop. The dark personas landed on their feet and looked around.
"They're alive!" Bat Owl gasped.
"Why wouldn't we be?" Wrecker asked and turned to the heroes.
"Hoodini killed you," Savage Panda said, "We didn't believe him and he vanquished Happy Burger BBS."
"Vanquished? Please." Piggy rolled his eyes then pointed to the mermen smiling up at everyone, "They're right there. They just have tails now."
They showed them off and I picked Lui up. "Wait, who are you?" Brian asked.
"We're your guys' dark sides." Terminator walked up to him. They all introduced themselves and explained what happened to them.
"Can I stab Hoodini yet?" Delirium asked.
"Not here," Piggy said and looked around, "I want a crowd so they know how big of of fucking phony he is."
He stomped off and everyone followed. Pegasus went beside them. As we walked, we gained attention, making other gasp and follow to ask questions.
"Evan," I looked over to see Kat, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," I said in a weak voice, "What about you?" I asked her.
She looked at me for a while and then I felt her wrap her arms around mine. "I'll be okay in a little bit," She reassured and turned her head forward and laid her head on my shoulder.
I smiled and did the same after I put my hand on hers. I saw that we were in the center of the city and there were so many people.
"Stop," Piggy told us and we followed his orders. Him and the rest of the alter egos walked to the center of the large circle and asked, "Where is he?"
Peg pointed to the mountain, "He retreats there."
They all looked, but his voice made us turn the other way. "I'm not retreating." He was right in front of us and he didn't have his mask on.
Hoodini stood as if he was a parent, looking at his kids who did something wrong. He was about to open his mouth when an unexpected flash appeared. I didn't know what it was, but we all ducked as it shot the building behind us, creating a hole in the structure. Terminator shot it, Hoodini barely missed it, and it left everyone screaming.
"Fuck you," He growled. I slowly stood up, shaking.
I looked at the building, it looked like it would fall at anytime but no one moved out of the way; we were stuck.
"Like you have the right to say that," Terminator spat.
"This son of a bitch locked us up and stole our powers to ruin this city!" Delirium announced.
"I made it better, no thanks to you," Hoodini crossed his arms.
"No, you didn't! Adding more and more variations of people doesn't make a great city," Piggy barked.
"You're making people miserable," Peg said, "You're not even thinking of them when you create more people. You're thinking of yourself."
"Being the biggest doesn't mean being the best," Carlos added.
"Shut up!" Hoodini demanded, "Just shut up! I know what I'm doing-"
"Do you?" Exe joined in, "Then why is everyone here agreeing that you fucked up?"
"Because none of you see it the way I see it!" He yelled, "The bigger, the better-"
"Not when you can't handle it," Piggy joined, "You had to lie to get where you're at because you knew if they knew the truth, you'd be overruled."
"No I wouldn't," He said, "You may have your powers back, but I'm still stronger than all of you." He ripped his cape off and opened his wings.
"You wanna bet?" Peg said opened her pitch black wings.
"Bitch, I own you," Hoodini cackled and slowly rose off the ground.
"Try again," She said and rose up but faster.
They were soon at the same level.
"Should I shoot him?" Terminator asked.
"No, I'll hit Pegasus," Smite said and put his arm over him.
"You won't win!" Hoodini screamed at her.
"If I can't win, no one will," Peg said and suddenly the sky got dark.
"You think you're badass? You think anything you do will defeat me?" He shot back. I saw his eyes glow a very vibrant yellow as he looked at her. The sky got even darker and the clouds began to swirl. "I will always come back, I will always be ruling, and I will always be better than you or anyone else!"
Peg's eyes gave off a black, smoky look as she shook her head, "You're done, Hoodini."
She suddenly lunged at him at an inhumanly fast rate and he wasn't able to miss this time. She pushed him back to the building that was still daring to fall and broke a window at the top.
"Everyone move!" Bat Owl commanded and everyone started running. I lost Kat and suddenly everyone else. I was in the stampede, but I couldn't move fast enough due to the pushing. I eventually fell over and had many people run over my hands, my legs and my back. I heard yelps of pain and a sudden, "Where's Evan?"
Someone large stomped on my leg, not thinking, and I heard and felt a snap. "Fuck!" I yelled. I looked up as the space cleared out and I was the only one. I was about to ask for help when the ground shook. I turned so I was sitting on my bottom and look up at the building as it began to topple forward.
Time slowed down as my life flashed before my eyes. It happened so fast, I couldn't comprehend all of it, but once I got to where I was, I felt tears leave my eyes. I had so much to miss and I was going to miss so much. I glanced around at people planning to save me and I shook my head. They wouldn't be able to grab and move me in time. But I still get arms around me. I looked up at Kat.
"Run!" I told her.
"I'm not leaving you," She groaned as she tried to pick me up.
"I can't get up, my leg's snapped," I warned. The building was getting closer, "Katherine, go!" I yelled and turned. I slipped out of her grip and pushed her back, making her fall instead of move. I gasped and knew I didn't have time to turn to see how close the debris was. I grabbed her ankle and pulled her to me. I held my body over hers as I cried and heard the boom of the building hitting the ground. I costed my eyes and waited. I heard more crashing and breaking but didn't feel anything.
I slowly opened my eyes to see Kat without her mask. She looked at me and put her hands on my face. I did pull away to look what happened and saw a purple dome around us that had a bright purple glow and Hoodini and Peg across from each other, holding it. Hoodini has his leg out and it was obviously broken like mine.
"What...?" I whispered.
"I was about to kill Hoodini when his leg snapped so I knew you were in trouble so I picked him up and flew here to save you," Peg said. I looked at Hoodini who didn't say anything.
I turned back to Kat and sniffed. "Why would you try to save me if you knew you wouldn't have time?" I asked.
"You've all saved me so many times," She said and her hands returned to my face to wiped it free of tears, "I just thought I would do the same but I'm extraordinary. I don't know why I thought I could save someone when I couldn't even save myself-"
"Thank you," I said and hugged her, "I don't care if you didn't save me, I'm grateful you tried." She was quiet for a second and then felt a hug back, "You don't have your mask," I said and looked around.
"It fell off when you pushed me," She said.
"I didn't mean to push you that hard," I said as I pulled away to look at her, "I just wanted you to go to safety then I realized we didn't have time and tried to cover you."
She nodded, "I know."
I smiled at her. She seemed to open her face up to me more by openly smiling.
"Can I call you gorgeous?" I chuckled.
"I won't believe you." She laughed.
I shrugged, "True either way."
"I think that's good." Peg said. I looked at her and her and Hoodini stopped what they were doing and the dome kept its shape. She turned to us, "You two done yet?"
I blushed and looked at Kat to see her blush and look at me too, making us laugh. I got off her and sat on my butt, laying my leg out. She got up and sat in my lap, her back to me. I hugged her and looked at Hoodini who's been quiet. He had multiple bruises and cuts and just looked like shit.
"Now what?" Kat asked.
"We wait for them to clear the debris to open the dome," Peg said and crawled to me. She went to my leg and started healing it. "You done throwing a pouty fit?" She said and looked over her shoulder at Hoodini as she healed me, healing him.
He didn't even look at her. He continued to face the wall of the dome as if it were a window.
She shook her head and went back to my leg. "Doesn't get his way so he just sits and pouts to himself," She rolled her eyes as she called to herself.
Still no response. Not even a glance.
My leg felt so much better and she stopped. I thanked her as I bent and stretched it.
She wasn't satisfied with the silence and turned to him, "Can you fucking say something? Anything?" Nothing. "Can you tell me to fuck off? Just say a damn word!"
Still no response. He did move though. He crawled to the two of us and grabbed Kat's throat slowly, his eyes glowing yellow once more. I was going to push him away until I saw the tattoo Peg had disappear. He then let go and went right back to his spot and went back to staring at the wall of the dome. He snapped his fingers and Kat had her mask on.
"Hoodini," She said. Nothing. "Look at me," He didn't. "Hoodini!" She demanded.
"Evan," Kat whined and looked at me.
I sighed and set Kat down and crawled to him. I sat next to him and looked at him. It was weird looking at myself with different eyes.
"Why did you even do it in the first place?" I asked.
"Because you're better than you think and I wanted to prove that," He said quietly, "I'm your dark side. Everyday I think of the scenarios you don't think twice of. You love what you do and you love where you stand but I don't." He took a long, deep, shaky breath, "Your dark side isn't like the rest, and I went way too far to try and be like them. I'm not this witty, badass villain; I'm a self-loathing sack of shit that wanted more and ended up with nothing."
I was silent for a second and thought about all he said and all his actions leading to this point. "You could apologize," I suggested.
"You think an apology will do anything?" He asked as he looked at me, "Do you actually think that's going to change anyone's mind?" I stayed silent. "I'm hated, Evan. Once they dig us out, I'll be killed over and over and over again...but I'll deserve it." He slowly turned his head back to the wall as his voice with back to being bland, "I didn't think about my actions till after I proceed and it costed everything. Everything," he emphasized, "my peace, my credibility...my friends." He sighed and shook his head.
It was silent for a second and I was about to add something else, but he stopped me. "It's not the fact I don't want to die, it's that if I did die, I know I'll be back...and I don't want to come back." The bubble got quiet as he sniffed and slowly hung his head, covering his face as he cried.
I gulped and looked at my hands in my lap. I didn't want to pity him; I didn't want to fall for more tricks or fall for a sob story, but I knew myself better than anyone else and I knew that these were the dark thoughts I had. Not wanting control or the desire to hurt people, but the realization that I may not be good enough or I'm better than I think, but I won't show it.
I turned back to him and didn't think as I said, "You fucked up and you fucked up bad. You do deserve to be bullied by these poor people you tortured. Hell, me, Kat, and probably even Peg have every right to kill you right know for how you treated us and our friends, but we won't. And neither will all the people you hurt."
He scoffed and shook his head, "The moment Terminator saw me, he shot at me-"
"He knew you'd move," I said, "Everyone did. You're predictable." I let the silent stay for a second, then continued, "They're fucking pissed and they will be for a long time, but they'll get over it. They'll realize your rain is over and be happy again," I shrugged.
He still didn't agree, "I was thinking about if someone did the things I did to them, to me." He said and looked at me, "I don't think I could forgive someone like that."
I opened my mouth but stopped when he turned his body to me. "I can't get out of this a free man, Evan. I can't even get out of this bubble without getting my teeth fucking knocked out. I ruined everything for myself and I deserve what I get."
"You do," A different voice said. I widened my eyes and turned to the girls but it was obviously a male voice and they where looking around confused too. A portal type thing appeared in the middle of the bubble and within it, I heard Delirium. "Make the shield bigger!"
Hoodini pushed the wall and the bubble got a little bigger, making more space. The portable became big and we all backed away from it at all the dark sides climbed out of it.
"Are ya'll throwing a pity party?" Devil asked as he took a seat.
"Just talking things out," I explained.
"We heard," Moose raised a brow. They all looked at Hoodini and he tried to make eye contact but shifted from one to the next, scared and uncertain what was about to happen.
"If you're going to kill me, just do it," Hoodini shook his head, laid down, and turned away from everyone, curling into a ball.
"There he is," Bruce teased as he made his way to Hoodini.
"Don't hurt him," I begged.
"I'm not," He said as he hugged Hoodini. "This is the Hoodini we know and love." I raised an eyebrow as all the guys went to him and hugged him. All I heard was Hoodini's sobs get louder as he hugged them back.
Terminator took him from Bruce and hugged him tight. He pulled away a little and wiped away Hoodini's tears. "I'm going to punch the shit out of you later, but I'm happy you're back," He said in a serious tone then smiled at the end.
"This is the gayest shit I've ever seen," Peg joked.
Piggy grabbed her hand and pulled her into the little group even though she resisted a lot. "Why were you so mad at him anyway?" Lazy asked.
"Because I don't like being claimed," She growled and glared at him. Hoodini looked at her, not asking for forgiveness or sympathy, but just for her to understand he regretted it. They had an unspoken agreement and Peg sat with the guys.
I looked at Kat as she made her way to my side. "Can we go home now?" She asked as she sat by me.
They all looked at each other. "I know you don't want to hear this, but I think you and Sam still need to give your consent to being apart of YouTube Land," Smite said.
"Hang on," Kat held a hand out, obviously getting angry, "What?"
They seemed confused. "Yeah, you just have to say you're okay with being apart of the city and your different variations will appear," Exe shrugged.
"It was that fucking simple?" Kat screamed, making us all jump, "I had to go through actual hell for that?"
"W-Well," Hoodini softly spoke, "Uhhh, the helmet brought out the ones that aren't natural. Like the Dads. Well, Moms in your case."
"Helmet?" Delirium questioned.
"It's a long story," Hoodini sighed and hid himself again.
She shook her head and rolled her eyes, "Well how do I do it?"
"You still want to be apart of BBS City?" I asked.
"I do," she said and looked at me, "Hoodini's not in charge anymore and there are some amazing versions here. Besides, it would be kind of cool to see different mes."
"What about the possibility of someone seeing your face?" I added.
She shrugged, "It's just you guys. I should've shown myself to all of you a long time ago. I was just scared of getting judged."
"When did you change your mind?"
"When I met some of the clones-"
"Ew," Bear growled, "Please don't call us clones."
"Sorry," Kat said then went back to what she was saying, "I met the true side of the Dead by Daylight guys, I met the doctors and nurses, I met the dads and the kids, and I met the savages." She shrugged again and smiled at me, "I want to see them again."
I smiled back and as if on cue, we heard things moving above us. We looked at the top of the dome and saw the debris moving. We got on our knees and saw a ray of light shine through the purple wall.
Someone peaked over and then disappeared for a second. "I found them!" They called out and more noise came from the surface. Soon more and more debris was moved and the dome was almost completely uncovered so Hoodini and Peg put their palms to it and it disappeared.
"Evan!" I heard right before getting squeezed to death by Brian. I chuckled and looked at him. And the rest of our friends climbing the debris to come hug us.
"Unicorn!" Tyler laughed and picked her up in a hug. Soon the two hugs became one giant one and I felt squished but I loved it.
We didn't let go, but I heard Kat say, "I want to be apart of this city." And like magic, a bunch of versions of herself appeared around us. They guys and Sam pulled away to look at them.
I laughed with her and Nogla asked, "How'd ye do that?"
I looked around and quickly noticed something, "How are their versions of you that could only be required with the helmet?"
She shrugged, "Maybe since theirs already versions of them, they're supposed to be apart of them now they're here."
I nodded, "Maybe."
"Your turn Sam!" She suddenly turned to her.
"My turn for what?" She asked and turned her head back to her.
"To allow your different versions to be free." Unicorn said, motioning around like she would understand from just looking.
"First of all, I don't know how to do that." She said and turned to her fully, "Second, is that a good idea?"
"I agree," Scott joked, "Multiple Sam's would be horrible."
"Fuck you," Sam laughed.
"C'mon," I said, "It'll be a whole new world."
Brian walked up behind her and grabbed her hands. "A whole you woooorld!" He started singing and moving her hands, "A new fantastic place that will have many youuuus."
"Stop!" Sam laughed, trying to act annoyed at his terrible singing and different lyrics. He continued a little longer and she finally gave in, "I'll agree if you shut the fuck up."
"A WHOLE NEW WORLD!" He continued but more dramatic.
"Okay! Okay! I want to be apart of the city!" Sam laughed and shook her head.
Suddenly, the same thing happened again and Brian stopped. He hugged her from behind and joked, "You'd think I was in heaven with all these angels."
Sam rolled her eyes and scoffed. "I hate you!" She laughed but she was blushing.
"Do you guys want to go home?" Smite said, already making portals. Everyone nodded and walked to him as he told us who was to go in what portal. My friends jumped through and I waved. I wanted to be last.
I looked at my portal then to the magician owl, hiding. I motioned for him to come to me and he hesitantly stepped forward, his head down. He stood in front of me and I hugged him. It was dead silent and he seemed surprised but soon hugged me back.
"I'm going to visit more and I expect this not to happen," I whispered.
He nodded, "Of course."
"Take care of yourself before you take care of the city," I whispered before pulling away.
He took a deep breath and nodded. I waved to him and everyone else as I stepped through the portal, ending up in my recording room.
I sighed, "Time to explain that I'm not dead."
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