Welcome to Our Prison

Evan's POV

We got worried when Sam and Kat didn't come back that night. We just thought they were talking to a nurse or something but the smell of blood crept into the room and we got up to investigate, only seeing Sam with a gash in her head against a shelf and blood everywhere else.

Our minds went to the worst and we called for doctors but got no response. We looked all over for them and/or Kat but found nothing but dead-ends. We took Sam back to the room and as of right now, she still just has a wrap around her head from us and we had an empty bed once more.

We heard multiple, heavy footsteps and he held out breaths. Dr. Tyler turned to corner into our room.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Marcel yelled.

"Help Sam," Brian ordered, "She has a gash in her head."

The other doctors and nurses followed in and they began to check on us and asked if we knew where Kat was but we didn't have any answers. In fact, we continued to question them.

"Please just tell us what happened!" Brock yelled over all of us.

Nurse Smitty started explaining, "So you know how Evan has Hoodini?" Everyone nodded and I stayed quiet, "Unicorn has one too. We don't know how she came to be or what her name is, but she killed us and I'm guessing kidnapped her."

"Killed you?" Delirious asked, "But-"

"We can die," Dr. Tyler jumped in as he worked on Sam's head, "We're like video game characters, if we die, we eventually come back with the memory from the death before. We can't die die unless or originals die. So if Tyler were to die right now," he looked over his shoulder at us, "Nurse Tyler, me, and all his other versions would be dead."

We all went quiet, not enjoying the idea that we could basically see ourselves die. It reminded me of when P2 Ohm went over that bridge and the water got him. We thought we lost Ohm.

None of us had anymore questions after that, knowing they didn't know very much either. "Do you have any idea where Kat could be?" I asked.

"Your best bet is somewhere in the woods," Nurse Arlan said, "Her and Sam went to go see DbD Bryce and we got attacked right after they left," He looked at Sam, "They must've came back after we died."

We were silent again. "We should go look after Sam wakes up," I said.

"No we shouldn't, Evan," Tyler said, making me look at him, "Anytime we interfere, it gets worst and worst. Hoodini probably already found her and took her in anyway. There's no point."

"You just want to give up-"

"We don't want to do it with your either way, Evan!" Lui suddenly yelled, "You're dark persona is the reason we're even in this fucking mess!"

I looked at him and felt like he was blaming me. "You're saying this is my fault?"

He glared at me and after a few seconds of silence in the room, he spoke again, "Yeah, I am. You don't see any of our dark sides trying to take over the city. Do you really think about taking over everything? You want to be in charge of everyone?"

Everyone looked at me and I scoffed, "No! why would I? I'm not good at leading and I'd never want to hurt any of you-"

"You obviously do!"

"Lui!" Tyler shouted, "That's not what I was getting at at all! This has nothing to do with Evan!"

Lui looked at him and he said, "No one asked you, Tyler."

"If you want to be calling people out, I'll call your bitch-ass out for even being here in the first place!" Tyler continued, "What fans even give a shit about you or your dead channel anymore?"

Lui suddenly got up and was about the walk across the room to him when the doctors got in front of him. Tyler got up as well and Ohm and Luke stood up and got in front of him.

The room was suddenly filled with yelling and soon to be fighting and over it all, we heard a familiar voice.

"Shut the fuck up!" Sam screamed. We looked over and she was holding her head. She stood up and Dr. Tyler tried to make her sit but she glared at him and he stopped. "Listen hear," She said, "I don't give a shit what you all want to do or who you don't want to be with and who you do. I want to go home with all of my friends okay and alive." She walked into the mess and split everyone apart, "And that means not killing each other either!" She growled.

"Evan's untrustworthy!" Lui said and put his hands up, "There, I said it."

"Lui!" I shouted and stood up, "Are you fucking serious? You think I wanted this? You think I wanted to be kidnapped and tortured like the rest of you?"

"You can't blame Hoodini's actions on him-"

"He's apart of him!" Lui yelled at the doctor who tried to interfere.

"I said stop it!" Sam yelled, "Grow the fuck up, swallow your pride, and grow a few more brain cells while your at it!" She pointed at the rest of us, "Get off your asses, we're looking for Kat." She held her head and stomped to the door. Dr. Craig tried to stop her but she steered clear of him and said, "Don't touch me."

It was silent for a moment and Nurse Delirious shook his head, "Ya'll done fucked up now."

We got up and quietly walked to the hall where Sam stood against the wall, holding her head. Smitty went to her and whispered something to her and she nodded and turned. He held her as she walked, leading us to an exit. We walked through and was greeted by the woods.

"This is where we met DbD Bryce last night," She said, "He gave her a new mask. When we went back in, we ran into...her."

"Who?" Smitty asked.

She thought for a while while holding her head tighter. "Pegasus," She finally said, "Her name was Pegasus. She had the same mask but darker and...wings. She took Kat."

Pegasus? Well the opposite of a unicorn would be a horse and a horse with wings is called a pegasus so I guess that makes sense.

"Do you want to check with DbD BBS to see if she went that way?" Smitty asked.

She nodded and started walking so we followed in silence like before. We got to the edge of the woods and she ordered, "Someone yell for DbD Bryce."

She covered her ears. She obviously had a headache. Smitty put his hands over her ears as well. He called out to the monster. After a little, we heard rustling and soon the giant appeared.

"Howdy" He greeted.

"Have you seen Unicorn since last night's visit; She's missing," Brock asked.

His face fell. He shook his head. "Nurse said she heard something at one of the entrances last night," He said, "But I can't promise it was her."

"It won't hurt to check," Bryce said, "Where?"

"Across from Happy Burger. That little stream thing," He said.

"The one we thought Ohm died at?" I asked.

"Dude, that thing is weird," Ohm said, "It glows at night and that weird water thing that took away P2 me happens rarely."

We all nodded, now worried. It was really strange. I can't think of any reason for it to be there.

"I'll lead you," The hillbilly offered. We agreed and walked into the woods. He continued to talk about what the nurse told him, "She said she thought it was those savages."

"Savages?" Marcel asked.

"Yeah, they're good at hiding. They're right next door to us," He said as he fixed a trap.

"What do they do?" Sam ask.

"Uhhh what was that one game that you playing and it had the cavemen?" He asked and turned.

"Ark?" Delirious answered.

He nodded, "They're from that but they prefer Savage BBS over Ark BBS."

We nodded and passed by some more monsters and some over variation of us but I really had no clue who they could've been. They let us be and some even waved. We waved and smiled back.

I looked back at DbD Bryce as we got to the edge of the woods with the stream. He motioned to it. "I can't go any further without permission," He explained.

We thanked him and walked to it. We were hesitant to get too close in case it did that one thing again. We were about to speak when we heard a familiar voice.

"No, I serious! There's something in it and I saw it!" We looked over and I smiled to see Kat.

She was leading literal savages and three clones of herself, one with a kid. My smile went away when I saw them. She turned and gasped with she saw us.

"You're okay!" Bryce cheered.

I looked at her mask. It was beautiful and still hid her face well. She hurried to us and hugged Sam. "You're okay," She chuckled.

"Fuck you!" She yelled and she pointed to the darkest version of Unicorn by the savages.

"That's fair." She shrugged.

"That wasn't her. I mean, that's Pegasus, but she's the real one. The one that grabbed me and killed the doctors wasn't her." Unicorn explain.

"What the fuck is on your neck?" She asked and made her lift her head up. We all looked and I was disappointed. How could he even think about doing that to her.

"He burned his blood into her," Savage Panda said, "It's called claiming."

Sam sighed and shook her head. Sam went back to leaning on Smitty and the rest of the party she brought walked to us.

"Greetings originals," The panda one said, "We are Savage BBS."

The others waved from behind him. I looked at mine. He looked so dirty and I really wish he wore more clothes. I then looked at the versions of Kat.

"You three? Well, four?" I asked and then motioned to the little girl. She turned around and she was literally the cutest thing I've ever seen. I gasped, "You're so cute!"

She smiled and blushed, hiding into Pegasus's shoulder. Pegasus smiled and handed her to me and I smiled at her. "What's your name?" I asked.

She blushed and giggled, "Kitty."

I gasped again, "That's adorable."

She giggled more and covered her face, hiding from me. I chuckled and looked at the other clones.

"I'm Pegasus as you know, but you can call me Peg," The dark persona introduced.

"I'm P2 Unicorn." The next one said and flashed a West coast gang sign. I cringed at that.

"Don't do that." Kat said.

"Okay." She said them flipped her off, "Better?"

Kat shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Who's Miss upsetti spaghetti over there?" Same asked and pointed to the last one.

"I'm Sad Unicorn." The last one said quietly.

I nodded and Kat walked to me and she took Kitty from me and Kitty kept peaking at me and I would just smile at her as she blushed and giggled.

Kat them explained what happened once her and Sam entered the hospital that night and what happened after that. Then she talked about her and Savage Craig going to the water and seeing something.

"Will you guy believe me if I told you there's something in these waters?" She asked us.

"Yes," We all said in unison.

"What's in them?" I asked and got a little closer to look.

"Don't get too close, Evan," Brain warned.

"Let him," Lui said. I turned around.

"Really Lui? You know I'd never hurt you," I said.

"We're not doing this again," Sam growled.

"What are you talking about?" Kat asked.

Everyone tried to explain but Lui outspoke everyone, saying I was behind it all and how Hoodini is my fault. He repositioned himself but stepped on some mud and slid. He fell and yelped as he headed to me and hit my legs.

All I heard was yelling then muffed yelling that faded out as water filled my ears and surrounded me like a blanket. I moved around and tried to see but I couldn't wrap my head over what happened and I had no idea where I was going and I felt like I was sinking faster.

I had no breath in me and just gave up. Lui was right. Hoodini was my problem, and I'm the only one to get rid of it. I opened my mouth and gasped, not receiving air, but water. I started choking and coughed out the rest of the air in my body. But I felt something.

I couldn't tell what it was but I gripped me tight and dragged me somewhere. I suddenly took air up my nose and turned to my stomach and puked up straight water. I didn't feel it on my hands which was weird because I knew it was just spewing out of me. It only kept going and I eventually gave very shaky breaths. I moved my head to get the water out of my ears and slowly looked up to see a very dry room with stone walls and men attached to them.

I coughed as I looked at the men. "I'm not sure that's Hoodini," One laughed at me. Delirious?

"Oh, I know it's not," Another said, "This one's cuter." Nogla? I turned and blinked a few time to see who it was and it was Nogla, but he didn't have all his features.

He was shirtless and his hair was everywhere like he was underwater and had a long, green fish tail.

"A mermaid?" I whispered.

"Merman," He corrected.

I slowly looked back at the men around to small room. They were dry and had legs. "What?" I whispered to myself and shakily got on my knees. I looked at where the merman was then at the cave. "How...?"

"Yeah, it's not him," The Brian version said.

"What version are you, dude?" The Anthony one asked.

I sniffed and breathed heavily. "I-I'm not a version. I-I'm E-Evan Fong." I wasn't scared but I was in shock and was having a hard time talking and catching my breath. Their eyes went wide and they looked at one another. "Can...Can I ask who you are?"

There wasn't a version of me, but all of my friends were there.

"We're Dark BBS," The Brock one said, "We're like Hoodini, but he decided to ruin everything," He suddenly growled.

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