Welcome to Our Home

Sam's POV

I really wish I thought of something else. Throwing myself at someone who wanted to kill me? Not the best idea I've ever had, but at least my friends are safe...as far as I know.

After I fell, the others ran over me and I was about to get up and run, but the guy grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me up, nearly choking me in the process. How he got me up so fast, I'll never know, but my life flashed before my eyes when he just stared at me and didn't say anything for a long time.

I knew those eyes. They were the ones from before; the ones that pulled me to the side when I was in the crowd. The ones that reminded of dried blood.

He finally shoved me forward, grabbed my arm and growled at me to move. I did as he said and we walked down a few shady areas to a rather large house. He still held onto my arm as we got to the door. I could see a bruise already forming.

If this is going to be anything like the flirt incident, just kill me. Please just kill me now.

We walked up the steps and he pushed opened the door. I nearly tripped at his sudden speed when we got in there, but I somehow was able to balance myself as I got a quick glance around.

It looked like an ordinary house; there was a living room, a kitchen and a dining room with people scattered within them and they soon all shot their heads at us, stiffening up and/or standing up.

"Is that...?" The Scotty version pointed at me.

"Yes, and she's the real one," Luke said.

I looked around as they all got up and walked to me. I backed up in fear and cleared my throat.

"Are you scared?" The Marcel of the group said, getting in my face.

"Considering I don't know what's happening, yeah," I said.

He smiled at me insanely and only laugh loudly.

I let out a shaky breath and looked at the men. They had murder and sorrow in their eyes and I couldn't help but pity them slightly.

"How did you get here?" The Tyler one asked.

"I don't know."

"When did you get here?" He asked.

I thought for a while. "Like two days ago?" I said, "I'm not sure-"

"Has Hoodini found you yet?" Another asked.

I knotted my eyebrows. "Wha...Are you talking about that stupid joke Evan told?" I asked.

"Yes," They all said at once.

My confused expression stayed on my face. "What?" I asked.

"Are you stupid?" The Ohm version asked.

"Are you stupid?" I crossed my arms, "How the fuck is a joke supposed to find me?"

"So you haven't met him," The one who grabbed me-the Luke version-nodded.

"Who?" I asked loudly.

"Hoodini!" They yelled.

"Are you talking about the dead magician?" I asked. They all groaned in announce and just gave up with the question so I asked one, "What is going on?"

"What's going on is that we don't want anymore people here because this place is overpopulated enough," The Vanoss version came to me and got in my face as he spoke, "As much as I'd love to kill you, I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Kill me?" I whispered.

"Kill you," He confirmed and pulled out a knife and put it to my throat. I backed into the door and realized I cornered myself.

I felt the cold edge touch my skin and I became motionless.

"Vanoss!" The Delirious one yelled.

"We're Killer BBS, if you haven't noticed," He smiled at me, ignoring the warning.

I didn't say anything and just starred at him. Don't be scared. "So you're going to kill me?" I know I said it earlier but I was just joking.

"Like I said," he took the knife away, "I don't think it's a good idea." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding but I saw him raise his hand with the knife and I covered my face as it came to the side of my head. I heard the knife go through the door behind me and I started shaking. "But don't test me," He whispered.

"Vanoss!" Killer Luke growled and pulled him away, "The fuck is wrong with you?"

He only laughed and got louder and louder as he looked at me. Luke then punished him and the Vanoss fell the the ground, knocked out cold.

I covered my mouth and he looked at me. He motioned to the house, "Make yourself a home because you're not leaving."

"What? Why not?" I asked.

"Because I fucking said so," He said and bent over to grab Vanoss.

"Since when did I listen to you?" I asked. He shot his head at me and the other looked at him.

"What?" He asked in a very bland voice to the point I had no idea what his emotion was.

"Since when did I listen to you?" I asked again and louder, "I don't even know what the fuck is going on and you expect me to stay in a house with killers?" He stood up straight and I continued, "I just want my friends and I want to go home. I don't want to be here anymore that you want me here."

He was silent for a second and motioned for me to follow him. I reluctantly walked to him and stepped over the unconscious body to him. He put his arm over my shoulder and I became stiff.

"What do you know?" He asked and started leading me around the house. I was reluctant to speak at first but I explained all I knew which wasn't much.

He started explaining everything. About where we were, who Hoodini was and what he wanted from them and me.

"It's bad because we're throwing the balance off. Our city isn't supposed to be this big," He said, "We can't even feed everyone."

I nodded, "How exactly were you all made?"

"He has this helmet. I don't know the exact mechanism, but it makes versions that don't actually exist. Like the Voodoo BBS."

"Who?" I asked.

"Oh they're creepy fucks who will ruin your life," He shivered, "But they shouldn't exist. They're technically not real. If there's no fanart or fanfiction or video on them, they're not real. I'm not real."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

He nodded immediately, "Real one's can do anything and are more powerful and known than us. That's why we live here."

"Here?" I asked for clarification.

"The dark," He said, "the side of town the fakes built themselves because there wasn't actual homes for us. There's no light for us, so we stay in the dark."

"That's...well dark," I commented.

He chuckled, "It's fine. Luckily we have Builder BBS and they build houses for us."

"Doesn't YouTube land realize this?" I asked.

"I don't think anyone is really in charge and if someone is, they've never checked on us," He said, "But other towns around us have noticed."

"What do they do?"

"Nothing," He shrugged, "There's so many of us, we overpower everyone else."

I nodded. His arm was still around me and we wondered the house as we talked but the only details I took in were the ones he told me about. I looked at him, "And no one knows how to get out of here."

"Hoodini does," He explained, "He's the only one who knows how to leave and come back."

I shook my head, "Why is he like this?" I asked.

He shrugged and we stopped at a window and looked out at the streets with people walking. The sun was setting; a familiar sight to me. "What'll happen if Hoodini gets caught?" I asked.

He didn't reply. He most likely didn't know. Either that or it wasn't an answer he was ready to give. I let the question fall.

"The GTA BBS know a way out," I remembered.

"Good for them," Killer Luke shrugged, "It's not like they're ever be able to leave. He sees everything. I don't know how but if you say something wrong or do something he doesn't like, he'll appear." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"To kill them." He said.

I stayed silent for a second. I moved to where I was in front of him and said, "How are you alive?"

"What do you mean?" He asked, "I just told you-"

"No," I interrupted, "Kat hit you with a pipe and you...disappeared into thin air. But you're back."

"Oh," he gave a small nod, "We can't die. None of us can. Basically, if we do, we respawn like a video game."

"And you're fine?" I asked.

"We'll have the memory but nothing after that," He nodded.

"So you're immortal?" I added.

"No," He shook his head lightly, "If the original gets hurt, so do their clones."

I nodded and looked down but he moved my chin up to face him again. He looked like he was thinking about something and he kept that thought for a long time.

"I'm going to the hospital," I said, intruding on his thinking.

"No," He said, "You need to stay here."

"I didn't ask."

"It doesn't matter. I don't trust half this town and I'm a killer," He pointed out.

"They're waiting for-"

"Sam," He said sternly and look at me. I sighed and shook my head.

I grabbed his hand and took it off me. I pushed passed him and I knew he was about to grab me, so I grabbed his hand when he did. I glanced over my shoulder and said, "I need to go home and I can't figure out how unless I leave now." He looked at me for a long time, then finally let go. I smiled at him and he gave a little smile back. "This probably won't be the last time you see me anyway," I said.

He shrugged and moved some hair out of my face. "I'll see you later then," he stated softly.

I smiled and turned, exiting the house. Being quiet so the others didn't hear me. I remembered most of my way back to the hospital but I couldn't swear to it. I started walking and gulped. I just needed to get out of the dark side of town and I can figure out where to go from signs.

I continued to think about what the killer had said. The flirts said if you think of a version, one appears. But Luke seemed to know a lot more, or at least I'd believe him more than the flirts. Does Hoodini brainwash them? I got to the end of the long street and saw a familiar burger place in the distance.

I walked to Happy Burger and walked in once I got there. I was welcomed by the shy P2 Wildcat, who was shaking.

"I just need directions," I said. He nodded and I continued, "Where's the hospital?"

"U-Uhhh..." His voice cracked as he spoke, but he did give me directions. I thanked him and he begged me to buy something so Vanoss wouldn't hurt him.

"I don't have money," I explained.

"I-I'll pay," he insisted.

I nodded and ordered fries. I soon got them and he put the cash into the register.

"Thank you, Tyler," I said, not really thinking of his name being Tyler too unlit now.

He stopped and looked at me for a while like I said something amazing and philosophical. He stopped shaking and nodded to himself.

"You're welcome," He smiled.

I smiled back then turned to leave. I walked out and ate some fries, not realizing how hungry I was until now. I didn't want to eat them all because if I'm this hungry, I could only imagine the others. I followed the directions he gave me and started seeing familiar sights.

I saw the hospital and noticed that it was dark outside but the lights of the city didn't show that. I walked in but didn't see any nurses or anything. I didn't wait, however, I went through the metal doors and roamed the halls until I found my friends.

I saw many versions. The heroes were the only ones I knew but there were so many people. I turned and saw the familiar hallway and knew I was in the right place. I went to the room with my friends and saw them restlessly sleeping. I went to each of their stands and places an even amount of fires for everyone. There was only two and a half small, brittled ones at the bottom so I ate those. I went to my bed and climbed in.

I don't know when I fell asleep, but I woke up to someone on me, squeezing me. They were saying something but I couldn't hear a thing. I groaned and hugged them back, going back to sleep.

"Where did you go?" I heard the Irish accent.

"Brian, leave her alone," Another, deeper one said.

"I'm glad you're okay," The man on me whispered.

I didn't hear Brian say anything else after that and he just laid and relaxed on me. I relaxed too and slightly opened my eyes. The lights were still off and the blinds were closed.

"Is she okay?" Evan whispered.

"I'm okay," I confirmed. I started talking and nothing got me to stop. I talked and talked about everything that happened the night before and my thoughts on the matter, including the information Killer Luke and I discussed and the thank you I gave P2 Wildcat. "...I wondered the halls till I found a familiar one and gave you guys the fires. I ate the little brown ones at the bottom so I don't need to eat," I finally finished my story.

"I didn't understand a word you just said," Tyler said.

"I heard Evan ask..." I started the whole shebang all over again and everyone stopped me.

"Why are you talking so much?" Delirious laughed.

"I don't know," I said and stayed quiet.

"Sam," I heard Kat say so I turned to her, "I wanna show you something." She stood up and motioned for me to get up as well.

I looked at Brian and hugged him tight one last time before getting up. He continued to lay in my spot and reassured it was to keep it warm. I only nodded and followed Kat. "Where are you going?" Dr. Tyler stopped us.

"To visit DbD Bryce. She doesn't know he's a good guy yet," She insisted.

"Stay in the range of the cameras," He said and turned back to his papers.

We nodded and left the room. "While you were gone, he came to visit and apologized. He said he had something for me."

"You were one of the ones that barely got hurt," I squinted.

"Well he set the trap and didn't expect anyone to actually run into it," She explained. We left out the back of the hospital and to the woods. We reached the edge and she called for him.

Soon him appeared but not very close. "I can't go pass a certain point unless I have permission," He said, his voice groggy and hillbilly-ish but sweet-like.

"I give you permission then," She said. He nodded and slowly walked closer. He towered over us and waved at me.

I waved back and he pulled out the gift. "It took me a while to make it," He said and handed it to her, "Nurse had to help me with most of it."

I looked at it and it was a new mask. A white half mask to be exact and had a gorgeous design in silver paint. It had the horn of a unicorn and the ears and they were just as beautiful. A silk white ribbon hung at the sides.

Kat gasped, "It's beautiful." She looked up at him and hugged him, "Thank you so much." He seemed surprised that she liked it. She pulled away and hid her face as she took off the mask like it was nothing and put on the other. "It fits well too," She said as she threw the old one aside.

She looked up at him and at me and I smiled, "Yeah, I like that one a lot better than the other."

She smiled too and hugged him again. A faint siren went off in the woods and he widened his eyes, "It's my pleasure. Bye." He ran into the woods with amazing speed and we looked at each other,

"Look at you!" I smiled.

"Does it show too much?" She asked.

I shook my head, "I think it looks perfect."

She smiled and we walked back inside, going to the hall with our friends. We turned the corner and stopped. It was dim like the lights needed to be changed and reeked of blood and metal. But I mainly focused on the Unicorn-look-alike. She looked exactly the same as Kat, just darker clothes and more faded skin. She had the same mask Unicorn just received, but black with dark magenta designs and no horn. Behind the mask, she didn't look like she had eyes.

I couldn't speak. I was terrified. Around her were dead doctors and nurses, their blood decorated the wall and their bodies were like fallen ornaments. I couldn't move either. Knowing the doctors and nurses would be back didn't help the fact that these men looked like my friends and their killer also had the face of one.

"Who are you?" I said quietly, not sure if I was ready for an answer.

"Pegasus," Was all she said before zooming at us. I wasn't sure what happened after that but I was against the wall and must've hit something because I reached behind my head to a very pained spot and felt blood. My vision was hazy and I looked up to see Kat and Pegasus gone and a black-looking shadow fly down the hall.

That's when I passed out.

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