Welcome to My Favorite Room
Kat's POV
All I remembered was screaming. I don't remember if I screamed for help or in fear, but I knew I screamed. The only reason I knew was because my vocals were ripped to shreds.
I didn't pass out or black out, I was fully awake but I was too stunned to process anything. I saw the doctors and nurses dead and me stand over them. I didn't even listen to her say her name. She pushed Sam into a shelf and bashed her head open. She grabbed me and opened her pitch black wings that had feathers with no shine. We flew down the hall and that's when I started screaming. I stopped when I saw she was taking me to the mountains. It was basically broad daylight but we were so high up, people probably just thought we were a bird.
I wanted to scream more, but my throat couldn't take anymore abuse. I looked up at the girl. I was terrified from her appearance; it was the exact same as mine. The only physical difference I could conclude was her skin. It was ashy and looked really unhealthy. She didn't say a word to me. Her eyes were pitch back so I really couldn't tell if she looked at me either. Her clothes were dark but I could see the blood stains along with smell the blood of my friends on her.
I suddenly felt cold and knew where she was taking me. I shivered and looked at her. "Please don't," I begged, ready to cry. I escaped Hoodini once and there's not way he'd allow that again.
She didn't answer; she didn't even look at me. I looked to see her get closer to the ground and land in the snow. She stomped to the familiar, royal red doors with gold decorations and they opened to revel Hoodini.
His face was still. "Get in here Peg and keep ahold of her," He said blandly.
"Hoodini, please. I-I-"
"Shut up!" He screeched. I jumped and held onto Peg, getting blood on my hands.
She walked in and continued to hold me. The door closed and he ordered, "Take her to the room."
She didn't respond and just did as she was told. I examined the way as she walked to her destination and saw Hoodini appear next to her as we walked. We got to a door and he opened it for her. We walked in and it was the biggest room I've ever seen in my life.
It was a round room and on every square inch of the walls was a large TV with live footage of some part of the city. Some were inside buildings and others were in top or right outside the buildings. The room itself had a black floor and ceiling and even with all the light from the TVs, it was still very dark. There was a chair in the middle and I knew it was for me.
"Set her down," Hoodini commanded.
Peg set me on the floor and he came to me and gripped my arm, dragging me to the chair. I resisted him and pulled back but he only yanked me harder to move.
"Hoodini," I whined, my voice scratchy and gone.
He didn't answer and threw me into the chair. He pulled off his mask and stared at me, his yellow eyes glowing. Soon, gold rope tied around me to the point where I couldn't move. He tossed his mask to the side along with his cape and walked to me, putting his hand at my throat.
"I claim you," He said, his words getting louder and slower as he spoke. I felt a burning at my skin under his hand and tried to move but he didn't allow it until the burning went away.
He pulled his hand away and I asked, "What the hell did you do? Where are we?"
"Shut the fuck up," He growled, "I get to talk. You just listen." He glared at me with his firry, yellow eyes and I gulped. He motioned around the room. "You see all these cameras?" He asked, "You see how they're everywhere?" I nodded, not letting my eyes leave off him. "This is my favorite room. It reminds me that I'm in control and I have eyes everywhere. But answer me this: Why did you think I wouldn't find you if you left?" He asked.
I didn't answer. I didn't have an answer. I knew it'd piss him off but I really didn't have anything else to say.
"What's wrong?" He asked and walked to me, bending to my level, "Cat got your tongue?" He looked at me and squinted, "I won't hurt you, Kat. I can't. But I will hurt everyone else."
I knotted my eyebrows, "What?"
"You did something I hate, so I'll do something you'll hate. I won't hurt you, but I will kill your friends," He said, "You think I won't but I know their fears and weaknesses."
"But why would you?" I asked.
"Because I know you'll hate it. You pushed my buttons and this will teach you that I'm not one to poke at," For a slight second, he looked hurt, "You knew why I wanted to be the best and you just wanted to take that away, so I'll take away what you want." His face became angry again, "I'll make you watch as I push Tyler off the tallest fucking building, put a noose around Smitty's neck and hang him in a tree, and drown Nogla." He said in a very serious tone.
"You wouldn't-"
"You wanna fucking try?" He laughed, "I'll rip Scotty inside out, run Craig over with the biggest car I can create, and throw Brian into helicopter blades! And you'll see it all!"
I was on the verge of tears because I knew he wasn't joking, and if he was, it wasn't very funny. These are my friends and I just saw them dead and on the floor in the hospital. "Stop it!"
"Still don't believe me?" He laughed and shook my chair, "I'll end all of them. They'll die alone and brutally and you'll watch. You'll see it all and not do a damn thing-"
"Shut the fuck up!" I cried, "Keep your hands off them!"
"It'll be your fault!" He screamed, "You're the reason they're all going to die and you know it!" I shook my head and looked away, sobbing. "I'll burn Luke! I'll stab Delirious more than you can count! I'll shoot Sam in the side of her head until you can't even tell it's her!"
"No you won't!" I screamed, my voice cracking, "You won't because you have Evan fingerprints. They will be all over the scenes. He'll spend the rest of his life in jail and you wouldn't want that." He stopped and realized what he was doing, "Besides, you wouldn't dare get rid of your city." We were silent for a second as I took shaky breaths. "You got your reaction out of me, so now what do you actually want?"
I was trying to act tough but I was still deadly terrified. I couldn't get the images out of my brain once he placed them in there.
He stared again and got up. He started circling around me, "What do you think I want?"
I shook my head and looked up to see Peg just staring at us, not doing anything. "You just want my clones," I glared at him.
He shrugged, "You're not wrong, but you're not completely right."
"I don't care," I said, "How did you even get her?"
"You remember that owlet that bit you?" He asked. I looked at the part of my hand the baby bit.
"Yeah," I said quietly.
"That wasn't the baby you and Sam saw the first day you two got here," He explained, "I made him so he could get a little DNA out of you to make her."
"Wait, so you don't need the helmet?" I asked.
"Well, she's a default; not an actual clone. She's just a shell of a person that looks like you, but I can get the real Pegasus out of you when I put the helmet on you," He motioned to Peg to go get it then turned back to me.
"You're not putting that on me," I shook my head.
He rolled his eyes, "You're not going to win against me! Ever! Stop acting like you even have a chance! Besides, keep fighting against me and you'll understand how stupid you are for trying to fight me."
"Excuse me?"
"Open your fucking eyes. You do realize we wouldn't be here right now if you would've just listen to me from day one?" He said, "Your dumbass is the reason your even in that chair. You wanted to be the fucking hero and you only pissed me off."
I looked down and started sobbing. I guess it was pretty dumb of me to think so highly of myself. I just wanted to help everyone. My sobbing filled the room and Hoodini walked to me and got on his knees in front of me. He moved his hands to touch my face and I backed away.
"I'm sorry. Please don't cry."
"Fuck you," I sniffed and looked at him, "Just fuck you. You just want to see me hurt. You want to see all of us in pain. You don't care about anyone else but yourself!"
He grabbed my face and held it so tight, I couldn't move, "You can go home after I get yours and Sam's clones."
I cried and tried to shake my head, "I don't want to give you the satisfaction! You don't deserve it."
He sighed and the door opened. Hoodini got up and walked to my default and grabbed the helmet from her.
"Kill yourself," He told her. I widened my eyes as she walked off and disappeared.
"How could you say that-"
"I didn't just say," He said, "I made her. She can't feel anything but pain so she'll be happy to go." He shook the helmet lightly, "This is what will bring the real Peg out."
He walked over and I tried to move away but eventually gave up. He set it on my head and it went over my eyes so I couldn't see anything. I cried harder. I didn't want more of me. I couldn't stand the idea of having someone like me who acts like Hoodini. I didn't want to risk putting my face out there and everyone hating how I look.
"It won't take long," He swore and I felt a kiss on my cheek.
"Don't ever kiss me again," I growled.
He sighed and I heard something click. My head started pounding and I screamed in pain. I couldn't even hear myself. I started hyperventilating and pushed back in the chair. "Get it off!" I screamed, "Please get it off!"
I continued to push back in the chair and felt myself fall. I gasped right before I hit the ground, making the pounding stop along with the restraints.
"No!" Hoodini roared and I heard fast footsteps. Soon the helmet was off and I saw a huge crack on the back of it. He looked at it and then looked at me with glowing eyes, "You stupid bitch!"
I coward at the language and I moved my hands and legs and looked to see that the chair broke when I fell back. I tried to get up, but I froze. I couldn't even move my head and I knew it wasn't me.
"Let me go!" I yelled.
He didn't say anything. I heard him get closer and I closed my eyes, waiting for something, but the only thing I heard was a thud followed by him groaning, then another, louder thud. I don't know what happened, but I could suddenly move. I turned around and crawled backwards as fast as I could before my mind pieced together what happened.
There, stood the real Pegasus, and she looked pissed. She was identical to the one before, but with actually emotions, she became ten times scarier.
"Fucking dumbass thinking he can just claim people and..." she muttered to herself as she fixed her shirt. Behind her were two girls, that were the same height as her. She suddenly shot her head to me and the other two did the same.
"Please don't hurt me!" I begged and covered my face.
"We're got going to hurt you," One said. I wasn't sure which. They all just sounded like me. I shakily looked up to see who was speaking.
"Yeah, we hurt you, we hurt ourselves," Another said in the same tone as the first. I think it was Peg though, "There'd be no point."
"Besides, my fucking leg hurts enough already," The first one spoke again and slightly bent down.
"Bad word! Bad word!" I heard a little girl chant right next to me. I turned and yelped as I looked at myself, but around five or six. She jumped from my reaction and looked at me.
"You guys are freaking her out," A very weak and barely understandable voice said, coming from the last woman.
"Oh I guess we should introduce ourselves," One shrugged. They three older ones walked to my and I looked up at my doppelgängers.
I clarified one to be Pegasus, but the other two were unclear. One also looked like Peg, but blazing red eyes and had more color in her skin. Plus, Peg's hair was back in a ponytail while hers rested on her shoulders, flat which wasn't the consistency of my actual hair. The other looked depressed. She had a mask on but it didn't hide her drenched cheeks. Her clothes were scrunched up like she's been in bed all day and her mask has a broken horn.
"I'm Pegasus, but I think you knew that," Peg said. I nodded.
"I'm your P2; your polar opposite," The one with straight hair shrugged, not seeming to care about the situation.
"I'm your sad self," They upset one said softly.
"And I'm Kitty, your child side!" The tiny me next to me clapped. I looked at her. She didn't have a mask. My childhood nickname sounded weird to me now since I'm 21, but she made it cute again.
I slowly nodded and got up so I was on my feet but I felt very dizzy. I felt my body sway and I wanted to throw up. I couldn't tell if it was effects from the helmet or the idea of having more than one of me in the world. I started questioning my beliefs, my morals, and my existence as a whole.
"She's having an existential crisis!" Sad me exclaimed.
"Hey," Pegasus said and held my shoulders to make me look at her and stop swaying, "Hey. Calm down. It's not the end of the world. I promise."
I looked at her for a while, not finding comfort but realizing that apart of me is telling me to calm down so I should probably listen. I nodded and my eyes drifted to Hoodini's figure on the floor.
"We should leave before he wakes up," Kitty whispered.
I nodded, "Yeah..."
"Oh, I can do that," Peg said and let go of me, going to the screens, "Everyone look for a screen with no people and an open area."
"Why?" My P2 asked.
"Because I can take us there but I don't want to get tangled in something or get noticed," She explained, "Now start looking."
We split up and went to a few screens. I took a section and scooped out the places. Mine was mainly wood areas. I constantly saw the DbD territory and some really random forest areas I've never seen before, but one wasn't a forest and I looked at it for a while.
It was a version of the guys but they were chained to a wall but the chains seemed to glow. There wasn't an Evan version and they looked nearly dead. They held betrayal on their faces. I kept glancing at it but saw a screen with an opening in the forest.
"There," I pointed to it and turned to the others.
They all looked and walked to me. Peg nodded, "That's good." She looked at us and waved her hand over us. I picked up Kitty and held her as our eyes were forced shut.
I don't know if I should, but I trusted Pegasus a lot more than I trust Hoodini, so I wasn't freaking out when I was forced to close my eyes.
I felt like I was lifted off my feet for a split second, but once they returned to the ground, Peg said, "Okay."
We all opened our eyes and looked around at the part of the woods I haven't seen yet. "So how do we get back to the city?" P2 me asked.
Peg opened her mouth but we all heard rustling in the brushes around us and frozen as we looked around. We were circled with spears pointing at us.
Sad me covered herself, shaking from fear, Pegasus and my P2 weren't scared, but surprised and seemed speechless, Kitty coward into my shoulder, and I looked at the men at the end of the spears.
"Names," The Anthony version commanded.
"Katherine or U-Unicorn," I said.
"P2 Unicorn."
"S-S-Sad Unicorn."
They all looked at one another and put their weapons down and the Anthony walked forward.
"We are Savage BBS," He said, sternly.
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