Welcome to Childhood 2.0
Evan's POV
I woke up by a burning sensation climbing up my throat. I sat up and opened my mouth only to have burning stomach acid leave my mouth and cover me.
"Oh Evan." Someone said.
I was about to look but another round came up and the same thing happened. I opened my eyes and looked at the vomit on me and started getting teary.
"Ewww." I cried but didn't move.
I heard some footsteps and someone else say, "Hey, I need some help in here; Evan puked on himself."
I looked up and some of my friends were around me. I heard more feet and looked at the door, seeing many male nurses that also looked like my friends enter.
I kept crying as I felt more coming up and my sense of feeling reminding me the rest of my body hurts. Someone put a bowl in front of me and I started throwing up again as the nurses took off my sheets and put them in a bag.
The burning soon stopped and they took away the bowl and started cleaning me up.
"I'm sorry." I cried, "I'm so gross and I don't know where I am or what's happening and I just want my bed."
"You're fine, Evan, and we'll explain everything after we clean you up." A nurse that sounded like Ohm said.
"Ohm, is that you?" I asked, looking at him.
"I love you man." I cried, "I'm sorry you have to see my like this. I just want you to know that your were a great friend-"
"Evan, you're not going to die." A nurse that looked like Brock said.
"Brock," I started at made grabby hands at him. I wanted to hug him. He finally got close and I clung to him, "I just want you to know that I always saw you as my best friend-"
"Okay, he's getting really emotional," Someone said, "this isn't good."
"Give him the OPK2 then." Someone else said.
Suddenly Scotty came at me with a needle and I screamed.
"Scotty please! I thought we were friends! Please no! I'm too young to die and I haven't even told everyone how I feel, please! What did I ever do to you! What did I ever do to yo-"
With a small pinch in my neck, the memories from the night before came flooding back and I started to relaxed and realized I overreacted about nothing.
The pinch went away and the nurses stood up straight.
"How do you feel?" Nurse Craig asked.
"Embarrassed." I admitted. They nodded and left. I looked around and about half my friends are laughing at me. "Stop." I whined.
"Are you okay, Evan?" I looked over and saw Tyler next to me.
"No." I said.
I looked around the room and almost everyone was up.
"So now we're just waiting for Unicorn to wake up." Narwhal said.
She had a patch over her shoulder and as I looked around the room, the more I saw the same patch.
"Is everyone okay?" I questioned.
"Yeah, we're all going to live, but we're a bit bruised up." Brock said from across the room.
"How long have I been out?"
"A few days actually." Bryce said.
"Yeah," Luke added, "Sam and I made a bet to see whether you or Unicorn would wake up first. You owe me $20 by the way."
He was sitting next to Sam and had the filthiest grin on his face as he leaned over to her as she rolled her eyes.
"I was really hoping you forgot about that." She said.
He laughed and shook his head.
"Kiss him on the cheek and you won't have to pay him." Marcel laughed.
Luke blushed and widened his eyes at Marcel and Narwhal smirked, "Check or cash?"
Luke turned to her slowly, offended and scoffed her. She only laughed along with the rest of the room.
Suddenly a nurse came back in and walked to me. It was Nurse Lui.
"You had multiple gashes on your stomach but you're all stitched up now." He reported.
"Thank you." I said.
He nodded and went to leave, but Tyler stopped him, "Hey, how come Unicorn's still out?"
He looked at her and back at Tyler, "Well before Dr. Bryce started his surgery, the handle to control how much sleeping gas she got broke and he didn't realize it was on the whole surgery; you only need a few seconds and they'll be out for a hours and he kept it for about an hour."
"She'll be okay, right?" I asked.
He turned to me and nodded, "She's just sleeping. She was actually supposed to be one of the first to wake up, but a little bit more sleep won't hurt."
We nodded and he left.
"Who woke up first?" I asked.
"I did." Nogla said, "I listened to all you fuckers talking in your sleep."
"I don't talk in my sleep." Arlan defended.
"No, you all do." He laughed.
"What did we say?" Luke asked.
"A lot of things." He then turned to Luke and said, "Who the fuck is Jessica and why won't she leave her clothes on?"
Everyone turned to him in confusion and he laughed, "That's my cat and I usually dress her up."
Everyone laughed and everyone continued to ask what they said when they were asleep. The subject soon changed and we all just had a large conversation like we usually do when we're together. If Unicorn was up, it would probably make this moment a little better.
I like it when I play with Unicorn because her laugh is just so cute along with the way she acts. Her voice also just soothes me so much. I actually get a chance to meet her in person and even though I can't physically see her face, I can just hear her smile and her expressions behind that dumb mask.
Okay, I might have a small crush on her but can you blame me? I mean we have a lot in common and she's amazing. She probably won't like me the same way, but I don't mind that because as long as she's happy, I'm happy.
A few coughs made the room silent. We all turned to the person coughing as she started to wake up. After a few quiet seconds, she shot up like a bullet and started looking around like she was going to die.
"Where am I?" She screamed and started looking around, "Who are you people? Mom! Dad!"
Without warning, she started pulling the cords off of her.
"Kat don't do that!" Sam said.
She stopped in her place and looked at her friend with wide eyes, "How do you know my name?"
"What do you mean?" I said, "I've known you for six years."
"I'm seven and I have never seen you in my life!" She screamed, "Mom! Dad!"
A bunch of nurses and doctors ran in and one pointed at her, "What did you say?"
"I'm seven?" She repeated, "Why am I here? Where's my mom and dad?"
"What year is it?" Another asked.
"Look on the calendar! I want to see my mom and dad!" She started crying.
"I know you do, Hon, but I can't allow that till we make sure you're okay." Dr. Brock said sweetly, "Now can you tell me what year it is?"
She sniffed, "2003."
He nodded, "Okay, and do you know where you are?"
"T-The doctor's office?"
He nodded again. "Do you recognize anyone in here?"
She looked around one more time and shook her head.
My chest started to hurt really bad. It felt like someone just removed my heart.
He nodded, "Okay, what I'm about to tell you, you're not going to believe or like, but you have to promise me you won't freak out." She nodded. "You're actually 21-years-old and it's 2017."
Her eyes widened as she just sat there, frozen.
"I missed my 8th birthday." She whispered, "And my 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th?"
"And technically your 21st too." Brock added.
She started crying again, "You're lying!"
"Where's my mom and dad?" She screamed at him, "They have to be here!"
She got up and all the doctors crowded around her only for her to scream at them. They backed up and she started to stumble as she walked.
"You should lay down."
"You can't walk."
"You're hurting yourself."
"I'm fine!" She screamed at them.
"Kat," Sam said, pushing pass the doctors to get to her, "you need to sit."
"You need to leave me alone!" She screamed at her.
Sam grabbed her wrists and Unicorn wouldn't stop screaming as she tried to make her sit down. Sam obviously had enough of her screaming in her ear so she screamed even louder back at Unicorn, making her cry harder.
She grabbed her shoulders, "Look at me." Unicorn didn't and Sam said, "If you don't look at me, you won't see your parents."
Unicorn hesitantly looked up at Sam and she started to quietly sob.
"You went on a vacation. You hurt your leg and passed out, so your family brought you to the hospital. They've been here for so long waiting for you that they decided just to move here to wait for you to wake up. They left a few days ago to pack, they'll be back, I promise, but you need to listen to the doctors because right now, they know what's best for you." Sam lied.
The last thing we need is for her to tell the kid that some people are coming back for her when we don't even know the people and they don't even know she's here. However, her plane seemed to work because Unicorn nodded and sat back down on the bed.
"How do you know me?" She asked her.
Sam thought for a second, "I had the room next to you and our families got to know each other and I became friends with them. We all have."
"Really?" She asked, looking at everyone again.
She nodded. Dr. Tyler whispered something in her ear and Sam said, "You need to rest. You walking on that leg hurt you a lot, didn't it?"
She nodded and she covered herself up.
"Alright, just close your eyes and think of...fat unicorns...dancing on rainbows." Sam said.
Kat giggled and closed her eyes. Dr. Lui poked a needle in her neck and she was out cold.
"Oooh, Mom Sam kicked in." Smitty teased.
"Oh shut up." She said as she walked back to her bed
"Okay, we're going to re-hook her up so when she wakes up again, make sure she doesn't pulled them out." Dr. Tyler said, "We're going to try and figured out what the hell happened."
"Do you have any ideas right now?" Lui asked.
He shook his head, "I've never seen this before and sleeping gas shouldn't cause amnesia. Especially not ours."
"Then again, we've never worked on a original before." Dr. Brian added.
He shrugged, "The sooner we figure it out, the better."
They finished and left the room. We all kept glancing at the sleeping girl with worry.
I like it when Unicorn's around because she makes me feel happy. Her laugh makes me smile all the time and her voice just soothes me. Seeing her like this seemed to knock the air out of me.
"Guys, it's five in the morning," Anthony pointed out while stretching, "we need to go to sleep."
"What about Unicorn?" Nogla asked.
"They most likely have cameras and they gave her knock out treatment," Anthony answered, "if she does get up, she ain't going far."
Everyone agreed and soon a nurse came in and turning off the lights.
Since I woke only about an hour ago, I didn't feel tired. I was more worried about everything really. My channel, friends, family, house...so many things ran through my mind.
Everyone probably thinks we either abandoned the internet or were hurt. I mean, we are hurt, but that will defiantly still worry a lot of people.
Without realizing it, a salty tear ran down the side of my face and to my hair due to me laying on my back. All this thinking has gotten me so worked up. I just finally closed my eyes and eventually dozed off.
I woke up again, not long after, to everyone screaming.
I sat up and it was bright out and everyone who could get out of their bed, was out of their bed.
"What's happening?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.
"Unicorn's missing!" Everyone yelled at me, making me jump.
"What do you mean?"
"She got up while we were all sleeping and just walked out." One of the doctors said, "No one saw her and she walked straight out the front doors."
I stood up, feeling pain go straight to my stomach. "Okay, okay. Let's just go look for her. It can't possibly be that hard."
"Have you not seen how big this city is?" Narwhal asked, "It'll take us forever, not to mention, two of the GenderBender! BBS, the flirts, and a fucking Killer are after her."
"And that doesn't count Hoodini." Bryce added.
"Why are there so many people after her?" I asked.
"We went through a lot when we first came here." Narwhal said.
"Okay, let's just calm down. She has the mind of a seven-year-old, it can't that hard to find her. She's probably at a candy shop or something." I reassured.
"The dads!" Dr. Ohm said, pointing at Dr. Tyler.
"That's right! The dads can find her!" He said and instructed Ohm to go call them.
"Dads?" Everyone But the nurses and doctors questioned.
"We're dads?" Brock asked.
"Well, kind of. There's Kid!BBS and then there Parent! BBS. Everyone just called them 'the dads' because so far it's only dads." The doctor explained.
"They're not answering!" Dr. Ohm yelled.
"Let's go try and find her." Dr. Tyler said and we all got up and followed. "Someone get these people some clothes!" We all stopped and looked down realizing we were in hospital gowns.
"Thank god they're no the ones where you can see our asses." Anthony commented.
Soon, many people came to us with clothes and we went into the bathrooms to change. We were ready in about five minutes and we were off.
"There's a bunch of shops down the road." Dr. Tyler said.
"There's a park the other way though." Narwhal pointed.
"We need to check everywhere so doctors can check the shops and you guys can check the park." Dr. Evan said.
"I like the idea." Dr. Tyler, "Nurses, stay here incase she comes back."
They nodded and went back inside. The doctors started walking away and said, "Meet us back at the hospital in an hour and go back if you find her so the nurses can call us."
We nodded and started walking the other direction.
"Should we yell for her?" Scotty asked.
"No because then she might think she's in trouble." Sam said, "We just have to find her and bring her back."
We all nodded and kept walking. A bunch of people kept getting double takes from Most he people we walked by but we were on a mission.
We finally got to the park and saw many people.
"This shouldn't be this hard." Tyler groaned.
"We literally just started looking." Smitty stated.
"No," Tyler defended, "I mean she's like one of the only girls in this entire city; it shouldn't take 16 doctors and 17 injured patients to do the job that police could do."
It was obvious Tyler didn't feel good at all and none of us really judged him for because not only was he just saying because he felt like shit, he had a point.
"The sooner we find her, the sooner we can go back to bed, so let's hurry." Brian said.
"How could you all say this?" Marcel fought, "This is our friend we're talking about and you're more worried about going to bed?"
"Do you really think we don't care?" Tyler said, "I would love to be a knight in shining armor, but I have a fucking migraine and I can't even see what's a foot away from me because I don't have my contacts!"
"Okay, fighting is not the answer and is literally getting us nowhere." Brock said, settling everyone down, "All we have to do is ask people if they've seen her; it's not that hard."
We all gave a convincing nod indicating we knew what to do, but I really didn't want to talk to people. I don't want to ask some kind of angry versions and get punched in the gut.
We crossed the street to the park and split up. I went to a group of teens. They were playing basketball, but I think I could catch their attention long enough to ask.
"Excuse me!" I said. The tallest one-I'm guessing Teen Tyler because of his facial appearance-noticed me first and motioned for his friends to stop. He came up to me and I continued, "Have you seen a woman with a unicorn mask around here today?"
He turned to his friends and they all shook their heads in confusion.
"No," Teen Tyler said, "but a group of girls passed by not too long ago."
I widened my eyes, "Where?"
He pointed down the path and I cursed under my breath. I thanked him for his help and jogged over to the girls.
I wasn't going to talk to them, but I made sure they weren't killing Unicorn. They seemed to be minding their own business, not caring about what was happening around them.
I sighed and looked around once more. I shook my head. "Dammit, dammit, dammit!" I whispered to myself.
I don't like the idea of anyone being lost and in danger, let alone a close friend of mine. Yes, I have friends outside of the computer, but I've been friends with these knuckle heads a lot longer than any friendship I've ever had, and I'm not ashamed to admit it because they're great people.
I shook my head and looked around one more time. I stopped on the playground equipment. I didn't really look there before because I didn't think she would go there, but there she was, on top of the highest piece of equipment, banging on her chest like a gorilla.
"Oh no." I groaned as I went over to the equipment. "Hey!"
Unicorn looked down and raised an eyebrow. After a few seconds, I think she recognized me and waved, "Hi!"
"What are you doing?" I yelled up at her.
"It was boring in that room so I snuck out. It's fun up here!" She laughed as she swung a bit, "Wanna join?"
I shook my head, "I'm injured."
"So am I." She said, pointing at her leg.
"Obviously not if you were able to climb up the fucking equ-"
"Bad word! Bad word!" She chanted as she let go of the only thing she was hanging onto to cover her ears. She then screamed as she slid down the steep equipment and straight off the side.
I with my arms out to where she was falling and she landed in my arms, causing me to groan in pain that I previously ignored to save her. I looked at her and she looked traumatized.
She scrabbled our of my arms and pointed at me as I grabbed my stomach, "You made me fall!"
"What?" I yelled, looking at her, breathless, "No I didn't!"
"Yes you did! I had to cover my ears because you said a bad word and it made me fall!" She calmed.
"I'm 24-years-old! I can say whatever I want!" I told her.
"That doesn't matter!" She yelled back. I heard footsteps and turned to see the others coming my way.
"Evan, Kat," Sam said, "are you two okay?"
"He made me fall!" She blamed.
"I did not!" I said, turning back to her.
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too! Did too! Did too! Did too!" She screamed at me.
I folded my arms, "I'm not playing this game."
"That means I won and you did!" She said.
I rolled my eyes.
Sam stepped forward, "Kat, we need you at the hospital. The doctors and nurses need to check up on you and they're going crazy because you left."
"I don't care. It's boring in there and it's fun out here. I even made some new friends." She smiled.
"Friends?" Smitty questioned under his breath and right then and there, 16 small children popped out of nowhere.
"Hi!" Kid Tyler greeted.
Then here came 16 dads. "Can I help you?" Dad Marcel asked.
"We need our friend to take her back to the hospital." Daithi said, getting in front of Sam and I.
"I'm afraid I can't allow that." He said, "She states she's seven a-"
"That's why we're taking her to the hospital and we weren't asking for permission." Anthony said.
"C'mon Unicorn." Sam said, motioning her to follow.
"No!" She whined.
"Please? You'll feel a lot better if you just go to the hospital." She insisted.
"But I feel fine here." Unicorn stated.
"Yeah, you can't take away our big buddy!" The kids whined.
"That's why we have to take her to the doctors;" Sam said, "your bid buddy is 21 and has the mind of a 7-year-old."
"But I don't want to go!" She whined.
"We'll visit you!" The kids said.
"You two!" Someone screamed, making all of us jump and turn. There was a version of Luke in all black besides his blood stained white shirt and bandana with his icons smirk.
"You said your leg was feeling a lot better, right?" Sam asked Unicorn and she nodded in fear, "You're going to run with the guys back to the hospital. You'll be safe there."
"What about you?" She asked.
Suddenly the guys started running and he was fast as shit.
"Run!" Sam screamed and we all ran away.
"You guys need to run a few blocks down and turn to get back to the hospital." Sam panted.
"And you?" Bryce asked.
"I'm going to try and loose this guy." She said and purposely fell.
I thought of all the ways that could end and not one was good. We eventually turned the corner and we stopped.
"We have to go help Sam." Ohm said.
"We can't. She has a plan so she knows what she's doing." Scotty said, "We might ruin something if we do."
"Owww." I looked over and Unicorn was hugging her leg with tears forming in her eyes.
"I'll carry you to the hospital." Bryce said.
"Can we at least wait and see if Sam is coming?" Marcel said.
We nodded and turned. We waited and waited but she never turned the corner. I started to get the bad feeling of her getting hurt, but this time worst because I knew what was happening.
"Who was that anyway?" Luke asked.
"Killer! CaRtOoNz." The dads answered.
"There are killers here?" Anthony questioned and got a nod in response.
Everyone put their head in their hands. Did we seriously put our friends life in the hands of a killer?
"Can we please go?" Unicorn whined, "My leg hurts really bad."
Everyone was very reluctant, but we had to go back to notify the doctors, plus Narwhal said she'd meet us there.
Bryce picked her up and we headed back to the hospital.
I looked at Narwhal's empty bed with misery; it's been hours and she's still not back.
"I can't believe she did that." Unicorn said.
The moment the doctors came back, they gave her medicine, and after a few minutes, everything became clear to her. It was kind of funny because everything she did while she was in her child state came back to her memory and she hugged me and said she was sorry and thanked me for catching her.
We also found out there was magic in her system and the gas didn't react too well with it.
"It's really no ones fault." Lui said, "Sam was just trying to protect us and...and..."
Everyone kept looking over at it like she was going to just pop out of nowhere.
Dr. Tyler came in and glanced at the bed, sighing. "They wouldn't kill an original."
"Are you sure?" Marcel asked.
He shook his head, "No but everyone knows originals can't come back and the killers have some form of common sense."
We kid of just shrugged off his comments and went back to glancing at the bed.
He shook his head, "You guys need to sleep. We'll get the heroes and police on it."
I took a deep breath and released it with a sigh. I laid back and my eyes seemed to close on themselves.
I seemed to automatically start dreaming, or at least I thought I was dreaming. Wait, since when was I able to talk to myself as I slept?
I was in a room with tons of papers and screens and I was looking for something. A hoo was hard and I turned to a small owl landing on the ledge of the window. He had a bloody mouth and my hands suddenly flew to a flask not far from me.
The owl opened its mouth and it seemed to regurgitate ounces and ounces of blood into the flask. I couldn't look away, my head wouldn't let me; I was forced to watch the flask fill up and my vision focused back on the owlet that was basically defeated and a lump of feathers now.
I wanted to throw up. I turned and poured the flask into some sort of drain that had a blue force around it. I held it over a small dish and a few drops of blood exited the rest.
I through the drain out the window without a care and grabbed the flask. I turned and grabbed a syringe with a liquid that I knew all too well.
I wasn't looking through my eyes, I was looking through Hoodini's. This isn't the first time it's happened, but it's so rare, I didn't realize it at first. I don't think he knows I can do this because to be fair, I didn't either, but it's a thing all YouTubers do. Delirious has told me about his experiences but his were all the same; He was in a room with everyone else's dark personas and they are all chained to the walls, unable to move. The others can confirm that it's actually their dark personas too because they see the same.
He set the sample of blood on the ground and injected it with the mysterious liquid that didn't have a certain color, and the blood started to boil.
Like and sponge hitting water, the blood started to clump and grow. I stated freaking out, not knowing what was happening, but Hoodini seemed calm and fine.
It stopped growing vertically at five feet and then it started to shape into a person, getting features, curves, and details. After that, it started to take color and if formed a beautiful girl. She opened her eyes and they were pitch black, automatically making her more scary.
"Hoodini." Her voice rang.
She sounded exactly like Unicorn.
"Pegasus." He said back.
She closed her eyes and smiled. This is what Unicorn looks like? She's stunning! Why would she want to hide such a gorgeous view.
"You seem speechless." She said.
"Well, you're gorgeous." He answered.
She shook her head, "Katherine is gorgeous, I just look like her."
He nodded. I noticed she was holding a mask. "Put on that mask so the others don't see your face; Unicorn doesn't want to be known yet."
"You're very protective of her." She commented as she put he mask over her head. It was a black version of Unicorn's but without the horn.
"She's smart and we need to to expand the city." He explained, "I need you to do something."
"You find her and her friends and bring them back." Hoodini ordered.
"My pleasure." She said and turned around showing wings, "I'd love to meet them."
And like that, she was gone.
I opened my eyes, gasping for air, I looked around and everyone else was asleep and okay. How am I supposed to tell them this?
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