Chapter 19
EDITED: 2/19/17- There are major changes in this chapter:
(1)Tenten's narrative. I found that it was too detailed, so I toned it down a bit.
(2) I removed the scene where Hanabi was training with Kou because it doesn't really serve any purpose to the plot in general.
(3) Revamped the InoShikaCho's encounter with Akira. Although it may seem unimportant, Ino's observation of Akira and Neji will soon play an important role.
(4) The mushy moment between Akira and Neji was also edited (and I think this one's better) and made more realistic. (although if you disagree, i am open to suggestions.)
(5) Akira's dreams of Neji were also edited out.
(6) I removed Kakashi's appearance and exchanged it with Neji.
The door closed with a soft 'thud', followed by a lock clicking into place. After a few seconds, the house was enveloped in silence.
Akira adjusted the strap of her hunting gear. Clad in her long-sleeved haori, she had exchanged her mini skirt with a pair of calf-length black pants, not wanting to scratch her legs during her mini-hike (the Satsuna has a vain streak in her, knowing that her smooth and shapely legs often attract attention), and kept her hair in a bun. After checking her gear, she started to set off into her journey.
It was barely dawn in Konoha and the air was chilly, the ground moist with early morning dew. Smiling to herself, Akira heaved a deep breath, enjoying the forest air and the sounds of wildlife. This is her favorite activity of the day, aside from hunting. Although she would've loved staying out longer, the Hokage had only granted her 3 days and the kunoichi decided to enjoy every minute of it.
Since she's rarely sent on mission far from Konoha, hunting and hiking are her ways of getting out and exploring the land. Armed with her katana, weapons pouch, a change of clothes and other bare essentials, Akira was ready for her 3-day hike.
'I think I'll go west this time,' she thought. 'Last time I had ventured west was quite short-lived...' When the Third Hokage got wind that she often sneaks out of the village borders to hike and hunt (she was actually caught by ANBU scouts and was placed in a detention cell until Inoue learned of it and appealed to the Hokage), Sarutobi-sama had granted her privileges on hunting wildlife and hiking as long as its within Konoha territory and that she provides notices for her hikes longer than a day. Akira had agreed and this privilege was still honored when Tsunade assumed office.
Being alone in the forest and away from people, even her wolves, gives the Satsuna time to think and reflect, especially now that she had contemplated plans of defecting from her home village and the Kageboshi's presence had become more persistent. The tall trees and heavy boughs of leaves serve as her temporary shield against the menace within her. The chirping of birds act as a lullaby to still her heart and mind.
Nobody knows it, but Satsuna Akira battles with evil within her every day.
'And nobody cares.'
From his vantage point, he can see everything like a finely printed x-ray film. The streets of Konoha, like smooth lines branching out in all directions as that of a spider web, was empty save for early-risers like him-mostly shinobi. He dashed from the branch he was on to another, aiding his eyes for a closer look.
He focused on his target, zooming in a couple of meters to a small wooden house at the village's far outskirt. The broken tiled roof, traditional fusuma and tatami walls were already as familiar as his own home, having seen both its interior and exterior from his everyday watching of the place. Sometimes he fears she had seen him, or even sensed his presence, but he was careful enough to mask his chakra. It was tricky, especially if her wolves are around and he has to place himself away from their tracking distance. Not to mention, it places great strain to his eyes and drains his chakra reserves quickly.
He watched her leave the house. Even if all colors were sapped from his special Byakuugan vision, he could still see how her red hair contrasted from her fair skin, how its loose tendrils frame her face. Her back was turned at him but he could still see-the fine brows, emerald eyes, lips curved in a rare smile.
It was the same face that haunted him in unguarded moments.
He saw her pause and tilt her head a little to the side, and for a moment he stiffened, heart beating madly in anticipation. Had she sensed him? It was only a few seconds but to him it felt longer as his eyes bored into hers and for a split-second he was convinced that the kunoichi had seen him. But then she walked on, and he sighed in relief.
She continued walking, her gait steady and he kept the distance between them as he leapt on to another tree, watching her movements with trained eyes. Soon, they both reached the village gates. The kunoichi stepped out and in a flash disappeared into the forest's shadows.
Fists clenched in determination, Hyuuga Neji followed.
"That's strange."
Tenten glanced at her watch then back to the empty training field. It was 6:00am, sharp, and her genius team mate is nowhere to be seen
It's their everyday routine to meet at this training ground to hone their skills. Sometimes when one of them have missions, the other would still go here and train. It's been going on since they were genin. At times, Lee would join them, and Gai-sensei too but most of the time, it's just her and Neji.
'Maybe he's got a mission,' Tenten mused, shrugging. Setting her weapons scroll on the ground, Tenten walked over to her target boards, straightening the straw dummies and adjusting their range. Usually when she and Neji trains, she skips target practice and instead she aims at Neji as he spun his Kaiten. But her training partner's not around and Tenten decided to set up her battered straw dummies for good old training with her weapons. After that, the kunoichi started with her routine of warm-ups, all the while thinking of the Hyuuga prodigy and his whereabouts.
Hyuuga Neji is a pretty easy man to understand. Only two things matter to him: his mission and his clan. That is why, even if he had already reached the level of Jounin, he continues to train and push himself to the limit. No wonder he's hailed as one of the best shinobi of her generation.
In the beginning Neji was an asshole. Tenten honestly thinks that. He was arrogant, demeaning and aloof. But after learning more of him, Tenten understood him. At some point, she could relate to how he's feeling and she warmed up to him to the point that she didn't mind his curt responses. In time, he opened up to her, Lee and Gai-sensei. Most people see Neji as arrogant and rude. He used to, that's true. But Tenten knew he has changed, and stoic as he is, she knew he's still capable of emotions-he just needs a lot of work on showing and accepting it.
The thought made the weapons mistress giggle. Neji has his own share of fangirls, although he seemed not to be aware of it. Tenten had been approached by random girls on numerous occasions, all wanting to know what made the Hyuuga tick-his likes, dislikes, preference in women-and time and again, Tenten had refused to give any answers. Sometimes she gives bogus answers just so they'd stop pestering her. But most often, Tenten would pretend she didn't know anything about Neji mainly because she has some selfishness in her too.
She didn't know when or how it started. All she knew was that she had noticed things about him that she hadn't before. Like how his arrogant smirk could send her heart into flipflops. How her name sounded different when he said it. How his intense gaze could make her feel hot and cold at the same time. And how, during difficult missions, he'd always make sure his Kaiten reaches her when some enemy brushes too close.
Tenten felt her cheeks burn just at her thoughts. She tried to brush it off as admiration for the prodigy-after all, he's one of the most sought-after shinobi of her age, being a Hyuuga and all. But as years passed, as they both grew up, she knew it was more than that. She felt it become something more.
The reason she pushes those fangirls away. The reason she turned down advances by fellow shinobi.
Tenten threw a kunai and it hit the dummy in the chest. Where the heart might've been.
"Who knew it would be him?"
Ino adjusted her bag on her back. Almost dragging her feet as she and her team made their way back to the village, she could only imagine the warm bath that's waiting for her at home. Of course, that comes after the debriefing with the Hokage.
Beside her was Chouji, who was eating another bag of chips. Ino sighed. Sometimes she envies his ability to enjoy the little things, like food. She's in this perpetual diet in the hopes of losing unwanted fat on her thighs.
A little in front of her and Chouji is Shikamaru, another of her childhood friend and long-time teammate. He is their leader on this mission. The Hokage trusts him due to his intelligence and aptitude in strategy-making. Tall, average-looking and lazy, Shikamaru doesn't look like the leader-type of person. Ino giggled. Ironic, that the person who hates responsibility is the one who often gets more.
Together, the three of them comprise the modern Ino-Shika-Chou trio. Just like their fathers, the three had perfected their teamwork and together, they specialize in espionage missions. Ino can infiltrate enemy lines with her skill in mind jutsus, Shikamaru has stealth due to his ability to manipulate shadows and Chouji provides diversion with his body expansion techniques. Together, their mission success rates could rival other teams who specialize in espionage too.
Ino's thoughts were disturbed when she saw a flash of red in her peripheral vision. Tense, she cocked her head towards the direction.
"What is it, Ino?" Shikamaru asked.
Not taking her eyes off the forest, Ino replied, "I saw someone."
Chouji and Shikamaru paused and looked at each other. They followed Ino's line of sight. Sure enough, someone was moving among the trees. Shikamaru moved defensively in front of Ino while Chouji continued to eat his chips. Whatever it is, the bulky shinobi knew he'd need energy to counter it.
After a few moments of tense waiting, the movement stopped. A tall figure emerged from the shadows. A kunoichi with red hair.
"Who are you and state your purpose," Shikamaru demanded, hand reaching for his kunai holster.
The kunoichi was undaunted. "I'm a Chuunin from Konoha," she said. "I'm returning from a... mission."
Ino-Shika-Chou saw the kunoichi's hitaite on her arm, bearing Konoha's symbol. The team relaxed at the knowledge of the girl's affiliation.
"Sorry," said Shikamaru. "We sensed movement and had to be sure."
"It's okay."
After a curt bow, the said kunoichi dashed off again, her speed impressing the remaining shinobi. As the team continued to walk back to the village, Ino suddenly snapped her fingers.
"Hah! I knew I've seen her somewhere!"
Shikamaru and Chouji looked at the blonde. "What are you talking about?" Shikamaru asked, annoyance in his voice. All he wanted was to go home and sleep the day away.
"The kunoichi," said Ino. "I thought she seemed familiar and that I've seen or known her before. I just remembered that she had been to the shop."
Shikamaru rolled his eyes. Trust Ino to remember trivial things. They continued walking. "So? She's from Konoha and a village like ours has a lot of shinobi that it's impossible to know every one of them."
"Yeah, but...aww, I didn't get her name!" Ino said, frowning. "She's pretty, don't you think?"
Shikamaru just shrugged. "Troublesome..."
The trio walked in silence until Chouji spoke. "Her name's Akira..."
Ino turned to him. "Eh? How did you know?"
"Everybody knows her," said Chouji, opening another bag of chips. "She's a year older than us in the Academy, I think." Beside him, Ino and Shikamaru were silent, trying to remember the redhead. Chouji sighed. "Tomato, remember? Shriveled tomato, that's what she was called back then."
At the mention of the old nickname, Ino gasped. "That's Akira?!" She looked at Chouji. "The scrawny girl? The one they said was-"
"Yes, yes, Ino, she's the same one! Now keep your voice down, we're still a few kilometers away from the village, we could still be attacked," Shikamaru admonished.
"But-how could-she was-" Ino spluttered. She can't believe it. The tall kunoichi was the Satsuna Akira? But the girl from the Academy was thin and lanky. The kunoichi now was...
"The wonders puberty can do," she muttered. As they neared the village gates, she saw the kunoichi's tall figure, speaking with one of the guards. After a while, she entered the gates.
Just mere seconds after Akira entered, another figure dashed by. Ino noticed the long hair and traditional robes. It was Hyuuga Neji.
The blonde kunoichi frowned. Only seconds separated the appearance of the two. And by the looks of it, the Hyuuga seemed in a rush, barely pausing as he went inside the village.
'Could they have been together?' Ino wondered. 'And if they were in the same mission, why did it seem like Neji was chasing her?'
Akira groaned, stretching her sore muscles. She enjoyed her three-day hike but she took a difficult trail this time that required climbing steep slopes. She wanted to rest the whole day.
Her hike was tiring. Venturing west, she came across tropical rainforests, wetter and murkier than Konoha's. She checked her map and figured she was nearing the border that separates Konoha from the rest of the Fire Country. It was a silent trek and Akira only had the company of birds and wildlife during her short stay. Her first night was peaceful, but the next ones weren't.
The Kageboshi had disturbed her once again. It was pure torture: her blood felt like fire and she was hoarse with screaming in pain. It was as if every pore in her body was aflame. Her heart was beating madly, she clawed at her skin until she bled, tears fell from her eyes. She was unconscious, only rage filled her. Even wild animals fled from her. Her mind was filled with malicious laughter and the sound of rattling chains. When she regained consciousness, it was as if a battle happened. Trees were slashed, the earth was trampled and her haori was tattered. Some embers were still burning. At the sight of her wounds, Akira crumpled and sobbed. How long would she have to endure this?
The rest of her hike was uneventful, although sometimes she felt that someone was following her. There were times that she felt the chakra of a shinobi but Akira shrugged it off. It could be another shinobi going to a mission. Or the ANBU Black Ops that were merely scouting the area.
Walking back to the village, she had encountered a shinobi team who appeared to be on their way back as well. She recognized the 'flower girl' and if only she wasn't ragged and tired, she would've thanked her more properly on that small favor with the flowers for her grandma. But Akira was bone-tired and was sure she looked like a mess, so she just said she was from a mission too.
Going back to Konoha she felt it again, that she was being followed. Coursing chakra to the ground, it was unfruitful. There were too many people walking around. She observed her surroundings. People ignored her and nobody was in her immediate vicinity. She wanted to summon Yuudai, but decided against it. If someone wanted to attack her, he/she would've done it when she was in the forest.
Sighing tiredly, she decided to go to Ichiraku's for a quick breakfast.
"Ohayou Akira-chan!" The old man greeted. "It has been a while. Are you back from a mission?"
Akira shrugged. "You can say that. One of those stir-fried noodles, please."
''Hai, hai. Geez, you look terrible. I'll add a fried egg to make you feel better, ne?"
"Arigato, Teuchi-san," Akira replied. As she sat, she caught sight of her reflection on one of the stall's mirrors. There were dark circles under her eyes and her hair was sticking out in all directions under her hasty bun. She inspected her arms. Her advanced healing had left her with no scars but a few small bruises were in their end-stages of healing. Teuchi was right, she looked terrible.
She sat in silence, tired eyes watching Teuchi's skilled hands as he prepared her meal. Beside him, Ayame was chopping vegetables.
A rustle and then someone occupied the seat next to her. Akira ignored the newcomer, until he spoke.
"One tempura miso please. Arigato."
Akira recognized that baritone. Frowning, she turned to see Neji beside her. Their eyes met and for a moment Akira felt dizzy just by looking at his intense stare.
She said nothing and continued watching Teuchi and Ayame. Beside her, Neji took a pair of chopsticks from the dispenser and laid it on the table.
"Oh, I'm sorry that you have to wait Akira-chan, the wok's still not hot enough," Teuchi said with an apologetic smile.
"Take your time, Teuchi-san," Akira replied, sighing tiredly.
"Here," said Ayame as she placed warm cups of tea in front of Akira and Neji. "Wow, you two look haggard. Was it a difficult mission?"
At this, Akira and Neji shared a glance. It was then that she noticed that he had dark circles under his eyes too. He looked calm as always, but Akira noticed the slight downward tilt of his lips and the drawn look on his face. His clothes also had a couple of mud streaks on it. She turned back to her cup of tea.
"Yeah it was," Neji replied curtly. He felt Akira give him a sideward glance and he ignored it.
Ayame sighed. "It really is difficult to be a shinobi, ne? You guys must be really good to be sent on difficult ones."
"Oi Ayame, finish chopping these before you stop and chat!"
"Hai, hai! Sorry Otou-san..."
As Ayame and Teuchi worked on their meals, Akira sipped at her tea. She tried to ignore the Hyuuga's presence but it was proving to be difficult for her. She could sense the light tapping of his fingers on the table, the flicker of his gaze and the strange pull he has on her. She was aware how close his arm was to hers and if she focused enough, she's certain she can sense his warmth. Secretly, she looked at him. How can he still look dashing, despite being tired?
And that brought her back to her original question. What sort of mission did he come from that he appeared to not have slept for three days?
Akira's stir-fried noodles arrived followed shortly by Neji's tempura miso. The two shinobi ate in silence, each occupied with their own thoughts. When they were done, they both paid and thanked Teuchi.
In an unspoken agreement, Neji and Akira walked home silently. Neji expected the kunoichi to turn him away with some rude comment, but she was uncharacteristically quiet. She was looking ahead, as if purposely avoiding his eyes. She looked exhausted. There were bags under her eyes, her haori had a long gash and her posture had a slight droop.
Unable to stand the silence, Akira spoke. "We were on a mission, huh."
She was referring to that lie he told Ayame earlier. "What was I supposed to say then?" Neji replied.
Akira paused walking and turned to him. "So. Were you?" Her green eyes flitted over his mud-streaked clothes.
Neji met her gaze. "I was." His eyes paused at a purple bruise that peeked from her torn haori. "You?"
"...Just on a hike," the kunoichi muttered. She saw him staring at her bruised shoulder and she hastily pulled her haori up. "It was authorized by the Hokage." She turned away from him but he stopped her. His grip on her arm was firm but not painful.
"You're hurt," he said, pale eyes boring into hers.
Akira felt her heart drum. "Yeah, I heal fast I'm-"
"A jinchuriki. I know what you are." Neji drew closer. "So?"
The kunoichi looked up at him, then to the ugly bruise at her shoulder. "I-I'm okay." She tried to pry her arm loose but he refused to let go.
"First it was your nose, now you have bruises," he let out an amused chuckle, although there was concern in his eyes. "What could be next?"
Akira returned his smirk with a frown. "It's not like I enjoy having injuries, you know. You have no idea how I'd love to leave—" She caught herself just in time, and she pulled her arm away from his hold. He refused to let go.
"Leave?" He cocked an eyebrow.
Akira only scowled and tried her best not to get lost in his eyes. She failed.
He was gazing at her with such intensity, she felt like he could read her mind.
Suddenly, she was aware of how close he stood, how she could almost feel his warmth, and she was afraid he could hear the unrhythmic beating of her heart, her ragged breath, or feel the warm course of her blood brought about by just his presence.
She wanted to push him away but something within her wanted to pull him close, lean her head against his strong shoulders, breathe him in. A strange rush of emotions filled her. There was one she distinctly recognized though.
Why does he have this effect on her?
A strange force seemed to pull them to each other, and she could feel the sudden surge of warm desire to lean up, press herself close against him—
She forced herself to think clearly, and she stepped back and shrugged her arm loose from his hold. "No," she whispered, suddenly out of breath. Akira fixed her expression into a passive mask.
"Neji," his name tasted different in her tongue. She inhaled deeply and opening her eyes, met his. "Just don't."
His lavender orbs bored deep into her emeralds and he remained silent. His eyes took in her pale skin, the rays of the morning sun bouncing off her red hair, framing her face with muted sunlight.
She stepped back slowly, putting a distance between them. "Please." Without another look, she turned away and left, disappearing into the crowd of villagers.
Neji remained standing for a few moments, not minding the bustle of people around him. He followed her with his eyes, seeing her retreating figure even after she had gone.
He saw it happen. Saw her bleed, saw how she was engulfed in a chakra so massive, he was unable to get close. He heard her scream, heard her plead.
He released a deep breath he wasn't aware he was holding. His thoughts about the Satsuna surprised him, more so his actions. And he feared that if she hadn't stepped back, if she hadn't pushed him away, he may have—
Neji walked on and shook his head, as if clearing it. Everything about her screamed danger, but just like a moth drawn towards the flame, he is drawn to her.
The weeks passed swiftly. To Akira's eyes, each day passed in a blur. She taught at the Academy, trained Hanabi afterwards, did some training with the wolves. Her days were pretty much the same, it was the nights that were different.
The Kageboshi haunted her in her sleep. It used to be dormant, but now it was becoming active. In the past, the Kageboshi awakens when she's experiencing intense emotions: pain, rage, sadness. Her grandmother had always warned her to keep her heart in check, to "fill her heart with so much happiness to counter the ball of hate that is the Kageboshi". In her sleep, the Kageboshi arises to give her nightmares of all those she cared for-Inoue, Hayate, Iruka, Naruto, Hanabi, her wolves. And in her nightmares, they all died by her hands.
The second time it happened, she awoke screaming, her body still convulsing with dark chakra. She begun to have trouble sleeping, fearing that when she closes her eyes, the Kageboshi will take over and be successful in destroying her this time. But she willed herself to face her fears and so every night, she goes to bed afraid but determined to win.
It's not always that the Kageboshi bothers her though. There are nights when she does not have nightmares, but actual dreams. Sometimes all she could remember was seeing a woman with green eyes. Sometimes it's a man with the same red hair as hers. She couldn't recognize them for their features were often blurred. But she always felt content after seeing them. And then, she started dreaming of him.
The details are not always clear, but she could remember him distinctly. In her dreams, they do not talk. But he'd always be there, and to her, that felt enough.
That dream was only the first of many she'll have of him.
Neji stood up from underneath the oak tree. Adjusting his Hyuuga robes, he made his way back to the compound. He and Tenten had finished training for the morning and he had asked that their afternoon session be cancelled for the time being.
"Oh, okay," said Tenten, brown eyes wide. "But why?"
"I have to make a report for the mission I had," Neji replied. "We'll train tomorrow."
Tenten nodded. ''Okay Neji. I'll go eat at that dumpling shop. You wanna go?"
He shook his head. "Thank you, but no."
When Tenten had left, he sat under the oak tree-his favorite meditation spot-and tried to meditate and clear his mind. He was unsuccessful though, because when he closes his eyes, he sees her.
He sighed. It has been going on since that day at the street. No, since they came back from Nadeshiko. He had tried to understand why- why her, why him? He knew he had to see her, know every fiber of her being-even the darkest shadow of her psyche. He just doesn't understand why.
Why is it that the more he reminds himself not to get entangled with her, the more he becomes?
The irony of it consumes him. He had tried to brush it off as mere admiration-he's still a man after all and has been more than aware that the Satsuna is a beauty. One of the very few as far as he's concerned.
But the strange pull at his very core whenever she crosses his mind. The sudden desire to shield her as she wreaked havoc in that forest. What is it? Why? Why had she become a permanent fixture in his mind? In his dreams, in unguarded moments?
Hyuuga Neji reminded himself that he's shinobi. A shinobi abandons all emotions. There is only the mission, nothing else, nothing more.
He was arrived at the Hyuuga compound. He ignored the servants that greeted him and went inside his room. He closed the door and locked himself in his own cold world. Away from any emotions. Away from anyone. Away, even from her.
Tsunade's desk was littered with the recent mission reports from the various teams she had sent out. Shizune had arranged them earlier according to urgency: ANBU mission reports were compiled at the rightmost of her desk, tagged with RED which means most urgent. Next were reports on Class B missions. Then C-D. The E missions from genin teams were on Shizune's desk-the Hokage is way too busy to read reports on poultry-feeding and the likes.
Shinobi Suzume's report was classified along the ANBU's. Tsunade sifted through the small pile and read his first.
A multitude of expressions crossed on the fair Hokage's features. A small proud smile, a couple of nods for his progress, a frown of concern at a new information. Taking a pen from her drawer, Tsunade wrote some notes at the side of Suzume's report. Then with a sigh, she stamped her emblem on the paper and set it aside. She'll get back on it later.
While alarm is warranted for that new information her shinobi gathered, Tsunade wanted to act with precision. There's currently few resources that could help her contain the situation. Unfortunately, the main person who can help her is long dead and although an existing jutsu can summon her back, it is forbidden. She knew Jiraiya can help her with it, but as of late she has no information where her fellow Sannin is.
Cupping her cheek, Tsunade hoped she had made the right decision of placing her bet on Suzume. Everybody knows that she sucks at gambling.
Akira shook her head at the sorry state of her fence. Most of it had fallen out of place, the wood destroyed by the elements and the thick rope that bound it already frayed. There's no denying it. She needed to repair the fence or else risk leaving her house unprotected.
"Oh shit," she grumbled to herself as she searched for appropriate tools in her backyard. She found her old axe, hammer and a few rusty nails. Yuudai suggested to replace it with chicken wire, but Akira thought that it might be not enough. She then decided to repair the wooden fence and reinforce it with chicken wire. The problem is, she doesn't have chicken wire.
While she went to the store to buy some materials, she tasked Akai and Kuroi to take down the old fence. Yuudai and Kishi were in charge of procuring wood from the nearby forest while Sachiko was to keep watch of the house.
Akira entered the hardware store tentatively. There were men at the counter, busy discussing tools and stuff. They paused to stare at Akira as she approached.
"E-Excuse me," she said to the storekeeper.
"What?" he said rudely.
Akira swallowed her growing irritation and said politely, "I need 2 boxes of nails, chicken wire and rope. Please."
The man looked at her from head to toe before asking, "What do you need it for?"
Before Akira could reply, one of the men said, "What else? To build a coop to keep herself in." The group sniggered. "Heh. Monsters like her shouldn't be allowed out."
"Better keep her in a leash, then! Haha!"
Akira's hand went to her katana, anger slowly boiling. "I came here politely. Just give me what I need and I won't have to prove just how evil a monster I am."
The group of men looked at each other. One of them, a tall, bearish man approached her.
"What are you so proud about, Satsuna?" he growled. "That puny stick of yours? That you're shinobi? Heh. You may be shinobi but you teach in that crummy school."
"Just give me what I need," Akira said in a low voice. She doesn't want to get into a fight, she only wanted to fix her fence. The man continued to glare at her and his peers had surrounded her too. Akira pushed her katana by the hilt, ready to unsheathe.
"Is there a problem?"
Akira whipped around. Hyuuga Neji was standing by the threshold.
"What is it to you?" one of the men retorted. The small group stood up. Neji was undaunted. He stepped inside the store and stood beside Akira.
"I believe she was asking politely," he said. His voice was calm but Akira could hear the threat in it.
"So? Bitch like her shouldn't even be here." A tall burly man nodded towards Akira. "Yo, you better go back to that shithole you came from. Demon bitch.
Akira felt blood rush up to her face from both humiliation and anger. Before she could lash though, there was a flurry of movement-the burly man aimed a punch that was intended for Akira but Neji caught his fist. The burly man froze in his tracks. His pals gave a collective gasp and turned their attention to the Hyuuga who had his Byakugan activated.
"Why you son of a—"
"Hey easy, easy!" said the shop owner, stepping between Neji and the other men.
"I don't give a fuck about their prissy asses—"
"Idiot! Look again! It's a Hyuuga and a jounin! You seriously want to go back to jail?"
When the group did not answer, the shop owner turned to Neji. "I'm sorry, Hyuuga-san. Please..." He started to fumble around his merchandise. In a few seconds, all the things Akira needed were in a bag and her wire and rope were neatly rolled. The storekeeper handed it to Akira, nervously glancing at Neji. "Here, Akira-san. It's 450 ryo, the box of nails is free."
Akira paid the said amount silently. Beside her, she could feel Neji's chakra signature flaring slightly although his face was impassive. His eyes were dark with cool anger, however.
The rest of the group remained silent as the pair left.
"Are you okay?" he asked as soon as they were on the street.
The kunoichi turned to Neji, a scowl on her face. "You didn't have to do that. I can take care of myself."
"I know you can."
The scowl disappeared from Akira's face and was replaced with a confused look. "What?"
"Nobody said or did anything about that brawl you had with Saito because he's shinobi," said Neji. He gazed at the Satsuna. "But those were civilians. If you harmed them over a petty thing, what do you think would happen?"
Akira bit her lip, realizing the wisdom behind his words. If she had engaged those men, and lost control of her bijuu... Comprehension dawned on her and she bowed her head.
"Thank you," she muttered, unable to meet his eyes.
He only nodded in reply.
Akira hacked at another log, beads of sweat on her brows. Beside her, Sachiko was busy sorting out chopped wood.
After that brief encounter with Neji at the hardware store, Akira immediately set to work on her fence. Her wolves were busy as well-except for Kishi who had dozed off. Akira let the blue wolf be.
She placed another log in place and briefly paused to admire her handiwork. It has been a while since she did some menial task and while it is physically tiring, it was mentally refreshing. No need to analyze dreams and emotions.
Akira was about to hack onto another log when she felt her wolves tense. Kishi woke up, ears perked, eyes alert. She gripped her axe tighter and coursed chakra to the ground. Someone was approaching.
"There's someone Hime," Kuroi said. Instinctively, the wolves growled towards the coming presence, eyes wide.
Yuudai, sniffed the air. "It's familiar..."
Sachiko then barked happily. "Ah! It smells of Inuzuka!"
True enough, the forms of Kiba and Akamaru emerged. Akira shook her head.
'What is he doing here?' She thought.
Kiba approached, a wolfish grin on his face. "Hey there, hot stuff!" Beside him, Akamaru whimpered.
Akira glared at the brunette. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Uh, how about 'Ohayo, Kiba! I am thrilled to see your handsome face!' Try that?"
Akira rolled her eyes at the brunette's teasing. Seeing that the newcomer did not pose a threat, the Ookami stood down and resumed their activities. Akira turned her back at Kiba and hacked at the log once more.
Kiba looked around. Five huge wolves and a whole lot of logs. He shook his head.
"Making a fence?" he asked, walking around the Satsuna's lawn. Akira remained silent and ignored him.
Meanwhile, Akamaru had joined Yuudai and Sachiko. Kiba watched as the kunoichi hacked the axe and split the logs in two. Smirking, he was impressed at her strength and endurance. He approached her tentatively.
The two were silent for a few moments as Kiba watched Akira work. She did not tell him to go away so he assumed his company was welcome. Just then, the kunoichi faced him with her axe raised.
"What do you want?" she demanded.
Kiba eyed the axe warily. He knew she's well-versed in weaponry and with the way she's glaring, she looked kinda scary.
"I just missed you," he said, eyes teasing.
Akira glared daggers at Kiba. "Shut up."
"Do you always treat men like this?"
"Answer my question Inuzuka or else I'll have the wolves rip you after I hack you with this!"
"Okay, okay. Damn...scary, that's what you are..." Kiba scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Alright, princess, I just wanna hang out with you. Let's go?"
Akira raised a fine brow at the Inuzuka's teasing smirk.
Kiba grinned. "You heard me, princess."
She crossed her arms. "You do see I'm working, right?"
Akira stared at Kiba, eyes scanning his tall and muscular built, his messy hair, teasing eyes and wolfish grin. She felt his sincerity underneath the flirtatious remarks. She had an idea.
"Okay dog-boy," Akira said, smirking. She leaned against her axe. "I'll go on a date with you."
Kiba's eyes lit up. "Really? Heh. Yes!"
His grin disappeared when he saw her outstretched hand with the axe.
"W-what-princess what's-"
"You want a date, right? And technically a date means two people doing a shared activity and enjoying each other's company. So," Akira grinned. "Start chopping."
Kiba wordlessly took the axe, mouth agape. "This is your idea of a date?!"
Akira shrugged. "We're together, we're doing something fun...stop complaining or I'll really kick you out." She started to walk away and gather the logs on one pile.
Kiba shook his head, still unbelieving. Sighing he took off his leather jacket and hung it on a stray tree branch. He came here to ask the girl out-he's been thinking of how to do so for days now. He knew the kunoichi has aversion to people but that's exactly why she should go out with him—so that she won't feel lonely. Also, and Kiba won't deny it, he was truly interested in her. He sees no reason not to befriend the Satsuna.
"Get those muscles working Kiba and stop staring at me," Akira called out bluntly.
Kiba grinned, flexing his arm as he picked up the axe. "Just watch princess. This fence will be up in no time."
Akira rolled her eyes yet again. "Just get on with it," she said, throwing a stray log at his direction. "And for the record, only my wolves can call me princess."
Kiba chuckled. With a teasing glint in his eyes, he replied, "Hot stuff it is, then!"
Additional Notes:
I feel like Akira and Neji had to have a lot of interactions to justify their feelings for each other. Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to have a romantic relationship if they only knew each other by mere glances or curt meetings. That is why I added an extra scene--the one where Neji 'scares off' the thugs in the hardware store. I know that may seem cliche, you know, when the male protagonist protects the female protagonist from bullies etc etc, but I simply did not intend it to be merely romantic. Instead, I wanted Akira to think about her actions more carefully. She has the tendency to be impulsive, and there are several instances where it showed:
1. her very desire to defect from Konoha,
2. when she disciplines her students, especially with that Takeo brat who was tardy. let's admit it, she did went overboard (although it was badass, lol),
3. in Nadeshiko, when she wanted to attack the unknown enemy ninja in spite of Tsunade's strict order to only gather info. Neji had to remind her time and again about it,
4. her brawl with Saito,
5. and now, if Neji wasn't there, she might've already wounded those men who said nasty things about her. which in turn would be disadvantageous for Akira.
So in that scene, where Neji interferes with the thugs and Akira, Neji sorts of becomes the rational voice that tells her to slow down and not do something rash. It was quite indirect, and easy to miss if you do not squint enough.
Oh well. That's it and I'm sorry for the long notes. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
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