She's Not A Prize

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I would have Neptune on another team with characters based off of Zeus/Jupiter, Hades/Pluto, and Apollo.


Weiss' POV

"... That is the dumbest bull I have ever heard." Looking to my side I see (Y/N) actually scowling at the three. I didn't even think (Y/N) could be angry. Apparently, the others didn't like (Y/N)'s reaction because Neptune, Pluto, and Jupiter reached for their gun, staff, and spear respectively.

"What do you mean?" Jupiter practically growls out. Despite having three hunters ready to attack him (Y/N) just stares them down without even reaching for his own weapon. What is he up to? In a calm voice, he retorts.

"Exactly what I said. That idea is stupid and frankly just childish. Not only is this immature but just plain disrespectful." Neptune steps up to (Y/N) to the point that their noses are almost touching.

"Well if you feel so disrespected then leave." (Y/N) scoffs which catches Neptune off guard enough that he backs away.

"I'm not the one you are disrespecting." (Y/N) then points a finger towards me. "She is." All three of them look shocked before taking offense to what was just said.

"What you think we are not worth or something?" The shortest of the three is next to speak.

"Yeah I don't think you deserve someone like Weiss." Before any of them could respond (Y/N) pushes on with his voice progressively getting angrier and angrier. "All I have heard about you three and all I have seen you three do is fight over Weiss like a bunch of children fighting over a toy. Like she is some inanimate object for you to win, a trophy to lord over others. Did you ever stop to ask what her opinion was of you three or even give her feelings a second thought? Have you ever taken her opinion into consideration or tried to talk this through like rational people? Or have you just been concerned with trying to get something that the other two don't have? Hell if you want an example then look no further than right flipping now! You just suggested we fight to see who gets to date Weiss and none of you asked Weiss for her opinion. Instead, you just asked a total stranger you just met to participate in your little "duel". How do you expect anyone to see that as a reasonable and logical thing to do?! So yeah none of you deserve anyone if you are just going to treat that person the way you have treated Weiss!" Everyone has stopped to look at the commotion that is us or more accurately looks at those three and (Y/N). I have never heard his like this before. First, he shows whatever side that was back at the CCT and now this? Looking over at the three dunces I can see all of them are just as startled as I and the various other onlookers are. Despite Neptune having one of the most versatile weapons I have ever seen, Jupiter being a head taller than (Y/N) and much more muscular, and Pluto having one of the most useful semblances out there all three are actually scared of (Y/N). And (Y/N) doesn't even know all that! Well, I am sure he can see the thing with Jupiter but still. He hasn't drawn his weapon or made any attempt to and from my knowledge hasn't activated any type of semblance. No, he is just standing there glaring them all down. And he is winning! There is definitely more to (Y/N) then I gave credit. The other three just stand there for a few seconds before looking at each other. From the looks of them, it almost looks like they are having a silent conversation. While they are silently conversing (Y/N) finally notices the crowd of people that he has gathered. The moment he looks up most of them leave with only the stupidest or most stubborn of the spectators who are dispersed with a glare from (Y/N). Once they are all gone we stand there for a few minutes in silence as the colorful trio silently converse. The three finally finish and turn back to (Y/N) who looks back at them. Pluto speaks first.

"Give us a minute." (Y/N) nods while the three turn to me. Neptune takes lead.

"Weiss I-... we are sorry about how we have acted. So what do you think?" What do I think? What do I think?! I am furious with these three for doing this! I am angry that you have been acting like this for so long! I am even angrier that you have tried to drag (Y/N) into your little quarrel! You complete and utter dunces! Shaking my head I take a deep breath.

"I agree with (Y/N). You three have acted childish and idiotic. You have in your vain attempts to woo me ruined any chance that all three of you had at starting an actual relationship with me." The Pluto remains silent, while Neptune nods. Jupiter, however, does not seem to like what I just said. Given the looks that (Y/N), Neptune, Pluto, and I are giving him Jupiter seems content with keeping his opinion to himself. Good, I didn't want to deal with that drama. Neptune responds.

"Alright, we'll leave you alone then. Sorry for causing you so much trouble Weiss." Jupiter storms off as Neptune says that. Once he is gone Pluto walks by me.

"Sorry." Pluto leaves just as quickly as he says that and (Y/N) and I are alone again. Said man takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Um sorry about that Snow."

"What? What on Remanent are you apologizing for?" He shrugs and looks away embarrassed.

"For shouting and getting angry like I did. Kinda turned your problem into a spectacle which I really should not have done."

"Well, yes, you gathered attention that I usually wouldn't appreciate but given how you went about solving the problem that was unavoidable. Plus you broke the crowd apart just as fast as you gathered them so no harm done to justify an apology."

"Yeah I should have tried to find a better way to handle all this..."

"(Y/N)." When he doesn't look at my I put a little more authority in my voice. "(Y/N) look at me." Once he does I step closer to him. "Do you know how long I have been dealing with those three and their fighting?"

"A week or so right?"

"Exactly and in all that time I have tried to settle this with diplomacy and you can see where that has led us. All you did was what I was going to eventually do. You just did it louder than I would have."

"Yeah but..."

"Oh stop being a dunce! You don't need to apologize so don't!" He sighs and nods.

"Alright alright, I'll stop."

"Good you are learning."

"Oh, I'm sooo complimented." He rolls his eyes while chuckling to himself.

"Now what?" He shrugs.

"I'll be honest I don't feel too perky after all that so would you mind if we try and continue this later."

"I can understand that. Tomorrow then?" He nods with a smile. "Alright, we will meet at the park around four." The next thing I do is a surprise to even myself. I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Good. See you tomorrow." While walking away from him I turn back a little to see a shocked (Y/N) just standing there. Honestly, I am excited for tomorrow. Interesting.


And its over. That's all folks!... Not really there are two more chapters. Honestly I think this would have been an unsatisfying end to the story so like heck I will leave it at that. Anyways have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this.  

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