Second Encounter

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I would have gone more in depth in how the school systems in Remnant function.


A Couple of Days Later

Weiss' POV

Walking around Vale was definitely a good idea. I will have to thank Yang for distracting those three buffoons for me. Arg I am honestly starting to wonder why I wanted to date Neptune so much before. If he can not get over this childish behavior I doubt I will continue our relationship much further. Shaking my head I try to calm myself down. Remember Weiss you came out here to forget your current worries not dwell on them even more. Just as I round the corner I bump into someone and I am knocked to the ground.

"Hey!" In a deep voice, the other person responds.

"Oh, I am sorry... miss?" Looking towards who is speaking I see a young man in casual clothes with an (F/C) hoodie and some jeans. Upon closer examination, I see that he has (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes and a halberd strapped to his back. He looks awfully familiar. "Have we meet before? Like in a similar situation to this?" Then it hits me like a truck.

"You're that boy who I bumped into the other day!" I jump up as I exclaim that. He then snaps his fingers.

"Yeah you're right. You're Weiss.... Snow? Saber? Yuuki?"

"What? No, its Schnee. Where did you get Yuuki from?" I cross my arms and he sheepishly grins and rubs the back of his neck.

"Hehe sorry. We didn't really talk much last time so I didn't really get your name right. Sorry." I let out a sigh and put my arms back down.

"It is fine. I really shouldn't be too hard on you since what you said is true." For some reason, he looks concerned for me.

"Hey you okay?" I scoff at that.

"What do you care? We have met two times on accident so it's not like we are friends." He holds his hands up in defense.

"Whoa whoa I didn't mean to intrude or anything like that. You just looked upset and I thought maybe I would help or something. No foul play here." My glare disappears and I let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry. You were just trying to be nice and I responded like a child. I have just been dealing with some less than desirable things right now causing me to be angry and lash out at you. My current situation, however, does not excuse my childish behavior." He smiles at me.

"It's cool really." How is he so laid back about this? I just treated him so poorly on our first meeting and this one yet he still has not raised his voice or anything. He must be up to something. I mean I am Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schnee Dust company so he has got to be doing all this to get something. Maybe he wants a job or is looking to get a relative a job. Maybe he is trying to get to my money. Whatever the reason is I will have to show him that Weiss Schnee is no one to mess with. Coming out of my thoughts I look back into his direction. Wait where did he go? Looking around me I find him walking away from me and is already a few blocks away. How did he move so fast?

"Hey!" He turns towards me with a confused face as I storm down the sidewalk to him. Once I get to him I let him have it, "It is quite rude to just walk away like that."

"Oh sorry but you just kinda spaced out for a few minutes and so I thought the conversation was over."

"What? I did not "space out"." How dare he try and blame me.

"Yeah after I said that it was fine you just got lost in thought. I waited a couple of minutes but when you still didn't move I just made sure you were not in the middle of the sidewalk and started back to what I was doing." Did I really get so lost in thought as to not notice him leaving? That's ridiculous! Then again it explains how he got so far away so fast. I feel two hands on my shoulders that are gently shaking me. Coming out of my thoughts I see the young man looking at me with a little concern. "You back with the rest of us?" Oh my Oum I did space out of him. I must be more stressed than I thought. My face starts to heat up.

"W-what are you talking about? Of course, I am still here." He lets go of my shoulders and I cross my arms while turning my head to the side. He shakes his head and laughs.

"Okay, Snowflake I get it." I still don't look at him. I have made a dunce of myself in front of this stranger. What would Winter say? "Hey I can get that you are a little stressed and stuff so how about you hang out with me? I was on my way to get some food so maybe you could join me?" I look him dead in the eyes.

"Are you asking me on a date?" Before I can continue he interrupts me.

"No no, I wasn't trying to ask you out I was just trying to help you out. I think just going somewhere and chilling for a few could really help you unwind and I just thought maybe we could just do that over lunch."

"Why would you do that for me? We just meet not that long ago?" He shrugs his shoulders.

"Just trying to be nice that's all." Why is he so casual about this? But he does raise a good point. Getting my mind off of this whole "rivalry" thing would do me some good. Plus looking him over I notice he is decently built and carries himself and that weapon on his back with confidence so if one of those childish dunces or some other idiot gets some bright ideas I could probably scare them off with him if Myrtenaster doesn't do the trick.

"Okay, I will take you up on that offer." He smiles a toothy grin.

"Alright let's go get us some food!" I roll my eyes at his behavior.

"Must you be so loud?" He just grins as we walk to wherever it is he wanted to go.

"Hey, it's all a part of my charm." I roll my eyes.


"Hehe so anyways what do you want to talk about while we head to our food." Think over his question I realize I know next to nothing about this person. Do I even know his name? Alright, play it cool Weiss just ask him about himself and see if he mentions it.

"Actually I would like to know more about the person that I am going to break bread with."

"What little ol' me?" I nod my head. "Well let's see where to start? Hmm... Oh how about I say my name? I know I didn't quite get your name right earlier so you probably don't know mine."

"Are you assuming I don't know your name? You know what they say about assuming?" He then finishes before I can.

"Yeah, it makes an ass out of you and Ming." He then nervously looks around before leaning in close to me. "I don't know who this Ming character is so I don't want to piss them off." I then hit his shoulder.

"How childish are you?" And why am I still hanging around this guy? He laughs at the hit and moves back to normal.

"Anyways the name's (Y/N) Gray. Nice and easy to remember once you know it."

"Well, Mr. Gray care to share any more about yourself?" He puts his hand on his chin and thinks for a little bit.

"Well, I am training to become a huntsmen. I guess you probably could guess that though given the halberd on my back." He points to said weapon.

"Oh, so you are here with your school in preparation for the Vytal Festival and the Vytal Tournament? How come I haven't seen you at Beacon then?"

"Well, I don't actually go to school to become a huntsmen." I stop and stare at him. So he's just a civilian trying to pass off as a huntsmen? What an irresponsible, immature, irritating, insufferable ignoramus! My hand rests on Myrtenaster when he finally notices that I stopped and turns to look at me.

"Then how exactly are you training to become a huntsman?"

"Oh well, I guess the closest thing to what I am doing would be called home school."


"Yeah you see my mom's a huntress and former teacher of Atlas. After she had me and learned that I wanted to become a huntsman she decided to train me herself. Between you and me my mom is one of the sweetest people out there but she can have a bit of an ego at times which is what helped her to decide that the best form of education for me was to just be taught by her."

"Even if she was a teacher that doesn't fully qualify her to teach you the entirety of becoming a huntsman and you will not be recognized by anyone as a real hunter. For Pete's sake, you will probably get arrested for impersonating a hunter."

"Oh no see it got worked out. As long as I can pass each of the schools' final exams I will be recognized as a real huntsman." My hand falls from my weapon.

"They really do that?" He nods his head. "How?" He then motions for me to follow him.

"I'll explain on the way to the food. Come on." He starts walking and I rush to catch up with him. Once I am at his side he starts talking. "So like I said my mom is a certified teacher so under normal circumstances as in if I wanted any other job she would already be certified to homeschool me and since she is a hunter too she would be allowed to teach at any of the schools too." I nod my head in understanding. "Well she went to the head council of each kingdom and after a lot of debating with some help from General Ironwood and both of my parents pulling some strings I was able to get homeschooled as long as I passed some specific criteria set by each of the schools then I will be a real hunter." ...Wow. That... That is weird. I didn't even know that was possible.

"What are these criteria then?"

"Well, you go to school for four years and take tests and finals and all that right?" I nod my head. Of course, I do all of that. Those are key parts of about every school or at least every school after middle school. "Well, once I reached the age when I would normally be going into a high school or one of the hunter schools was when I officially", he puts air quotes around officially, "started my huntsmen training. Every year since that start I have had to take a test that is equivalent to all your paper finals combined."

"Wait how long have you been doing this?"

"Oh, I would be a second year if I was in your school with you."

"Well, what else do you do?"

"Well like I said when I get to the point of graduating I will have to take the final of each school."

"This sounds like just a bunch of tests to me. Why don't you just go to a normal school?"

"Well, in all honesty, I just have to take one test each year and that is it. I honestly don't have to do much besides that. As long as I pass the tests then no one cares what else I do and if it was not for my mom being so strict then I might actually not doing as much." He then shrugs. "So yeah I do this and that and but all and all I kinda go at my own pace so it's not that bad." Wow, this sounds pretty different to me. Before I can ask him anything else he stops walking. "Here we are." Looking up I can see that he has led me to the exact same cafe that Blake, Sun, Neptune, and I were at when this whole thing started. I let out a groan. "You okay?" He looks at me with concern.

"It's just this is where my current troubles began." He nods his head.

"We can go somewhere else if you want? I am sure we can find some other place to get some grub." Why is he so nice?

"No, its fine. Come let's get some lunch." Before he can protest I walk into the place causing him to follow. After we get our food and find a table to sit at I try to continue the earlier conversation. "So you have to take a special test every now and again?"

"Yeah and a couple of other smaller things but those aren't much. Hey, we have been talking about me a lot today so why don't we talk about you, Snow?"

"It is Schnee."

"I know." I let out a sigh.

"Well, what do you want to know about me?" He ponders a little bit on this before saying something else.

"Well if you do not mind telling me this what is it that is bothering you so much?" What? That is private. As I glare at him he raises his hands in defense. "Whoa, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. I just thought it might help you to talk about the problem, you know?" He has a point and I don't like that.

"Okay." He rests his arms on the table and looks at me. "Well, this guy I like started to act in a way that he previously didn't act and has continued to act this way."

"Well what was he like before and how is he acting now?"

"Before he was very charming, kind, and funny. He would always know what to say to make me smile and was for a lack of a better term smooth. I dislike that term." Did I not just say that out loud? Oh Oum I did! Looking over at (Y/N) I see that he is still intently listening to me. Again why is he being so nice? "Well after the incident that happened here he has constantly been arguing and competing with two others over who gets my affection and who I belong to. Like I am some kind of prize to win and not a person!" He sits there for a little bit and stares at the table. Well if he is going to just sit there then I am going to eat my food. Just as I am finishing he looks up from the table.

"Okay, I am not going to claim I am the best at relationships like these because I honestly have never been in one but what it sounds like from what you have told me is that these two people are what caused this change right?"

"Yes." Oh, Oum, he is not going to suggestion something moronic like beating the other two up or getting them expelled from school, is he?

"Well, why don't you try to talk to all three of them and see exactly why they are acting like this and then seen if you can come to some form of understanding? Heck, maybe you will even help them not only bury the hatchet but also help them become friends."

"The three can't even look at each other without nearly breaking out into a fight, how am I going to get them to sit down and converse civilly?"

"Well, you don't have to get them to chat all at once. Maybe you could get them to talk to you as individuals and then, later on, see if you can get them to chat with each other after building some trust with you." He has a bit of a point there.

"Okay I will try your idea but if it fails you owe me. Got it?" He smiles and nods his head.

"Sure I'll just take you out to lunch like now but pay for your food instead."

"Oh no, you are not getting off that easy. No, if your advice fails then you are taking me out to do anything I want for a day. Deal?"

"Whoa Snow that sounds an awful lot like a date to me? Is this flirting I hear?" He leans in and wiggles his eyebrows just like Yang does when she teases me and most likely will do if she learns about this.

"No it is most certainly not me flirting with you and if is definitely not a date. Your idea if it fails will undoubtedly lead to further headaches in the future and I am simply making sure that I will at least gain something from all this." I grab his shirt collar and make him look me in the eyes. "It is not a date so I do not want to hear any rumors that will say otherwise.." He nods his head.

"Okay okay, I get it, Snow. You won't be hearing anything that said says otherwise. At least not from me." That's what I wanted to hear. Nodding I let go of his shirt.

"Good now eat your food I don't want it to go to waste." He grins his stupid grin.

"You sound like my mom." He then starts to eat his food. I roll my eyes. He will be busy for a little bit with that. Honestly, his plan may work. I mean I do not really know why Neptune and the other two are acting the way they are and truthfully I only know the other's names and that they have good taste in women given that they wish to date me. Those two could honestly be the victims of something Neptune did be it accidental or on purpose and are just acting against him in response for that. Whatever the case maybe I should at least try and put a stop to their excessive bickering and barbaric fighting. Looking over at him I see him beat his chest and he lets out a satisfying sigh.

"You ate all that food that fast? Did you chew or did you just inhale the food?" He starts laughing at that and I roll my eyes at him. "Whatever let's just get going." I get up from the table and he follows behind.

"Look, Snow, I am just saying to give them a chance okay?" I nod my head.

"Fine but you still owe me if it fails."


"Deal." He then looks at his scroll.

"Well, I gotta get goin Snow. I wish you the best of luck with this whole thing." I nod my head.

"Thank you for your help and thank you for listening and talking to me. Have a nice day." He nods his head and starts to head off into a different direction as I head back to Beacon.


Honestly I kinda like the relationship between Weiss and Neptune in show so that is maybe why I am making him act so OOC because I couldn't imagine any other way to do this. Well that and I wanted to work a Greek/Roman mythology reference in because I love that stuff but semantics. So sorry for changing Nep's personality and like before have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this. 

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