
Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I would provide more ship tease for Monochrome. At least enough to make it a valid ship in my mind.


A Week Later

Weiss's POV

Sighing I sit down on a park bench and try to relax. I haven't seen (Y/N) since he helped us fight Torchwick a week ago and I for the life of me I can not find that dunce anywhere. When I want to find him I can't find a trace of him yet when I am trying to just walk around Vale I run into him everywhere. I am almost starting to think he was stalking me with how hard it is to find him now. No, he wasn't stalking you, Weiss. You are just assuming he is like so many others that you have had to deal with in the past. From how he as treated me and acted around me I don't think he is like all of them. He has not shown any of the same traits as those in the past and even in his little actions he has always treated me like any other person. Plus if he was like the others and only wanted me for my connections and wealth why would he try to help me with my relationship problems? That would be the opposite of what his goals would be. While sitting there a shadow overcomes comes me. Looking up I am greeted by the same goofy grin of the young man I was looking for.

"Hey, Snow." He makes like he is going to say something else but I lounge and hug him. "Whoa Snow I don't know what's gotten into you but I kinda like it." I shoot him a glare.

"What do you mean what's gotten into me?! Last I saw you was when you were thrown off the highway by the Atlesian Paladin! Which by the way was a week ago!" He laughs and rubs one of his ears.

"Hey, now no need to shout like that." He laughs a bit more as I scowl at him. "Geez, I didn't know you cared so much. I'm touched."

"You dunce. I was only worried about you because I am not some heartless witch. Don't read too much into it." He grins again while looking at me.

"Oh? Then why are you still hugging me?" Looking down I see that my arms are still around him and his are still around me. I feel my face heat up as I unwrap my arms from him and try to pull away. Luckily he doesn't resist my efforts which judging by his looks and from how he performed while fighting the mech if he wanted to hold onto me then he could. Crossing my arms I look away from him with a huff.

"I wasn't hugging you." He laughs again and I shoot him the best glare I can. "I can't believe I spent my time looking for a dunce like you."

"Yeah what's up with that? Did you need something?"

"I was looking for you to see if you were okay remember?!" He thinks for a second before nodding.

"Fair enough Snow. Fair enough." His goofy grin turns into a smaller smile. "Thank you for that. I am sorry if I caused you to worry." His words are sincere and his voice loses the joking tone to it. Maybe he is not as childish as I thought.

"As you should be." Uncrossing my arms I look at him again. "I am glad you are okay." The large grin quickly returns as he rubs the back of his head. "So what happened to you anyways? I know Sun landed near a little food stand and just ate some dinner but he did not see you land nearby him." He stops rubbing his head.

"Oh well as luck would have it I landed in a dumpster." Before I can ask he answers me. "No nothing was broken and I am not hurt or anything like that though I did stink to high heaven afterwards so maybe it was a good thing you and your friends hadn't found me. Would have been a less than stellar first impression for the rest of your team."

"Well given how well you handled yourself in the fight both my other teammates and Sun were impressed so I believe you made a good enough impression on them."

"Oh cool now if only I knew who you were talking about." I roll my eyes.

"Sun was the monkey faunus that you fought with against the Paladin. I doubt you saw my teammates Yang or Blake." He places a finger to his chin and he thinks before shaking his head no. "Thought so. So is that it? You just landed in a dumpster?" He shakes his head again.

"Well turns out the thing was also infested with Rattas so I had to deal with those things too. Then after I killed all those little buggers the trash truck showed up and dumped the trash. Nearly got crushed by the compactor if it wasn't for some quick-wittedness on my part." He smirks and taps his head as if to highlight his point. Scratch what I said earlier he is just as childish as I first thought.

"Well, at least you made it out okay."

"Yup." He continues to smile. Just as I am about to say something else a thought comes to mind.

"(Y/N)?" He stops smiling and looks at me.

"What's up, Snow?" I groan.

"Again with the insistence of Snow. It is Schnee (Y/N)." His response is that same silly grin that I am getting to used to. "Whatever that is beside the point. Do you remember what I said about my problem with those three children?" He thinks for a second.

"Um, the three guys that are flirting with you?" I nod. "Hmm, I can't seem to remember."

"Well as I said a week ago your advice did not work. In fact, I think their incisive and juvenile attempts at wooing me have actually increased." (Y/N) genuinely looks surprised at that.

"Really? You'd think they would get the message."

"I know right!" Taking a deep breath I try to calm myself down a little bit before I continue. "Focus Weiss. What I was getting to was that since your advice did not work out you owe me a date." Again he gets into deep thought before responding.

"Oh, now I remember. If I remember correctly I have to pay for the meal this time. That's not so bad though I don't know if I still owe you given how you ditched me in the dumpster." What? That was not a part of the deal? Sly devil trying to get out of it.

"Oh no (Y/N). You said that you would pay me back with dinner and you are not weaseling your way out of this."

"Well how about we have reached an impasse. How about we meet a middle ground?" I roll my eyes.

"Oh? What do you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking that we go see a movie that I want to see. Then afterwards we can go out to wherever you want to eat dinner at." I open my mouth to protest but he continues before I can. "Now don't worry I will pay for all of it like I said. I just wanted to go to the movies and didn't want to go all by myself. I was on the way there now so..." I roll my eyes at his comment. I shrug and let out a sigh.

"Oh fine. I guess that works out. Plus we will at least have something to talk about after it's over at dinner." He smiles and claps his hands together in excitement.

"See and I didn't even think of that!" He laughs a little bit after that. To be honest (Y/N) and Ruby's happy demeanors seem to be growing on me because his laughing is actually making me smile! Unbelievable. I am pulled from my thoughts by (Y/N). "Well, we should probably head to the theater before we miss the movies."

"Agreed." With that, we head over to the movies.

Time skip to after the movie

"Well, that wasn't so bad now was it?" (Y/N) makes some strange hand gesture while talking.

"As much as I may cringe to attempt it, yes that movie was surprisingly entertaining. The opening was a surprisingly good catch, the twist was definitely a surprise, and the ending was satisfying." (Y/N) puts his arms behind his head and keeps walking while stretching.

"Yeah it was pretty good but to be honest the pacing was a little off."


"Yeah, they focused little too much on the exposition and the "small moments" were too plentiful and dragged on. Maybe if they were to cut some of them out and shortened a couple that they keep then the movie would be better. Or go in the opposite direction and add/lengthen all the other scenes so that it can balance out the "small moments". Close your mouth Snow or else you'll catch flies." After a moment I shake my head and close my mouth. Who is this and what have they done with my (Y/N)? Eh?! I mean (Y/N) not my (Y/N)! Why would he be mine we aren't even dating. Though we someone could argue that we are technically on a date... No Weiss get it together! Shaking my head I focus back on (Y/N) and gather my thoughts.

"Okay where on Remnant did that come from?" (Y/N) shrugs his shoulders and keeps walking.

"I was just talking with you about the movie. Did I say somethin wrong?"

"No, I just did not expect that from you."

"What you didn't expect me to have an opinion?"

"Well no I just did not expect you to give a critique of the movie like that." He raises and eyebrow and looks at me without turning his head.

"Oh and what exactly did you expect then Snow?"

"I don't know. Maybe something more along the lines of they needed more action or that the main character should "man up" and not worry so much." (Y/N) snickers before responding to me.

"The movie wasn't meant to be just an action movie and the main character was acting like a how a person would act given that their family was dead and their love was thought to have died too. Also, I think "woman up" would be a better saying given that that the main character was a she and always identified as such." I roll my eyes at that last little joke.

"Really you are going to argue semantics (Y/N)?" He chuckles again.

"No, I just wanted to laugh a little at your reaction." I hit his shoulder and he smirks at me. "In all seriousness, you were assuming again weren't you?"

"I do not have to answer that."

"Nice save their Snow." I roll my eyes again which I am honestly getting too used to with him. "But in all seriousness, I learned about literature with my mom and I wound up liking storytelling. I know it's weird and in all honesty kinda useless since I want to be a huntsmen but I like it. Surprised?"

"A little but I really should not be given what you have shown me so far."

"What's that mean?"

"Well for starters you haven't acted like a lot of the people that I have dealt with in my life, you are a homeschooled huntsmen-in-training, a skilled fighter, and you happen to have an interest in literature. You are a unique one."

"Hehe coming from you I will take that as a compliment."

"As you should."

"We should get going to that restaurant or wherever it is you want to go to get dinner. If we keep chatting now then we won't having anything to talk about over food." He does have a point.

"Alright follow me and you better have your wallet ready because I am going to give it a workout."

"Alright then let's-" Before (Y/N) can finish a loud shout interrupts him.

"Weiss!" Looking over we both see a triad of people heading our way. Upon closer inspection, I can see its Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto heading over here. Oh Oum not them anyone but them. Heck, I would even take Xiao Long and her childish antics if I didn't have to put up with these three. Especially now with (Y/N) here. Who knows how they will react. Neptune is the first to speak when they get to us.

"Hey, Snow Angel I have been looking for you all day." Jupiter quickly cuts him off and shoves him to the side.

"Yeah, Snowflake you've been gone all day. I wanted to take you out on a date today. Guess we could still go get something to eat and then head back to my dorm for some Dustflix." (Y/N) tries to speak up.

"Well, we were-" This time Neptune shoves Jupiter away.

"Hey, I was talking to her Thunderhead!" Pluto finally speaks up.

"Plus I highly doubt you just want to watch Dustflix back at your dorm. Miss Schnee wouldn't be so shallow or stupid as to fall for your tricks." Electricity fills the air as Jupiter gets angry.

"Oh, what you and Seaweed Head over here are double teaming me now?" Both Neptune and Pluto roll their eyes.

"Yeah as if."

"Like hell, that would happen." Are their respective responses. Jupiter gets a sleazy grin.

"Besides why would she want to hang with an emo potty mouth like you." Neptune scoffs. "And you can shut up hypocrite sailor." The three have finally hit the breaking point and have now devolved into a group of neanderthals yelling at each other like their interactions usually do. (Y/N) gently nudges my side.

"So I'm guessing these are the three you mentioned earlier?" Resting my forehead in my hand I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Sadly yes." The three continue to squabble as we talk. "Look they are going to be like this for some time now. Let's just go get our food."

"You sure?" My glare answers him. "Yeah you're sure." Neptune, however, turns to see us as we start to leave.

"Hey, Snow Angel where are you going?" This catches the other two's attention. Great. Turning back to them I answer the buffoons.

"(Y/N) was so kind as to offer to pay for my dinner so HIM and I are going to go eat." I try to put as much emphasis in there so the three know not to insert themselves into the situation. Of course, they don't listen.

"Oh if you are hungry I could buy you and me some dinner." While Pluto offers dinner Jupiter comes over and glares at (Y/N).

"Who the heck are you and when did you get here?" (Y/N) looks a little confused.

"Well, Snow just said my name and I have been here the entire time." All three of the others scowl.

"Snow?! What the hell are you doing calling her Snow!?" (Y/N) just grins.

"Oh, that's my nickname for Weiss. It bugs the heck out of her and her reactions are cute and funny to watch." I knew that's why he does that! Once we are away from these three I will have to give him a piece of my mind. But for now, we will have to deal with them and judging from their reactions to (Y/N)'s answer they are not happy.

"Where do you get off messing with her like that?!" Jupiter points a finger in his face as Neptune steps up to join them. (Y/N looks confused.

"Um, I-" Neptune quickly cuts him off.

"Yeah trying to take my girl out on a date. You need to back off buddy." His date?!?

"Wait, Snow ne-" Now it's Pluto's turn to interrupt me.

"Well, these two idiots being wrong aside they do have a point. You need to know your place. You have no right."

"My place? My right?" Before (Y/N) can continue the three glare at him and all take a step forth. Alright, this has gone on long enough!

"Enough!" All four of them jump a little at the sudden noise and look at me. "You three have done nothing but argue and yell at each other for weeks now. Now you want to mess with a friend of mine? What is wrong with you?" The trinity in question all look at each other for a few minutes. Hey, maybe I have gotten through to them at last. Neptune is the first to speak.

"Snow Angel is right."

"Arguing will get us nowhere." Jupiter nods at what Pluto just said.

"So it's decided. Us three plus this (Y/N) guy" Jupiter jabs his thumb in the direction of (Y/N) "are going to settle this once and for all with a fight and whoever wins gets Snowflake over there.." ... Or maybe I put too much hope in them.


More OOC Neptune for you all. Sorry to any Neptune fans out there. I really have nothing against him because he is pretty cool and I like him. I just kinda need him to be a bit of a douche for this. Plus in all honesty in my mind you can not have a character based off of one of the big three Olympians gods and not expect someone to add in the other two to complete the triumvirate. I also could see Rooster Teeth doing this or having the other two but invert the relationship and have all three be best buddies since they are know to both follow people's expectations and make something like the rest would or go the opposite way to just mess with people. Yeah I know its kinda weird but look at their track record and then try to argue with me. Anyways that should be it until I get on winter break so hope you liked it and have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this.  

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