Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I would have tried to foreshadow Weiss' summoning abilities a little bit more.
"Okay so we can just call up your company and we can get the documents that we need?" I let out a frustrated sigh.
"For the umpteenth time yes all we have to do is go to the communication tower and call my family company and we can get the recent dust shipment files. Now please stop asking me that question." Ruby blushes in embarrassment and rubs the back of her neck.
"Hehe sorry." I roll my eyes. Childish. I really should not be so harsh on her. My current angry state of mind is not her fault. No, it's those dunces Jupiter's, Neptune's, and Pluto's fault. I still can't believe that not one of them was willing to talk this out like normal people and instead just tried to flirt with me. While walking I accidently walk into someone and fall down on the sidewalk.
"Weiss, are you okay?" Looking up I see (Y/N) turning around. Once he sees me he smiles like a kid.
"Hey, Snow. You know we really got to stop meeting like this." He extends his hand and pulls me up. "Unless this is just how you like flirting with me."
"Oh shut up you dunce." He and Ruby laugh at me as I cross my arms. Figures these two children would get along so well. Ruby stops laughing and turns to him while smiling.
"You must be (Y/N)." He grins and nods his head.
"Yeah, that's me!" Ruby's smile grows.
"Weiss has been talking about you a lot. Like almost every day she talks about you!"
"Ruby!?" I shriek as (Y/N) grins more.
"Oh does she now? What exactly does she say about little ol' me?" I smack Ruby and (Y/N) on the back of their heads yet they still grin. (Y/N) then straightens up. "Alright, then what are you two up to on this fine day? Doing some school work or are you two on a date and I just happened to interrupt it?" Both Ruby and I are taken back by his question.
"What?! No! Like I would ever date this dunce!" Ruby shakes her head.
"Hey! What's that mean?" I turn to (Y/N) instead of responding to Ruby.
"No, we are not out on a date. She's even dating someone!" Ruby blushes and follows up.
"Hey, you don't have to go telling everyone! But she is right we are not out of a date. We are um trying to find out some info for a school project. Yeah, that's it hehe." She looks away while touching the tips of her fingers together. Ruby you dunce! If he wasn't skeptical of us before then he will most definitely be suspicious now. Looking over at him, however, I see he is still smiling like before. Could he really be so dense as to believe that?
"Oh, I see. Sorry about assuming that." I smirk after he says that.
"You know what they say about people who assume?" He starts laughing while Ruby looks on in confusion.
"What's so funny?" (Y/N) keeps laughing and much to my cringe I begin to laugh with him.
"Nothing Ruby. It's nothing." She crosses her arms and pouts like a child. (Y/N) stops laughing.
"Well, I guess that I should get going then." Ruby instantly perks up.
"Wait! You can join us if you want?"
"What? Ruby I, though-" Before I could finish (Y/N) chimes in.
"Yeah sure. I don't have much else to do today." How rude of him to interrupt me like that.
"Awesome!" Ruby! You are not helping! Seeing how excited she is and that grin plastered on (Y/N)'s face I doubt I can talk them out of this.
"Fine!" Ruby jumps up and down in excitement. Then something catches her attention.
"Wait is that... Penny?" Looking over to where she is looking I see a small redheaded girl within an old looking blouse and short overalls. She turns her head after hearing Ruby's shout as if responding to my team leader. Ruby does have a point though this green eyed girl does look quite similar to that peculiar girl we meet a while ago. Or at least Ruby thinks so. "It is Penny! Penny! Over here!" The girl notices us but instead of responding she turns tail and runs. "What?" Before either (Y/N) or I could do anything Ruby sprints past us while yelling to that girl.
"Oh, that dunce! What does she even think she is doing leaving me here like that?" (Y/N) starts laughing again. "And what do you think you are laughing at?"
"Okay if she is like that all the time I may have to hang out with you guys some more."
"Whatever. You want to come with me or not?" There he goes grinning again. Why does he do that so much?
"Alright, Snow let's go."
"I said its Schnee, not Snow."
"I know." And that's pretty much how it went until we reached the communication tower. (Y/N) constantly doing or saying something that gets under my skin and me berating him for his childish behavior. Once we reached the entrance of the CCT tower he turns to me. "So what were you two actually up to?" Great job covering our tracks Ruby.
"She really didn't do a convincing job now did she?"
"No, but she tried so I thought I may humor her for a little while. Now back to the question."
"Well, what are you doing here?"
"Now you are just dodging the question, Snow." He is really not going to drop this now, is he? Oum is he stubborn. With a sigh I relent.
"Look if I tell you this then you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone, okay?" He nods his head. "(Y/N) I have to hear you say it."
"Weiss I promise not to tell anyone as long as it isn't illegal." He placed his hand over his heart just to emphasize the point. Though the action is childish I can tell he means what he is saying.
"Alright, so you know about all the dust robberies happening?" He nods. "Well the police and the public seem to think that it is the White Fang's doing and my team and I want to try and prove that they are not responsible. Ruby and I came here to get copies of the current Schnee Dust company shipments to see about any recent attacks by the White Fang. There are you happy now?" He nods his head again.
"Dang really beats out what I am doing here. Well, you want me to leave so you can work in peace?" I sigh again.
"Well, Ruby has already ditched me so some company would be appreciated. Even if it's some dunce like your's." He places his hand over his heart and feigned being hurt and I can't help but laugh at his little display. "Well let's get going then." I enter the CCT with (Y/N) following behind. Once out of the elevator we part ways after checking in with the holographic secretary. (Y/N) sits on the other side of the room so at least he's considerate enough to give me some privacy. Once seated I wait for the monitor to connect me to Atlas. The screen soon lights up with the face of our youngest and newest secretary. Oh, what was her name again?
"Thank you for calling the Atlas- Oh Miss Schnee? Good afternoon. Would you like me to patch you through to your father? I think you sister Winter might be here as well." Her attitude changes once she sees who she is talking to. I hate when people do that. Oh well, I smile and wave off her question.
"No thank you. I was actually wondering if you could find some files for me." I grab my scroll from my pocket. "I have compiled a short list." After placing my scroll down the machine makes a few noises to signify that it has successfully transferred the information to the secretary. She is taken back slightly as she looks over the list.
"I see..." She looks back up and makes eye contact. "If you don't mind... What may I ask is this for?" I shrug my shoulders and muster up the cheeriest voice I can.
"School project." She doesn't seem to buy it.
"Um, there are some sensitive documents on this list ma'am."
"Well, then I'll be sure to treat them with care." Reluctantly she gives in.
"Right... Very well. The data is being transferred to you scroll now." As she speaks the computer makes a similar assortment of beeping noises. I smile at her.
"Wonderful. That will be all then."
"Are you sure you wouldn't like me to patch you through to your father before you go?" Gods stop bringing up my father!
"Yes, I'm sure."
"Well then have a nice day." The screen goes black and my face finally relaxes. Okay, Weiss, you got what you need just-
"That was an ugly smile." I snap around to see (Y/N) at me. What's with that concerned look on his face and what did he say about my smile? "You really shouldn't fake smiles like that." What? How did he...? No, he's bluffing. Calming down I stand and straighten my dress.
"I don't know what you are referring to (Y/N) and might I say that is quite rude to say that to someone." He shakes his head while I walk past him with a huff.
"Whatever you say, Snow." He catches up to me at the lift and we ride the elevator down in silence. Once on the ground floor we exit the elevator and head out to the streets. (Y/N) keeps glancing over at me as we leaving and honestly I am getting tired of it. Once we are outside I finally break the silence.
"It's also quite rude to stare you know. Though given who I am talking to I am not very surprised." He chuckles and shakes his head.
"Yeah, the truth can be rude at times."
"What are you talking about you, dunce? Truth? Please, whatever you think you are saying is wrong."
"Oh, then why did you keep flinching when she mentioned your father?" Did I do that? Before I can answer he keeps going. "Or why did you have to practice smiling before talking? Or why did you physically relax like you did once the monitor shutdown?" He is so insufferable! He saw all that?! He's not necessarily wrong about those last two, though.
"I thought you were at the other end of the room dealing with your own business." (Y/N) shrugs his shoulders.
"Yeah I got done with my stuff earlier than I thought I would. Weiss, you shouldn't try and put up a show like that for others. Especially if it is at your own expense."
"I will... think about it (Y/N)." I still don't get why he cares like that nor do I understand why it feels nice when he shows that concern to me. Wait did he just call me Weiss? "Wait did you-" He smiles and puts his hands behind his head.
"Alright, I think we should try and go meet up with your friend Ruby." (Y/N) starts walking off in the direction that Ruby went. I quickly catch up with.
"Right we should do that." He smiles after I say that. My scroll sounds off in my pocket. "Oh, that could be them now." I pull out my scroll and turn it on.
"Them? I thought it was just Little Red."
"No the rest of my team plus a... friend I suppose were off doing their own thing too." (Y/N) nods as I answer my scroll. Before I can greet whoever is calling me Blake's yells can be heard from the scroll.
"Everyone! If you can hear me we need back-" Then Sun interrupts her.
"Help!" I roll my eyes. What has that dunce gotten himself and Blake into?
"Hey look at that. You were right." Groaning I respond to him.
"Thank you, Captain Obvious."
"Actually it would be Commander Obvious. I'd like to think I would rank higher than a captain." Oh, why do I spend time with him again?
"Whatever. Let's just head out to join them." I rush off towards the warehouse that Blake said the White Fang meeting was with (Y/N) close behind me. While running there we pass by the highways and I can see just what the two fauni were having trouble with. Blake and Sun are currently hopping from car to car as an Atlesian Paladin pursues them. Judging from the looks of it this is model 290 which are not even out yet. Whoever is in there must have some real connections to be able to get their hands on that. Looking over at (Y/N) I see a glint in his eyes and a grin grow on his face. Oh please don't tell me he's... Before I can finish that thought (Y/N) sprints forward and jumps onto the highway. Riding a speeding car like a surfboard he catches up with and overtakes the Paladin but jumps off before he can meet Sun and Blake. It's like that dunce is asking to get killed! Standing in the middle of the street (Y/N) pulls his halberd from his back and aims the point at the machine as he fires a couple of rounds at it. The machine plows through them like they are nothing and barrels towards (Y/N) with its arm raised in the air poised to strike. At the last minute (Y/N) jumps out of the way of the mechanical fist and then runs up the arm while hacking away at it with his weapon. Sun seems to take note of the lack of mechanical weapons chasing him and turns back to see (Y/N) jumping over the machine's head and shooting at it. I start sprinting towards them as Sun jumps back to help (Y/N). (Y/N) better not get himself killed. (Y/N) lands on a passing car to the other side of the Paladin just as Sun is getting close with his bo staff ready. Grabbing ahold of one end of the staff (Y/N) throws Sun to the machine who then starts wailing on it. It's weird how those two are fighting so well together. Oh well, whatever keeps them alive. The two boys each start attacking its right side with (Y/N) focusing on the arm and Sun on the leg. Dunces that gives it the chance to knock you away! Just as I think that the Paladin does just that by knocking (Y/N) off the side of the road as it grabs Sun and throws him to the other side of the highway.
"(Y/N)!" Rushing forward I drop down in front of it and freeze the ground beneath me. With a smirk, I watch as it goes tumbling towards the edge of the road and soon falls to the ground below. Following suite, I am soon joined by the rest of my team as we engage in combat with the Paladin. After a few good hits, we have him on the ropes despite taking some hits ourselves. The machine then readies it's cannon and aims it at us while the voice of who I presume is Roman Torchwick comes out of the Paladin.
"Well Red, it's been fun hanging with you and your crew of goodie two shoes but I best be on my way and judging by how much you've been having fun you won't let me go so soon." The weapon finishes charging. "So to ensure that we leave on good terms I am giving you a parting gift. As in it will leave parts of you all over the place." He starts cackling like crazy. I know the cannon he is using and I know for a fact that not even Ruby will be able to outrun the shot when he fires. Before he can fire however a cabal wraps around the barrel of the gun and pulls it upward causing the energy blast to fire into what I hope is an empty building. The building is quickly reduced to rubble. We would definitely not have survived that. As I look back to the machine an Atlesian soldier lands in front of the four of use. In his hands is the cable that helped save our lives. Ruby then rushes the soldier.
"Are you a huntsmen?!" Roman then shouts after fully recovering.
"Really? Again? Red what is with you and hunters?" Before Ruby can respond the soldier answers in a commanding voice.
"Roman Torchwick you are hereby under arrest-" So our savior is a he. Before he can even finish he is interrupted by Roman.
"Oh let me guess you are going to read me my rights or are you going to ask me if I will surrender. Well, save your breath buddy. I ain't going nowhere so why do you take your little speech and shove it." About as eloquent of a speech as Roman will ever say.
"So you are resisting arrest?" Torchwick grows even more irritated from this man's words.
"Yes, I am resisting arrest you fu-" Before Roman can call the hunter a name that is not suitable for Ruby to hear the hunter throws his cable at the machine and breaks the cockpit. The unique weapon then wraps around Torchwick. Once he knows the redheaded criminal is secured the hunter yanks the cable and Roman comes flying towards all of us. He is only stopped when he meets the closed fist of our huntsmen savior. With an "ompf" the mobster falls to the ground unconscious. How did he do that?! And why does his voice remind me of someone?
Before anyone can do anything a blade comes straight for the hunter's neck which he quickly blocks with the armor on his arm almost as if he knew this would happen. He pushes the sword away and a multicolored girl of a petite frame lands a few feet away from him. The huntsman lets out a frustrated sigh as he turns to my team and I.
"White hair, yellow, and cat faunus keep Roman down." How dare he refer to me as that! Before I can give him a piece of my mind he turns to Ruby. "You use your gun to keep the other perpetrator off balance while I fight her." Yang tries to protest about how a stranger expects us to follow his orders like this but he sends us a glare that chills even me to the bone. He then rushes the short newcomer and fighters her off while Ruby does her best to do as he commanded. Blake then tugs my shoulder and motions to the now unconscious Roman Torchwick at our feet. Tearing my eyes away from the spectacle before us I help my teammate tie Roman up. We finish just in time to see the hunter choke slam the other criminal to the ground. It may have accomplished the intended task but I say this was too brutal even for her. He quickly subdues the short criminal and walks over to use. He soon undoes our work of wrapping up Roman and ties the mob boss up with his associate. Once done he speaks to us in that strangely familiar voice.
"Though I do not approve of your vigilante actions I applaud your skill to hold your own against the latest Atlas mech. I will have to inform the general of its shortcomings the next he and I meet." How dare he judge us like that! Yang speaks before I can speak my mind.
"Little much there? I mean they are criminals but wow." Sirens soon fill the air as a bullhead flies overhead. The hunter stares at whoever is in the bullhead for a little bit before it flies away. He turns back to us.
"I will handle the authorities. You four best get back to Beacon." Yang soon protests.
"What and give you all the credit for the capture?"
"And also leave me the blame of what is most likely countless amounts of property damage while you four get off Scot free." He does have a good point which even Yang sees given how she stops protesting. "Good now get out of here before the police see any of you." Why does that voice sound so familiar? I am shaken from my thoughts be Ruby's voice.
"Come on Weiss let's go!" Shaking my head I notice that my teammates are already heading towards Beacon. Did I blank out again? Swiftly I turn and join my team. Good thing (Y/N) wasn't here to see me black out like that. Otherwise, he would be teasing me like usual. Wait I forgot about (Y/N)!
(Y/N)'s POV
Well, that could have gone better. Landed in a dumpster with my weapon shoved somewhere I don't want to say and covered in trash and rats. At least I think they are rats. Maybe they are mice. Whatever. My everything hurts but at least nothing is broken, though. Wonder how Weiss and her friends are doing. What was up with that monkey guy? His semblance was pretty cool. Hope they're okay. Hey, what's that crawling over my foot? Oh, those little guys crawling around aren't rats or mice but Rattas... Oh CRAP!
FINALLY DONE! I will keep this short. Sorry it took so long to get it out and I hope you enjoyed it. Have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this.
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