chapter 4 : the reason

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Back to story...

Now in their first night...

Abhi: y r u screaming... Come on babe... We r married... I'm all urs...

pragya: how dare u??? Don't come near me... Or I will...... ( saying this she closed her eyes tightly... After 5 sec she heard laughing sound... She opened her eyes slowly.. None other than our hero abhi only laughing badly at her condition clutching his stomach... Pragya just got confused and glared  him... )

abhi: hey... Haaaa haaaa haaaa🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣... Wow... Semma.. Oh god.... I can't control.. See how ur face looks... It's priceless.. Like a frightened cat..( Hearing this... She just changed like a wild cat giving him deathly glare...)

OK OK cool... I just teased u and I really loved to do that... That's it... But u look damn hot when u get irritated u know.. ( hearing this she blushes slightly unknown to her)... I know u r not ready for this marriage... U want to call of this.. Everything I know... Bt I have no other options than marrying u... U don't understand this.. Ryt?( she simply nods ) hmm... U will understand when right time comes... Leave it... We just need time to know each other... So until then we will try to become friends... I will not force u for anything.. So don't panic.. It never suits u my dear bubblymass.. Nice nick name na😂... OK don't ask or say anything I'm damn tired.. Let me sleep..

pragya: ( she didn't know what to do.. She is in utter shock and surprised at his acts) heyyy... Don't call me that bubblymass... Call me by my name... Or else I will kill u.... And I also need sleep... Where would you want me to sleep??? Haan... Come on get down.. I want to sleep in bed.. Becoz its my house And my bed...

abhi: ohh ok.. let me call u by ur name.... BUBBLYMASS... 😆 it really suits u... And I'm not going to sleep anywhere but here in this bed.. I'll never get down... If u want u get down.. Or I think u fear that can't control urself around me😉... ( saying this he winks at her)

Pragya: what the hell r u thinking?  No I will sleep beside u not even my little finger touching u.... And u idiot don't call me that... Or else I will call u panda...😂🤣.. I know u didn't like this name.. U already said this in one interview... Don't forget I was once ur fan....

abhi: heyyyy.... Don't dare to call me like that... U BUBBLYMASS.....

pragya: PANDAAAA....

abhi: shut up and sleep... BUBBLYMASS...

pragya: OK PANDA.. good night

( they both dozed off... The next day morning..)

Pragya felt hard in her bed. Her bed is not soft like befire and she is wrapped by something... Slowly she opened her eyes... The first thing she saw is his face innocently sleeping like a child... Seeing him like this... She smiled lightly... Then reality striked her... Actually she is lying over him... He wrapped his hands over her waist like holding a fav toy possessively... She tried her best to get rid of him without waking him up... But he tightened his grip... She feels numb when he touched her... She is lost for a second in his close proximity... She never had feeling like this... Then his wrap tightened even more around her waist... She starts shivering with his closeness... She starts sweating... She tried to free herself from his hold... Then he loosened his grip little .. When she suddenly tried to get up.. One of her sweat drop reached his cheeks..

He irritatedly open his eyes immediately... He saw everywhere like a lost child.. Then he realized what happened then... He suddenly taken aback... Seeing him waking up, she immediately runs from there to washroom... abhi just thinking what was happened and got unknown feelings and a unknown smile in his lips unknown to him...

Aftr that they both spend 3 days in her home.. They talked little in front of her parents and her sissy.. They pretend like happy couples... But in room they both remained silent.. Just good morning and good night wishes. Sometimes they talk but only like strangers or staring each other... Sleeping in same bed but building a pillow wall in between them to avoid embarrassment... In these 3 days pragya tried to tell abhi about her disease and her state... But due to situation and disturbance... She didn't tell that to him... But she is already planned and determined to tell him...
Then after that... they went to Mumbai...

In plane...

Both felt bored..

pragya: oyeee.. Shall we talk for sometime.. It's boring.

abhi: yeah me too... Tell me something...

pragya: shall I ask u something?.

abhi: oh already prepared ah... OK go ahead...

pragya: how u know me?  Why u chose me? ( she didn't know why she ask this first.. Because all she planned is to tell him the truth first.. )

abhi: oh I know... U will ask this only... OK let me tell u the story..

First I met u in ur CLG cultural.. I came there as a chief guest... I think u remember that... (She nodded) That day when I finished my program, I wanted to go for restroom.. So without my bodyguards I saw the restroom which is near the canteen.. So I went there.. After coming out, I saw u sat alone in canteen enjoying ur puffs... I wonder y u r alone in canteen instead of enjoying with ur friends in culturals then u went to ur CLG casualty...

I assumed u r a internie.. Without my knowledge so many of ur CLG student surrounded me... I felt locked and uncomfortable.. Then my guards come in right time to save me..

Then I came to the hospital as well as ur college for the meeting which is with ur principal, without anyone notice.. Their I saw u talking with one old man and a child... Actually to be honest.. U r looking cute when u played with that child... I heard ur conversation with them .. U r so dedicated and innocent.. That time my mom called me, unknowingly I told her everything about you... Already she wanted me to marry someone good.. First time I'm talking about a girl to her.. So she become curious to know u who made this abhishek to talk about a girl... Then hearing all this she came to CLG after 30 mins... And she liked u at first sight.. Then she enquires about u to principal.. Actually he is our family friend... After that only we came to know that we r ur relative's frnds.. Then because of mom and dad's business trip, They arranged all this suddenly... That's it..

pragya: ohh.. 🙄

abhi: What ohhh!!  I'm telling this big story.. U r simply nodding ohhh!...

pragya: then wat else should I say? I'm bored more now ... Good night( with a contented heart and satisfied smile she dozed off... But she didn't express it.. Because if she express.. She will definitely blushes without her control..)

abhi: oh god.. Damn... Hereafter I will not tell u anything.. Even if u kneel down in front of me!! BUBBLYMASS...😒😒

pragya: good night PANDA..

abhi: bad night BUBBLYMASS..

Parents of abhi went on a business trip to abroad for more than 2 months... Because of urgent work came in their abroad branch.. Both ranjini and neil were business tycoons... So unable to avoid this they went.. So only they arranged his marriage within 6 days...
Now Abhigya reached in Mumbai airport....

As our hero arrived... Every media reporters ran behind him... Bt abhi didn't look at them and walked fastly.. Neither he introduce pragya as his wife nor even he look or walk near her... Slowly pragya walks behind him from 10 steps distance.. And in a secured place they saw a car which is abhi's... Then they both sat in passenger seat and reach abhi's home...

It is a huge mansion... Pragya just got stunned by his mansion looking it with o shape in her mouth... s
Seeing her, abhi chuckled and hearing this she came into senses.. Then they both enter... Abhi already arranged a room for her... He directs her to her room... Pragya just watched his home with widened eyes and excited expression...

Then she entered her room... She is stunned for few seconds.. There is a lot of dress and accessories for her and the room is neatly arranged with exact needy things... Everything is perfect there... Then they both freshen up and had their breakfast, lunch everything...

Still she didn't ask him the question which is revolving around her mind and she didn't tell him the truth which is bothering her...

The question is ' why he didn't introduce me to media?? Then Why he married me?? Why he didn't talk with me properly or didn't give me a chance to talk?? What he really wants from me?? What is his intentions to marry me instead of so many rich girls revolving around him like love sick puppy?? Even I refuse to did this marriage but he agrees.. Why?? Why??? Whyyyyy??? '

Having lot of questions in her mind.. She dozed off...

Abhi just thinking about her innocent smile and childish behavior when she sees his mansion, He chuckled himself... Bt thinking deeply how to answer her unsolved question.. He get little tensed.. But thinking the reason why he chose her.. He felt little satisfied... He thought to leave it for a while.. Then after when right time comes he will told her everything... Then he dozed off

In the morning... In abhi's room...

Pragya enters abhi's room with a cup of tea with wet hair wearing black Saree... She slowly call him...

pragya; hellooo abhishek... Get up...

abhi: hey arjun( his bestie and PA ).. Go man... Let me sleep for a while... I'm so tired...

pragya; ohh aanhaan panda... See if u won't get up.. I will show my another face! ( placing the coffee mug at the table near bed.. Put her hands on her waist)

abhi: hey arjun... How ur voice become so soft... Oh wat u told... u r talking against ur boss.. Then see my another face...( saying this he push her in his bed and starts to tickle her)

Actually arjun is not only his employee.. He is his buddy.. Arjun was actually staying with him. He went to saw his father who is working as PA for abhi's dad. That's why he was not there the previous day when they arrived.
Prags was dumbstruck by his sudden act.. She felt shivers running through her spine when he touched and tickled her..  She laughs unable to control...

abhi: hey ajju... U became lean.. Soft.. How u become like this within this one week?

Then they heard one voice...

Arjun: I'm sorry guys.. I should have knocked... I'm sorry...( saying this.. He chuckled.. Seeing his buddy who refused and hated love and marriage to the core is lying over his wife tickling her)

abhi: ( opening his eyes slowly, he realized the happenings) hey... Bubbly mass... Uuuuuuu!!. Howwwww?? Ajjjuuuu!!. U thereee!! 

pragya: please move I Want to get up... U r heavy...( panting heavily because of continuous laughing,  she said this)

arjun: I'm sorry prags... And I'm sorry buddy.. I came in wrong time... I forgot that u two were newly married... ( with a teasing smirk on his face to abhi and with a naughty look to prags)

abhi: (hearing this all he felt embarrassed) sorry ajju I will talk to u later... ( then he turns to pragya) oyeeee... Get up and get out... BUBBLYMASS...

pragya: hey PANDA... I just came to give this and u r the one who embarrassed me in front of my ajju bro...

abhi: wat??? I?? No... U only responsible for this.. U should have knocked... Or at least u should told ur name... And ur ajju bro???

pragya: hey shut up.. U didn't even give a chance to tell my name.. And of course yes he is my ajju bro.. He became close to me today morning itself... He is really sweet.. I wonder how he became a buddy for u beast panda...

abhi: enough.. I admit its my mistake... Of course he is my buddy and only mine.. U don't have any rights to question me??? OK..... Keep this in ur mind... A big bubblymass....

Hearing this she feels hurts.. Suddenly tear formed in her eyes.. Hiding that she runs.. Then only abhi realize what he said... Then he tried to talk to her.. But she ignores him.. This hurts him...

Then in the dining hall in night...

abhi; I think ur culinary skills r developed much better than before without me in this two week buddy... This food is awesome... Come on buddy I want to hug u.. And kiss u... Ummaahh (giving flying kisses... Seeing this she turned pink)

arjun: I don't deserve this buddy... I think ur hug and kiss deserves to someone else... Because I'm not the one cooked... Ur beloved wife only cooked dinner today.. So u must keep ur promise to hug and kiss her..

abhi: ( blushes little) shut up ajju.. Eat!

ajju: ( thinking deep and with a devilish grin) Then I have to fulfill this...

abhi: what?? (Asking confused)

arjun: hugging and kissing your wife as a reward for cooking this delicious dinner... ( saying this he winks at him)

pragya and abhi both chocked and ask in chorus: WHATTTT....

arjun: Then do it man.. otherwise I should do that( with a teasing smirk)

abhi: shut up! I will do..

Saying this he suddenly got up from his chair went near her.. Butterflies r already flying in her stomach.. Suddenly he hugs her and goes near to her ear... She feels his hot breath... Her heart raced fastly... Her breath become uneven.. She freezes... Then nearing her ear he tell " sorry for talking like that in morning.. Hereafter I will not do like that" still she freezed then he releases himself and kissed her forehead softly conveys his regrets for those words he said.. Feeling His kiss.. She came to reality.. She blushes hard and quickly run from that place to her room...

One week passed like this teasing, blushing, smiling, arguing like that.. Unknown to them, They become a part of each other lifes.. She become like a typical wife.. Waking him up.. Giving coffee.. Preparing meals.. Like that..

Abhi also become like typical husband.. He informed his whole schedule timing to her daily.. Chatting with her through WhatsApp in his intervals and free time...

Simply telling.. Their days didn't run without seeing each other... Still she didn't get a chance to solve her ques and her bothering to reveal her truth to him... Because arjun always with them when they r together or abhi leaves home for shooting... Finally she decided to talk to him in that evening after his arrival from his shoot... She prepared to talk with him...

Abhi reached home and went to freshen up... And arjun went to abhi's room.. This is noted by pragya.. She waited for both of them for dinner bt they didn't come yet ... Already 20 mins over.. She decided to call them.. She reached abhi's room.. Tried to knock.. But stopped when she hears a loud scream of arjun.. She just stand there decided to eavesdrop because she heard her name in their convo...

Convo in room...

arjun: abhiii.... How could u do this? Prags is ur wife now!! She is innocent... How could u do this to her? U r such a heartless person!!

abhi: hey ajju!! Its not like wat u think.. She is also not interested in these kind of stuffs... I'm damn sure! She will be happy when she knows this...

arjun: who said abhi that She is not interested in you? I can see her love through her eyes.. And u! U too love her.. I can feel it... Stop this abhi! This is the peak of ur stupidity... I just thought u both need time to realize ur love when I noticed that u both are stayed in separate room... Bt I didn't expect this answer from u abhi... I thought u r a gentleman but u r not... I'm really feeling bad for becoming a friend for u....

abhi: ajju calm down! I don't love her.. She didn't love me either.. This is all ur assumption! I MARRIED HER FOR TO GET DIVORCE FROM HER... This is the reason why I married her... I'm damn sure she will agree and understand why I married her... She is the one who gaves me that idea... Please try to understand ajju!

To be continued...

Pragya is clueless and utter shock and tears flowing down her cheeks like a broken dam...

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