Abhi: pragya.. Sign this..

Prags: what is this??

Abhi: it is nothing but u desperately wanted from me...

Prags: what??


Prags: are.. yo..u .. she stammered )

Abhi: what?? Im talking what u want to hear only..

Prags: i... ca..nt.. Under..stand...

Abhi: what u can't understand?? Haan.. I only can't understand u.. I thought u just kidding when yesterday u told that u r searching bride for me.. But u.. Yesterday night after u slept.. I used ur laptop to check out the mails for me.. That time only i knew that u were serious... How pragya?? How can u think of leaving me again?? U know how i became when u left me that day.. I became soulless body.. My soul entered me when i saw u that day again... I love you pragya.. But why can't you just be with me.. I don't know how to load some sense in ur little brain.. Im tired pragya.. I can't take it anymore.. I can't see u crying that too because of me.. If u want to leave me with that much desperate means.. Okay then.. Be happy.. I'll leave you...

Saying this he left...

Prags : abhi... Abhi..
Abhi please don't leave me.. I can't live without you.. Please abhi.. Yet i can't spoil ur family by entering into ur life.. U don't know abhi.. When i get this disease.. Im only 19 then.. I cried and cried over nights... I can't able to share my pain to anyone of my family.. Because they become fragile when they heard about that operation is must for me.. I smiled in front of them.. I make them smile.. I don't want to be a burden for them.. But I am already became burden.. My dad is not a rich one.. But he spent lakhs for me... That day i pledged myself to not marry anyone and became a burden for that person too.. Im a doctor.. I know about hereditary diseases.. This is a hereditary disease.. It will come to our children with 90 % possibilities.. I don't want our children sufferings.. I cant tolerate it.. I love you abhi.. Bt i cant live with you.. I think u take best decision.. I sign this first...

She signed that...

Here abhi didn't move.. He heard every blabbering of pragya hiding behind the door.. He cried his heart out...

He to himself: no pragya.. U can't leave me that easily.. Now i understand what's ur prob.. I'll make u mine sure.. Let's watch.. Who will win.. And be ready to face thunderstorms pragya..

He went to maya room and called ajju and mohan to join them.. They all r in one room.. Abhi told his plan to everyone.. They all agreed.. That day they have to return to home... They packed their stuffs and drove back to home... Prags didn't talk with abhi nor he... The whole journey was filled with silence... They reached home in afternoon...

In abhigya's home...

Mohan: hey sweetheart.. Take maya with u... and megha.. Stay with them... We three will go and buy lunch for all.. Okay??

Prags: ok.. Come princess...

They three wemt went to room.. Here mohan abhi amd ajju went to buy lunch..

In car...

Ajju: buddy... Tell me what's next??

Abhi: yeah.. Now we have execute everything.. Eventually she will confess me soon..

Mohan: hmm.. Sounds good.. But how..

Abhi: i already told na.. U have to talk to her first.. Then if she agrees means.. Then no problem..

Mohan: but megha...

Abhi: don't worry yaar.. I already talked with her.. She accepted..

Mohan: ufff... Thank god..

Mohan called someone and after 15 mins of conversation.. He cut the call and showed thumbs up to abhi and ajju..

They bought lunch and went home.. They all came and seated in dinning table.. That is a rectangular table.. They seated like this... Mohan prags maya on one side.. opp to them megha abhi ajju.. They ate lunch together..

At dining table..

Abhi: so pragya.. Did u signed r not??

Prags coughed while eating: ye..yes..

Ajju: what she signed??

Prags: that's.. Thats.. Nothing bhai.. Some random papers..

Abhi: what random papers??.. Tell him clearly that u signed our divorce papers..

All in unison: what ???????

Abhi: yeah.. She signed our divorce papers.. Actually u all know our story.. So i didn't need to repeat it..

Maya: but.. Rockstar.. U said.. U love her na..

Abhi: yeah.. I said it.. But she didn't said anything.. Thats the problem..

Megha: prags.. I need to talk to u...

Mohan: me too...

They both dragged prags to room..

In room..

Megha: what the hell is this?? Can u explain what's going on??

Prags: teddy please calm down.. I know what i did is best for all of us..

Mohan: shut up sweet heart.. How is this best for everyone.. Is this best except u??

Prags: no actually.. Its good for all.. Please try to understand me..

Megha: cut ur crap prags.. Tell me that u didn't love him..

Prags lowered her head closed her eyes tightly controlling her tears..
She said " Yes i didn't love him.."

Megha held her chin making her to looked up at her eyes.. Megha" Now tell u didn't love him??"

Prags looked away unable to look into her eyes.. Prags said" No"

Mohan: sweet heart.. Please don't try to hide ur feelings.. Please tell us the truth..

Prags shouted: no no no... What u want from me.. I don't love him.. I don't want him.. I don't care about him... Did you get that.. Please leave me alone... ( she almost cried)

Megha: prags.. Please... Don't take decisions when u r depressed.. U will regret it later... I know y u r talking like this.. But prags.. Thats not a big deal.. Among all probs even death is not a big deal.. But love is.. Love is only the biggest deal which makes us happy and sad, intelligent and crazy, confident and weak at the same time... We can die without pain.. But we can't live without pain.. The medicine for the pain is love so we can live with love without pain..

Prags: hahaha.. U think we can live with love without pain.. U said na we can't live without pain but can live with love.. Because love itself is a pain.. We can die without pain.. But in love.. We die every second with lot of pain.. Love is dangerous than death...

Mohan: no sweetheart.. U r wrong.. Love is a feeling that completes our life.. We feel completed when we fell in love or to be Loved by someone..

Prags: u know romeo.. The diff between complete and finish.. I'll give u example.. Love is the feeling which is able to both complete and finish the same person who fell in love... It feels completed when the right person fell in right person but it feels finished when a wrong person fell in right person...

Mohan: no sweet heart.. U can't hide ur love for long time.. Because love is like river.. No matter how long it travels.. It will reach the sea at end.. And its not the end of its ownself.. But the beginning of its new life.. It will transformed into new one which is deep, bigger, calm, And it will be the new world for that river... No matter how many stones( obstacles) came in its way to stop the river.. It will increases its flow whenever hits the stone instead of blocked... And that is power of love too... How much u struggle to stop urself from loving that much u love more..

Prags: no.. No... If that's the matter means.. I'm the dry river.. It will never flow nor reach sea.. Got it??

Megha: no prags.. There is no one exist in this world as a dry river.. Do u think the love is the one which comes between boy and girl who r husband and wife.. No.. It exist in everyone including u.. U love ur mom, dad, di, jiju, ur choti, me, mohan, maya, ajju, and of course abhi.. Don't u??.. U said that love itself is a pain.. But u know.. There is no one in this world who didn't experience this pain.. And u know the medicine for this pain.. That's also love.. Love is the only medicine for the pain caused by its..

Prags: No.. I didn't want to hear u both.. Please leave me alone.. And im strong in my decision.. Tell him to sign that papers.. Now get out..

Mohan: ok sweet heart if thats ur decision means.. Hear me this.. We will search him bride and he will marry her the day when u got diverse.. That's it.. I don't want abhi to suffer because of ur stupidity..

He said and dragged megha and left... Prags broke down in the ground and cried her whole heart out... Her heart is broken into pieces... She cried and cried.. Mohan and megha came out and shows thumbs up to trio seated in dining table... Abhi gave them a weak smile.. Ajju tried to console him..

At evening.. The door bell rang.. Prags went to open the door.. But she is confused at the person on the other side.. That is rashmi.. Receptionist in khushi hospital( remember that jalebi and dog receptionist in mohan megha's convo.. Both r her only)

Prag's POV...

I was totally confused and broke down of teddy and Romeo's talks.. I locked myself in my room and cried.. I didn't ate anything in lunch.. I cried the hell out of me.. Bt i don't know when i slept.. When i opened my eyes.. I felt sharp pain in my head.. My eyes r puffy because of my continuous crying.. I washed my face and sat in couch for few minutes to relax myself.. Then i went down stairs to kitchen.. The time is 6 then.. I prepared tea for myself... I drank it almost when i heard door bell.. I went to open it.. I saw rashmi there... She is a receptionist.. But why she came here at this hour.. I enquired about her arrival

Prags: hello rashmi.. Come in.. Did u want anything?? Did u want to meet mohan??

Rashmi: thank u for welcoming me.. Yeah he called me to came here.. Please call him Dr.Pragya mam..

Prags: its ok.. Don't call me like that.. Call me prags.. This is not our work place.. This is my home.. And u r my guest as well as frnd.. Okay??

Rashmi: thank u mam.. I mean pragya.. Shall i meet mohan..

Prags; yeah wait here.. I'll call him..

I made her sat in hall and went to call mohan.. He told me to send rashmi to his room and also asked me to send megha and ajju.. Im confused by his actions.. Why he asked me to send teddy and ajju bhai.. Hmm.. Teddy.. Ok.. She is also a doctor in his hospital bt y ajju??..

I came to sense when i heard rashmi voice... She asked me where is he.. I told and lead her to his room.. I also asked to teddy and ajju to go to his room.. To confusing me more, Maya also went with them.. I went to mohan's room to check whether everything is ok... Mohan told me to prepare tea for them... I went to kitchen to prepare tea..

I poured it in 6 cups and went to abhi's room.. He came out of washroom when i entered.. I saw him half naked.. He wearing only towel in his waist.. My cheeks become crimson red when i saw his bare chest... There r water drops in his hair flowed from his forehead to nose and lips..

Voah... He is perfect.. Oh my god.. Save me from him...

Hey turn that side first..


Otherwise he will kill u with his looks..

Yeah right.. I have to turn.. Oh stupid mind... Y dont u inform this early..

What?? I tried my best to divert u.. But u already in ur Dreamland..

Ok fine.. Shut up now...

I fought with my inner thoughts and turned.. I can feel his smirk from opp side.. After 5 good minutes.. He said " U can turn now"

I blinked and turned.. But my cheeks r pink now.. I cant control it from blushing.. I lowered my head to not to caught by him.. He smirked.. " Is it this much difficult to control urself around me??"

I couldn't stand there anymore.. My whole body heated up with his looks.. He wearing white shirt and 2 buttons were opened and sky blue jeans.. His wet hair and his eyes makes me more shivering.. And his image with towel is flashing in my mind continuously.. I placed the tea cup in side table and literally ran from there..

I went to Romeo's room... I stopped at the door when i heard abhi name and my name in their convo... My heartbeat starts raised..

Mohan: so rashmi.. R u okay with it??

Rashmi: I'm ok.. But what about pragya and abhishek sir..

Ajju: don't worry.. We already discussed this with prags and abhi also accepted this.. If u r okay means.. We will proceed further..

Megha: but about divorce...

Mohan: yeah already prags signed.. Today abhi will sign.. Then no problem.. Within 2 months we can get divorce.. So no problem..

Ajju: rashmi.. Is it okay for u... May we ask to ur family..

Rashmi: no.. I don't have mom and dad.. They passed away two years ago in an accident... Now im an orphan..

Maya: don't think like that.. We r here.. Think us as family.. At least prags di is like my own di and then rockstar is my jiju then.. If u marry abhi jiju means u will become my di as well.. We all become family then..

I heard her ryt??

What she told?? Marry abhi?? Rashmi?? She will become di?? But how?? What r they talking about ?? Divorce in two months??

Oh god!! My head will surely burst out!!

I can't tolerate it anymore.. I opened the door with force... They all seemed little shocked to see me.. I placed the tea cup tray in table.. I walked to them and asked what they were talking about??..

Mohan: come sweet heart.. I already planned to tell u.. But u already heard it... Yes.. We all planned to fix marriage for abhi and rashmi..

Prags: what??

Ajju: yeah.. U told that u don't love him.. So we thought abhi to move on in his life..

Megha: so we called rashmi.. And we told everything.. She agreed..

Maya: not only her but also jiju accepted... We talk with him.. At first he protested.. But we compelled him.. At last without any choice he accepted..

Mohan: but he made one condition..

Ajju: that is.. He asked for time.. We gave him one week... If u confess ur love in one week.. We will cancel this marriage.. Otherwise he have to marry her..

During the whole conversation.. I didn't dare to talk.. Words r lost in my throat.. I felt mass in my throat.. I literally ran from there to abhi's room.. I don't know why.. I want to talk with him...

I ran towards his room.. I tapped the door... He opened it.. I stand there looking into his eyes.. He too looking into my eyes.. After 2 good minutes... He looked away.. But i never looked away.. He cleared his throat and geatured me ' what' with his eyes... Then he held my wrist and took me inside his room.. During this.. My eyes fixed on his eyes... Then again he cleared his throat.. I stand still.. He snapped his fingers in my face.. I jerked and came to my senses..

Abhi: oyee.. Pragya.. What r u doing here??

What??? Pragya?? Where is bubblymass!! Why he is calling me by my name!! Something definitely wrong!!

Prags: vo..ah.. I... Wa..nt to.. Talk.. U...( i stammered)

Abhi: hmm.. Shoot it..

Prags: i.. No.. No. U.... U... Her...( i cant find words to tell my feelings)

Abhi: her?? Who?? What??

Prags:ras.. Rash.. Rashmi..

Abhi: hmm.. Rashmi.. What about her??

Prags: ( i can't hold anymore) they said u r going to marry rashmi.. Is it true???

Please say no.. Please.. Please scold me for why is i talking rubbish.. Please...

Hey!! Idiot.. U only wanted this.. Then y r u expecting otherwise...

No.. I mean.. Yes.. I only wanted this.. But not this early...

Thats not his problem..

Will u please shut up!!

Abhi again snapped at me...

Abhi: well!! Yeah!!.. They compelled me.. I don't have any choice.. But i love you only.. If u said u love me in one week.. I'll cancel everything.. Actually i told them this as my condition.. They agreed.. So now the decision is in ur hands...

He said this with a hope and tear in his eyes.. Now he is looking into my eyes.. But i can't look into his eyes.. I averted my eyes..

I turned and walked towards the door.. He called me.. Yeah.. Not bubblymass but pragya.. I stopped and didn't turn.. Then i walked further.. He called me some more times.. I walked and left the room.. He yelled ' i love you pragya' that i heard when i left his room..

I went to my room and cried.. I don't know what to do next.. I cant see him with anyone.. But i don't want to spoil his life..

3 days went like this.. I didn't dare to look at him..i didn't talk with him.. I ignored him totally..
Now im sitting in balcony watching the sky and clouds.. I saw one car came towards our house.. The opened.. I was shocked to see that person.. That is.. That is.. Rashmi..

Why the hell she came today?? Who invited her??. I went out of my room... There i saw abhi was going to open the door.. Literally i ran to the door.. I reach there before abhi.. But he still in hall.. Ohh god!! Y is he sitting here?? I opened the door... Rashmi is standing there with a smile in her face... She wearing red colour top and short skirt which ends above knee... Simply she is looking great today.. I hate her..

Rashmi: hi pragya.. How r u.. May i come in??

Prags: yeah come in.. Im fine..

How am i fine when u r here?? Argh!! She is annoying...

Prags: hmm.. Did you come to meet mohan?? Did u want me to call him??

Rashmi: no.. I came here to see abhishek sir..

Prags: what??? Why??

Rashmi: to know about him.. After all we r going to marry soon.. So i want to know him.. I know pragya.. U r a stubborn and tough lady.. U will not change ur decision easily.. So its stupidity to waste this week to know ur decision..

She talked with me.. I didn't get anything to say.. Before i could answer.. She saw abhi sitting in sofa.. He stands up when she saw her

Damn!!.. Y r u standing like a LKG boy.. Idiot!!

Then her next action made my eyes widened.. She hugged him.. Bt what hurts me most is he too reciprocated her hug..

How dare she??.. What the hell r u doing abhishek... Push her!! Call me now!!!

Then they both sat in the sofa.. Abhi called me.. I ran towards him.. Expecting that he will tell me to take her with me or tell me join with them.. But he told " If u don't mind.. Bring two cups of tea.. Please"

Oh god!! R u asking me to prepare tea for u both?? Y r u behaving like this abhi?? Don't you love me!!

Hey idiot!! U only the biggest reason for all this.. So don't dare to scold him...

Yes..but.. But... He loves me na.. How can he able to romancing with her.. That too in front of me!!

No pragya.. He is not romancing.. He just did friendly hug and asked u a cup of tea.. U know him well.. Y r u over possessive..

Yeah right.. She is friend for him.. I'm only over thinking this...

I came out of my thoughts when he shook me..
He said " Where r u lost??"
I absentmindedly said " In u"
He smirked " What u tell??" Then i realized that my tongue betrayed me..
I said " Wait I'll make tea and come" Saying this.. I walked fast to kitchen... Bt my mind is fully in hall where they were.. I prepared tea and poured it into two cups.. Then my devil mind started its job..

😈 pragya add salt instead of sugar in her cup..

👼no pragya its not fair.. Its not her fault... U only the reason.. So don't do like stupid..

😈no pragya.. How can she hug him in front of u.. She is trying to seduce ur innocent husband.. Be careful.. She is not ryt for him..

Then my devil mind won.. I added salt in her cup.. I went to hall.. They two were laughing like idiots in front of tv.. There is a romantic song is playing in tv...


Boy: Adiye Azhage, En Azhage Adiye
Pesama Nooru Noora Kooru Podathe.
Valiye Valiye, En Oliye Oliye
Naa Onum Boodhamilla Dhooram Odathe

Hey girl, so beautiful. My beauty of a girl,
Don't cut me into hundreds of pieces, with your silence.
Oh painful pain, Oh my, lighting up light,
I am not a monster for you to run away in plight.

Kaathoram Ne Eraicha Vaartha Vanthu Keeruthey
Aanalum Ne Thelicha Kaadhal Ulla Ooruthey
Vaayadi, Peya En Thookam Thooki Pora.

The words you spilled near my ears, leaves a pleasant scar,
But the love that you scattered over me, dives deep into me, so far.
Oh my chatterbox of a girl, you take away my sleep like the ghosts of my childhood nights.

Pona Poraa, Thaana Varuva, Methapula Thirinjen
Veeraappellam Veena Pochu Posukunu Odanjen

So she will go, only to come back on her own, was what I thought in pride,
Only to lose my stride and yearn for you, breaking down my stride.

Un Soga Paarva, Orasuthu Mela
Sirikira Oosa, Sarikuthu Aala

The comfort of your loving gaze, scathing over me,
the sounds of your laugh, melting me away.

Thee Thoovi Thee Thoovi Pona
Ava Venum Naanum Vaazha

Spewing fire, Oh spewing fire, as she leaves,
she is all I need to live this life.

GIRL : Yeno Unna Paatha Ulla Surukunu Varuthu
Aana Kitta Neeya Vantha Manasanga Vizhuthu

BOY: Yethukintha Kobam Nadichathu Pothum
Maranju Nee Paakkum Vedukuthu Saayam

GIRL: Nethe Naan Thothen Ada Idhu Thaana Un Vegam

GIRL: For reasons unknown, the moment I see you, I feel a rush within my heart.
But when you come near me, my heart falls deep within.

BOY: Why this anger, my love? - quit your clumsy act,
as I saw through it, when I found your hidden stares.

GIRL: Is this your speed of catching up to know,
that I have yielded to you with a bow.


i stand there lost in the meaning of the song which exactly suited for my situation until rashmi shook me.. Then i came to sense and then i realized that he too looking into my eyes.. Tears started forming in my eyes..

I placed the tea cup tray in table and turned and blinked my eye to hide my tear.. Then i gave them the cups.. I'm eagerly awaiting for the expression of her face when she sipped my saltea.. Her face scrunched.. I asked " Is everything okay?" Smirking inwardly.. Abhi turned to us..

She composed herself and said " Yeah .. No prob.. By the way.. We r going for shopping.. See u pragya.." Now she smirked at me.. I turned to abhi.. He didn't say anything.. He calmly watched tv.. I became impatient.. She held his wrist... That's it.. I can't tolerate.. I grabbed his hand in me.. She looked at me shocked and confused.. He too looking at me with same reaction...

I said " Actually.. I don't want to interrupt your privacy time.. But since I'm his wife now.. So i have responsibility for his reputation.. So please don't do anything like teenage lovers.. Please act mature.. So u better go..( pointing towards rashmi) And u come with me.. ( pointing towards abhi) .. " Saying this i dragged him to room ignoring her existence... He saw me with ' o' mouth.. I didn't care.. We reached his room..

Prags: oyee.. R u mad? How can u accept to go for shopping with her?? Y don't u think about ur reputation??

Abhi: she asked me and i accepted.. And when you started to care about me?? What's ur prob?? Why r acting like u r my lovely caring wife?? U don't love me na.. Then why r u damn caring in my reputation??

Prags: no.. I.. I.. I don't care about u.. But me.. If u go with her means.. Then all starts talking rumors that I'm got ditched or will talk bad about me.. That's y..

Abhi: seriously what's ur damn prob pragya?? Y don't you accept that u love me and u got jealous with her??

Prags: that's not like that...

Abhi: then what?? Then y u added salt in her tea?? Tell me..

Prags: that.. That.. No.. I didn't do that...

Abhi: please don't lie.. I saw u adding salt in her cup with my own eyes...

Pragya: no.. That.. That.. Yes abhishek.. I added salt.. Because i felt jealous.. I don't like anyone romancing with u instead of me.. I don't like someone hugging my husband in front of me.. I don't like someone snatched my own husband.. I love yo...

Before i could finish... He slammed his lips on mine.. At first I'm shocked.. Bt then i reciprocated.. I couldn't control myself from reacting to his kiss..







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