they all planned to go to beach the next day... Now they went to Mayas room for to make Maya lye down..
Abhi and Mohan helped Maya to get up from the wheel chair and lye down in bed..that time Mohan hand slipped.. Everyone get shocked.. However abhi hold Maya on one side... She can't able to stand in grip in one side.. Because her lower body is fully paralyzed... When she lost grip in mohans hand... She is now falling.. But before she fell down.. She managed to stand...which is the good sign of improvement in treatment... Which surprised everyone including Maya... Now her body's involuntary defense action helped her from falling...( how many of u thought that she is held by ajjus arms😝😜)
Then she lye down in her bed.. They all become happiest... Now Maya is thinking about her decision about ajju to marry someone.. Because now she got the hope to cured.. She didnt want ajju to leave her... She become little stressed... Like adding fuel to her depression.. Ajju talks about shalini..
In Mayas room...
Mohan: I'm so happy princess.. Everything will be alright in few days... U r going to walk run and jump...
Prags: princess.. Get ready for tomorrow's trip....
Maya: yeah di..
Suddenly ajjus phne rang...( its abhi)😉
Ajju: oops.. Its shalu..
Prags: take it bhai..
Ajju: hello dear..
Abhi: hey buddy...
Ajju: I forgot to tell u something.. We r going beach tomorrow..
Abhi: haan.. Thats ur plan only na...
Ajju: yeah dear.. If u r free means.. U can join us there...
Abhi: really.. But.. Maya will bury me with her cursing words..
Ajju: my pleasure dear...
Abhi: whatttt?? Oye.. I'm helping u.. But u want me to die??
Ajju: babe.. U r always funny.. Miss u dear...
Abhi: hey buddy.. Tell that u have engagement in a week..
Ajju: yeah dear.. After all we have engagement next week.. Then we'll be together with the rest of my life..
Abhi: 😘. I love u buddy..
Ajju: 😂ok bye dear..
He hung up.. Everyone attention is in Mayas direction.. Maya is now digging holes in ajjus skull with her eyes...
Maya: hey..
Ajju: r u calling me...
Maya: s.. U only damn idiot...
Everyone is surprised by her answer... Ajju is expecting Maya to confess...
Ajju blinked: what??
Maya: I already told that if u want to talk to ur so called fiancee means.. Get out of my room and talk with her... Hereafter don't dare to talk with her in my room.. Understand??
Ajju is dumbstruck in her statement.. He simply nods and left and cried... Everyone tried to console him.. This side Maya is lost in her thoughts and cried...
The next day...
They all got ready and went to beach in two cars.. Abhigya in one car and left are all in one car...
Abhi: oye bubblymass..
Prags: what...
Abhi: y r u so silent.. Say something...
Prags: i want to tell u one thing..
Abhi: what??
Prags: please marry someone better than me.. Please...
Abhi: im really very sorry..
Prags: why?
Abhi: for asked u to talk..
Prags: 😒😒 im serious..
Abhi: really... Then ok.. U have to do one thing...
Prags: what?
Abhi: u have to find someone for me to marry...
Prags: what?????? R u joking...
Abhi: no... Im serious...
Prags: y i have to find.. If u want means.. Search for someone..
Abhi: no.. U only want to leave me... So u only responsible for this..
Prags: fine.. I will..
Abhi: r u serious??
Prags: yes.. If that is ur wish means.. I'll search...
After sometime they reach there...
They went to one hotel near beach to book rooms... The hotel name is 'love u too' in that hotel.. One main condition is only 2 will allow to share the room..abhi mohan and ajju went to reception asked for 2 rooms( 1 room for girls and 1 room for boys) but receptionist told about there condition.. Then prags megha along with maya came there...
Prags: what happened??did u book rooms??
Mohan: no sweetheart.. One problem...
Megha: what??
Ajju told everything..
Maya: oh god then.. Wht do we do??
Abhi: no probs..i have an idea.. Bt for that ur beloved di have to accept..
Megha: what??
Abhi: pressure cooker and princess will stay in one room.. Then mohan and ajju will stay in one room..
Prags: then what about me?? Is I'm staying in streets??
Abhi: no.. U have to stay with me..
Prags: what???
Abhi: y r u shouting?? U heard me right??
Prags: but... How can we?? No.. Better I'll stay in streets...
Abhi: no.. Y r u creating scene here?? Among all we only married.. So we can stay in one room.. Is it new to u?? Already we stayed in one room?? So y r u acting like we never did??
Prags; ok fine.. Im not creating scene.. Do whatever u want... I don't care..
Then all went to their respective rooms.. Prags didnt talk to abhi.. Abhi feels hurt... They planned to go for a walk in beach to see the sunset in evening after lunch...
As they planned.. They went for a walk👣... Till that prags didn't talk with abhi.. Abhi feels hurt... He tries his best to talk to her.. But all went fail.. In their walk, maya didn't came because her wheel chair can't roll fast in the beach sand.. Prags and megha insist that they will stay with her.. But she told not to stay with her as she needed some alone time.. So without choice they went leaving her alone in her room..
In beach..
Megha: hey.. Its boring yaar.. How long will we walk like this??
Ajju: yeah.. I accept this.. Already we walked for 25 mins like this.. In fact.. I get doubt that we came beach or peace procession... Oh god.. Damn.. This silence is annoying.. Why no one didn't speaks??
Mohan: that.. That... We had a fight..
Abhi: what??? U too??
Mohan: u too means?? U also..
Abhi: yeah... Ur sweet heart only didn't talk with me since we reached here...
Ajju: but y prags??
Prags: y means what?? He yelled amd insulted me in front of everyone at reception..
Megha: oh.. That prob ah.. But u shouldn't talk like that there.. U only insulted his Genuinity.. U act like he is a casanova..
Abhi : exactly.. In fact I'm the one who needs to become angry..
Ajju: prags.. I think its going to rain today.. Better we go to hotel as soon as possible..
Mohan: y?? There is no sign of rain..
Ajju: because nowadays this megha and abhi supports each other... 😝
Mohan: yeah ajju.. U r absolutely ryt..
Megha gives him a deadly glare..
Prags: ok leave it that.. Y u two fight??
Megha: ur beloved senior is such a playboy.. He always flirting.. That dog receptionist calls him today when we dispersed to our rooms..
Prags: hey teddy... It's not a big deal yaar.. She have to inform him every incident and important news to him..
Megha: i know that.. U know what he saves her name in his mobile..
Prags: what??🙄
Megha: tell her urself.. I can't tell that with my mouth..
Mohan: jalebi😁😞
Ajju: what??😳😳
Mohan: hey thats not what u think.. She is my childhood classmate.. She loves jalebi.. So i irritate her by calling that name.. Nothing big like u think..
Megha: haaannnnn... Then y u didn't tell me that she is ur classmate before..
Mohan: there is no situation came to tell that.. U know megha.. U r the love of my life..
Prags: leave him yaar.. I know him.. He is genuine...
Megha: u dont talk prags.. U don't about ur husband then how come u know about him??
Abhi: great shot pressure cooker...
Prags: ok i admit my mistake.. Im sorry Mr.Abhishek..
Abhi: im also sorry for shouting at u like that Mrs.Abhishek...
Mohan: abhi.. I thought u two will help me to patch up but before that U two patch up and u poured more fuel to her anger.. Oh god..
Abhi: oyee pressure cooker.. Forgive him yaar.. U know that he is flirty but he is genuine yaar..
Megha: ok ok.. Change her name first...
Mohan: how can i change her name.. U have to tell this to her parents to change her name..
Megha: hahaha very funny.. Better change it before i break ur phne...
Mohan: oops.. Sorry dear.. Ill change it now itself.. Don't get mad dear..
Ajju: thank god.. All love birds are back to normal except me.. U guys carry on.. I want to drink some water.. I'll go..
Prags: haan.. Haan.. I know.. Where u go..
Ajju smiled sheepishly 😁
Now back to the time in mayas room...
Maya lost in her thoughts🤔💭...
Maya: oh god.. What can i do now.. I don't want ajju to marry me because of my condition.. Yet i can't see him romancing with someone else.. I want him.. But i have recover from this before.. How can i??.. God.. Y r u playing in my life..
Knock sound in the door makes her come to her sense.. She asked who.. The person replied that he is room service.. She unlocked the door by a remote jn her hands.. The room boy came in front of her..
Maya: u can clean the room.. Don't mind me..
Room boy: but mam..if u allow means.. I'll change the bed cover and duvet... Please wait outside mam..
Maya: sorry.. I can't walk.. Will u please go and come after 30 mins?? Because my friend went for a walk..
Room boy suddenly grinned evily.. He came near her and told huskily... "Then I'll help u gorgeous"
Maya : y r u acting like this.. Don't come near me.. I'll shout..
He came near her and placed his hands on her mouth.. Maya tried to shout and beat him.. But she is weak.. He unbuttoned his shirt... And came near her.. Lust is prominent in his eyes.. He tied a cloth in her mouth..
He jumped on top of her.. He tried to undo her clothes.. But she tried her best to gey rid of him.. She tried to take her phne from the side table but it slipped and landed in ground.. She take the remote control of the door.. But he snatched and throw that in floor..
She pulled him with using her full force.. He landed in ground.. She tried to untie the cloth in her mouth.. He became more furious and arrogant and again he jumped on top of her.. She tried to get up.. Tears are flowing from eyes like broken dam... Then she take the flower vase from the side table and hit him with that.. He again landed in ground.. She tried to get up.. He is Semiconcious.. He again stand up placing his hamd in his head..
finally she got up from the bed and managed to stand un steadily... He tried to grab her hand.. She pushed him again.. She take that remote immediately she unlocked the door and tried to take her phne.. But he pulled her to his chest and tried to kiss her..
She shouts " Anyone help..please.. Help.." They both hear hear the bang in the door... They turned and saw ajju and shocked.. They standing intimately like kissing.. The room boy immediately tried to run from there..
Ajju caught him... His eyes r red like fire.. He beat him up furiously with his eyes on maya until the roomboy become unconscious...
Ajju's POV..
I excused myself from them and went to see my maya.. I don't know why suddenly i felt wrong about leaving her Alone.. i want to check her once.. So i went to her room..
I heard her voice when i near her room.. She calls for help.. I became impatient and i run towards her room.. There i saw maya and one damn idiot is standing intimately.. They became shocked seeing me.. I can clearly see the bruises in mayas hand and face and marks on her mouth like its tied and blood in that idiot room boy's head..
Seeing me, he tried to escape... I caught him.. Mixed emotions are going through me.. I don't know whether i have to happy that my maya finally able to stand or became angry or sad that the b*****d tried to rape my maya...
I beat him up until he become unconscious until my anger decrease.. I hold his collar and take him outside to reception.. I want to yell.. But i can't because it will affect maya if i tell this publicly.. But i cant allow him to be free so i enquired about the manager.. And went to him and told him privately and handed that b*****d to police without anyone knowledge.. Then i went to saw maya...
Maya's POV...
He left with him.. I stand there dumbstruck.. I don't know what to do next... Suddenly i felt numb in my legs.. Then only i realise that im now standing with my own legs without anyone's help..
Then all ( abhi prags mohan megha) came.. They saw me with utter confusion.. I told them what happened.. They all become furious...
Mohan: what the hell?? Im going to kill that b****d...
Abhi: calm down mohan.. We should not kill him and let him be easily escape from this world.. I'll make his life as living hell.. How can he did this to my princess..
Prags: first calm down both of you.. First we have to find ajju bhai.. And secondly we have to check Maya's condition and thirdly our maya is now standing..
Megha: oh yeah.. Our maya is standing.. Means she recovered..
Mohan: oh god i didn't see this while thinking to punish him..
Abhi: wow... My princess is back now.. But we shouldn't leave him.. Come Mohan.. We'll find ajju and that damn idiot..
Ajju: no need.. I'm here.. That damn idiot got deserved punishment.. Don't worry.. I handed him to police.. And i beat him up already until my anger down..
Abhi: thats my buddy... But we have to leave this hotel.. Everyone knew that what happened now na.. So it will be embarrassing situation for my princess..
Ajju: no need buddy.. I handled it without anyone's knowledge..
At this full time.. Maya intensely looked at ajju.. Then prags and megha applied oinment on Maya's bruises and massages her legs.. Mohan applied oinment in ajju's wounds that he got when beating that room boy.. Then maya slept..
Ajju also slept in couch in Maya's room because of the dosage of the medications...Abhi and prags left to their room.. And mohan slept sitting in chair placing his head in Maya's bed.. Megha went to ground floor restaurant to drank some tea☕...
In abhigya's room...
Prags seriously looking at her laptop without even noticing abhi who came from washroom after bathing.... Abhi cleared his throst to seek her attention... Prags immediately closed her laptop.. Abhi became suspicious about her sudden action..
Abhi: oyee bubblymass.. Seems like u r trying to hide something from me..
Prags: no.. No.. Nothing like that..
Abhi: then y r u stammering??
Prags: no..
Abhi: tell me.. What r u doing??
Prags: (sighs) ok.. Let me tell u.. I just searching a girl for u to marry.. U only said na.. That i have the responsibility to find someone.. So I'm trying my best to satisfy u..
Abhi: oyee bubblymass.. 🤣🤣 seriously u r very good at jokes.. If u don't want to tell means.. I didn't ask u.. But please don't cover up with these kind of jokes.. Okay??
Prags: no.. Im serious..
Abhi: ok ok leave it.. Come lets go for dinner...
Prags: whatever.. Wait.. I'll come..
They both went to Maya's room and take them all meanwhile megha also in mayas room after her tea..
Then they went to restaurant for dinner.. That is round table.. They sit like this - maya mohan megha prags abhi ajju ( besides maya)... The order is taken by a girl around the age middle 20s.. The girl literally drools abhi.. Prags noticed and get anger towards her.. Abhi noticed prags reaction and tried to make her jealous...
Girl: excuse me sir.. Ur order please...
Mohan: 1 plate naan.. And chiken curry..
Maya: same here..
Ajju: parotta 1 plate with mutton curry..
Megha: dosa with sambhar 1 plate...
When abhi tries to speak.. Prags cuts him in middle..
Prags: idly vada with sambhar for both of us..
Abhi: no.. I dont want idly..
Prags gives him a glare.. Abhi ignored it..
Girl: yes sir.. What u want??
Abhi: i want something hot.. Like u( he winks and noticed prags is boiling in jealous)
Girl: awww.. Then u want me.. Haan??
Abhi: if u like..( he shrugged)
Prags cleared her throat... Then the girls looks at prags...
Prags: ( she said sweetly and huskily) hubbyyy... Don't get confused.. I'll order for u.. But if u want hot means.. I'll show u what is really hot tonight... (She winks.. she said this in low voice only the girl and abhi could hear.. Others r engrossing in their talks)
Abhi is taken aback by her words..
Prags said sternly: give idly for both of us.. That's it.. U can go now.. ( throwing deadly glares to the girl..)
The girls is annoyed and scared.. She literally ran from there... Suddenly megha burst into laughter.. All see her with confused look..
She turns to prags and said" I heard it yaar" She winks at prags.. Prags gestures her not to tell anyone... Prags manages others by saying " Nothing yaar.. I said a joke to her.. That's y she is laughing.. Isn't it teddy"
Megha said " Yes but u know what joke is that..🤣 I'll tell.." Prags placed her hand on her mouth.. That time order came.. So all get focused in their food..
Abhi become super happy seeing his bubblymass's jealousy.. He is dancing inwardly.. After that they all went to their rooms.. However the condition of maya improved yet she cant walk like others.. But she can stand and walk little for short time..
In abhigya's room...
Prags sat in their bed and abhi came.. Seeing him.. She started to built the pillow wall.. Abhi came there and throws all the pillows.. Prags looks at him confused..
Prags: y r u doing like this...
Abhi: u only said na that u will show me what really hot is... Then show me..
Prags taken aback: what??
Abhi: yeah.. I want to know what really hot ( he tells huskily and seductively near her ears)
His hot breath near her ear sends shivers through her spine.. She lost in his close proximity.. Abhi stands from there and laughed loudly..
Abhi:🤣🤣🤣 don't worry.. Im not doing anything.. Im a gentleman.. I promised u that i wont touch or force you until u agrees.. So dont panic..
Prags: oh really... Very thanks you.. Thats never going to happen.. Bad night ghosty dreams..
Abhi: no dear.. How can u say u r a ghost?
Prags: when i say like that??
Abhi: u only said na ghosty dreams.. Then u only comes in my dreams.. So all that r angel dreams☺✨..
Prags blushed unknowingly..
They both dozed off..
This side in Maya's room..
Maya didn't sleep.. She didn't talk with ajju since that incident.. She want to confess to ajju and talk to him.. Because she is now almost recovered.. She can't leave him.. And to the top of it he is her knight in shining armor..
She tried to got up and slowly sneaked into ajju and mohan's room... She tapped his shoulder.. He rubbed his eyes and about to scream.. But she placed her hand in his mouth.. Gesturing not to shout and come out.. She went outside.. He follows her.. They both went to restaurant to talk...
Maya: ajju.. I want to tell u some thing...
Ajju : hmm shoot it...
Maya: thank you for saving me..
Ajju: no need.. I did like that not only for u but also I'll did whoever in ur place..
Maya: i know.. And one more thing..
Ajju: hmm tell..
Maya: i love u ajju.. Please don't marry shalini.. I know its wrong to cancel that after fixing engagement.. But i have no choice... I can't live without you.. At first.. Im scared that I'll spoil ur future by marrying you.. But now im fine.. Im almost recovered.. I can't imagine a life without you..
Arjun: no Maya.. Please leave me...
Maya: ajju.. I'm sorry.. Please... U also love me na..
Arjun: yes... But not anymore... I hate u..
Maya cried..: why ajju??
Ajju: u think that i can able to be happy without you.. U think I love you only because of attraction.. U think that love is just about physical relationship.. U rejected me because u r paralyzed.. Then tell me maya.. If I'm paralyzed like u.. Then u will leave me??
Maya: noooo... No ajju.. I didn't think all that.. I only think about u.. I want ur happiness.. I want ur comfort.. U know how i feel whenever you talk about shalini.. U know how i resist myself from hugging and kissing u whenever you cried and confessed ur love... Im sorry ajju.. Please dont leave me( she cried continuously)
Ajju laughed and stand behind and hugged her..
Ajju: no.. Don't cry maya.. Im just kidding.. U think u only know how to make me cry.. I want a small revenge.. I love u maya..
Maya: really...( between her sobs) then shalini??
Ajju: no shalini is exist in this world.. That shalini is none other than abhi.. This is all our plan to make u jealous and to make u confess me..
Maya: really.. Is it true??
Ajju: am i look like joking.. S dear.. Now don't resist..
Maya blinked : what??
Ajju: now don't resist from hugging and kissing me( he winks)
Maya blushes and kissed him in his cheek..
Then they both went room and dozed off
The next day morning...
Prags opened her eyes and found abhi nowhere.. She freshened up and search for him.. Then she came to her room after 45 mins of searching..
And after 10 mins.. He came with a bang in the door.. His face is full of disappointment, sadness, anger, frustation, everything.. He came towards prags and throw papers near her in bed...
Abhi: pragya.. Sign this..
Prags: what is this??
Abhi: it is nothing but u desperately wanted from me...
Prags: what??
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