chapter 13 - confessions

Sorry for the long gap guys...

Hereafter I'll try to update asap...



Now back to story...

The voice which stopped them is megha's voice...  She went inside and prepared harati plate and she take harati for Maya.. They all went inside... 2 weeks went...

One fine day...

All in Maya's room...

    Mohan gave some medicines to Maya and told Prags to put injection on Maya's hands.. Prags face suddenly become horrified.. She shivers with that injection in her hands... Abhi noticed this.. She put that injection with full concentration on Maya face... She become relieved after injecting that.. Actually during this two weeks.. She always feared to put injection.. Abhi first thought that its just Normal.. Yet he had doubt why she behaving like that.. Because she is a doctor.. Then y she fears... At least it is not to put on her own skin...

       After sometimes.. Prags standing balcony alone crying... Seeing this abhi went near her.. She wiped her tears suddenly and gave him a weak and fake smile..

Abhi: hi bubblymass.. Y r u standing here alone..

Prags: nothing.. I'm just staring streets.. Felt Boring.. So only

Abhi: oh.. What a weird girl..

Prags: huh?? Pardon?

Abhi: yeah.. This is the first time I'm hearing someone is crying for felt bored and staring the streets..

Prags: voh... What r u talking??.. No I'm not crying.. R u joking?? But Its a very bad joke..

Abhi: am I look like joking?? Pls bubblymass.. Don't dare to hide it from me?? Tell me.. Wat's bothering u??

Prags:( she hugs and cried ) that.. I want to tell u.. But I don't know how u will react?? I'm afraid abhi...

Abhi: why baby.. Why u r afraid?? What?? Tell me Prags..

Prags: I'm afraid of losing u.. I'm afraid that u will leave me once u know about this.. I'm sorry for hiding this.. I didnt hide it intentionally.. Situation made me to hide this.. But now I can't take it anymore...

Abhi: pls Prags.. Will u pls stop all these nonsense talks and tell me what the matter is?..

Prags: abhi that day.. U asked na why I refused marriage.. I promised u to tell that .. Remember??..

Abhi: yeah.. Wat about that now?..

Prags: s abhi... Its all about that..u know y I afraid to put injection.. Because once upon a time.. I put that injection to me 4 times a day with my own hands...

Abhi: what?? But why??..

Prags: u know I had a operation in my second year for stones in pancreas..

Abhi: yes.. I heard it from ur sis..

Prags: oh so u know it.. But I'm sure u don't know about my health condition after that..

Abhi: what?? What happened?? I can't understand..

Prags: that.. That.. I had a scar... I have a serious prob then.. I need to take injection daily 4 times... Without that I can't survive those days u know..

Abhi: what r u saying Prags? Don't scare me?? Tell what the hell happened??..

Prags: that.. That.. I had a diabetes.. ( she cried)

Abhi: oh my god... What do I do now?? Prags don't leave this world and me( he cried)....
              Wait what u told... DIABETES.. Then its not cancer or some deadly disease.. Right..

Prags: ( she blinked) ye..yes...

Abhi: ( he pinched her nose) r u for real?? U know that u scared me to death?? U stupid idiot dumpo...

Prags: huh?? Then u don't care about diabetes??

Abhi: what?? But why?? I know about this before our marriage.. Tanu bhabhi told me..

Prags : what?? u know?? Then y u accept this marriage..

Abhi: what y?? What s the connection in accepting u and u have diabetes??

Prags: what 'what'?? I had diabetes.. Gradually I maintained that with my own medications.. I took injection over 7- 8 months.. I know  I'm cured now.. Bt we can't guarantee about that...It is also a worst disease u know..

Abhi: so what?? Tell me why the hell u refused marriage??

Prags: ( sighs) this is wat the reason.. Don't u consider this as a reason..

Abhi: r u joking?? Is there anyone to refuse marriage for this silly thing??

Prags: Am I look like joking?? This is a hereditary disease.. I don't want my next generation to suffer like me.. So only I refused...

Abhi: actually I thought u as a great doctor.. But I'm wrong totally.. U r just a fake doctor..

Prags : wat?? How dare u to call me like that??

Abhi: then what?? U r a doctor yet u don't have courage in health of urs and ur kids.. How Annoying...

Prags: that.. That is not what I meant.. Im feared and concerned more than acting brave..

Abhi: r u out of ur mind.. If all diabetic patients in this world will become like u means.. No one will gets married... Then tell me.. If u don't have diabetes and ur loved one had that means.. What will u do?? Will u leave him for this silly thing?? Or if I have diabetes in future means.. Then u leave me?? Because u only told.. There s no guarantee for diseases to not come in future to anyone

Prags: voh.. Voh.. That... I...

Ajju: what r u guys doing here?? Come I have something to tell u..

Prags mentally: thank u ajju bhai for saving me

Abhi mentally: god.. This ajju.. He is not my buddy.. He is no 1 villain in my love.. I'm going to kill him if its nothing important..

Prags: tell me bhai.. What is it??

Ajju: that.. I need ur help Prags.. I love someone..

Abhi: what?? U?? Love?? Oh my god?? Wait.. Y u want her help?? Who is that lucky girl to win my buddy's heart?? Haan??

Ajju: (blushes) that.. She.. U know her well..

Prags: don't tell me thats Megha.. She's already committed..

Abhi: what?? Is she committed?? With whom??

Prags: why r u this much curious??

Abhi: I'm curious.. Because she is no 1 khadoos.. How come she in a relationship?? Who is the stupid and dumpo to fall for her?

Prags: ( she pinched his hand) u don't know about her.. And that stupid dumpo is none other than Mohan prasad...

Abhi: what?? How I didn't notice this?? Abhi.. U r such a tube light man..

Ajju cleared his throat: r u both finished means.. Can I confess who she is..

Abhi: hey tell that first buddy..

Ajju: its.. Its.. Its none other than Maya...

Abhi and Prags: what????

Ajju: hey y r u shouting guys?? Yeah I really love her..pls help me..

Prags: bt ajju bhai did u know her condition.. R u sure ?? Y Because if u changed ur mind or mentioned
her illness in front of her at any situation means.. She will broke into pieces.. I know u well.. Bt I'm here talking as a sister to her.. I don't want my child to go through such terrible situations.. Don't get me wrong bhai.. I want both of ur happiness..

Ajju: I know u very well dear.. Actually at first I thought lot about it.. I tried to get her out of my mind.. Bt I realized that I truly love her... I can't live without her... I will take care of her... I will be the knight for her... Pls Prags trust me.. I promise u I will never leave her...

Abhi: and u bubblymass always thinking about ur children.. 😒😒 not me.. now.... maya... then.. our kids..

Ajju: what?? Ur kids??

Prags: voh. Nothing bhai... As usual he is blabbering.. U.. Shut up.. Panda.. Don't worry bhai.. I'll talk to romeo...

Ajju: thank u Prags.. bt I need to confess Maya..

Abhi: I think u r right.. U should confess ur feelings first.. Its very important in relationship..

Prags: haan bhai.. Bt someone r only good at advising and worst at doings.. ( she indirectly mentioned abhi)

Ajju: I got it Sissy.. Abhi.. U r such a tube light man..

Abhi: oh God.. Why u people always speaking indirectly and call me as a tube light.. U people r only like Bermuda triangle.. Argh... How annoying...

Both Prags and ajju laughs at innocent and tube light abhi

     Then ajju went to Mayas room..

Ajju: may I come in??

Maya: what is this Mr.Beam boy.. Come.. Come..

Ajju: ( pouts) y r u calling me like that..

Maya: because u look like beam boys and u always wanted to protect me.. Thats y.. If u don't like it means I'll call u bhai Here after.. How about this..

Ajju: nooooooo.... No.... No... Maya.. Don't call me that..

Maya: why??

Ajju: because I love u...

Maya: what???

Ajju: yes Maya.. I don't know about ur feelings towards me.. Bt I really really love u... U r my everything...

Maya: don't joke.. It is a worst joke I ever heard..

Ajju: is it like a joke?? I'm damn serious Maya.. I fell with u at my first sight.. I liked u.. But when I saw ur accident and u in that condition... I feel like dying u know.. I feel like dying every time when I saw u cried.. U know that..

Maya: no.. No.. This can't happen.. No.. How can I do this ? Did u know my condition.. I'm handicapped.. I can't even stand by myself.. I can't give u any kind of happiness.. Did u understand?? Leave me..

Ajju: I know Maya.. I know.. Everything... I don't want anything else except u in my life.. I can be ur knight.. We will live happily with each other..

Maya: no.. This is all beautiful in movies and telling.. But its not workout in practical life..please go away from me.. I'm begging u..

Ajju:( tears in his eyes) oh.. I see. Then answer me one more ques.. Did u accepted me if this accident didn't occur?? And if u walk and run like everyone

Maya: that.. That.. Don't change the topic.. Please get out...

Ajju: no Maya.. I'm not going anywhere until u answer me..

Maya: no... ( she cried) u know.. That day y I went there.. Because I know.. U will go to that home for formalities... I heard it from my bhai.. So I want to confess my feelings to u.. Yes.. I liked u.. I loved u with plenty times of our meetings.. I realized that I love u when abhi bhai once said that ur dad is eagerly searching for bride for u...( ajjus dad is PA of abhi's dad Neil.. He didn't have mom) I'm a girl who didn't know to hide feelings.. So immediately I thought to propose u... Unfortunately it ended like this.. U know.. How hard I tried to hide my feelings for u in this two weeks.. But now.. It all ruined..

Ajju: Maya.. What is ruined..u love me and I love u.. What is now??

Maya: no ajju... We r not destined.. I'm not going to accept u.. I'm handicapped now.. I'm not selfish to ruin ur life by marrying u.. Please go and get someone else better than me... Please ajju.. Try to understand...

Ajju: r u mad Maya... If u talk one more time like this.. U will regret it later..

Maya: I don't care..  I'm handicapped ajju.. Please try to understand.. I can't talk to u now.. Please get out ..

Ajju: I'm warning u Maya.. Don't dare to say that word again that u r handicapped...

Maya: y.. I'll say 100 times.. Its the truth.. I'm handicapped.. I'm handicapped.. I'm handi ....

    Before she could finish that... he slammed his lips in hers.. She pushed him away after few seconds..

Maya: what the hell r u doing??. R u crazy??

Ajju: yes.. Try saying that again... Then U will see me going even more crazy...

Maya: ajju please..( she cried ).. Leave me alone.. Please.. Im begging u...

Ajju: Maya... Please try to understand... I didnt come here to leave u alone... Y r u behaving like this.. U also love me na.. Then wats ur damn problem??

Maya: ajju please.. U try to understand me... I can't love or marry anyone in this condition.. Sorry ajju...

Ajju: ok then.. U will regret this Maya.. Now I'm leaving.. Take rest.. But definitely I will make u mine.. Mark my works.. U r the only one girl in my life.. Otherwise Ill become saint..

Maya cried...

In megha room... Mohan came to her room...

Mohan: oyee mirchi madam.. R u busy now..

Megha: yeah monkey.. Get out..

Mohan: uuu.... Don't call me like that...

Megha: then don't call me mirchi madam..

Mohan: ohh.. I see.. Ok.. Ill never call u Mirchi madam here after.. Uhmmm.. Let me call u better half...

Megha: wat?? Shut up.. Wat u want??

Mohan: u..

Megha: what?? Have I heard it ryt??

Mohan: yeah.. U heard it ryt.. I'm tired of pretending like friend for u Megha.. I like u.. I know u also like me.. Then y r u behaving like this??

Megha: haan.. Y I'm behaving like this.. Haan.. U idiot.. I'm waiting for u to confess.. But u stupid never did that.. Simply u r flirting with all girls.. Especially that dog receptionist😒😒... Dont talk to me.. Go flirt with ur beloved receptionist rashmi..

Mohan: oh.. Looks like my beloved better half is getting jealous.. Not bad dear...

Mohan: shut up..

Mohan: ok madam.. I love u.. Will u be my better half in rest of my life??

Megha: no...

Mohan: what?? But y??

Megha: I hate u..

Mohan: uhmm.. Great.. Thank u Megha...

Megha blinked: y?

Mohan: now my route is clear.. I'm going to confess my darling rashmi..

Megha: wat?? U idiot.. How dare u?? Stop there.. I will kill u..

Mohan starts running and Megha chases him.. They both landed in bed.. Megha fall on Mohan.. Megha tried to get up.. But Mohan wrapped his hand over meghas waist.. Megha lost in his touch.. Mohan slowly went near her ears.. And whispered " I love u better half" .. She replied.. "I love u too hubby"
         That time abhigya entered meena room.. They saw this and turned to opposite side..

Prags: oops.. Sorry teddy.. I didn't expect this..

Abhi: (sighs) everyone including unmarried also doing romance perfectly except me.. Poor abhi.. ( he mumbled)

They got up immediately...

Prags: looks like someone is committed..

Megha: shut up Prags..

Mohan: s sweet heart.. Sorry for not telling u..

Prags: I know romeo.. I guessed it in first day itself...

Abhi: oh.. I too know just before coming here... And u Mohan don't call her like that.. She is my wife..

Mohan: oh... Someone is jealous.. No abhi.. I will call her like this only...

Prags: stop ur good for nothing issues.. We came her to tell something important...

Abhi: yeah.. I too forget it...

Then abhigya told about Arjun love towards Maya.. Mohan is happy to hear that.. He likes ajju a lot.. He is perfect for Maya... Then they went to ajjus room.. Ajju told about mayas talks.. They all become sad..

Megha: I had an idea!

Abhi: what is it??

Megha: normally boys get jealous easily.. But the truth is girls r more possessive than boys..

Abhi: so what??

Megha: don't tell anyone that u r a star actor🤦🏻..

Prags: ignore him.. He is a tube light teddy... I got it.. So we all going to make Maya jealous...

Megha: thats my girl...

Mohan: but how??

Prags: uhmm.. How about this?.. We'll tell Maya that we chose bride for Arjun... And Arjun also accept that bride

Abhi: great idea... Bt suddenly we told means she will get doubt na..

Ajju: yeah buddy.. U r ryt...

Prags: y.. U confessed only na.. Also we pretend like we don't know anything...

Ajju: no.. That.. That.. That I kissed her...( he almost whispered)

Abhi: what?????? Ajjuuuuuuu??? U too Brutus???😭 everyone including committed single everyone enjoying except me...

Prags: will u pls shut up Mr.abhishek..
       Bhai.. U r too fast..

Ajju: no Prags.. She keeps on saying that she is handicapped.. I don't have any other idea to stop her..

Abhi: oh.. So u kissed her.. Y don't u slap her.. Or put ur hand in her mouth.. U donkey buddy..

Ajju: shut up buddy.. Pls tell some idea..

Mohan: I'm happy that u love my princess.. But don't do this kind of things before marriage.. Ok??

Abhi: haan... Then wat about u Mohan.. R u a gentleman??

Ajju: what r u talking??

Mohan: nothing ajju.. He is blabbering... Hey na Prags?? ( he gestures not to tell)

Prags: sorry romeo.. This time I'm in his side..😝

Ajju: what r u talking.. I can't understand...

Megha: nothing ajju.. Now come to ur prob.. Uhmm.. We will tell her that we chose a bride for u.. Then u go talk to her about accepting that bride... I'm sure she will say accept ur bride.. Then we make some plans to make her jealous... This will work out.. Hmm???

Prags: thats great teddy... Sure first I and teddy will go to her..

Abhi: I'm too coming...

Mohan: I and ajju will wait here...

Abhi: Pakka...

Now they three went to Mayas room...

Prags: take that oil teddy..

Megha: Here Prags..

Abhi: I will hold this hot water...

Prags starts massaging her foot...

Abhi: I'm so happy Prags.. Finally my buddy going to married..

Megha: don't forget Mr.abhi.. He didnt accept yet..

Prags: yes.. But y he is bothering to accept ..

Maya: who r u talking about???

Abhi: who means what?? Ajju.. We chose a bride for him.. But he s still didn't reply...

Megha: bt I'm sure.. He will accept after seeing her photo.. She is really beautiful

Maya: what?? Bride??

Prags: yes princess.. Great na.. I will talk to him about this..

Maya: why so sudden??

Abhi: what?? Sudden ah.. He is already 27.. He is two years older than me..

Prags: but he looks like younger😉..


Maya: uhmm.. He is only 27 na.. Y r u rushing him.. If he didn't like means.. Leave him...

Megha: no Maya.. His father is desperate about his marriage.. He also didn't refuse.. He needs time to think.. Thats it..

Maya: how u know that?? Who knows.. He may love someone..

Abhi laughed: ha ha ha ha ha... 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 what?? Love??? He?? No.. Never.. He is such a robot.. He will never love someone.. I'm sure...

Maya: y r u all laughing.. I just guessed.. If he didn't love means.. Thats great.. Now please all leave.. I'm sleepy..

Prags: y r u shouting Maya.. R u alright?? U seems like tensed..

Maya: voh.. Nothing di.. I'm tired.. I want to take rest... So only.. No problem di..

Megha: ok ok take rest Maya.. We will leave...

Abhi called Arjun...

Abhi: ajjuuu... Ajju...

Maya: y r u calling him??

Abhi: y means.. To give ur lunch..
       Ajju..... Come man... Where is lunch... She s sleepy... Come fast...

Ajju: sorry buddy.. Here it is...

Maya: no.. I don't want lunch.. I'm sleepy..

Prags: no dear.. U have take medicines... Don't refuse.. Be obedient... Ajju.. Give her...

Maya: di.. Pls will u be with me till I ate..

Abhi: no.. Sorry princess... Come Prags.. Ur mom called.. She wants to talk with u...

Maya: Megha.. Pls.. Will u...

Mohan: oyee Megha... Wat r u doing there.. I called u more than 10 times.. Where is that report of that patient in room no 135.. I need it.. Yesterday u only bring it to home na.. Come fast...( he shouted from his room)

Megha: sorry dear.. Don't worry.. Ajju will stay with u.. Ajju.. Take Care of her.. Don't move till she finish her lunch...    Wait Mohan.. I'm coming...

Ajju: ok ok..don't worry.. I will take care...

Maya: no... Wait..

Megha runs from there...

Ajju: uhmm.. Maya... I'm sorry for what happened before..

Maya: nothing happened...

Ajju: what?? How could u say nothing happened... We kis...

Before he finish Maya placed her hand on his mouth...

Maya: shut up.. Please forget all of it.. Pretend like nothing happened..

Ajju: I'm sorry...

Maya: uhm.. I heard that u r going to get married...

Ajju: yeah.. They decided.. Bt I didn't give them answers.. U tell Maya.. What I have to do?? I'm waiting for ur reply..

Maya: marry her ajju...

Ajju: Maya..

Maya: yes ajju.. She will be ur perfect match...

Ajju: then what about u??

Maya: ajju please.. Forget me.. Marry her... This is my last wish to u...

Ajju: Maya shut up.. Don't talk rubbish.. If u want me to marry her with that much desperate means.. If u r happy that I Marry her means..  Ok.. I'll accept that proposal.. But don't talk like that Maya... I'm sure u will regret this later..

Maya: thank u ajju.. Please leave.. I'm done eating...

Arjun left and give thumbs up sign to all..

Maya in her mind: what he told.. He will accept.. That means.. He will marry her.. How could he accept with just one word from me?? At least he had tried to convince me na... He said that I'm the only girl in his life.. Otherwise he will become saint.. Now he accepted with one word.. He is such a robot.. Rock star is ryt.. He didnt know how to love someone.. Idiot... Argh.. I'm going crazy...




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