The Hunt Begins ...

Everything seems to be going okay for the partygoers, but I personally wouldn't relax my guard! That weasel and co might have some nasty tricks up their sleeves, that they haven't shown yet? This is a special Christmas update for everyone to read! I hope that you guys like it! 👍


"A very unusual upgrade indeed! Right, boss?" the bird robot joked. The big weasel smirked again.

"Right!" Willy chuckled as his gaze roved over all the balloons, confetti, and other party decorations in the dining hall around him.

"Nice party you lot have got going for you here!" the weasel robot said conversationally. "A bit undisciplined, but still fun ... and that's what counts, right?"

Something freaky had started to happen to Willy's voice, Tex was certain of it! The harsh, electronic voice of the main mascot was slowly getting overlaid by another voice.

An older man's voice. Same accent, but richer, smoother tones ... like melted chocolate and honey mixed. The white-suited businessman's face then lost whatever color it had left as he recognised the voice.

God, no! It's his OWN voice! Tex mentally cursed the day he'd first met Jerry in person.

"Of course, it can't compare to the birthday parties I oversaw when I was running this place!" the animatronic weasel drawled. "Especially the private parties!

To tell the truth, I miss those times really." Willy then sighed deeply, looking a bit forlorn and closing his eyes for a moment. "Happy days", he murmered.

Willimeena reached up with a little paw and patted her father's chest comfortingly, a compassionate expression on her face. Tex snorted quietly at the biggest mascot's words.

"Only a total sicko would think THAT!" the current restaurant owner whispered to Jed, who shot him a slightly startled look at Tex's sudden use of 'language'.

Unfortunately for the white-suited businessman ... weasels have very sharp hearing, even the animatronic and toy kinds!

Both of Willy and Willimeena's heads instantly snapped around to stare straight and hard at Tex, in clear indication of that fact.

The mechanic sent an annoyed stare towards the restaurant owner too. Tex may be his best friend, but why did he have to be so god-darn foolish at times?!

Willimeena glared at the white-suited businessman, her brown eyes now glowing bright green ... like her dad's. The weasel leader's brow furrowed deeply as he frowned, but then relaxed a second later.

Willy's expression returned to the smile he had earlier, though now it was slightly more vindictive.

"Like I said, this party is pretty fun", the orange animatronic weasel resumed speaking, ruffling the weasel pup's ears as he did so.

Willimeena purred happily at the sensation, the green glow in her eyes fading away. Willy then glanced down at the kids in his audience, giving them a rather pointed look.

"But I'm afraid that it's time for you little kiddies to go to bed now!" he stated. The big weasel's ears flattened almost immediately at the loud groans and complaints that quickly erupted from the aforementioned audience.

God, how Jerry / Willy hated whining kids! They acted like babies, annoyed everyone around them, and were colossal wastes of space, generally! There should be a universal law against them existing!

Those spoilt, privileged brats have got NO IDEA what it's like growing up in a family that regarded them as ... nothing ... the animatronic leader thought to himself.

Past feelings of resentment, hurt, and anger suddenly welled up quickly, causing Willy to momentarily close his eyes and shove them down. Like he had before ... many times before.

Keep it together, Jerry ... just a bit longer, and then you can start having fun! The weasel robot's eyes then snapped open, his calm attitude back in place.

Willy then turned his smiling, but piercing gaze on the parents and caregivers. They looked slightly freaked out by the intensity of it.

"Honestly, I'm a bit surprised at you guys!" Willy said sternly. "You seriously let your kids stay up this late?!" the big weasel continued, gesturing first at the kids, then at the now sheepish adults.

"Midnight is far too late for kiddies like those to still be up, speaking as a parent myself." For once, and most ironically ... Willy Weasel was speaking the honest truth. Not something he did a lot, actually.

"But I suppose that it's not really your faults." The parents and caretakers all blinked at that; surprised at the abrupt change in Willy's tone. Jed and Tex both frowned in confusion.

"It's all ... TEX's!" the animatronic weasel said in a suddenly accusing voice, pointing a claw right at the white-suited businessman.

Everyone: adults, kids ... even the other animatronics; all looked at Tex immediately. The restaurant owner looked completely gobsmacked, with an expression that practically screamed: 'What did I do now?!'

"That guy is TOTALLY useless at MANY things, but the main one is being 'morally responsible'," Willy added. The weasel robot smirked as he watched Tex emotionally crumple with every emphasized word.

"Tex has never taken real moral responsibility for anything important in his life ... including this restaurant, and these kids!

At the mere 'sight' of money, ol' Macadoo here would change his morals faster than hungry, blood-sucking mosquitoes!" the animatronic weasel explained. He chuckled darkly at the other adults' expressions of shock.

"At least THEY are honest about it!" Willy slyly whispered in Tex's direction, and then smirked again at the restaurant owner's now despairing face.

The children were slowly backing away from the orange weasel, not liking his new unpleasant attitude. Except for Alastair, either stupid or fascinated, who remained in front of the weasel.

Jed patted his suffering best friend on the back, resisting the urge to glare at the possessed animatronic leader. The middle-aged mechanic knew that it was payback from Jerry for the 'sicko' comment, but ... did the big weasel really have to be that petty?!

Glancing over at Willimeena, Jed could see that she wasn't amused either. The weasel doll was shooting disappointed looks at Tex, her ears down and tail limp. Willy noticed that too.

"Aww, please don't be sad, Bia", Willimeena's father crooned softly. He reached down and stroked her head affectionately. Tex mopped his forehead, glad that the big weasel's attention was drawn away from him.

"I know that you're upset, darling ... but it was a pretty big gamble of yours, wagering the fate of the party on the reliability of a no-hoper like Tex!"

Willimeena nodded reluctantly, her ears and tail still down. Willy suddenly grinned cheekily and lifted her chin up with a claw.

"How about this, I'll give you some cake to compensate for it? Will that help?" he teased, gently pinching the weasel pup's cheeks and making her giggle.

One of the things that had really unnerved Tex about Jerry in the past; was his tendency to go from one emotion to a completely contrasting one instantly.

For example, from 'menacingly angry' to 'sweet and soft'. It hadn't changed at all, even though the aforementioned man was now a robot.

Meanwhile, Alastair was pouting at the mention of cake, folding his arms in huffiness.

"But what about MY cake?!" he whined, in a very spoiled way. Jed facepalmed as Willy Weasel's brow furrowed in anger and contempt as the animatronic leader turned his gaze to the birthday boy.

That kid just HAD to whine ... again.

"What about it?!" Willy snapped. "You, your cake, your birthday ... it's always about YOU!"

Willimeena and Jed exchanged a slightly nervous look. They could tell that Jerry's temper was showing definite signs of an incoming explosion.

"All you kids, with the exception of my Bia, ever think about is yourselves! ALWAYS! It's enough to make me SICK! My crew too!"

The sheer venom in Willy's voice made every human being back away a few steps ... including Alastair this time!

The big weasel's daughter felt apprehensive, her hackles rising slightly as she listened to her father's yelling. She could smell definite trouble coming soon!

"Don't you brats ever think about how other people might feel? Do you know exactly how long we've been standing on that bloody stage?!

MONTHS ... and MONTHS!" The weasel robot was now in 'full rant mode', scowling angrily as well.

"Singing, talking, acting like muppets to entertain little twits ... with never a break! I haven't really enjoyed myself for ages!!" the animatronic leader said, ironically and hypocritically whining a little.

"I need to stretch my legs, I need to HUNT!" Willy's voice had now descended into an aggressive, feral, electronic growl, his human voice disappearing.

Everyone seemed to be frozen to the spot; either in a state of fear, or trance-like curiosity. A sweating Tex suddenly heard tiny whirring noises from the other possessed robots in the room.

He glanced at them, and shivered to see them flexing and cracking their mechanical joints ... as inconspicuously as they could. Almost as if they were 'warming up.'

The weasel's gaze then landed down on Alastair, who was still very much in his reach.

"After all ... all work and no play makes Willy a bored boy", the aforementioned animatronic purred sweetly but menacingly down at the child.

A pink stage light switched on above the two, highlighting every detail. The big weasel suddenly smiled, his teeth glinting noticeably. Many, MANY teeth.

"And when I get bored, I get hungry", he said calmly. Willy's posture then changed; his long neck bending down VERY SLOWLY towards Alastair.

(Anyone who's seen the titular film will probably realize what's going to happen next!)

"And I ..."

The robot's neck-bending slowly picked up speed.

"AM ..."

All that the birthday boy could see now was the weasel's mascot's insane, toothy grin.


Everyone shrieked in shock and horror as Willy Weasel attacked Alastair with all the ferocity and hunger of a starving tiger.

The audience were backing away quicker now; the kids in it crying and screaming for their parents.

The now injured birthday boy managed to free himself from the animatronic leader's teeth ... only to be suddenly grabbed by one of his enormous paws.

With the his prey secured, Willy looked up and smirked at the aghast crowd. He then put two claws to his mouth and whistled loudly.

A grimacing Tex and Jed had to cover their ears, as did the rest of the audience. The whistle was loud and excruciatingly piercing, echoing through the dining hall, and the rest of the restaurant.

It was like the sound of a hawk screeching its attack cry ...

... Or the sound of a hunter giving the signal to his hounds ...

Party Foul! The Big Bad Weasel is attacking! Run for your lives ... if you can! Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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